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factor of set entered-the bent plow handle, the bent top of the walking stick, the bent shafts of the buggy, the bent portions of certain spindle chairs, the scythe handle, and a host of others.

They all exhibited this factor of set, which in the case of the plow handle resisted even constant exposure to the weather. In every case the bent part held its shape-held it tenaciously.

Then I had an inspiration (I'm taken that way quite often, and they are not induced, either.) Why wouldn't the same stuff handled in the same way, but bent straight, have the same characteristics? "Sure," said Friday. And then began a most interesting series of experiments. I soon found that steaming in loose steam did not reach the center of inch lumber quickly enough; so why not try steam under pressure. Well, I'll not weary you with a recital of trials and tribulations. Suffice it to say that after several months I was doing stunts that were surprising, and in every case the lumber was "set"-straight and holding its shape.

So now-on to Washington for a patent on the greatest discovery of the age! I had the world by the neck! Mind you, this was ten years ago-and the world's neck is still free.

Well, in Washington they were very polite, very nice and, oh! so sorry; and they shoved a patent on the process of steaming lumber under pressure, under my nose, that was dated 1859. 1859! Thirty years before I was born! Have you ever had a favorite mother-in-law die on you? I felt as though all three of mine had died!

And again a host of instances came to my notice. George D. Emery of Boston had been steaming ordinary mahogany under pressure twenty-five years before and selling it to the Pullman company as emery wood. Today a prominent manufacturer of fancy woods is delivering dry mahogany in six hours from the saw.

Only a few weeks ago a practical veneer manufacturer and scientist, a Russian, told the National Veneer & Panel Manufacturers Association about this process as applied to veneer logs, and stated that it had been in use for over thirty years in Finland. So-and-so had used the process in such-and-such a year, and so-and-so at suchand-such a time, etc., ad nauseum.

Well, after all, I could continue to use it in my business, and I worked up quite a local fame for it. Anyway, I could handle any kind of lumber, no matter how green, and materially straighten out the crooked. In short, kilndrying troubles no longer existed for me. My product stood the gaff under all sorts of conditions; heat or cold, wet or dry, it was all the same to it.

A famous five and ten cent store concern has my material in over a hundred stores: from New York to Kansas City, and from Duluth to Frankfort, and I'll defy any one to find a trace of shrinkage. Kiln-dried oak in seventy-two hours! Kiln-dried birch in thirty-six hours! Kiln-dried poplar in twenty-four hours! Easy as falling off a log.

One day a recollection of the sawmill came, and with it the thought, "If this is so huge a success on lumber that is at least partially air-dried and has already suffered its deterioration, why not treat lumber fresh from the saw before this degrade has occurred, and air-dry it?" Why not?

I experimented in a small way on what green material I could get in Chicago, and the results were so good that I bought a mixed car of southern hardwoods (from the same mill, by the way) and had it shipped green from the saw. Most of this I treated and piled in the yard for air-drying, and on the rest I experimented with the kiln. The results attained on green lumber in the kiln were not

very satisfactory; but, say, the product resulting from steaming, air-drying and subsequent kiln-drying was so surprising that even I was astonished. To this day my former foreman dilates on that fine oak of 1904. He never could be convinced that the treatment was responsible, but insists it was a special growth of trees that had furnished it.

Crooked lumber? Not on your life! A number of other desirable features also developed, of which more anon.

And then I got chesty and advertised. In June, 1904, the American Lumberman gave me a flattering write-up, a copy of which is still preserved in the archives. And people came from near and far and marveled-came from a distance of five miles and a distance of a million yards; some even came from Memphis. I talked till I was blue in the face, and the more I talked the more they marveled. As I look back upon it now I strongly suspect they marveled at me. As they walked away they seemed to shake their heads, and I was reminded of the farmer who saw the giraffe for the first time and, even after he had seen it move and eat, turned away and said, “Oh, shucks; they ain't no sich animile; but that danged slick talker of a keeper 'most made me believe they wuz." And nothing came of it for years.

I continued to use the process with better and better results. Today I would not use a foot of good lumber for cabinet work that at some point in its drying period had not been properly subjected to steam under pressure.


I'm almost "saturated" with steam under pressure. know that lumber treated in this manner is a joy, just as all of you know that the boiled, baked or fried potato is palatable and a joy, while the raw potato-well, presumably, in case of a pinch one might live on it.

And the theory of it all? It is always more satisfying to achieve results first and then try to adapt a theory. It is still more satisfying to be able to say: "To the divil with all theories; here's the result." So here are some of the results of steaming under pressure:

If properly handled after proper steaming, lumber will dry straight and flat, to less weight, in less than half the time required for ordinary wood; shrinkage will be less than half; borers will not damage it; case-hardening is prevented; hollow-horning is prevented; checks and endsplits minimized; stain is prevented; the color is diffused and livened; working qualities greatly improved; the lumber will hold its shape after being milled; its strength will be greater.

Now I'd like to take a crack at the expression, "common sense," or "horse sense." In some horses horse sense means a disposition to kick one in the slats, and often common sense means piling lumber so closely that air cannot possibly circulate. In this connection I quote from a recent pamphlet of mine on


The present and universal method of piling lumber effectually retards the circulation of air. All the layers are horizontal sidewise, and most lumber is piled with small spaces between the boards. In addition, the piles are covered with a water and practically air-proof roof; consequently, the circulation upwards is entirely prevented. Moreover, the piles are placed closely together, which still further retards circulation. Woods that have a tendency to crook are now piled with a greater number of stickers, which also retards circulation; so that lumber as now piled is hampered in every way for drying and slowly dries in spite of all obstructions.

The best evidence of stagnant air is furnished by the temperature between the piles of the yard. Always the air is considerably cooler between the piles, and always it is quiet.

With the present practice of pitching the pile lengthwise, the sawdust and dirt gradually move down to the

Stickers and lodge there, forming a damp mass in the angle of the sticker and the board. This starts sticker Tot and stain.

In a driving rain more or less water is forced into the e, and days elapse before the center of the pile is dry again.

The tendency to crook is more pronounced, because of the strains resulting from unequal drying.

And now listen to this:


A pile of lumber is dry only when the center of the pile is dry.

This is as true of the pile in the kiln as it is of the pile in the yard.

The sides, ends, top and bottom of the standard pile dry more rapidly than the center.

The remedy is: Pile the lumber in such a manner that the center gets as much circulation as the outside.

Edge piling is the most positive; the side pitch pile is next in effectiveness.

The medium for drying lumber is air, and this air, to be effective, must be in motion over the surface of the lumber.

Stagnant air takes up moisture very slowly, while air that is in motion takes up moisture rapidly.

Washing hung outdoors even on a cold day, with a breeze blowing, dries very quickly, while washing hung in a closed room dries very slowly, even though the room be hot.

A pile of lumber through which the air can circulate freely will dry more rapidly and evenly than a pile in which the circulation is obstructed.

Lumber, especially sap, will mildew in stagnant air just as old linen will mildew in a damp corner.

Therefore, the main requisite for drying lumber is freely circulating air-air freely circulating through the entire pile.

Air cannot be confined in an inclined flue that is open at both ends.

Air will constantly move in an inclined flue that is open at both ends.

Let's apply these axioms to:


Air is constantly moving through the pile. No matter what the conditions surrounding the pile, the air moves at all times. It may not move very rapidly, but it moves; consequently drying is uninterrupted, and the center of the pile will dry practically as fast as the outside.

Is it not an everyday occurrence in "taking down" a pile to find after about the tenth course that "it is still too heavy?" This will not be the case in the side-pitch pile. Top dry, all dry.

The pile is dry again as soon as the rain is over; every tier forms a roof of its own, and every tier sheds the water as fast as a roof will. The grooves made by the band saw, forming numerous small gutters, also help. Clean water, provided it can drain off at once, does not harm lumber anyway.

Cross sticks are always as dry as the lumber itself.

There will be no accumulation of sawdust in the angles of the stickers, and the lumber will be clean when it is taken down, as all the dust and dirt have gradually rolled off.

Stickers do not form an obstruction to circulation of air, as they form the sides of the flues and the air moves parallel with them.

The investment in stickers will be less on account of speedier drying.

Less stickers are required in a tier, as the lumber dries more evenly, therefore straighter.

Covering boards are desirable to protect only the boards in the top course from the sun, and should not form a tight roof.

A pitch of one foot in six feet is sufficient, and this angle is no drawback in the stacking of the lumber.

Another misq otation that always gets my goat is, "I'm from Missouri and you've got to show me." I'd change

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Dry stickers, one inch square. These provide good ventilating space between the layers and permit the parts of the boards that are covered by the sticker to dry as rapidly as the rest of the boards.

Covering boards should under no circumstances form a tight roof. Put one covering board over each board of the top course for protection from the sun. Do not let these covering boards meet edge to edge.

The widely-spaced load will dry faster than the closelypiled, and for that reason no more storage space is required.

The widely-spaced load is more easily handled. Remember, 2,500 feet of green oak will weigh about 15,000 pounds, and it requires lots of "beef” to move it.

In conclusion, I am reminded of the man that was addressing a Sunday-school class and in the course of his talk hesitated for a moment and said, "Really, I don't know what else to say." A little girl's voice piped up with, “Say, ‘Amen,' and let's go home."


French Polish Sweating

OME walnut furniture purchased six months ago still sweats considerably; it has been washed and rubbed several times. Kindly advise.” No information is given to show what has been used for cleansing purposes. It appears that the polishing

was hurried, and has now sunk into the wood to such an extent that cleansing solutions are valueless. In that case, nothing short of repolishing will cure the trouble.

However, if the polish is still sound, it shows that an excess of oil was used, which can generally be removed from the surface by means of a polish reviver. If furniture cream containing wax or soap has been used, this must be washed off before a reviver can act on the polish. For this purpose about 1 eggcupful of common washing soda dissolved in 1 quart of warm water should prove effective.

Try a reviver made as follows: Mix 6 ounces of linseed oil and 3 ounces of vinegar by degrees to prevent its curdling, then add 3 ounces of methylated spirit and 12 ounce of butter of antimony. The butter of antimony must be added last.

This reviver does not possess good keeping qualities, owing to the liability of the vinegar to turn sour. Apply rather sparingly with wadding, and wipe off with plenty. of clean, soft rags.-Master Painter.



Study Conditions

HE underlying, essential element of success in business affairs is to follow the established laws of high-class dealing. Keep to broad and sure lines, and study them to be certain that they are correct Watch the natural operations of trade, and keep within them. Don't even think of temporary or sharp advantages. Don't waste your effort on a thing which ends in a petty triumph unless you are satisfied with a life of petty success. Be sure that before you go into an enterprise you see your way clear to stay through to a successful end. Look ahead.-John D. Rockefeller.

Piece-Work Basis is Found Applicable in This Department---It Saved Money for Manufacturer and Made Money for the Men---How the Plan Worked Out By M. A. OLIVER


IF YOU take a hundred furniture manufacturers at random and ask them how they pay their lumber handlers, ninety-nine will reply that these operators are paid by the day. They may have any one of several piece-work plans in vogue, operating in other departments of the plant, but when it comes to the lumber yard they will stick to the moss-covered tradition, "Do it thus because your ancestors did it thus."

Ask the manufacturer why he doesn't have his lumber handled on the piece-work basis and you may get a dozen replies stating, in effect, that this is not a producing department and only the producer is paid by the piece, or that it is impractical because there is no satisfactory way of establishing a piece rate owing to the varieties of sizes and stock handled.

Facing the situation squarely, can any manufacturer tell why a so-called non-producer should not be put on a piece-work basis if a rate can be established that will benefit both the employer and the employe? If the lumber manufacturer has found piece-work applicable in handling his product, and many of them have, why cannot the furniture manufacturer successfully place his yard department on the same plan?

Lumber may be handled in the yard on the basis of so much per thousand feet, regardless of the various widths and thicknesses. While there is a difference in the labor and time required to handle the several dimensions, the proposition averages itself in the course of the week, since the crew gets to handle pretty nearly the entire range of product in that time. In establishing a piece rate the essential knowledge is, how much the work is costing as paid for by the day. Figures should be tabulated showing how many feet are moved from the car, or team, to the pile; how much from the pile to the factory, etc.

After these figures are obtained, and the manufacturer knows how much he is spending in the yard, if he decides that he wants to cut off some of the expense, he is in a position to fix a figure that will force the men in the yard to do more work in order to get the returns they have been securing on the day rate schedule. The yard man will not suffer financially by this change. In fact, he will invariably be benefited, because the same evolution takes place with him as develops with the production laborer when his rate is changed from day to piece. He simply moves his efficiency notch up higher and when pay day comes usually gets more than he did before.

Lumber yard operators must of necessity work in crews and if a rate per thousand is established this rate naturally will be divided equally among the members of the crew. If any member of the crew starts "soldiering" the rest are apt to make it pretty miserable for him, so he will be compelled to hold up his end of the work or quit. So the whole proposition equalizes itself.

Consider now what resulted when one large case goods manufacturer in the Middle West had the courage to put his yard department on the piece rate. On the day plan the men had been getting from 15 to 20 cents per hour, according to their term of service and considered value. On the basis of the amount of lumber handled, figures showed that this was costing $1.94 per thousand feet to get the lumber from the cars to the "breakout"

department. This cost was deemed excessive and after some investigations the announcement was made that 55 cents per thousand feet would be paid for loading from the car to the pile and 45 cents per thousand feet from the pile to the truck for the kiln. Later developments made occasional special rates necessary, but these were always adjusted to the satisfaction of all concerned.

There was, of course, the usual discussion among the men, but they soon went to work with a vigor when they were told that they could have all they made under the new rates which would not be cut under any circumstances. The result is that these operators, instead of getting from $8 to $12 per week, averaged $14.50 for the six months ending January 1st of this year. On the other hand, the manufacturer is getting his work done for about 50 per cent. less than before.

Each manufacturer has conditions different from the other, but a proper study of these conditions should enable him to establish some other than the per diem rate for paying the wages of his yard men.


Sanding Oak

AK, WHETHER plain or quartered, is a comparatively easy wood to work smooth. It is not a soft wood, but what is meant is that oak can be worked on the planer and get a smooth finish with knives that are a little dull. The same thing is true in working it with saws. When it comes to gum and some of the other woods, the knives and saws must be perfectly keen to give good results. Now, when it comes to sanding, it is the other way. You may sand gum, or some other even-grained wood, with comparatively smooth or even slick sandpaper and get fair results, but when it comes to sanding oak, to get a good finish, the sandpaper should be fresh and sharp. This is because of the unevenness in the texture of the wood. If it is plain oak, there are the hard streaks and the soft streaks of the annual rings of growth and if they are sanded over with dull paper, it will cut down into the soft streaks and the hard ridges be all right for a certain kind of finish, but where a perfectly smooth face is wanted, one should sand oak with a sharp, clean paper. If it is quartered oak, it is the same thing in a different way. There is a hard film which makes the splash line which nothing but sharp paper will touch. If the wood is sanded over with dull or slick paper, it will simply dig down between the splash lines and leave them standing up in waves. To get good results, you should not only have sharp paper, but you should get the sanding across the grain or splash line to reduce the tendency to cut down the soft places between.— Southern Furniture Journal.

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Some of the Un-thought-of Possibilities in Wood for Furniture, With a Review of Woods Which Have Been Used and Now Have Been Displaced By JOHN E. WILLIAMS


EW persons, no matter how "smart," can tell just how many kinds of trees there are in the United States. Among botanists there, of course, are those who could find out to a nicety, but the

masses at large, when it comes to questions of numbers and kinds, know mighty little, and care a heap less, about it. The human family, as such, is getting along very well without knowing, and accordingly does not bother much about finding out. In point of fact, it to the average citizen means nothing worth the effort of trying to remember. There may be hundreds of species, but what of it? They are all wood, there is no doubt about that, and what's in a name? Occasionally some one more than ordinarily well to do intellectually may suspect something, say, about oak, not when he sees it growing necessarily, but when told about it. Travelers who are used to riding in Pullman cars may or may not know the botanical name of the wood used in the car. They do know that those underberth panels are ravishingly fine. The beauty is in the tracings of the grain lines; in the waves or indescribable blending of grace and intricacy of nature's inimitable marks. Whether somehow conventionalized, or artificially or otherwise "played up," it doesn't matter. The effect is immensely fine, though, and that without bothering about tiresome ante-facto questions of species, or processes, or even the name. That about mahogany. How now about oak, plain or quartered?

or can it make to posterity? Not much, it seems to me. Oak trees, which from the birth of literature, have been the symbol of storm-resisting sturdiness and stateliness of


The editor of this magazine may have been told, and probably thinks he knows; so do his readers, so do I, but how many average citizens could not tell to save their lives? Those shapeless, promiscuous surface splotches that were they white would look like snow flakes, just begun to fall, and not yet covering, only dotting the sidewalk-what has "quartered" or "quarter-sawed" to do with that anyhow? What difference does it all make? The taste of "milady" may be soothed or bruised by the daintiness or boldness of the splotches, but what cares she for how it is done? For all that she knows, or cares, it may have been wrought by nature, or accident, or design, or neither; she knows whether it suits her or not, and that is enough.

But how about it when the discriminating and sensitive-souled matron with an inbred horror of sham complacently and beamingly points to a lovely mahogany dresser or "buffay," the ancestry of which is traceable not to the primeval tropics, but to the fast disappearing hardwood forests of Wisconsin or Michigan, but in the depths of which no tree of that name, or exactly like it, was ever known to grow? The versatility of birch in its rare mimicry of other woods of more patrician native gifts, has been responsible for many an example of what, when were "kids," we called "pertendin'". Considering, however, that neither she, nor her neighbor, whose admiration has been stirred to the bubbling point knows or will ever know, what difference does it make to either of them,


mien, have been an unfailing first aid to poets and writers. In that probably more than any other way has oak been impressed upon the public consciousness. And how could you furniture makers get along as well without as with it in your business?

Not all of even the leading woods of commerce excite any considerable or immediate interest among purveyors of furniture. The conifers of any one of the many sections of the country, that more than any of the rest include prime favorites for structural uses, do not, I suppose, greatly interest the furniture industry except as they may be used in furniture. Beginning in Colonial times on the Atlantic seaboard and moving first westerly to the Lake States, then southerly to the Gulf, and finally to the far Pacific, where there practically are no commercial hardwood forests, the conifers have ever been and yet are the mainstay of the country at large. Today the yellow pine of the South is the premier in point of volume, but that is because it is nearer to the big consuming areas than any of the products of the Inland Empire and the Pacific slope. Some day when disparities of comparative stumpage values and distances shall both have been modified or eliminated and a new adjustment of the fitness of things established, yellow pine will then have seen its best days and the coming into its own by the super-opulent timber of the Coast will be the order of the day.

Cypress how about "The Wood Eternal?" Furniture folk, I suppose, have comparatively but slight occasion to interest themselves in this unique product of the far Southern swamps. Its purveyors are doing more to familiarize the public with it and its peculiar virtues than are those of any other commercial wood of the period, but in spite of an almost countless array of uses to which it is peculiarly adapted, furniture making is almost unheard of as one of them. Cypress, a wood, by the way, solely indigenous to the South, the best of it to the Gulf and South Atlantic coasts, is valued chiefly for its peculiar "lastingness." Besides the slogan first above quoted another popular boast in the numerous and costly cypress advertisements for some years running in the magazines is that "He who builds of cypress builds but once." There, however, is one decidedly unique product of red cypress that some day may attract the attention of the furniture industry, if it has not already done so. It is called "Sugi," a peculiar process of manipulation or effect said to have been known to and practiced by the Japanese throughout at least a half-dozen centuries. I have in the dining-room of my home in Evanston a striking specimen in the form of a salver with a mahogany frame and brass handles, the gift of the Southern Cypress Manufacturers' association through its secretary, George E. Watson, while at New Orleans I was editing the Lumber Trade Journal, of that


city. The process by which the "Sugi" effect is produced may be briefly described in this way: The operator after applying a burning plumber's torch to the surface of a cypress board until the spaces between the harder of the grain strata are charred, removes the disintegrated ash by the use of a wire brush. The seemingly embossed grain lines by this process left undisturbed, of course, stand out distinctly in bas-relief. The effect is fantastic, or gracefully intricate, picturesque or otherwise impressive, according as the grain may have been marked by nature. In New Orleans, where Mr. Watson has his headquarters, an apartment of the Progressive Union, of that city, was wainscoted with "Sugi" under the direction of that gentleman some years ago, and in a manner to excite the wonder and admiration of the thousands of visitors by whom it meanwhile has been visited and inspected. The object of the club named, by the way, is to exploit the many interestingly unique attractions of the Crescent City, notably including numberless structures built inside and out of


Almost anybody may have heard enough about the uses of hickory and ash and oak to associate either of them all with wagon and implement making and other uses in which strength or tenacity of fiber is the most important ingredient.

Poplar, a much less important commodity today than it once was, is a peculiarly honest and dependable wood. There is a tradition that the Pullman Company refuses to use any other wood for the outside of its finest cars and all because of its confirmed habit of "staying put" and its peculiar paint-holding tenacity.

Cottonwood, a "family relation," and to some extent resembling poplar, has been extensively used as a substitute for it when at times stress of supply and demand has boosted the latter beyond competitive reach. But even cottonwood, like basswood, is betraying signs of approaching exhaustion that shall finally become a vacuum.

The last of the woods to enter the lists, tupelo gum, not related to, but on intimate terms with, cypress, has fought its way, like other new and untried candidates for commercial recognition have had to do, until it today is established among other woods of commerce, but capable of utilization in less volume and of less moment than its kindred product of the South, red gum, or as it more euphoniously and suitably is called, "satin walnut.”

According to the editor's deposition in the last edition of this magazine, our distinguished and amiable friend, J. A. Freeman, who first having sought expatriation under the balmy skies and amid the soothing, because genial, climate of California, has declared himself a partisan advocate of red gum for interior finish. He admittedly, it also appears, had chosen this wood in preference to another for use in his new house out there, and for which they wanted to charge him $350 a thousand feet. Mr. Freeman's partiality in this matter is a mighty fine card for red gum. That gentleman, along with the rest of us, now agrees that there is no more doubt about the commanding virtues of red gum for residential interior finish than there is or justly ever was about yellow pine. In the light of some previous remarks of mine in this magazine on this subject, it may be inferred that Mr. Freeman's conversion as regards yellow pine, although coming somewhat “tardily off," is a pleasant thing to contemplate.

As long the freely and cordially recognized "official orator" and the high chief pacificator of the yellow pine industry, Mr. Freeman having with characteristic frankness purged himself of any possible objection, the ceremonies of his canonization may accordingly now proceed in due and ancient form.

The Law of It

Necessity for Safeguarding Saws

In a suit for injury to a rip-saw operator, caused by a board kicking back while he was attempting to pass it through the saw, it was open to the jury to find that the employer was negligent in not providing a spreader on the machine, which would have avoided the accident; it appearing that a hood with which the machine was equipped was cumbersome and not adapted to the kind of work the employe was doing. (Washington Supreme Court, Jenison vs. Shaw Show Case Company, 136 Pacific Reporter 698.)

Validity of Freight Valuation

Although a contract whereby a railway company attempts to exempt itself from liability for loss of freight, or injury thereto, is invalid, a shipper may bind himself by an agreement that, in consideration of a reduced freight rate, the carrying railway company shall not be held responsible beyond a specified valuation of the freight, if that valuation is reasonable. (Alabama Supreme Court, Alabama Great Southern Railroad Company vs. Knox, 63 Southern Reporter 538.)

Workman's Failure to Use Guard

It being practicable to guard a saw for ripping and other classes of work, but not for grooving, an employer provided a guard, which was hung upon a wall near the saw, with instructions that is must be used in ripping. An operator of the saw, disregarding these instructions, used the saw for ripping without adjusting the guard, and was injured in consequence. Held, that the employe is not entitled to recover on account of the accident. (Indiana Supreme Court, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company vs. Oesterling, 103 Northeastern Reporter 401.)

Effect of Wisconsin Compensation Act


The Workmen's Compensation Act is based on the theory that losses resulting from injury to employes should be treated as an element of the cost of production in industries. The amount which may be allowed against an employer on account of medical and surgical treatment must be limited to the fair value of such service. when an employer offers to provide competent medical or surgical treatment, he will not be held liable for expense incurred by the employe on that account in disregard of such offer. The duty rests upon an injured emplove to give his employer notice of his need of medical or surgical treatment, and not upon the latter to discover such need. (Wisconsin Supreme Court, City of Milwaukee vs. Miller, 144 Northwestern Reporter 188.)

Liability of Railway Company for Delaying Freight Recovery against a railway company of damages for delay in delivering goods must be limited to the amount of resulting deterioration in the value of the goods at the destination, and cannot include profits lost to the consiguee through inability to use the goods pending the delay in delivery, unless the railway company had notice when the contract for the shipment was made that such loss would follow as a result of failure to make prompt delivery. (Alabama Supreme Court, Southern Railway Company vs. Langley, 63 Southern Reporter 545.) Special damages, resulting from delay and already accrued when the railway company is informed of the facts out of which the damages arise, cannot be recovered. (Mississippi Supreme Court, Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad Company vs. Allen, 63 Southern Reporter 572.)

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