Toward a Science Policy for the United States: Report, Ninety-first Congress, Second SessionU.S. Government Printing Office, 1970 - 115 pagini |
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Pagina 13
... Senate has no such counterpart , no science focal point . While we make no suggestions as to how or where this sort of responsibility might be lodged in the Senate , our experience over a decade convinces us not only of the improved ...
... Senate has no such counterpart , no science focal point . While we make no suggestions as to how or where this sort of responsibility might be lodged in the Senate , our experience over a decade convinces us not only of the improved ...
Pagina 14
... Senator Mansfield has done an important service in calling this situation to the attention of the Con- 7 H.R. 18469 , Aug. 6. 1970 . 8 H. Rept . 91-1437 , Sept. 9 , 1970 . gress and the Nation with respect to one mission agency 14.
... Senator Mansfield has done an important service in calling this situation to the attention of the Con- 7 H.R. 18469 , Aug. 6. 1970 . 8 H. Rept . 91-1437 , Sept. 9 , 1970 . gress and the Nation with respect to one mission agency 14.
Pagina 34
... Senator Mike Mansfield stated that- I believe section 203 is a necessary and practicable step towards the goal of reducing the heavy dependence of American science that has built up since the early 1950's . Properly and imaginatively ...
... Senator Mike Mansfield stated that- I believe section 203 is a necessary and practicable step towards the goal of reducing the heavy dependence of American science that has built up since the early 1950's . Properly and imaginatively ...
Pagina 49
... Senate to implement this concept . In the discussion of the pluralistic system above , arguments against a centralized Depart- ment of Science were noted . Strong support for such a Department was voiced by Dr. Albert Noyes , Jr ...
... Senate to implement this concept . In the discussion of the pluralistic system above , arguments against a centralized Depart- ment of Science were noted . Strong support for such a Department was voiced by Dr. Albert Noyes , Jr ...
Pagina 50
... Senate and House Com- mittee on Science and Technology be created to accept and consider the report submitted by the proposed Council on Science and Tech- nology . He stated that this " would help ensure that the political deci- sions ...
... Senate and House Com- mittee on Science and Technology be created to accept and consider the report submitted by the proposed Council on Science and Tech- nology . He stated that this " would help ensure that the political deci- sions ...
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
90th Congress administration application appropriations basic research basic scientific research budget Bureau colleges Commission Committee on Science concern Congress congressional continued coordinated Council decade Department of Defense departments and agencies Dupree economic Edward Condon effort EMILIO Q engineering establishment executive expenditures Federal agencies Federal Government Federal research Federal science policy Federal support fiscal grants Haggerty Handler higher education House Hunter Dupree important increase industry institutions legislation major manpower ment military million mission agencies Myron Tribus National Academy national policy National Science Foundation national science policy NIRAS organization OSRD percent Philip Handler President problems proposed recommendations research and development responsibility role Science and Astronautics science and technology science education scientific and technological scientists Senate space program specific Sputnik Subcommittee on Science support of basic support of science technology assessment tion United universities witnesses World War II
Pasaje populare
Pagina 90 - Foundation is authorized and directed — (1) to develop and encourage the pursuit of a national policy for the promotion of basic research and education in the sciences...
Pagina 101 - But in a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon — if we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation. For all of us must work to put him there.
Pagina 69 - to raise and support Armies" and "to provide and maintain a Navy.
Pagina 101 - Now it is time to take longer strides — time for a great new American enterprise — time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on earth.
Pagina 11 - Scientific research, of course, has never been amenable to rigorous cost accounting in advance. Nor, for that matter, has exploration of any sort. But if we have learned one lesson, it is that research and exploration have a remarkable way of paying off— quite apart from the fact that they demonstrate that man is alive and insatiably curious.
Pagina 97 - (a) Astronautical research and development, including resources, personnel, equipment, and facilities. "(b) Bureau of Standards, standardization of weights and measures and the metric system. "(c) National Aeronautics and Space Administration. "(d) National Aeronautics and Space Council. "(e) National Science Foundation. "(f) Outer space, including exploration and control thereof. "(g) Science scholarships. "(h) Scientific research and development.
Pagina 12 - As now or hereafter authorized or permitted by law, the Foundation shall be increasingly responsible for providing support by the Federal Government for general-purpose basic research through contracts and grants. The conduct and support by other Federal agencies of basic research in areas which are closely related to their missions is recognized as important and desirable, especially in response to current national needs, and shall continue.
Pagina 68 - Hearings before the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Development of the House Committee on Science and Astronautics, The Adequacy of Technology for Pollution Abatement Vol.
Pagina 111 - I am determined that no Government sponsorship of foreign area research should be undertaken which in the judgment of the Secretary of State would adversely affect United States foreign relations.
Pagina 82 - For our present purposes, the most significant discovery or development of the. Second World War was not the technical secrets that were involved in radar or the atomic bomb; it was the administrative system and the set of operating policies that produced such technological feats.