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THE following observations on Italy, and on Italian manners, occurred in the course of the same Tour in which those contained in a book lately published, entitled, A View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany, were made. All who have read that Book will perceive, at first sight, that the present Work is a continuation of the former: but to those who have not, it was thought necessary to account for the abrupt manner in which the following Letters begin.

CLARGES STREET, December 14, 1780.




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shion in Matters of Taste-Prejudice-The Excellence of Italian Comic


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XLII. The Beatification of a Saint...........

XLIII. Character of Modern Italians-Observations on Human Nature

in General-An English Officer-Cause of the Frequency of the Crime

of Murder......


XLIV. Different Kinds of Punishment-Account of an Execution-Souls

in Purgatory.


XLV. The Usual Course with an Antiquarian-An Expeditious Course,

by a Young Englishman-The Villa Borghese............ ........208

XLVI. The Morning Study of an Artist-Conversation with Him on that

Subject-An Italian Lady and her Confessor-The Lady's Religious

Scruples and Precaution.....


XLVII. Busts and Statues of distinguished Romans Of Heathen Deities
-Passion of the Greeks and Romans for Sculpture-Farnesian Hercu-
les criticised by a Lady-Remarks on that Statue-On the Flora-Ef-
LX. Herculaneum-Portici-Pompeia.....

LXI. Poetical Rehearsers in the Streets of Naples-Street Orators and

Historians-Improuvisatories-Signora Corilla-Sensibility of Italians

-English Gentlemen of the Ton-A Neapolitan Mountebank......303

LXII. A Visit to Mount Vesuvius.......


LXIII. Observations on the Pulmonary Consumption.....................317

LXIV. Neapolitan and English Customs and Characters criticized and

compared, in a Conversation between two English Gentlemen.........335

LXV. The Liquefaction of St. Januarius's Blood-Procession, Ceremo-
nies, Anxiety of the People-Their Preposterous Abuse of the Saint-
Observation of a Roman Catholic.....


LXVI. The Tomb of Virgil-Pausilippo-A Neapolitan Valet-Grotta

del Cane-Campi Phlegrei, Solfaterra, Monte Nuova, &c.-Puzzoli-



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