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On the other hand; would not greater bene- Oh yes, a good lady in our neighbourhood sent fits flow, was every dollar of capital that can us six pence and some rasberry wine; but alas be spared from commerce and manufactures, ap-it was too late, but it was the will of heaven propriated to those vast improvements of which should be so, and it is our duty you know to bear the soil of Massachusetts is susceptible? And the afflictions of God with patience.-Will you: should a mania for water works arise, it may honor buy a bow-pot? have ample and profitable gratification, by cut- No: keep your bow-pots for better customers; ting trenches on the ridges, and tunnels through but here's a shilling for you.

Seed. This, at the present price of flax and seed would amount to about sixty dollars the acre.The expense of seed, cultivation, and cleaning, according to the usual tedious mode, could not be more than thirty dollars; here then would be a clear gain of thirty dollars on an acre of land, in one year; and when the new machines get into use, ten dollars of that expense will be saved on. the hills, thereby draining the numerous ponds, A shilling, your honor, cried the other, but five hundred and sixty pounds; which would swamps and bogs, creating luxuriant meadows; lack-a day, I am so poor I have no change; leave a profit about equal to the value of the and by erecting hydraulic machines on the innu- want no change, said Edwin; you have given acre of land. This, it is true, is an extraordinamerable streams and, brooks, to irrigate the me a lesson of Philosophy, that has done mery yield, in the present neglected state of the arparched fields on their borders! It is by such more real service than all the sophistry of ticle, but if our farmers would turn their attenenterprizes that the Massachusetts farmers may Shaftsbury, the black ethics of Hume, or the le-tion to the subject, and make themselves acexpect to prosper, aided by a regular system of vities of a Voltaire. The practice of Christianity quainted with, and pursue the best mode of culmanagement, with the application of all the must be the foundation of happiness-and who- tivating flax, we venture to say, that the yield manures that can possibly be collected, on soever disputes its pre-eminence over every would not be considered so large. one third part of the soil that usually receives other system of morality, is not only an enemy them, and by enriching the remainder by that to himself, but a foe to the general interest of joint process of nature and art, PLOUGHING IN human kind.


Brighton, 3d, June, 1822.


What a lesson and what materials for reflection and profitable commentary does the foregoing anecdote afford! Let those who are really rendered miserable by the petty concerns of life, by

Selections from late numbers of the London Far-
mers' Journal, received at the office of the
American Fermer.

George Street, Edinburgh, 12th May 1821.

Edwin, the celebrated comedian, went from a the want of a rigid compliance with orders to rehearsal with the most uncomfortable sensations. domestics, probably indistinctly given, or not un- I am a great friend to discussion, and I am glad -The futile cause was, having a dramatic part derstood by the too great length or shortness of to find that the letters I sent you have drawn forth assigned him, which he imagined not precisely to a trimming, or the inaccurate cut of a dress-or the observations of some very respectable farhis ability. Going through and round the court, by the numerous, but really unimportant crosses mers on some important subjects of husbandry, gnashing his teeth and biting his nails in the bit- we often meet with, reflect upon the philosophy who might not otherwise have been induced to terest vexation, his perturbation was suspended and truly pious resignation of the old widow Lew- communicate their thoughts, or the results of by the following event :ton, on the death of her "poor Billy and her their experience, to the public.

"Green and pretty bow pots, two a penny, husband," and take shame at the misery they To Mr. Paul's merits as a farmer, and more escome buy my bow pots, ye pretty maids; ah bring on themselves and those connected with pecially his attention to the nature of the turnipGod Almighty bless your honor, will you buy a them, by giving way to morbid feelings, or ner- fly, or beetle, and the means of effecting its debow pot for your window-madam-of the hazle-vous instability. What, when we are reclining struction, I am no stranger, having occasionally tree with the nuts placed in order, some lilies of on beds of down, or a golden sofa; rolling in a met, and conversed with him on that subject at the valley, wild rosemary, and a few violets."-splendid equippage, or "clothed in fine linen, Holkham; and I wish much that other intelligent Sung, or rather whistled the old woman, who of- and faring sumptuously every day" are we to be farmers would adopt the plan that he has done, fered him the most rural bouquet, with a look rendered unhappy by the want of etiquette, in that of directing particular attention to one usefraught with so much wistfulness, that Edwin those from whom we expect deference, by deful object, and publishing the result of their excould not refrain asking her a few questions. rangement of our plans, which we are not sure perience respecting it. In this way much valuaHow old are you, my poor woman? would have increased our happiness had they ble information might be obtained, by which the Eighty-five, your honor, next Martinmas. succeeded, or by diappointments, which it is agriculture of the country would be most essenWhere do you live? quite probable prevented the occurrence of a tially benefitted.

At Finchly, replied the woman.

What is your name?

Ann Lewton, an' please your honor.

And did you walk from Finchly, to-day? interrogated Edwin. Yes, indeed, Sir, and I hope with God's blessing, to sleep there this night. How much shall you make if you sell your bow pots ?

Seven pence half-penny, sir.

serious real misfortune to us! When we look In regard to the point to which I wish once around, and see the world full of real, poig- more to call the attention of your readers, I think nant distress; of sickness and poverty combined, it right to state that the information I transmitand in those too, who likewse once enjoyed the ted to you in my former letter, on the means of good things of this life, can we reconcile it to destroying the fly, "by flame and smoke," was ourselves to be made unhappy by trifling events, founded upon actual experiments, reported to me or by an anticipation of evils? The author of from a most respectable quarter, and represented the first of moral Codes tells us, that "sufficient to have fully answered in practice, even on alterunto the day is the evil thereof", and shall nate ridges. The plan is, therefore, entitled to we take distress on interest, and permit a fair trial above all, in cases where the first crop And when you have disposed of them, you will ourselves to be miserable by the prospect of its has failed. In that event, Mr. Paul will admit that return contented to your cottage? possible occurrence? The philosophy of the the fly has been decoyed into the field, and is, Yes, indeed, I shall. ancient Pagan teachers was directed against therefore, placed in a situation where its destrucOh, Heavens! exclaimed Edwin, and shall we such weakness, and shall we give way to it, and tion may be effected in the manner I have propopresume to murmur at the dispensations of Pro- still lay claim to the name of christians? Our sed. Under this system, therefore, if the first vidence, when this calamitous creature bending duty requires, even when real misfortune assail crop should not have succeeded, the second one under the infirmities of age and the pressure of us, to be prepared, to sanctify the affliction, and may almost be confidently relied on at a very tripoverty, can be thankful to her Creator for ad- be thankful that our lot is so much more happy, fling expense; and thus it is in the power of evevantages that comparatively is misery in the ex-that so many more blessings and enjoyments ry active and intelligent farmer to insure a crop of treme. Do you enjoy a good state of health? are left to us, than numerous fellow creatures turnips.

I never was sick but twice in my life your hon-within our knowledge, whose merits are even In regard to Mr. Paul's modes of destruction, or, once on the death of my poor Billy-and ano- greater than our own, and whose sufferings, as the plan of a decoy seems to be ingenious; but ther time when my husband lay ill of an ague, for far as we are enabled to judge, are less deserving after the insects have been brought there, I think nine weeks almost without food. than those of which we complain.

Did he survive the illness?

J. M.

Ah! no, my sweet gentleman, said the hoof worn doe with her eyes full of tears; it was in ENCOURAGEMENT TO RAISE FLAX. the winter of the hard frost, and he could not bear up against the blight; he died, and the stroke would certainly have broke my heart with grief, if it had not pleased God that it should be otherwise.

The following is copied from the Goshen (Orange County) Patriot.

And did no one contribute to your relief? said the repentant comedian.

it would be a shorter and simpler plan to destroy them by flame and smoke, than by any other means that can be suggested; and I hope that 'Mr. Paul himself, with his well known zeal for improvement, will try the experiment, and ascertain how far it will answer.

Mr. Silas Newman, of the town of Goshen,| Having much advocated the use of salt for agsowed last spring thirty-one quarts of Flaxseed, ricultural purposes, I derived much pleasure from on an acre and a quarter of ground from which he the perusal of a letter, signed W. T. in your paraised five hundred and sixty-four pounds of per of the 7th May. I must again express my Flax, and fourteen bushels and four quarts of regret, that your correspondents will not sub

scribe their names and places of abode to their loins: none of the lambs were subject to it till readers in selecting such publications as are of letters, as it gives the information they transmit they were many weeks old, and, when first affect-real practical value. much greater authority. Mr. W. T.'s communi-ed, were very ricketty, and in a short time reel- Impressed with these ideas I send to your nocation is of very great importance, and if his ed so much in their hind quarters, as to be able tice an Essay on the diseases of the eye of the plan were generally adopted, it would materially to walk but a short distance without falling; and Horse, by James Wardrop, Esq. Surgeon extraimprove the art of feeding stock on green crops, the disease has generally so speedily increased, ordinary to his Majesty. It is from the hands of and the profit to be derived from that practice.-as to make them incapable of getting up, when it such men of science, who stand at the head of It would be desirable, however, that he were was of course necessary for me to kill them. their profession, that the practical man can look more explicit as to the sorts of green crops he My flock is of the Merino breed, but I con- for first principles, as the leading guides of his cultivates, and whether he tried salt with cattle-ceive the sort of sheep can have nothing to do practice, and by which he can never be misled. feeding upon clover, to prevent their being hoven. with the cause of disorder. To those who are acquainted with the deplorable

Iremain, Sir,

Your very obedient servant,

I hope that any of your readers who may have If you, Mr. Editor, or any of your correspon-deficiency in the practice of country farriers, or other facts to state in favor of the use of salt, will dents, will favour me with their sentiments as to leeches, the score of humanity will be more than a send you an account of them for insertion in The the cause, as well as with their advice what mea-sufficient reason for extending by every means Farmers' Journal. sures to adopt respecting it, I shall be most the knowledge of the diseases of the eye of the thankful, and I am Sir your obedient servant, horse; and when the importance of that noble JOHN LEECH. animal to agriculture is superadded, it becomes a duty of every friend to the art to render his asN. B. All along the coasts of the kingdom, The disorder is so prevalent in some coun-sistance however small, to the furtherance of so dried seaweed would be an excellent means of de- tries as to preclude breeding with profit and suc-desirable an end. As you have my name and adstroying vermin in the ground, by means of flame cess in comparative instances that we have no-dress, I have only to say with how much respect and smoke. It is to be observed, that land, when ticed, it appeared to be occasioned by the pover. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, smoked, for a long time retains a smell offensive ty of the ewes in winter, and is often fatal to three fourths of the flock. It is called in the Fens

to insects.

Yorkshire, May 10, 1821.


S-r. We can assure this esteemed corresponcockspring, from the vulgar name of a plant grow-dent that we are very much of his opinion, exing early in spring by the sides of ditches, the cepting as to the praise he is pleased to bestow on eating of which erroneously supposed to cause it. us. Nothing would give us so much satisfaction This plant is the reed canary (phalaris arun-as the rational pursuit of agricultural improvedinacea), and is very innocent and agreeable ment, were those engaged in it enjoying that comMany years ago I lost a considerable number of food to young stock in spring, when grass is scarce. fort and security in their avocation, and that resheep in the manner J. G. states, which induced The disease is a species of tube dorsaliz, or con-ward for their labour to which industry and skill me to sow with the clovers one and a half or two sumption of the spinal marrow, and evidently are entitled, and which their importance to the pecks of long grass* upon an acre, which va-affects the head in its progress, producing a wild-public welfare renders indispensable: the controriety, I believe, is very pleasant to the sheep, ness of look, and a clearness (or bloodless appear-versy, however, is now at an end, although we are and not injurious to the land as some suppose.—ance) of the eye. It is wholly incurable, and the yet to learn the event. The treatise above menAnd when I remove the sheep (which is frequent-lambs which are seized ought to be killed at first:tioned is a most excellent one, and we shall shortly) it is in an evening, when they are pretty well they will sometimes be in good condition, incli-lv extract from it the practical treatment of insatisfied with food, and least dew upon the grass, ning to fat, and very good meat: we have slaugh- flammation.-Editor Farmer's Journal. for I consider the clovers sufficiently succulent tered them at eight or nine weeks old, to weigh without dews. Since the above practice, I have from 6 to 8 lb. per quarter. The way to prevent it experienced very little loss, not one this season; is to keep the ewes in fair condition through the ON IMPROVING THE BREED OF HORNand I find my sheep to improve as much as any winter, nd not to let them winter on low or cold upon land of the same quality.

I remain, Sir,

Your obedient servant,

JOHN HOWGATE. P. S. I presume W. 7. has had his ewes too high in condition, particularly the shearlings, which has occasioned the loss he states. My rea

land, without a preparation in a corner for lodg-
ing, and some dry food, with a little salt, to wont

them to their lair.-Editor Farmer's Journal.


Suffolk, May 12, 1821.

ED CATTLE. "We want only such a standard of value as is proportioned to our political and financial state, to render all other contrivances unnecessary.”. The Farmers' Journal, May 7.


Akehead, May 11, 1821.

Your sensible reporter for Durham has reall hope from the fruitful appearance of our

son for believing so is, that before I had much. I should wish to be informed, through the medi-marked, "that ruinously low prices deprive us of experience I suffered in a similar way; however, um of your valuable Journal, the advantages de-fields; and we do not hesitate to say, that nofor the last thirty years I have been very fortu-ved from under draining rich old pastures (sub-thing but ruin can be the inevitable fate of nine nate, which I impute to keeping them (the ewes) soil strong clay), as opinions amongst eminent tenths of the cultivators, if some efficient remedy low, after taking from the ram, until within three weeks of lambing.

* By long grass, we suppose our correspondent to mean rye grass, either the common or the improved; if any other grass, we should be glad to know its name.-Edit. Farmers' Journal.

agriculturists are much at variance as to wheth-
er, or not, any benefit is derived from under-

draining any description of pasture land. I am,
Sir, your constant reader, &c.


be not applied speedily to stay the overwhelming torrent of disaster." This is very true. I have long been of opinion, that if we are to have lowpriced gold, low-priced labour, and low-priced corn, our knowledge in practical agriculture would 17 Query to the Querist.-Does the water, af- prove useless, because the relations of industry would be broken up and destroyed, by the overter heavy rains rest any where long on the sur-throw of our personally religious and civil instiface?-Editor Farmers' Journal.



Bedfordshire, May 4, 1821.

tutions. Indeed, I hold this as a regular and certain effect arising out of low prices.

QUERIES ON A DISEASE IN SHEEP. Lee, May 16, 1821. SIR, But the arguments of my honest and industriAs the columns of your Paper are so usefully ous neighbour, farmer Jobson, has taught me to employed in the general spread of agricultural hope that I have looked too much on the gloomy improvement, I shall make no apology for troubside of the shield. Well, then, as my voice has ling you with the following description of a com- In common with many of your readers, I am been every where closed on the Currency Quesplaint to which several of my lambs of this year sorry to see that a very interesting and useful por-tion, and as that question does not involve my have been subject. tion of The Farmers' Journal, which has been personal interests further than as a member of Amongst your numerous and enlightened cor-usually devoted to Notices or short Reviews the whole community, I shall for a moment step respondents, I hope some may be found capable of Essays and other publications bearing direct-out of the mazy paths of political economy, and of explaining the nature of this complaint; and ly on practical agricultural subjects, of late al-turn my attention to what is ten thousand times should they know of any remedy by which the most discontinued by you: the remarks with which more congenial to my mind-practical agriculture. disease may be cured, they will confer a particu-you have hitherto introduced the readers of The But the arguments of farmer Jobson may be worth lar obligation on me, and probably on many others Farmers' Journal to new interesting agricultural recording. by having the kindness to communicate it through publications have been alike distinguished for "I can see clearly enough," says he, and he the medium of your Journal. great ability, candour, clearness, and precision; spoke feelingly, for he had the appearance of one The complaint appears to be wholly in the thereby acting as a safe guide to your numerous interested, "the present race of farmers must be

ruined if the prices continue at this rate. But ribly numerous will weigh but a feather in the] The following anecdote illustrates the dry huwere we all insolvent to-morrow, there is suffi-scale of power. This is my notion of public af-mour of the sailor, and his indifference to hardcient capital in the country to cultivate the ground tairs." ships of the severest kind:-A party belonging without ours. The Legislature know this, and "Well, but Jobson," said I, "in what way will to the Griper being sent to surprise some rein therefore care nothing about us. Though there all this right the national debt?" Having assumed deer, unfortunately lost themselves for several may be too much truth in what he urged, I at-la solemn air, he continued, "depend upon it, the days, and were obliged to live upon raw grouse, tempted to appease him by stating, that every moment taxation cannot be carried higher, and I which they shot. One of them named Peter one who had monied obligations must share one think it is at that height at present, should the Fisher, being asked on his first arrival on board common fate; and, therefore, what involved the public revenue then fall below the public expen-what they have lived upon-" Lived upon," said ruin of the farmer, must pull down the whole fa-diture, that expenditure, along with the interest Fisher, dryly, "the Duke of Wellington never bric of society. Your landlord, for instance, of the national debt, would be cut down to the lived so well. We had grouse for breakfast, though he may have property worth £20,000, amount of the public revenue. Remember the grouse for dinner, and grouse for supper, to be yet, from what I have learnt, his debts amount to old adage, half a toaf is better than no bread; and sure.” io or £12,000. What ruins you must ruin him you must see the fund-holder would remain satisat the same time; and, depend upon it, this gene-fied with what was unavoidable." ral system of ruin cannot be persisted in, because, Though the arguments urged by farmer Jobson to the distresses of the labouring classes, it will gave me no better opinion of the theory of low-priDr. Olbers has calculated that, once only in a add those of almost every other rank in the ced gold, however it might be supported by the period of 8,800 years, a comet will come as near walks of active life. Farmer Jobson replied as original bullionists, Messrs. Horner, Brougham, to the earth as the moon is. Once only in four and Huskisson, or since confirmed by the support millions of years, a comet will approach the earth "You contend, the ruin of those who have mo- of my Lord Liverpool, Messrs. Vansittart, Kicar-within 7,700 geograpical miles; and if it be equal nied obligations will be added to the distresses of do, &c. than I had formerly held, yet, I confess, in size to the earth, will raise the water to the the labouring classes. I cannot admit that. So- he quieted my apprehensions in an extraordinary height of 13,000 feet (a second deluge.) And onciety will right itself. The capital stock of Bri- degree. I cannot, however, banish from my mind ly in 120 millions of years will such a body come tish agriculture, along with its well cultivated the frightful picture of insolvency he had sketch-in contact with the earth !!!


soil, will change hands. I will show you how." ed in clear and distinct lines, should this political With all my supposed knowledge of political rage for low prices continue.



Your last paper, No. 8, contains a letter signed "Francis Valck," which presents in a new arrangement, some old arguments for additional protecting duties in favour of manufactures. As fore repeatedly advanced by Messrs. Carey and this letter states nothing which has not been belumns alone afford sufficient evidence,) I presume that this letter was intended solely, as the

economy, I listened to him with profound atten- But as I have not yet mentioned what I sat down tion. He continued: "The moment my land- to write about, “The improvement of the Breed lord and myself are ruined, most probably the am- of Horned Cattle," as my paper is done, it must ple fortune of young Benfield (a more clever and be deferred to some future opportunity. I remain, JOHN S. SKINNER, Esq. amiable a man lives not) will be laid out in the Sir, your obedient servant. JOHN ROOKE. purchase and cultivation of my farm. Perhaps P. S. Tillage and Hay-making farmers have you may not be aware [farmer Jobson talked of stated their losses on the last crop. I should feel these things with coolness] I already pay twothirds much obliged to any of your correspondents who of my rent to him as interest of a mortgage. Now, occupy grazing farms, if they would favour me should both my landlord and myself become in- with a statement of the disbursements and receipts solvent to-morrow, and it cannot be otherwise in of actual grazing farms in 1818, 1819 and 1820, Co. and as often answered, (of which your cothe end, should things go on at this rate, are you through the medium of your paper. of opinion my farm would be worst managed by Benfield, a man of talents, information, and for- Captain Parry's account of the late voyage to tune, than at present? Besides as I have strength, the Arctic Regions has just been published.-vehicle of the following panegyric.* industry, and some little knowledge, on my side, Among the numerous interesting facts contained in this subject," (manufactures) says Mr. Valck, "I beg leave to refer you to two most luminI may expect him to engage me as his head hus-it, the following, on the singular effects experienbandman." Jobson rather faultered here, but my ced from the intense cold, are not the least curious essays, which Mr. M. Carey has written feeling rendered me mute, and he went on. upon the subject: They are entitled the New "Olive Branch, and an appeal to common sense "and common justice, &c. These are the very "best things I have ever read on this interesting subject; they contain the soundest doctrines, "because they do not deal in theories, but stubborn facts, which leave no doubt upon the "mind."


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"But on

"Low-priced gold, low-priced labour, and low- The effect of the intense cold was such on the priced corn, may ruin both myself and my land- 29th October, when the mercury in the barometer lord; but in what way will that affect the circum- stood at 29.70 inches, that “it became rather a stances of the labouring classes? I know you painful experiment to touch any metalic subhave long pitied, I own justly enough, the starv-stance in the open air with the naked hand; the ed condition of the operative cotton weavers. feeling produced by it exactly resembling that oc You have frequently said this state of starvation casioned by the opposite extreme of intense heat, compelled them to execute an unusual quantity of and taking off the skin from the part affected.- There are two peculiarities for which the wriwork: now take your own THEORY, and as corn The eye pieces of the telescope, if suffered to ters of the Carey school are noted: 1st. They gets low in price, their condition will be bettered, touch the face, occasioned an intense burning continually repeat over and over and over again, less work will be done, the supply of the market pain." the same "fucts," and arguments, and every time

will be diminished, and the price of their wages When the thermometer stood at 26 degrees, assume the tone of telling something new: 2dly. will rise, when the low price of corn has had its the smoke of the fires in the vessels as it escaped They pass without notice the most ample refunatural effect upon the market of cotton goods. from the funnels, scarcely rose at all above the tation of these said "facts," and arguments, or To show you a little of this experimentally, the hawsings of the ships. merely give for answer a repetition of the old as

price of corn has come down, they get the same On Christmas-day, the officers of the Hecla sertion. It is not my intention, Mr. Skinner, wages as before that occurrence, their actual cir- had a piece of roast beef for dinner, which had either now or hereafter, to oppose such reacumstances are somewhat better, and you do not been on board since the preceding May, and was soning as this; but merely to refer Mr. Valck, hear a word among them of that radical spirit preserved without salt, merely by the antiseptic which alarmed you so much lately. A little hap- properties of a cold atmosphere.

pier times have dispelled it. Besides, look around The distance at which sounds were heard in

*This inference will not be considered unfair if

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where you will, in this neighbourhood, and you the open air during the continuance of intense the first leaves of the "New Olive Branch," are do not find the husbandry labourers in worse cir- cold, was a matter of great suprise. People examined. Mr. Carey has there advertised his cumstances than are usual; in fact, the weekly were often heard distinctly conversing, in a com- previous writings, with such recommendations as Payments to the poor are lower now than at this mon tone of voice, at the distance of a mile, and he could obtain. Among the rest, his“ addresses,' time last spring. even a greater distance. are accompanied with a long fulsome compliment "In this way society will right itself. As the An artilleryman named John Smith running in-" from the American Farmer," which every reaprice of corn gets lower, the difficulties of the ope- to the air without his gloves, had his fingers in der would of course attribute to its Editor. Berative weavers will be alleviated, and their former half an hour so benumbed, and animation so com-lieving it impossible that the sentiments could prokyalty will return. The labouring classes make pietely suspended, that on having his hands ceed from Mr. Skinner, I took the trouble to look up the great mass of society. They who hold the plunged into a basin of cold water, the surface of until I found the piece. It was extracted from the acknowledged rights to the weaith of the country the water was immediately frozen by the intense essays of an anonymous contributor to the first are the most powerful. Then they who are ruin-cold thus suddenly communicated to it. His fin-volume, for whose words Mr. S. is no more reed by monied obligations, though they may be ter-gers were obliged to be amputated. sponsible than for mine, or for Mr. Valck's.







are informed that they have now an opportunity of doing so by sending their Cows to him near the first toll gate on the Reisterstown turnpike road, two miles from Baltimore, at Five Dollars for each Cow, the money to be sent with the Cow.

Enquire of the keeper of the first toll gate on the Reisterstown turnpike roak.


to preceding numbers of the American Farmer, you know me, and that whoever may have a right which at least strongly contradict what he says to ask it of you, is welcome to know it also. "leaves no doubt upon the mind," and which if he had read, I presume that both his candour and his chivalrous spirit would have induced him to YOUNG COMET is two years old and was notice, previous to putting forward his re-re-asshipped from Liverpool, a calf of seven weeks, sertions. At pages, 348 and 389, of vol. 1; 57, when a farmer there offered for him thirty gui89, 156, 339 and 377 of vol. 2, and 364 of vol. 3, neas, saying" so fine an animal ought not to be your correspondent may find the restrictive sysThe communication addressed to the Edi- suffered to leave the country" YOUNG COMtem ably opposed on general principles by the agriculturists for whose benefit he urges its completor of the Farmer through the Easton Gazette of ET is of the celebrated improved short horned tion. At page 322, vol. 3, there is a statement of the 22d, has been cut out and forwarded to New- breed, but belongs to the tribe of deep milkers, the dreadful effects on agriculture, arising from York, to the gentleman alluded to; at the same combining also early maturity and great disposithe existing high duties, and at page 182, vol 3, time it is but fair to state that our impressions tion to fatten. At 13 months old he weighed 843, he may see tested the truth of some of the most are, that he will settle either in the immediate vi- and eleven months after 1624 pounds. His dam, important "facts," of his "very best" author in cinity of a large sea port town, or in the Western which was imported with him and belonged to the favour of manufacturing monopoly. parts of Pennsylvania or New York; with every present owner of YOUNG COMET, was a very Mr. Carey writes a new book in support of pro-wish to serve the writer of the communication, extraordinary milker, and the admiration of all tecting duties by merely copying out of his old he will admit that the matter is one, in interest, who saw her. Pasture 'f required will be furnishones; hence his rapidity in composition (so far as too limited, to appear as a communication in this ed without charge, and Cows from a distance will To advertisements of that character, be taken care of and well milked. it respects bulk, and new titles,) almost equals Journal. YOUNG COMET will be let for the season that of the author of Waverly. But we are no we give insertion for $1 per square, but never more to expect a change of matter in a new pub-repeat them; nor is that necessary, as nine persons commencing the first of July, or by the monthlication, than to change the quality of small beer, out of ten preserve their papers. by pouring it out of a junk bottle into a decanter. AN ERROR-in Mr. Smith's Address to Thus his "three letters, &c." were poured out of the Agricuitural Society of Maryland, as pubhis "addresses," again poured into his " Olive Branch," (all of which I have seen, and lished in our 11th No. of this Vol. instead of elecwhat is more, have read,) and I have no doubt the trick force and electrick fluid, near the bottom of same stale draught is again presented in his late the middle column, it should have been printed appeal to common sense, which appeal it is much to be regretted he did not make at least ten years sooner. If this author and his followers would The great inconvenience which he has only vary their eternal fare ever so little, if they seen resulting from the want of genuine seed of would only convert their cold broken meat into a a few of the vegetables most generally in use hash or a broth, it would be more tolerable: but for stock, and a desire to see greater attention it is past endurance to be called to "cut and come given to the raising of roots and vegetables for again," to the same poor dish, until repetition winter feed, have induced the Editor to have doubles our first feelings of disgust. some cultivated under his own eye, that he You lately intimated a wish to exclude all pie- might feel confidence in recommending themces on this or other subjects, relating to the inter- and accordingly he can now supply Ruta Baga ests of Agriculture, unless signed by the real seed, White Norfolk, and red top (very large) names of their writers. This custom is excel-turnip seed-also a great variety of Shaker's lent when agricultural experiments and facts are Seeds-hitherto advertised by Mr. Redding, and stated, because their value rests entirely on the which may be depended on. The genuine mangelty, Pennsylvania, have lately patented, and used credibility of the author, and we ought to attach wurtzel seed, will be for sale also by Mr. Rednone to a fictitious signature. But I protest ding in due season. against the rule being extended to arguments which necessarily rest upon their own strength, and not at all (or at least they ought not) on the Would manifest their patriotism by taking out name of their author. I wish to see your paper fairly open to both sides, on every question affect-a portion of American wine, manufactured by ing the welfare of agriculture, and it is admitted Major Adlum, of the District of Columbia. It by all, that none affects it more than this. By ex-may be had in varieties of Messrs, Marple and cluding anonymous pieces, you would forbid all Williams, and the Editor of the American Farmer will be thankful for the candid opinion of confarmers to join in the debate, while enough men noisseurs concerning its qualities. of different habits would have no objection to placing their names before the public, for the purpose of attacking our dearest interests. Nor will you do us more justice by allowing a fair field to-Corn, white, 75 cts.-yellow do. 72-Red wheat vantages over the common horse rake are very societies. Agricultural societies are necessarily -$1 38 to 1 39-white do. $1 40 to 1 45-Rye 68 important, equal to a saving of one half this rake the slow moving bodies, and serviceable as some of to 70-Herrings, No. 1, $2 87 to 3-No. 2, ditto of the time; because with them have been, our cause would be desperate, 2 50. horse proceeds continually on, the hay or grain was it left entirely to be defended by such inert TOBACCO MARYLAND.-Sales have been made being discharged at pleasure, and without any champions. On the other hand, in towns, (par- the present week, at the following prices:-Fine stoppage or impediment; by the means of which ti ularly Philadelphia,) Societies, Conventions vellow $25 to $35-fine spangled, $18 to $25-fine facility, also, it passes over any obstruction that and Institutions, for supporting the views of the red, $12 to $18-good, do. $6 to 12-Inferior, $4 to may happen to be in a field. The simplicity, utility, and cheapness of this instrument, renders it an manufacturers, may be easily made upon any oc-$6-common, $2 50 to 3 50-seconds, $1 to 6. casion, taking new names every month, and each One Hogshead of fine spangled, raised on the object highly to he desired by agriculturists, for its individual acting as many characters, as the farm of the late Dr. Colegate, sold for $18-one saving of labour in hay making time, when labormembers of a reduced company of strolling play-do. by H. Duvall, for $20-one by John Duvall, $25 ers are always so much wanted. ers. Besides, your correspondents could easily -3 hhds. raised by Mr. Henry Jones, of Benedict, deceive you into violating your own rule, by sold for $13 and $19-seconds, at $4. merely signing John Smith, William Thompson, on any other unappropriated name, which you could not possibly know to be fictitious. For myself, I am not willing to place my name before the public, except in stating facts in agriculture, in Many persons having expressed a desire to obwhich cases, it shall always as heretofore be sub-tain Stock from the fine imported Bull YOUNG oined. For other matters, it is sufficient that COMET, exhibited at the last Cattle Show, they


Fourth of July Parties

Wharf flour $6,50 cash-Howard street do $6,75

All other articles same as last report.


Messrs. Pennock and Pierce, of Chester coun

during the last and present season, a horse rake for gathering hay or grain, into wind-row, or heaps, as desired. The plan of this machine is uncommonly simple, and one of them may be made by any rough carpenter, or person accustomed to the use of tools. The price of this rake complete, including the patent right, will not exceed ten dollars, or for the patent right, two dollars only.

does the work quite as well, if not much better, We have seen this machine in operation; it than it is generally performed by the hand rake, and with one man and a horse it is believed that it will do the labour of ten or twelve men. Its ad

This machine, price $10, can be had of JoSEPH T. FORD, Baltimore, manufacturer of Agricultural Implements generally; GIDEON DAVIS George Town, D. C. and JACOB LITTLE, of Frederick Town, Md. Orders to either of the above named persons will meet with prompt attention.




Jum exhibited, &c.-and the members of the ag- propriation of one of the discretionary premiricultural society, strangers from other states and ums set apart for objects not coming within the

Maryland Cattle Show, No. 2. the owners and attendants on the animals exhibit-specified limits of competition, to R. Patterson,

ed, were only permitted to enter within the Esq. for his imported horse EXILE.* The Comsquare. Every one was however, invited to be-mittee cannot pass without notice some beautiFIRST DAY. The exhibition held on the two last days of if he felt too little interest in the success of the Gen. Ridgley, of Hampton, and two by R. Cacome a member on payment of $2 per annum, and ful young stallions; especially one exhibited by May, by the Maryland Agricultural Society was Society to enter it on these terms, he was still ton, Esq. all pure and fine specimens of the attended by a great number of Farmers and Citi- at liberty to view the animals on the outside, as best English racing stock, and well qualified to zens who appeared to take an increased interest the members did from the inside of the square impart some of the most indispensible qualiin the concerns of agriculture: this is as it ought formed by the pens. The committee of arrange-ties for the saddle, or the harness-such anito be The silent and unostentatious life of the ment in their address to the public, stated the mals are the more valuable as, in the apprearmer deprives him in a great measure of those absolute necessity of adopting some such regula-hension of the Committee, they are of late adventitious stimulants to action, which are found tion, and the order in which the business of the years becoming more rare. in the plaudits and cheers of our fellow men, in day went on fully proved its great advantage.-and performances of Mr. Lawrence's sorrel The reputation other walks of life. The successful merchant upon change, the skil-ciety to rectify some of the inconveniences which him to pass in review without attention and adRecent experience will no doubt enable the so- stallion, Tuckahoe, were too well known for ful seaman returning from his fortunate voyage, were found to exist; but on the whole, the order miration; but having been bred in another the eloquent advocate in the crowded court room, and regularity preserved, was highly gratifying. state, as well as the fine horse Fagdown, pro the politician, and the soldier all receive an im-j mediate reward for their exertions in the notorie- examining and discussing the points and qualities the Committee are precluded from considering The forenoon of the first day was occupied in perty of Mr. Boyce; and Mr Enson's stallion, ty and applause which follow them. Not so the of the numerous fine animals, implements of hus-them as competitors for premiums, and can on husbandman. In the retirement of the country he bandry, &c. and at one o'clock the stallions hitherto ly recommend them as animals of great merit, pursues his round of toil, and the satisfaction he confined in their stables, were led out under the entitled to the notice and patronage of the teels at the success of his plans is now and then bridle, and paraded before the judges and the so- public. increased by the approval of a friend or neigh- ciety, and made truly a magnificent display, exbor; and when he lights upon some new discove- hibiting samples of the best blood of that noble ry or improvement, how long does it remain animal; at two, the society dined together in confined to his own practice, or too often perish harmony and satisfaction, and while the judges with him? It is the business of agricultural asso- retired in the afternoon to make up their reports, worth the premium for the best brood mare; The Committee award to Mr. Jacob Hollings diations to supply all these deficiences, and none of other members were agreeably occupied in in-and to Mr. Robert T. Messer the premium for us can look back for a few years without acknowl- terchanging sentiments, and congratulations on the second best-mares of distinguished merit edging the benefits produced by them. On the the prospects of the society, and the improving were also exhibited by Messrs. Owings, and barren hills and exhausted fields in some parts of interests of the plough. Rogers; a very valuable animal of this class, Maryland, where alternate crops of Indian corn and tobacco, without any intervening meliorating much satisfaction, and many gentlemen from all under the notice of the society until the second The presence of distinguished strangers gave the property of Mr. Lewis, did not come course, had exhausted every principle of fertility, parts of the state, meeting their friends and ac-day of the show. The Committee recommend the introduction of plaster, clover and other artiquaintances, made the day pass very pleasantly. as worthy of a discretionary premium, a grey ficial grasses has been followed by profitable and mare, Miss Fanny, not bred in the state, property frequently luxuriant crops. of Samuel W. Smith, Esq.





*Mr. Patterson's Exile is one of the Cleve

Our instruments of agriculture are receiving daily some improvement, and every combination On this day at an early hour a great concourse and invention of Mechanics have been put in re-assembled in a neighbouring field, appropriated quisition to save animal labour. Foreign coun- by Mr. Skinner, for the first regular ploughing tries are searched for the best seeds and plants, and match, conducted under the management of the the most improved breeds of domestic animals are society, and this proved as it deserved to be from its imported. By analyses the demands of our differ- objects and the manner of conducting it, one of ent soils are now particularly ascertained, barren the most prominent and interesting features in land bays, which are very much noticed in Engclay is found by the agency of fire, (the most de- the whole exhibition. The paramount importance land. The qualities of this breed consisting as structive of the elements) to give nourishment of the implement to be tested, the novelty of the they do in the union of strength and fleetness, and strength to an exhausted soil, and having competition, the beauty and excellence of the and the capacity to endure fatigue, and to carry been for centuries so long cultivating the surface, operation, the steadiness and skill of the high weights, are well adapted to our purposesit is now proposed to go deeper and till as it were ploughmen, the close and critical investigation and the extreme difficulty we meet with in a layer or stratum under ground.* of the judges by the application of various accu- procuring a horse answering to the English

On the present occasion it was highly sa- rate tests, all tended to inspire the by-standers hunter, is sufficient to prove that the mixture of tisfactory to observe how fully the committee with the most lively and agreeable impressions the heavy Pennsylvania wagon breed with the of arrangement had availed themselves of the The result of that contest, as well as their decis-blooded horse, cannot be depended on for that experience afforded by the former and first at- ions as to implements generally, will be seen in object: Mr. Patterson was enabled to procure this tempt. The chief defects developed on that occa- the report of the viewing committee. horse through means which are accessible to few

sion were now removed, and all their previous About one o'clock on this day the several com-and we think the admirers of the English hunarrangements for the show were seen to glide at mittees were summoned to attend the President ter and coach horse are under many obliga once into full and fair operation. The Judges to with their reports, which were read by the chair- tions to him. We hope the stock will be geaward the Premiums appeared on the ground at man of each respectively, and the premiums were nerally spread in the country, as we are confian early hour, and being furnished with a warrant severally delivered to the successful competitors dent that for carriages of quick draught, it will of authority and a designation of the objects to by the President of the Society with appropriate eventually prove to be very superior; and it is much undergo their examination and award, every one remarks of commendation to each and of encour-to be desired that the entire blood should be entered apparently with the greatest cheerful-agement to others to follow their good example. secured to our country by the importation of one or more mares of the same stock. ness on the performance of the duties assigned him. To each committee a marshall was ap- REPORT ON HORSES-STALLIONS. pointed, by whom all the members were collect The Committee appointed to examine and REPORT ON ASSES AND MULES. ed and made known to each other, and the whole award premiums to stallions and brood mares, The Committee appointed to examine the business of the day was entered upon without report, that they have carefully and with great Asses and Mules exhibited for premium, de interruption or delay. The proceedings were satisfaction, viewed the fine animals of both these award as follows:

moreover very much facilitated by the way in descriptions exhibited for premium, and are of To. Mr. B. O. Tayloe the first premium for his which the enclosures were arranged. The pens opinion that Robert Wright, Esq. of Queen Jack three years old, called the Duke of Welformed a hollow square, each one being numbered Anne's county, is entitled to the premium of a lington.t

and distinctly labelled with the name of the ani-silver pitcher, valued at $30, for his stallion To Mr. George Howard of Waverly, the first mal, its owner, its pedigree, and for what premi-SILVER HEELS, and that John Perdue, Es-premium for a three years old mule. uire, is entitled to the premium for the second The second premium to Mr. George Howard See the remarks on the Substratum plough best stallion-for his grey horse, Young Sportsman of Waverly, for a mule very little inferior to the in the Report of Implements, c.. They beg leave further to recommend the ap- former.

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