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I care not what glue you buy, it is absolutely evessary for your glue room foreman to understand the rent textures of the different woods and to mix his les to meet the requirements as he understands them. When making this statement I mean a man who undersais woods and glues. In mixing glues do not guess at the proportions of water and glue. Weigh the water and glue. Mix up your proportions as you require them De the different woods and do not trust this work to some orant, stubborn workman who could possibly not read is name if he saw it in print, I have met too many Sach fellows in glue and veneer rooms. They may be good fellows to clean up in and around the factory, or de lumber, but they have not the ability to work in art-class gluing department.

Lumber Must be Right

In order to get good results in your glued up work var lumber must be dry. Not too dry, however, for you

i experience as much trouble as when not dry gh. In the February number of THE FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN, page 62, an article, "Fundamentals in Kiln Drying," appeared, of which I am the author. In this article many suggestions were made and able test methods given, which, if properly applied, w determine the dryness of your lumber. Right here is the first step in the right direction of perfect joint work. Your glue may be the best that money can buy. It may be prepared correctly. If your lumber is not in proper ition it will be impossible to make glue joints. You have all read time and again what overheated rank will do to veneered work. It is, however, not ommon to find factories all over this country (including some of our very largest progressive plants) where inted stock is heated so that it is very hot. The is glued up and the glue room foreman cannot brand why joints open. It may surprise you to ear that where stock has been thoroughly kiln dried, the ge is of the right quality and your stock has been

red in a curing room in which the temperature does hot drop under 70, it is unnecessary to heat such stock efore gluing. This is true, nevertheless. Your grandfatter and mine would not think of gluing joints any ther way than heating the stock. They could not afford 3. wo in those days, but we have better drying con

Heating Stock

I Love this is not misunderstood. I do not say that ery furniture manufacturer can eliminate the expense

aring his stock before gluing. I well know that mert of your factories are not heated over night and I tom of factories having no drying kilns where the stock * tax, from the yard or shed, machined and delivered were department. Unless you have modern kilns, bot bucuries heated day and night, do not attempt to *rk without heating. Our laboratory experi* Dave *5089 *urprising results. However, we have * and the article is already so long ng more can be said about heating stock in this

[merged small][ocr errors]

center of the stock first. This is one reason why some experience trouble with slack joints.

We try to work up our waste very closely and use considerable 4/4 inch waste stock in couch leg back boards. These pieces are 10 inches long by from 8 to 9 inches wide. When the writer came to this factory he found that one man was employed gluing them by the old-time wedge system, and from 500 to 600 back boards were considered a pretty good day's work. He would heat his stock leisurely, walk to his glue bench, spread the glue by means of a brush, place the stock in the wooden clamps, handle the clamps, etc. This was an eye-sore to me and I decided to eliminate it. I had the stock machined with straight joints. Made a suitable bench which could easily be moved where wanted. I next designed a very small glue spreader, which was attached to the bench. I made another rigging to hold about 500 glued-up back boards. Instead of employing male help I engaged two ambitious girls. I had no trouble in coaching these girls. I watched them very carefully, studied every motion they made and eliminated all unnecessary motions. Within a few weeks the girls would rub joint approximately 600 boards per hour. They could speed up to from 750 to 800 per hour. I did not expect them to do this and was satisfied with results. The girls enjoyed the work and made pretty good wages. Of course, the stock was brought to them and they did not have to handle the pieces after they had been glued and placed into the rigging.

The Automatic Glue Clamper

It is surprising to the man gluing his stock by the oldtime method to see the amount of work one or two men can turn out on an automatic glue clamp carrier. The Imperial people, of Grand Rapids, get as much work out of one of these machines as the average manufacturer will get from two, and why? The superintendent of this factory appreciates the possibilities of motion study. He resolved to apply some of these principles in his factory. He found splendid chances to apply these principles in his gluing department. Two men operate the machine and one man keeps them supplied with material and takes the material from the machine after being glued.

The average furniture manufacturer does not appreciate the value of motion study. Its value in cost reducing cannot be overestimated. Motion study, as a means of increasing output under the military type of management, has consciously proved its usefulness on the work for the past twenty-five years. Its value as a permanent element for standardizing work, and its important place in scientific management, have been appreciated only since observing its standing among the laws of management given to the world by Frederick W. Taylor, the great conservator of scientific investigation, who has done more than all others toward reducing the problem of management to an exact science.

Stubbornness a Check

One great trouble in some of the glue rooms is the stubbornness of the man in charge of that department. There are men who will have the stock glued up, regardless of how it is jointed. Question them about it and they will say: "We are employed to glue up stock, not to criticise or do the machine jointing. If the stock comes in imperfectly jointed that is the machine room foreman's headache, not mine. It is my business to turn a certain amount of work out of this department and I'm going to do it. Damaged and imperfect goods? What do I care; that's the old man's loss, not mine." Time and again I have noticed jointed stock full in the center and open at both ends. This is another reason why so many joints open up. One will frequently see


cabinet-makers try to patch up the open ends, believing that they will improve the looks of the piece. When improperly machine jointed stock is delivered to the glue room, the man in charge should refuse it and report this to the superintendent. It is only a question of a short time when Mr. Machine Room Foreman will see to it that the stock is delivered as it should be and if the operator cannot do proper jointing he will engage a man who can.

Not long ago I perused an article in one of the trade papers by a man considering himself an authority on glue room problems advocating that joints be made with open ends for the sake of using two clamps. This man is a joke, and I cannot understand how he dared make such a statement. Would like very much to see some of his work.

The Continuous Feed Jointer Large capacity, when consistent with quality work, is always desirable in any machine. The continuous feed glue jointer requires no introduction, but I prefer the machine with adjusting table. There are two reasons why I prefer the adjustable table: First-The output can be increased, for it is possible to vary the cut by simply turning a small hand wheel. Second-One can set the machine to make slack center glue joints.

The automatic dovetail glue jointer is the most wonderful machine we have in the woodworking line today. One great cry I have heard all over the country: "The machine may be all right, but it costs too much money." I cannot understand how a large manufacturer can afford to be without one. From an economical standpoint, it saves lumber and from 40 to 65 per cent. of the glue ordinarily used in joint work. Again, you have many men handling the lumber, machining, etc., before the stock reaches the glue room. I know of concerns which are saving five men since installing the machine. I wish space would permit my citing some dovetail joint laboratory tests and the efficiency of the machine. However, we must briefly discuss some of the problems of the cabinet room:

Every cabinet-maker should have some knowledge of the rules of mensuration. The importance of this knowledge was pointed out in one of my articles treating on this subject. One great trouble in many cabinet rooms is that the work is done by the old rule-of-thumb methods. It is possible that Grandpa was a cabinet-maker, learned his trade in the old country under some stern "Meister." Those days they had no machinery and all work was done by hand. Possibly the father also became a cabinetmaker and the son was compelled to learn the same trade. They are all skilled workmen, but, Mr. Reader, we require more than skill in the successful factory. Go to your cabinet-maker and say: "John, I want you to figure the degrees necessary for hexagon, heptagon or octagon shaped table tops, posts or pillars." How many will you find who can do this figuring? If, however, these mitres are not cut correctly it requires a lot of hand fitting and this time costs money. If your cabinet foreman workman figures the degrees he can turn out his work mathematically correct. There is no fitting necessary. How important this knowledge is, is not appreciated by the average furniture manufacturer.

Work Should be Well Done


There are many machine room foremen who, in order to make a showing in their department, unload a lot of misfit work onto the foreman of the cabinet room, and considerable hand work is necessary. All stock should be perfectly machined. There should be no hand fitting nor hand sanding necessary. A good trim sawyer and boring machine operator is worth his weight in gold in the furniture factory.

So many superintendents will have the drawers of tables, desks, etc., fitted by hand. They will say: "Every piece of wood has different attributes." Very true, indeed. However, your drawers should be so perfectly machined that they will all fit properly, so that no hand work is necessary. No doubt many readers will not agree with me. Permit me to state that if your lumber has been properly seasoned, dried in a good, modern kiln, cured after leaving the kiln and the stock trimmed and bored by experts in this line of work, you, in a great measure, overcome the attributes of your lumber and can manufacture drawers at from 20 to 60 per cent. less cabinet cost than where the fitting is done by hand.

I know of a prominent furniture factory in business for more than forty years. They make medium grade tables and every drawer was fitted by hand, which was, of course, quite an expense. After convincing the manager that his cabinet work was costing too much money he decided to have this work machined so perfectly that no hand work would be necessary. What was the result? He reduced his cabinet drawer work over 50 per cent. on many of his patterns.


Where Black Walnut Comes From

URNITURE manufacturers who have been wondering, in view of the increasing popularity of black walnut, whether statements that the American wood is still being produced in sufficient quantity to take care of the demand are correct, will likely be reassured by the publication by the United States government of statistics covering 1912, the latest year for which figures are available.

The Census Bureau and the Forest Service collaborate i in the compilation of the figures, and their report shows that in 1912 43,083,000 feet of walnut lumber was turned out of mills in this country. As this takes no account of the log production which was used up by exports without manufacture, the statement of leading walnut men that the total production in this country is now about 50,000,000 feet a year seems to be well within the facts.

Popular impressions get abroad, and it is sometimes hard to correct them. The Middle West twenty-five years ago was producing the bulk of the walnut lumber, but the idea that the supply had become exhausted in that territory became current until it was believed by many otherwise well-informed people. The government census, however, shows that the states north of the Ohio river and south of the lakes are still producing the lion's share of the walnut manufactured in this country.

Ohio leads the rest of the country with 8,565,000 feet, while Indiana is second with 6,425,000 feet. Kentucky follows with 5,855,000 feet, but Illinois comes in next with 5,197,000 feet. Missouri, which has long been prominent in the walnut trade, had a total output in 1912 of 4,635,000 feet. Tennessee turned out 3,736,000 feet, and Pennsylvania 2,268,000 feet. West Virginia's record was 1,597,000 feet, and Virginia 1,123,000 feet. Other states produced less than a million feet each, but the production, while scattering, was substantial, making up the total which was quoted above.

The Marion Bench and Cabinet Co., of Marion, Ind., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $30,000, to take over the equipment and business of the Butler Stool and Bench Co. The plant of the new organization will be located in the former Harwood Bedstead building, and the officers of the company are: J. W. Wilson, president; Thad Butler, vice-president; L. W. Gillespie, secretary, and C. W. Henderson, treasurer.

[blocks in formation]


320 Broadway, New York.

L. C. STEWART, in Charge.

Subscription price $1 per year in the United States, Mexico, Cuba
and the American colonies; $1.50 per year in Canada, postage paid, and
$2 per year in all foreign countries, postage paid.
Subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. THE FURNITURE
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purchasing of shoes, clothing, food and furniture. This creates the business, and the investment of capital will follow perforce.

None of the "explanations" brought out so far seems to reach the root of the matter. It is apparent that business is dependent upon so many elements, tangible and intangible, that no one cause can be assigned for present conditions. It can only be hoped that the uncertainty will pass into confidence and that the greatly impaired purchasing power of the working classes be again brought to normal. Those best in touch with general conditions agree that the country was never on a sounder basis. Agricultural conditions are most promising. Money is plentiful, merely awaiting opportunity. Merchandise stocks throughout the country are at a minimum. The stage is all set for a season of prosperity such as the world has never seen. Something is clogging the wheels and when this has been discovered and removed, business prosperity will come with a rush.


The Grading of Lumber

URNITURE manufacturers will find much that will interest them in the comment of the lumber papers on the repudiation of the 1913 rules of the National Hardwood Lumber Association by the Federation of Furniture and Fixture Manufacturers, in convention assembled. Of equal interest is the address made at the meeting of the Federation by Geo. A. Buckstaff, who served as the spokesman of the opposition to the acceptance of the rules, which will also be found in this issue. There seems to be some disagreement upon some of the events leading up to the adoption of the

Explaining Business Depression 1913 rules. The lumbermen claim that the furniture

T SEEMS to be the fashion at the present time for every one to try his hand at "explaining" the present business depression. From President Wilson down to the man on the street, each has his own idea on the subject and the daily press devotes considerable space to the airing of widely divergent views on this point. The President's characterization of the depression as "merely psychological," was no doubt made in all seriousness, but it has been turned into a flippant phrase of derision in many cases. To most business men the condition seems entirely material rather than mental, but there is much to be said on both sides. The textile trades are bitterly assailing the tariff and lay the entire blame at its door. One school of philosophers believes that the inflation of real estate values has been the cause. The railroad rate case is another factor which looms large in some eyes.

As a matter of fact, it is obvious that everything depends upon the viewpoint and there is some merit in all the theories. To the financier with millions to invest, the psychological aspect is doubtless the leading factor. He requires at least an approximation to certainty before plunging into new ventures, and his chief concern is as to the future. Among this class there is certainly considerable apprehension, a "psychological condition," as to legislative regulation of business. On the other hand there is the working man who wants to buy a shirt for 30 cents and has not the money to buy it. There is nothing psychological in his attitude and yet business as a whole is largely based upon the consumption of necessities by the 90 per cent. of the population who live from hand to mouth. When they have the money they will buy, and when they have not, they do without-and business suffers. There is nothing psychological about this. The man who contemplates buying a railroad has an entirely different viewpoint from the man who needs a pair of shoes. Business does not develop from the investment of capital in new enterprises, but from the

manufacturers were invited to voice their opinion on proposed changes, but failed to do so-slept on their rights, as it were-while the furniture manufacturers claim on the other hand that they were refused an opportunity, when they were prepared to protest against the change. On the other hand, the representative of the Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers Association claims that he in turn was refused a hearing before the Federation.

It matters not now what has happened, the important thing to be brought about is a complete understanding between the manufacturers of lumber and the furniture manufacturers who seem to have been responsible for what promises to be a period characterized by considerable acrimony.

It is the contention of the lumber papers that the establishment of grades, or standards upon which any commodity may be sold, is the function of the manufacturer. In this contention we are of the opinion that in the main they are right. But in the case at bar there is reason to believe that the rules in question have been largely determined by the middle man-the man more interested in the manipulation of grades than in securing equal justice to both buyer and seller.

For fully twenty-five years it has been the contention of this writer that there should be but one set of rules governing the grading of lumber. The National Hardwood Lumber Association is made up of both manufacturers and middle men. The Hardwood Lumber Manufacturers Association consists of lumber manufacturers. For years an effort has been made to bring the rules of these two organizations into harmony. If the modifications which were made in the 1912 rules, at the meeting of the Hardwood Lumber Association, held in 1913, had as its object the accomplishing of some such result, then it is to be commended. If, however, the changes were made, as is claimed, to get more of a

better grade out of certain pieces of lumber, then it is to be condemned. The protest of the furniture manufacturers is chiefly against the temptation which is offered, under the new grades, to rip what might be a wide board so as to bring the parts into a higher grade than the wide board otherwise would take.

We are not disposed to attach as much importance as does Mr. Buckstaff to occasional changes in inspection rules. This may be set down as certain: There will never be stability in rules covering the inspection of hardwood lumber until there is but one set of fully recognized rules. Many of the modifications made in recent years have been made in an attempt to bring all the elements in interest into harmony. Furthermore, it is certain that slight changes even then will need to be made to conform to the changing character of the timber from which the lumber is cut. This has been found necessary by the inspection bureaus of both the white and yellow pine lumber associations. But these changes should be avoided as much as possible. What is demanded by producer and consumer alike is clarity in description, and stability in interpretation.

What any particular grade shall be named matters little so long as it is clearly understood what the grade contains-what is the real value of the material contained in a certain grade as sold to the ultimate consumer. You can not put value into lumber by changing its grade. Just at present this is a buyer's market, and it is very certain that no manufacturer of furniture who knows his business, and knows lumber, is going to pay more than the lumber is worth, whatever may be the nomenclature of the grade.

Nor can the furniture manufacturers reasonably expect that they can fix the grade of lumber. There are other consumers of hardwood lumber besides the furniture manufacturers who are deserving of consideration and are sure to get it.

Let these consumers get together with the manufacturers of lumber and make rules which shall be authoritative. Cut out the middle men who unfortunately have shown quite as much interest in the manipulation of lumber grades as in the sale of lumber at a fair margin of profit.


the President becomes more determined, cracks the party lash and declares that "big business" is in a conspiracy to discredit the administration, and that an insidious lobby is at work to defeat what the President has undertaken to accomplish. Supposing this were so, has the business interest of this country no right to protest or to express itself? Must business men sit supinely by while the politicians respond to the pleas of organized labor and the farmers for special privileges which are provided for these classes in the pending measures? If this be so, then demagogery has reached the limit.


Providing for Organized Effort

N NONE of the supplemental anti-trust legislation pending in congress is any prominence or importance attached to the proposition to give the interstate trade commission any power to guide and direct trade organizations. The President is of the number, evidently, who believe that safety and the nation's prosperity lies only in unrestricted competition. Even the committee from the United States Chamber of Commerce did not give support to the proposition that the proposed commission should have the power to determine how far organization among merchants and manufacturers for protection might go, although be it said to the credit of the constituent bodies of business organizations that even in the face of a committee recommendation, this position was repudiated when the referendum vote was taken. The majority of the great community organizations among business men have said that they want any new body which may be created invested with authority to determine how far organized effort may be legitimately extended for the protection of profits.

There are many organizations among the lumbermen. These have been under investigation for seven years past. While the report of this investigation is not completed, but while the legislation now pending was under consideration in the House of Representatives, a portion of the report was given out by the Bureau of Corporations in which this insinuating paragraph is said to appear:

"How shall associations such as these be permitted to exercise functions that are legal and proper without perverting them into instruments of wrong or usurping wrongful functions? It may be both proper and desirWhy Business Waits able for producers in any line of business to establish

ERTAIN bills are pending in congress designed to supplement and strengthen the Sherman anti-trust law. Many changes have been made in the bills as originally presented. When the bills were first introduced, it was given out that they were administration measures, and it was well understood that the President would insist on their passage. It has developed in the course of the discussion in congress that the bills, in their original form, were not well digested legislation. A respectable representation of the business world has asked that congress adjourn without taking any action on these measures, and that the several bills be referred to a body of business men. There is a very representative contingent of the community which believes that the business depression which prevails is due to the uncertainty concerning the effect on business of this legislation Ishould it be enacted. As much has been said to the President. His reply is that the existing depression in trade is "entirely psychological." He declares that business is in a healthy condition, and that we only think it is bad. The President is not in business. There are a few furniture manufacturers who are in business who know differently. The President continues to insist that congress shall stay in session and that the proposed legislation be enacted. As the protest swells in volume.

standard grades, to collect and publish information as to output and current prices, and to coöperate in various proper ways for the common advantage; but it should be pointed out that the standardization of grades is the first step to price fixing, that the collection of information as to output facilitates the curtailment of production, and that coöperation for harmless purposes affords a convenient basis for combination in restraint of trade."

We are constantly being told that our forest resources are being depleted, and yet a department of our government would apparently have the operators in timber kept in ignorance of what is being done by other operators in timber in this broad land of ours and the slaughter encouraged and continued would permit disparity of grades to prevail; would deny concert of action in the curtailment of production,, all because these things may result in that fearsome thing, "restraint of trade." Isn't restraint of trade very often wholesome? Does not unrestrained competition spell financial disaster to the manufacturer and constant reduction of wages for the laborer?

That we do not misinterpret the attitude of the government officials towards the organizations among the lumbermen, let us quote another paragraph:

"These lumber associations, like similar associations

in many other branches of trade, are included in the so-called 'associations not for profit.' It has been sometimes proposed to exempt such associations from the prohibitions of the Sherman law. While they are not organized to obtain profits for the associations as such, they are, nevertheless, the report says, frequently intended and used to promote the profits of their members by means prohibited by the Sherman anti-trust act, and that the serious consequences which might result from exempting them from the operation of that act are obvious."

Rather insinuating, that. A paragraphic play on prejudice. Ammunition for the political stump orators. If it be within the scope and intent of the Sherman anti-trust law to prevent the things enumerated above, then the law needs no strengthening feature.

If the President will make a fundamental feature of his campaign for supplemental Sherman anti-trust legislation provision for the organization of an interstate trade commission which could give power to trade organizations to regulate certain things-grades, prices, output, etc., if you please and keep the legitimate margin of profit within bounds, business will recover and prosperity will be general. There seems to be little disposition on the part of congress and its director to do anything of the kind, which explains why "business waits." It may be "entirely psychological," but it is coldly true.

Editorial Notes

IT SEEMS to be largely a question of confidence at this stage of the game-with the crop prospects as good as they now are.

ONE thing the Federation of Furniture and Fixture Manufacturers might undertake is to establish a few standards in finishes. Action of this sort would be welcomed by the retailers.

BUT what will it avail if the yield from the farms is large and puts much money in the possession of the farmers if the money is to be deposited in the banks and not used in business development?

IF "OPPORTUNITY" is responsible for many new designs, then the July show, now so near at hand, should reveal many new patterns. Most of the manufacturers have had plenty of time to get out new things since January last.

AN INVENTORY has been made of the furniture manufactured in the manual training school of Minneapolis, and it has been found that within a year the students built $6,000 worth of furniture, which was used in the schools.

THE Forest Product Expositions, held last month successively in Chicago and New York, seems to have been most successful in New York. These shows were expensive exploitations, but many of the interests represented seem to be more than satisfied with the result.

THE Metal Bedstead Federation, of Great Britain, is making a collective exhibit, consisting of about one hundred of the latest and best designs in metal bedsteads, at the Anglo-American Exhibition, which is now on in London. In this way the Federation is giving evidence that it is alive to publicity and this, it is said, indicates the initiation of a new era as far as design is concerned. Undoubtedly the metal bed industry in this country has

suffered from a lack of consistent and persistent adver tising.

IT is interesting to know that the Chinese government is sending students from China to the Philippines to study modern forestry, especially as applied to Far Eastern conditions. Possibly there may be more in planting Western civilization in the Far East than some of the people in these United States have been willing to believe.


War or no war, freight rates or no freight rates, tariff or no tariff, baseball or no baseball, grape juice or champagne the farmer is still on the job.


-E. C. Simmons, of the Simmons Hardware Co., St. Louis.

PRESIDENT WILSON seems to object to the people registering their opinion of pending legislation, in Washington, particularly when that opinion runs contrary to the opinion entertained by the President. Just at present he is protesting against "Business"-"Big Business," he calls it-objecting to the pending anti-trust legislation. His cry of "Lobby, Lobby," is strongly suggestive of "Wolf, Wolf."

JUDGE CONNOLLY, of Detroit, has ruled in the case against Lafer Bros., who advertised freshly churned butter and sold oleo, that the Michigan fraudulent advertising law is constitutional. It had been the contention of local attorneys, including the prosecuting attorney, that the title to "regulate and prohibit" false and misleading advertising was broader than the act itself and that in consequence the act was unconstitutional.

IT IS reported from Canton, China, that there is an ever increasing market in that city for metal beds of the cheaper grades which are in keeping with the limitel purchasing power of the Chinese. Consul-General F. D. Cheshire, who communicates this information, says the beds most in demand are those ranging from $5 to $15 United States currency for a single bed, and $10 to $20 for double beds. There are three department stores in Canton which are in position to handle a line of beds.

WHAT has become of the proposition to build an exposition building in Jamestown, N. Y., and what has become of a similar movement for a suitable building in High Point, N. C.? There is apparently no lack of exhibitors for the furniture exposition space which is offered in Grand Rapids, and there is every present prospect that the most ambitious building enterprise yet planned for that city will be carried through. If so, the question will be very properly asked, "Where are all the exhibitors coming from to fill the space which is to be provided?"

THE tasks which the Federation of Furniture and Fixture Manufacturers has set itself to do will be undertaken during the ensuing two or three months. It is expected that the organization will be completed early in the month of July. The choice of a secretary or executive officer will follow and it will then be possible to launch the work of the Federation. Some details are given elsewhere of what has been done since the inspiring meeting which was held last month and reported in these pages in the May issue.

A DEALER writes asking where he can find black walnut office chairs. With the re-entry of American black wa!

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