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following August; yet hardly any tonnage was shipped within a dollar a ton of the maximum prices reached, deliveries continuing on older contracts.

In the present situation, it is important to note that, although prices on bars, plates and shapes have been generally advanced, there is no absolutely fixed level. The market is quoted at 1.25c per pound for these commodities, but it is very likely that a desirable order for prompt shipment would be accepted by some mills at least at 1.20c, or a dollar a ton less, while on a contract for second quarter, subject to specifications later, the usual quotation is 1.30c. This is practically the same alignment, as to concessions or premiums for delivery, etc., as obtained before this week's advance.

Prices on practically the entire steel market have advanced one dollar per ton, and this represents the first important upward movement since the autumn of 1912. It is the first real change in direction of the market's prices since the downward movement, which began last May, and which carried the price of steel from $28.50 per ton, at the opening of that month, to $20 when the prolonged decline gave way in December, to a stationary market.

Sentiment in the steel trade has become extremely favorable, even though there are occasional notes of dissent. What the general public hears is news of various advances in steel prices, and these are naturally taken as extremely favorable indications. These do not necessarily mean a great deal in themselves. Except in the case of sheets and wire products, they are not successive advances; they are merely single advances in various cognate products, a dollar a ton in each instance, so that the whole level has not moved up much.

At the moment, the consensus of opinion here is that the outlook for really large consumption of iron and steel, in a trade revival during 1914, is very good. As yet it is still an outlook, not an established fact. The year may easily prove to be a banner one, eclipsing in tonnage the high record output of 1913, with its 31,000,000 tons of pig iron produced.



The burlap market has been in a demoralized state since the opening of the year. In India jute prices have steadily declined from over £35 a ton to about £32, according to the latest cables. In addition to this feature, statistics show that Calcutta shipped to the United Statesduring December the enormous total of 92 million yards, by far the largest month's shipment on record. This is partially attributed to the number of new mills which have come into operation and partially to the light shipments to the Argentine and other large markets. Locally, burlap prices have steadily receded, although transactions have been so irregular that it is difficult to obtain representative figures. The lowered range of prices has had the effect of stimulating the market, however, and .toward the end of January the daily volume of business was greater than had been seen for many months. It seems certain that there is no longer any appreciable shortage in the supply locally and holders realize that lower prices will prevail, hence their anxiety to unload. It is surmised that many transactions have been at prices below those which have been announced and that the market has been upheld to its present level only because of the active demand for all offerings so far. Latest available quotations were 5.85c for 10%1⁄2 oz. 40s and 5.75c for 10 oz. 40s with heavier weights in proportion. The heavyweight descriptions seem to be rather weaker in proportion than the lightweights.

Cotton Linters

With the exception of cotton linters there has been no pronounced change in the line of bedding and upholsterers' supplies during the past month. The general feeling is somewhat easier in all classes of fibers, but there have been no quotable changes. The great volume of cotton linters in the current crop is responsible for a

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Although the volume of business is still far below normal, the leather trade seems hopeful of the future. Leading authorities extend little hope of lower prices, however, and this is undoubtedly the chief factor in holding back the industry. The shortage of hides continues and it has been demonstrated that this is a world-wide rather than a local condition. While domestic hide quotations have shaded off slightly, it is stated that this is merely due to the poorer quality of the hides obtained at this season and an advance is looked for when the Spring hides appear. Tanners are not anxious to operate on the high levels now prevailing and curtailment is still extensive. During the past year our imports of leather increased and our exports decreased. Prices on all grades of leather continue high, and while shoe descriptions seem to be moving fairly well, manufacturers of furniture leather report generally dull business, especially in the better grades. It is apparent that the high prices at which finished leather is held are restraining consumption. The search for efficient substitutes is becoming more and more aggressive, reaching a point where there has been alarm expressed in some quarters. The producers in the Newark district, the source of most furniture and automobile leathers, have taken up the matter seriously and contemplate an aggressive campaign against imitation leathers. Of course they can only war upon imitations which are passed off for real leather, as there can be no legal objection to the use of imitation or substitute leathers which are sold upon their own merits. In spite of the alarm which is felt upon this subject, there is no disposition to shade prices observable. It is apparent that the producers are between the devil and the deep sea and that profit margins have been shaved down to an uncomfortable minimum. Further price advances seem impossible under the circumstances.


It now seems practically certain that the cotton crop of 1913 will reach the remarkable figure of 14,500,000 bales, the second largest on record. This figure is exclusive of linters, bollers, and other unspinnable grades of fiber. The percentage of cotton which cannot be used by the mills is said to be unusually large this year, which makes the excellent showing even more remarkable. In fact, the entire crop far exceeded expectations and in view of the good price which has been maintained should prove a wonderful stimulus to business in the South. The price advanced rapidly from the low point of last summer upon the receipt of discouraging estimates of the crop and has since gradually receded as the true facts became apparent. There now seems to be little prospect of a material change from the prevailing quotations at approximately a 13 cent basis. While there seems to be ample cotton for all purposes, it is believed that the demand will be fully equal to the immense production, many claiming that American consumption alone will reach 6,000,000 bales. Both American and foreign consumption of fiber so far in this crop year have materially exceeded last year's figures. It is improbable that there will be any excess of cotton sufficient to weaken the market permanently, although speculative manipulation. may make minor changes.

The cotton goods market has displayed remarkable independence of the movements of raw cotton of late, and while cotton fiber has steadily declined since January 1st, cotton goods have firmed up, although the change is not quotably apparent. The dominant feature appears to be a quickened demand which has again put the mills upon their mettle to meet.


The increasing strength in the Japanese silk market which began to be noticed late in December has resulted

in a substantial advance which has become more and more pronounced. The average increase has been fully 25 cents a pound since the advance began with all the indications in favor of further rises. The market is doubly strong, because of the activity of American buyers, manufacturers being compelled to buy silk, regardless of price because of the big demand for silk fabrics. It is further remembered that last year's Japanese crop was fully absorbed despite the fact that American production was far below normal, due to the protracted strike and now that there is every indication of a record-breaking year in American silk fabric production, it seems probable that the advance will be well maintained.

Carpet Wools

Carpet and upholstery grades of wool are beginning to weaken from the almost prohibitive levels reached of late. The foreign producer's dream of an American Eldorado for his low grade wools seems in a fair way of being rudely shattered. One large concern which owns wool washing plants in Russia has declined to operate this season, preferring to keep these plants shut down rather than pay prices for raw wool which they felt certain could not be procured when brought to this country. Dealers at foreign sources seem to have obtained a very much exaggerated idea of the shortage in these grades of wool and are hardly able to realize the true situation even yet. One foreign house has a large quantity of wool in store locally and is talking of reshipping to foreign markets in the hope of obtaining a price which they have been unable to obtain here. There is no longer any talk of scarcity and consumers seem to be in a firm position. Prices have shaded down somewhat and it is believed that further recessions are due. As yet there has been little disposition shown to operate for future needs, but there has been a good spot demand and advance contracts are looked for when the price has been shaded a little further.


Linseed Oil

The linseed oil market is still dull, but a better feeling is observed and producers seem confident as to the future. The flaxseed market has a better tone as a result of advances in the domestic market. The quality of seed now reaching the market is better, but there is still much variation in different shipments. Latest figures on the Canadian crop reach a total of 17,539,000 bushels, which is considerably above former estimates. The Argentine crop is still in doubt, but it will probably be large. On the other hand, it is believed that the domestic crop is now practically all on the market and the Canadian crop is also almost exhausted. It is apparent that the oil market, although dull on the surface, has been absorbing larger quantities of oil in small amounts than had been realized. The paint making industry has been dull, and in consequence there have been few large orders such as obtain publicity, but the small operators have been active. There is still no disposition to quote prices far ahead and holders are unwilling to shade prices in the effort to stimulate spot business. Prices have been practically unchanged for weeks and it is expected that a move in either direction would stimulate business remarkably.


The turpentine market continues to show signs of increasing strength. Receipts have been falling off and there is nothing resembling an over supply of stock. Although the market is quiet at present, prices have been advancing and are now in the neighborhood of 50 cents a gallon. There is little basis for basing an estimate as to the future, but there are no signs of weakness apparent. Varnish Gums

The varnish gum market has been unusually active of late, following a slight decline in prices a few weeks ago. In fact, the rush for supplies became so strong that practically all the decline was recovered. It is felt that prices will rule lower again as soon as the demand eases up a

little, for supplies are rather more ample than they have been in some time. The most noticeable activity has been in the Batavia damar description, but there has been a good call for Manila and the better Kauri grades. Shellacs

Unsettled conditions continue in the shellac market, which has shown further weakness in the face of lessening supplies at primary sources and the prospect of an actual shortage when the demand springs up to normal proportions. Financial disturbances and wild speculation are the principal factors in the demoralization of the market. Further declines have marked both the domestic and British markets, and many small operators seem to have decided to step aside temporarily until the mess settles down. The purchasing demand has naturally fallen off sharply, because of the falling market, although there is believed to be a good latent demand. There seems to be no danger of a shortage in the local market for the time being and this possible support has also been withdrawn. Published quotations show a slight decline from last month: D. C. .. .25 @ 26 T. N. V. S. O. ....241⁄2 @ 25 A. C. Garnet .19 Diamond I....23 @ 24 Button @ 23 Bleached ...181⁄2 @ 191⁄2





Installed Many Sprayers



@ 1912 @ 20 @ 28

HE DeVilbiss Manufacturing Co., of Toledo, Ohio, manufacturers and installers of the Aeron system for finishing furniture have installed their apparatus in the plants of the following concerns: The H. Lauter Co., Indianapolis, Ind.; Parkersburg Chair Co., Parkersburg, W. Va.; The Hamilton Mfg. Co., Two Rivers, Wis.; The Hughes Furniture Co., Baltimore, Md.; The Spiegel Furniture Co., Shelbyville, Ind.; The Spiegel Cabinet Co., Shelbyville, Ind.; Fond du Lac Table Mfg. Co., Fond du Lac, Wis.; Pioneer Furniture Co., Eau Claire, Wis.; B. L. Marble Chair Co., Bedford, Ohio; Oliver & Co., Allegan, Mich.; Library Bureau, Ilion, N. Y.; The Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Mich.

A Change at Sherwin-Williams Co.

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A. HASSE will hereafter have entire charge of the varnish sales department, including direction of sales to the furniture and piano manufacturers, for the Sherwin-Williams Co. Mr. Hasse has been very successful in handling the sales of the company for technical trades, particularly sales to manufacturers of electrical apparatus and other lines of manufacture requiring varnishes of special character. His office will, of course, be at the headquarters in Cleveland.

The Pooley Furniture Co.'s Affairs


AX WEINMAN has been appointed receiver for the Pooley Furniture Co., of Philadelphia. The company has been in the hands of a committee of creditors for about a year, and the step which has now been taken is to clear up the situation. The Pooley company has long manufactured furniture of a very high grade. The plaintiffs in the action which resulted in the receivership were the Bank of North America, Lewis Thompson & Co. and Delaney & Co. No statement is made of the assets and liabilities. The company is capitalized at $240,000.

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The Increase in the Business of the Glidden Varnish Company is Attributed to This Influence---Service Departments Maintained by the Company Named



HE Glidden Varnish Co., of Cleveland, in a recent interview granted the writer of this article, stated that since 1909 its business in agricultural implement varnishes has increased over 100 per cent., and in the same period of time its business in furniture varnishes has increased 25 per cent., in piano varnishes 100 per cent. and in automobile and carriage varnishes over 125 per cent., and that its enormous increase in business within the past few years is due solely to the quality of Glidden products. Its officers were free to confess, however, that the magnitude of the Glidden Varnish Co.'s plant, with its tremendous storage capacity and great facilities for manufacturing varnish and having it thoroughly aged before placed on the market, together with the expert and experienced force of varnish makers, were distinct advantages in keeping the standard of Glidden quality always at its highest-that standard being no lower than that of the highest quality possible to produce, but the members of the organization refused to take any special credit to themselves as individuals for the enormous strides which their business has made within the past few years.

This phenomenal increase, which, it was maintained, is due solely to the quality of the products, is surely the strongest possible evidence that superior quality in goods is the first and foremost problem of all questions of merchandising.

The illustration accompanying this article is a reproduction of a photograph of a pile of empty china wood


oil barrels constituting but a portion of the supply recently received by the Glidden Varnish Co., one of the largest consumers of wood oil in the world, for winter storage. It serves to illustrate the magnitude of the industrial end of their business.

In talking with the members of the Glidden organization, the writer was profoundly impressed with the sound business sense back of their policy of making the quality of their products the paramount issue of their business campaign. Such a policy is, after all, the foundation of all substantial success, though the members of some organizations are not big enough nor broad enough to realize it. It pays in dollars and cents.

capacity for taking infinite pains. That definition might have originated with the Glidden Varnish Co. in mind, for a visit to its plant, if it teaches nothing else, emphasizes at all points a capacity for taking infinite pains. No precaution is too great to insure the nearest possible approach to perfection and no facilities are overlooked in the production and maintenance of that high standardthe highest quality possible to produce.

The laboratories of the company, the corps of chemists who comprise its scientific staff, and the members of its special research department are constantly at work to devise new methods for making Glidden products even nearer to perfection than they now are, and the members of this research department are chemists with a full knowledge of the theory of chemistry as well as being practical varnish makers. It is interesting to note in this connection that the entire experimental facilities of the Glidden Varnish Co. are at all times available to manufacturers. In addition to its inside force of testers, etc., the Glidden Company maintains a service department of experts in the various lines who have spent their lives in practical work.

The service department of the Glidden Varnish Co. includes men of long experience in piano and furniture finishing, whose services are at the command of the furniture and piano manufacturers at all times. Their practical experience and knowledge of finishing-room problems render their service of unusual value, particularly in discovering the causes of any dissatisfaction in a manufacturer's present methods of finishing and remedying the trouble by removing the cause.

The Glidden Company also offers special service in the japan trade and will send to manufacturers a practical japanner. Moreover, special service is offered the paint grinding trade, which service is in the charge of experts as is also the service offered special lines of trade, such as oilcloth manufacturers, sign manufacturers and railroads. No charge is made for the work in this service department.


Recent Deaths

Mrs. Kendell, mother of D. W. Kendell, the designer who died about four years ago, passed away February 1, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dean, in Grand Rapids. Mrs. Kendell was 91 years old.

Joseph Huhn, one of the oldest manufacturers of high grade upholstered furniture, resident in Brooklyn, N. Y.. died on January 21st. He was born in 1824, and up to a fortnight before his death had been active and able to look after his business.

Charles G. Peck, who was one of the founders of the Peck & Hills Furniture Co., died at his home in Sheboygan Falls, Wis., during January. He was fifty years old. Mr. Peck withdrew from the business several years ago and engaged in farming.

John Ott, who founded the Ott Lounge Co., of Indianapolis, Ind., now the L. W. Ott Mfg. Co., died in Indianapolis, February 5. Mr. Ott was born in Germany and settled in Cincinnati in 1845. He was a cabinetmaker by trade and readily found employment. During the Civil War he turned his establishment over to Gov.

Someone, somewhere, sometime, defined genius as the

Morton to make army supplies. He was 89 years of age and is survived by four children, three daughters and J. C. F. Ott, who travels for the L. W. Ott Mfg. Co.

Mrs. Rosa Herrmann Susswein died during the month of January. Mrs. Susswein, prior to her marriage, was Mrs. Rosa Herrmann, widow of the founder of the Herrmann Furniture Co., and after his death succeeded him as president of this famous old house. For more than fourteen years she had filled this office. Her husband, Mr. Susswein, is now vice-president of the Herrman Furniture Co., and no change is contemplated at present. Mrs. Susswein was ill but two days and her untimely death came as a distinct shock to hosts of friends and business associates.

What Manufacturers are Doing

Fire caused slight damage in the plant of the Ross Chair Co., Louisville, Ky., January 11.

The Webster Manufacturing Co., Superior, Wis., resumed operation early in January, after inventory and repair work.

The Inner Braced Furniture Co., Elkhart, Ind., has begun operations in its new factory, located in the former Kimbark plant.

The Raymond Porch Shade Co., Richmond, Ind., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $100,000 by Edward B. Fletcher and others.

The Central Upholstery Co., Sheboygan, Wis., has filed a petition in voluntary bankruptcy, listing liabilities at $1,052.32 and assets at $13,161.61.

The McGregor-Phillips Co., Mt. Vernon, Ind., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $60,000 by W. A. McGregor, Eliza McGregor and Eli Phillips.

The Stearns Curtain Stretcher Co., Mishawaka, Ind., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $25,000 by W. B. Stearns, James Hennessy and Fred Keiser.

The Westhus Furniture Co., St. Louis, Mo., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $100,000 by Henry C., Francis, Benjamin, Edward and William H. Westhus.

The Kirkham-Mattison Co., formerly of New Haven, Mich., has begun operation in the Ovid, Mich., plant formerly occupied by the Ovid Furniture & Manufacturing Co.

The Carrier Chair Co., Elizabethton, Tenn., recently incorporated with a capital of $50,000, has purchased the plant of the Tennessee Bobbin & Spool Co., which will be re-equipped.

The window shade factory of George Frampton at Pendleton, Ind., has been purchased by W. F. Morris and Robert Morris, of Fairmount, and James Lamore, of Anderson, Ind.

The Hercules Spring Bed Co., Cleveland, O., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $25,000 by R. C. Moody, W. A. Comstock, C. H. Erickson, E. L. Farrow and J. F. Ursam.

The Specialty Mattress Co., Huntington, W. Va., will remodel the Cleveland, O., plant formerly occupied by the Steiger Manufacturing Co. and re-equip the property as a subsidiary factory.

The Red Lion Table Co., Red Lion, Pa., recently began operation in its new $100,000 factory. The company, which is headed by G. W. Holtzinger, will employ 100 men. C. S. Lamotte is general manager.

The Southern Novelty Works, Mobile, Ala., has been incorporated with a capital of $15,000 by A. T. Arnold, E. L. Patterson and J. E. Thompson for the manufacture of furniture novelties.

The Western Parlor Frame Co., Plymouth, Wis., will be re-organized for the manufacture of automobile bodies

under the name of the Maxwell Co., according to its amended artices of incorporation.

The factory buildings and equipment of the defunct Fox & Mason Furniture Co., Corunna, Mich., were sold to William J. Parker, an attorney, for $11,500, Dec. 4. Mr. Parker was the only bidder.

The Simmons Manufacturing Co., Kenosha, Wis., has brought suit against the Moore Manufacturing Co., Muncie, Ind., alleging violation of its patent rights on improvements in extension couches.

The Vaught Furniture Co., Parker City, Ind., are defendants in a suit brought by twenty-four former employes to recover damages aggregating $7,000, alleged to be due the plaintiffs as back wages.

Fire destroyed the entire plant of the Morgan Manufacturing Co., Charleston, W. Va., makers of desks and furniture, on January 29. Twelve cottages, owned by the firm, were burned, the total loss being $200,000.

In the re-organization of the Sheboygan Novelty Co., Sheboygan, Wis., the following officers were elected: Albert Freyberg, Sr., president; Albert Freyberg, Jr., vice president, and G. Nehrlich, secretary and treasurer.

Mann Bros., New York, furniture manufacturers, were refused a donated location in Newburg, N. Y., by the Newburg Chamber of Commerce. It was proposed that the commercial association give five acres of land and loan the company $45,000 for building and equipment.

The Stow & Davis Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, is constructing a new power plant with a capacity of 150 horse power. Plans have been prepared for a new factory building in connection with the plant, 65 by 125 feet, five stores, brick, mill construction, which probably will be erected in the spring of 1914.

The Inner Braced Furniture Co., which has just been moved to Elkhart, Ind., from Schoolcraft, Mich., has been incorporated with a capital of $150,000. The directors of the concern are Burton D. Nichols, M. S. Nichols and John Stewart. The new factory occupies the former Kimbark plant and will begin operation about December 1. The first household furniture produced by the Thompson Manufacturing Co., Holand, Mich., originally organized to make bath-room equipment, will be shown during the January exhibition in the Manufacturers Exhibition Building, fourth floor. The line includes Mission furniture and tables and has increased the number of furniture producing factories in Holland to six.

The Foster Chair Co., Huntington, W. Va., recently was incorporated with a capital stock of $75,000 by B. W. Foster, R. L. Archer, J. L. Caldwell, F. D. Fuller and Thomas A. Wiatt. The new corporation will take over and operate the plant recently sold for the benefit of the Huntington Chair Co. The company expects to begin operation during the early part of November.

The property of the bankrupt Ideal Furniture Co., Jamestown, N. Y., has been sold to G. W. Appleby, a Jamestown lumber dealer, for $7,075. The appraised

value of the factory and equipment was $9,640. The schedule showed liabilities of $13,500, of which $6,477.30 is secured. It is understood that the property will be re-sold.

The Manitowoc Church Furniture Co., Waukesha, Wis., recently incorporated with a capital stock of $40,000, began operation in its new 60x400 foot concrete factory Dec. 1. Charles F. Schuetze, who formerly operated the Manitowoc Church and School Supply Co., at Manitowoc, Wis., is president and manager of the company. The new corporation is largely capitalized by Chicago and Milwaukee interests, and the entire factory will be operated by individual motor power. About 100 men will be employed.




SUPERINTENDENT desires to change positions. Case goods preferred. Address, Locker 419, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN.

CABINET FOREMAN seeks position. Have had fifteen years' experience with large factory. Best of references furnished. Address, Locker 413, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN.

FOREMAN FINISHER wants positi n.

Capable man of good experience on high grade chairs or case goods. Can furnish references. Address Locker 424. care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN.

IF YOU ARE looking for a man to install ent system, piece work, premium or bons system and place your business on an efficiency basis, abinsk, Løøker 425, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTSAN,

CHAIR FACTORY SUPERINTENDENT wishes to make a change. Can give test of references as regards character and ability. Address. Locker 381, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER, AND ARTISAN.

EXPERIENCED veneer man wants position as foreman,

cutter or matcher, preferably with a firm making bedroom suites. Can handle all wool Address, Locker 423, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN.

FURNITURE MAKER wants position. Have had fifteen years' experience in Holand and England Especially good on reproductions and fine work. Address, J. Velleman, 220 E. Washington St.. New Castle, Pa.

THOROUGH MECHANIC seeks a position as foreman in upholstering department. Over twenty-five years in the trade. Last ten years as forema Best of references. Address, Locker 409, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN.

FOREMAN FINISHER, who has had large experience on medium and high-grade work, descres position. Good in colors and able to match samples on chairs and rockers, case goods and dining-room furniture. Has practical and executive ably. References Address, Locker 421 care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTIMAN. SUPERINTENDENT Walt

with furniture

factory making complete dining Library su Fifteen years experience in every department. Middle aged; married. Recently connected with one of Michigan's leading factories. Address. Lueter 424, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTILA,

SUPERINTENDENT and designer, over twenty year experience, thorougnly familiar with every operation in factory work, established reputation as a bustler and for executive ability, desires to communicate with a fire cicern Best of reference. Addresss, Locker $64, carer FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN CHAIR FACTORY superintendent OT Manager with twenty-eight years of experience in the buxiness ind iding all departments, is open for position. Recently con nected with one of Michigan's learing hair face from whom best of references can be obtained. Asuress, Locker 427, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER 77D ARTISAN


WANTED-By a large manufacturing house, a man in the drafting-room as assistant to for ture designer Address, Locker 417, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN.


FIRST-CLASS upholsterers wanted. Reference. Address, Locker 418, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN.

SUPERINTENDENT wanted for furniture factory in Indiana. Must be hustler. Give reference. State experience, age and salary wanted. Address, Locker 432. care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN OPPORTUNITY is presented in eastern West Virginia

for a man with a few thousand dollars to go into business for himself. Must be able to design and finish medium-priced case goods. The purchase of an interest of a deceased partner is necessary. Address, Locker 428, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN. SUPERINTENDENT is wanted for a wood-working

factory. An excellent opportunity for one that is capable to assist in getting started in the manufacture of buffets, sideboards, dressers, etc. We are now manufac turing interior finish and building material with a retail lumber yard in a growing city of 10,000; we are doing a good business, but want to specialize on one article as near as possible. We are open to consider any suggestion or proposition offered. Address, Locker 490, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN.


SALESMAN wanted for North, Eastern and Middle Eastern States to carry a high grade line of case goods. Many exclusive patterns. Must be experienced and know the trade. Address, Locker 426, care FURNITURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN.

EXPERIENCED, capable, energetic wide-awake salesmen wanted to sell Glue Gelatine and Sandpaper to the trade. Excellent opportunity for the right man who is willing to work and give value for money received Our prices and goods are right. Satisfactory references required. Make your application now. Joseph F. Herrmann & Co., Fisher Bldg., Chicago, Ill.


PAY FOR BRAIN SERVICE-Or the Seven Laws of Success. Sixteen page booklet on labor problem, by Albert J. Leitch, Business Counsellor. Enthusiastically received by employers. Put into hands of your workmen and save trouble. Three cents per ecpy. National Association of Upholstered Furniture Manufacturers, 664 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, Ill.

ORDERS WANTED FOR-1 x 4 and wider QTD White Oak Table Tops 17 inches long up to 49 inches long in multiples of 2 inches; 1 x 4 and wider 12 inches long QTD Oak Seat Stock; 6-4 x 4 and wider, 19 inches and 21 inches QTD White Oak Seat Stock. Also small Plain Oak dimension. Address. Locker 4, care FURNI TURE MANUFACTURER AND ARTISAN.

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