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be but as unconcerned, as you are safe, and trust him to my management.

Wood. I must venture it; because to be seen here would have the same effect, as to be taken within. Yet I doubt you are too confident. [He goes in.. Enter LIMBERHAM and BRAINSICK.

Limb. How now, Pug? returned so soon! Trick. When I saw you came not for me, I was loth to be long without you.

Limb. But which way came you, that I saw you


Trick. The back way; by the garden door,
Limb. How long have you been here?
Trick. Just come before you.

Limb. O, then all's well. For, to tell you true, Pug, I had a kind of villainous apprehension that' you had been here longer: but whatever thou sayest is an oracle, sweet Pug, and I am satisfied.

Brain. Aside.] How infinitely she gulls him! and he so stupid not to find it! [To her. If he be still within, madam, (you know my meaning?) here's Bilbo ready to forbid your keeper entrance.

Trick. [Aside.] Woodall must have told him of our appointment.-What think you of walking down, Mr Limberham?

Limb. I'll but visit the chamber a little first. Trick. What new maggot's this? you dare not, sure, be jealous!

Limb. No, I protest, sweet Pug, I am not only to satisfy my curiosity; that's but reasonable, you know.

Trick. Come, what foolish curiosity?

Limb. You must know, Pug, I was going but just now, in obedience to your commands, to enquire of the health and safety of your jewels, and my brother Brainsick most barbarously forbade me en

trance-nay, I dare accuse you, when Pug's by to back me ;-but now I am resolved I will go see them, or somebody shall smoke for it.

Brain. But I resolve you shall not. If she pleases to command my person, I can comply with the obligation of a cavalier.

Trick. But what reason had you to forbid him, then, sir?

Limb. Ay, what reason had you to forbid me, then, sir?

Brain. "Twas only my caprichio, madam.-Now must I seem ignorant of what she knows full well.

[Aside. Trick. We'll enquire the cause at better leisure: come down, Mr Limberham.

Limb. Nay, if it were only his caprichio, I am satisfied; though I must tell you, I was in a kind of huff, to hear him Tan ta ra, tan ta ra, a quarter of an hour together; for Tan ta ra is but an odd kind of sound, you know, before a man's chamber.


Pleas. [Aside.] Judith has assured me, he must be there; and, I am resolved, I'll satisfy my revenge at any rate upon my rivals.

Trick. Mrs Pleasance is come to call us: pray let us go.

Pleas. Oh dear, Mr Limberham, I have had the dreadfullest dream to-night, and am come to tell it you: I dreamed you left your mistress's jewels in your chamber, and the door open.

Limb. In good time be it spoken; and so I did, Mrs Pleasance.

Pleas. And that a great swinging thief came in, and whipt them out.

Limb. Marry, heaven forbid!

Trick. This is ridiculous: I'll speak to your mo

ther, madam, not to suffer you to eat such heavy suppers.

Limb. Nay, that's very true; for, you may remember, she fed very much upon larks and pigeons; and they are very heavy meat, as Pug says.

Trick. The jewels are all safe; I looked on them.
Brain. Will you never stand corrected, Mrs Plea-


Pleas. Not by you; correct your matrimony.And methought, of a sudden this thief was turned to Mr Woodall; and that, hearing Mr Limberham come, he slipt for fear into the closet.

Trick. I looked all over it; I'm sure he is not there. Come away, dear.

Brain. What, I think you are in a dream too, brother Limberham.

Limb. If her dream should come out now! 'tis good to be sure, however.

Trick. You are sure; have not I said it? You had best make Mr Woodall a thief, madam.

Pleas. I make him nothing, madam: but the thief in my dream was like Mr Woodall; and that thief may have made Mr Limberham something.

Limb. Nay, Mr Woodall is no thief, that's certain; but if a thief should be turned to Mr Woodall, that may be something.

Trick. Then I'll fetch out the jewels: will that satisfy you?

Brain. That shall satisfy him.

Limb. Yes, that shall satisfy me.

Pleas. Then you are a predestinated fool, and somewhat worse, that shall be nameless. Do you not see how grossly she abuses you? my life on't, there's somebody within, and she knows it; otherwise she would suffer you to bring out the jewels. Limb. Nay, I am no predestinated fool; and therefore, Pug, give way.

Trick. I will not satisfy your humour.

Limb. Then I will satisfy it myself: for my generous blood is up, and I'll force my entrance.

Brain. Here's Bilbo, then, shall bar you; atoms are not so small, as I will slice the slave. Ha! fate and furies!

Limb. Ay, for all your fate and furies, I charge you, in his majesty's name, to keep the peace: now, disobey authority, if you dare.


Trick. Fear him not, sweet Mr Brainsick.

Pleas. to Brain. But, if you should hinder him, may trouble you at law, sir, and say you robbed him of his jewels.

Limb. That is well thought on. I will accuse him heinously; there and therefore fear and tremble.

Brain. My allegiance charms me: I acquiesce. The occasion is plausible to let him pass.-Now let the burnished beams upon his brow blaze broad, for the brand he cast upon the Brainsick. [Aside. Trick. Dear Mr Limberham, come back, and hear


Limb. Yes, I will hear thee, Pug.

Pleas. Go on; my life for yours, he is there. Limb. I am deaf as an adder; I will not hear thee, nor have no commiseration.

[Struggles from her, and rushes in. Trick. Then I know the worst, and care not. [LIMBERHAM comes running out with the Jewels, followed by WOODALL, with his Sword drawn.

Limb. O save me, Pug, save me!

[Gets behind her.

Wood. A slave, to come and interrupt me at my devotions! but I will

Limb. Hold, hold, since you are so devout; for heaven's sake, hold!

Brain. Nay, monsieur Woodall!

Trick. For my sake, spare him.

Limb. Yes, for Pug's sake, spare me.

Wood. I did his chamber the honour, when my own was not open, to retire thither; and he to disturb me, like a profane rascal as he was.

Limb. [Aside.] I believe he had the devil for his chaplain, an' a man durst tell him so.

Wood. What is that you mutter?

Limb. Nay, nothing; but that I thought you had not been so well given. I was only afraid of Pug's jewels.

Wood. What, does he take me for a thief? nay then

Limb. O mercy, mercy!

Pleas. Hold, sir; it was a foolish dream of mine that set him on. I dreamt, a thief, who had been just reprieved for a former robbery, was venturing his neck a minute after in Mr Limberham's closet. Wood. Are you thereabouts, i'faith! A pox of Artemidorus *.

Trick. I have had a dream, too, concerning Mrs Brainsick, and perhaps

Wood. Mrs Tricksy, a word in private with you by your keeper's leave.

Limb. Yes, sir, you may speak your pleasure to her; and, if you have a mind to go to prayers together, the closet is open.

Wood. [To TRICK.] You but suspect it at most, and cannot prove it: if you value me, you will not engage me in a quarrel with her husband.

Artemidorus, the sophist of Cnidos, was the soothsayer who prophesied the death of Cæsar. Shakespeare has introduced him m his tragedy of "Julius Cæsar."

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