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In the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him. Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Ps. 32, 6, 7. Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word. Ps. 119. 114.

22. What does the Holy Spirit say to us in 2 Cor. 6. 2?-That now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation.

23. Can there be a time when even God shall forget to be gracious?—Yes; as when, in the parable of the ten virgins, the door was shut. Matt. 25. 10.

NOAH. (Gen. 7; 8; 9.)

1. How long was the ark building?-Perhaps a great part of the time that Noah was preaching, or of the one hundred and twenty years mentioned in Gen. 6. 3.

2. How old were Noah and his sons when they went into the ark?-Noah, six hundred years (Gen. 7. 6), and his sons about one hundred. Gen. 5. 32; 11. 10.

3. Who shut them in?-God himself. Gen. 7. 16. 4. What went into the ark with them?-(Besides their wives) seven, or two, of every living creature. Gen. 7. 2, 3, 7-9, 13-16.

5. How long did it continue days and nights. Gen. 7. 12.

raining ?-Forty

6. How long did the waters continue ?-One hundred and fifty days. Gen. 7. 24.

7. How did Noah ascertain when the waters had abated?-By sending out a dove, which returned with an olive leaf in its mouth; and which, when sent out again, did not return at all. Gen. 8. 10-12.

8. Why did not the raven return to the ark?It probably often went forth and returned, as the words "to and fro" are explained in the margin to mean. Gen. 8. 7. But if it met with floating carcasses, it might not come in for food.

9. Of what is that an emblem?-Perhaps of the carnal heart, content with the corrupt enjoyments of the world.

10. And is there anything to be learnt from the opposite conduct of the dove?-The privilege of the soul, unsatisfied with the world, returning to Christ Jesus as its rest.

11. What does the Lord Jesus say in Matt. 11. 28-30?-Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

12. What was Noah's first act when he came forth from the ark ?He built an altar and offered a sacrifice. Gen. 8. 20.

13. What was the burnt offering?-A bullock, sheep, goat, turtledove or young pigeon. Lev. 1. 14. Did God accept it?-It pleased him, as a sweet savor or smell. Gen. 8. 21.

15. What promise did God give Noah at that time? That he would not again curse the ground any more for man's sake, etc. Gen. 8. 21-23; 9. 2.

16, 17. Did God condescend to give him a token? What was it?-He said that the rainbow should be a token or remembrance of his covenant or promise. Gen. 9. 8-17.

18. Does it remain?--Yes.

strain bloodthirsty cruelty to man or beast. Gen. 5. 6.

23. What evll use did Noah afterward make of the fruits of the earth?-He once became drunk with wine. Gen. 9. 21.

24. Does the Bible cover up and hide the sins of God's people?—No, it mentions them when ever it seemed to the wisdom of God to be desirable to do so.

25. What does the Psalmist say of God's word in Ps. 119. 140?-That it is very pure". Many books and magazines and newspapers in our days are very impure, and are witten to please the impure.

26. Which of Noah's sons brought a curse on his posterity by his conduct to his father on this occasion?-Ham.

27. Do the effects of this curse continue to the present time? Where?-Yes; in Africa, which was peopled by the descendants of Ham, and is the chief scene of the horrible traffic in slaves.

28. Show the fulfillment of Shem's blessing.God's people, the Jews, and Christ himself descended from Shem.

29. Describe how Japheth has been enlarged.— By his descendants, the Greeks and Romans, and by many Gentile nations sprung from him.

30. How old was Noah when he died?-Nine hundred and fifty years. Gen. 9. 29.

THE TOWER OF BABEL. (Gen. 10; 11.)

1. What mighty nations have their origin given in these chapters?-The Chaldeans, Assyrians, and Canaanites.

2. Were the genealogies and histories of all these nations continued in the Bible?-No.

3. Why was one family singled out for this special honor?-Because out of it came Jesus Christ.

4. What great event happened in the days of Peleg?-The scattering of mankind over all the earth. Gen. 11. 9. Unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg-i. e., division (margin), because in his days the earth was divided. 1 Chron. 1. 19.

5. Why did God thus divide or scatter men? -To restrain them from building the tower of Babel.

6. What motive had these men in building the tower?-To form a conspicuous gathering-point, in defiance of the divine intention.

7. Of what did they compose it? Of bricks, joined together with mortar of slime or mud that dried hard.

8. Are there any remains of the materials of which it was built yet in existence? Where?-Yes, in the ruins of Babylon.

9. Where did Shem's family remove to?-Some of them from Upper and Middle Asia to Canaan. 10. Which of Abraham's ancestors were alive when he was born?-Nahor and Terah.

11. How old was Shem when Abram was born? Four hundred and fifty-two years. [B. C. 24481996.] Gen. 5. 32; 11. 27.

12. How many years did Shem live after Avram was born?-One hundred and forty-nine years. [B. C. 1996-1847.] Gen. 11. 10, 11.

13. What was the name of Abram's father?Terah. Gen. 11. 26.

14. How many years had he lived with Noah? 29; 11. 24.

19. When does it appear?-Whenever the sun-One hundred and twenty-eight years. Gen. 5. shines upon rain.

20. Did God make any change in man's food at that time?-He gave him animal food, in addition to his former vegetable food. Gen. 9. 3.

21. Under what restriction?-That the blood should not be used with the flesh. Gen. 9. 4.

22. Why was not blood to be eaten?-Because

15. Was Noah alive when Abram was born?No, he died two years before. Gen. 9, 29.

16. Was Adam alive when Noah was born?No; he died one hundred and twenty-six years before.

17. Was Adam alive when Lamech was born!

it was a type of the blood of Christ; and to re--Yes.


18. How many years did they live together? -Fifty-six.

19. How many years before Noah did Adam die?-One hundred and twenty-six years before Noah was born.

23. How had Lot prospered ?-Very much. Gen. 13. 5.

24. What was the result?-A quarrel between the herdmen of the two. Gen. 13. 6, 7.

25. How did Abram behave on this occasion?

Lot the choice of the land. Gen. 13, 8, 9.

20. Do we not see by this how nearly Adam-He proposed that they should part, and gave and Abram were contemporaries, although the world was nearly twenty hundred years old when Abram was born?-There were only Lamech, Noah and Terah between them.

ABRAHAM. (Gen. 11-22.)

1. What was the name of Abram's father?Terah. Gen. 11. 26.

26. Do you think Lot behaved as well as Abram in this affair?-He made no liberal offer in return, and thought more of the goodness of the pasture than of the character of the people. When choosing a family or a place to reside in, we should know whether God is feared in it, and his truth faithfully taught.

27. Had Lot cause

repent his choice?-He

2. Where was Abram born?-In Ur of the suffered constant distress of mind, and at length Chaldees. Gen. 11. 28.

3. Did his father die there?-No.

4. To what land did his father remove?-To

Haran, on the way to Canaan.

5. Which of Abram's brothers died before they left their native land?-Haran. Gen. 11. 28.

6. Did he leave a son, and what was his name?-Lot. Gen. 11. 27.

7. Did this grandson accompany Terah and Abram to Harau ?-Yes. Gen. 11. 31.

8. Where did Terah die?-In Haran. Gen. 11. 32.


9. After his father's death, did Abrem stay in Haran?-No.

10. Why did he remove?-Because God told him so to do.

11. Who went with him?-Sarai his wife, and Lot and their servants.

12. What relation was Lot to Abram?-His nephew.

13. Where are Ur, Haran and Canaan?-Ur is in Chaldea, to the south-east of Babylon; Haran is in Mesopotamia, between Nineveh and Tarsus; and Canaan is on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, and is now called Palestine or the Holy Land.

14. Where did Abram first settle, and what was his first act in the land of Canaan?-At Sichem, in the plain of Moreh, near Samaria, where he built an altar to God, who appeared to him.

15. What remarkable circumstance in the history of Jacob happened there ?-Jacob buried under an oak there the idols and earrings taken from his household. Gen. 35, 4.

16. What acts of Joshua's again distinguished this spot when he first subdued Canaan?-His assembling of the tribes of Israel to renew their covenant with God; his appointing Shechem one of the cities of refuge; his reading the law be tween Mounts Gerizim and Ebal. Josh. 24. 1, 25, 26; 20. 7; 8. 33.

17. At what place did he rear the tabernacle, and at his death make a covenant with Israel? At Shiloh, near Sichem. Josh, 18.1. At Shechem, See No. 16.

18. What event in the New Testament yet further endears the spot to us?-Our Lord's conversation at Sychar with the woman of Samaria as he sat wearied upon Jacob's well. John 4. 5–42.

19. Did Abram continue to live at Sichem? Why ?-He removed to the neighborhood of Bethel, being zoubtless directed by God to enter farther into the land. Gen. 12. 8, 9; 13. 17.

20. What sin was Abram guilty of in Egypt? -Of want of truthfulness and faith respecting Sarai his wife. Gen. 12. 11-20.

21. What does this teach us?-We have before proved, both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; as it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one. Rom. 3. 9, 10.


22. Was Abram a rich or a poor man?-He was very rich. Gen. 13. 2.

narrowly escaped with his life, with the loss of his wife and of many of his family, and of most or all of his substance. Gen. 19. 15-29.

Delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of th icked: (for that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds:) 2 Pet. 2. 7, 8.

28. Why? What kind of people did he go to sojourn amongst ?-Exceedingly wicked. Gen.

13. 13.

29. After this reparation how did God manifest himself to Abrain?-He repeated to him his promises. Gen. 13. 14-17.


30. What doleful news did Abram soon hear of Lot?-That Lot and his goods had been carried away in a war with Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 14. 12, 13.

31. How did Abram act?-He armed his men and went in pursuit. Gen. 14. 14.

32. Was he successful? Give an account of the expedition.-He divided his men, and attacked the enemy by night on several sides at once, routing them and recovering the prisoners and their goods. Gen. 14. 15, 16.

33. Who met Abram on ins return?-Melchize dek, king of Salem. Gen. 14. 18.

34. Where must Melchizedek have lived? Trace Abram's resting-place and the field of battle, and see what spot is between the two.-At the present Jerusalem, which is between Dan and Mamre. Gen. 13. 18.

35. Is this mysterious person ever alluded to again in Scripture? Where?-Heb. 6. 20; 7. 1-3.

36. Of whom was he a type ?-Of Christ, in being both King and Priest; and also in his eternity, nothing being told us of his birth and death.

37. What is a type?-Ser page 3. Gen. 4. 4.

38. How did Abram behave after the battle, when urged by the king of Sodom to take part of the speil?--He declined taking anything but some food for his men. Gen. 14. 21-24.


39. What wonderful prophecy does this chapter record?-That Abram's seed or descendants should be in number as the stars. Gen. 15. 5.

40. Had Abram at this time any children?-No. Gen. 15. 3.

41. To what did God compare the number of his seed?-See No. 39.

42. Did Abram believe the Lord?-Yes. 43. What was his faith accounted or reckoned for?-For righteousness. Gen. 15. 6.

44. Is faith, then, very precious in the estimation of God?--Yes, for his Son's sake.

45. What is faith?-That belief in Christ, as our own Saviour, which unites us to him, and makes us righteous before God in and through him.

46. Does this account concern us?-Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; but for us also, to whom it


shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jésus our Lord from the dead; who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. Rom. 4. 23-25.

47. How much land did God promise to Abram?-From a river in or near Egypt to the Euphrates. Gen. 15. 18-21.


48. Who was Hagar?-One of Sarai's waitingmaids. Gen. 16. 1.

49. Why did Abram take her to be his wife?That Sarai might, by her, have children that would be reckoned as her own, and from whom the Messiah might come. Gen. 16. 2.

50. Did Sarai use her kindly ?-Hagar, when likely to have children, despised her mistress, and Sarai dealt hardly with her. Gen. 16. 4-6.

51. What did Hagar do?-She ran away. 52. Did the Lord approve of Hagar running away from her mistress?-No; he ordered her to return and submit herself. Gen. 16. 9.

Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. 1 Pet. 2. 18-20.

53. What did God promise her?-That he would multiply her seed exceedingly; and the Arabians have sprung from her. Gen. 16. 10.

54. After she returned what event happened?

-She had a son.

55. What name was given to Hagar's son ?Abram called him Ishmael.

56. How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?-Eighty-six.


57. When Abram was ninety-nine years of age, what further covenant did God enter into with him?-He renewed his promise that he should have a great posterity, and covenanted to be his God, and to be their God. Gen. 17. 1-8.

58. How did Abram show his love to Ishmael? -He prayed that he might live before God, or be favored by him. Gen. 17. 18.

59. Did God accept Abram's prayer?-He blessed Ishmael, and promised to make him a great nation. Gen. 17. 20.

60. Who was to be the promised seed?-Isaac, who was not yet born, and with whom God established his covenant. Gen. 17. 19.

61. How long did God fix for the fulfillment of his promise to Abram and his wife?-A whole year. Gen. 17. 21.

62. How did the Lord alter their names?From Abram, or "high father," to Abraham, or, "multitude of nations;" and from Sarai, my princess," to Sarah, or "princess of a multitude." 63. What does the name Abraham signify?— See No. 62.

64. What does Sarah's name express ?-See No. 62.

65. How old was Ishmael when he was circumcised?-Thirteen.


66. Where was Mamre ?-Near Hebron, in Judah. Gen. 13. 18.

67. What remarkable event happened to Abraham there?-Three angels or heavenly visitors appeared to him in the form of men.

68. What is said of this visit in Heb. 13. 2?Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

69. Did Abraham at first know whom he was entertaining? How did he find it out?-He took

them at first for ordinary travelers, but found out, by what one of them said, that they were angels and the Son of God. Gen. 18. 10, 14.

70. What is Abraham called in Isa. 41. 8?-The friend of God. James 2. 23.

71. How did Sarah displease the Lord at this time?-By laughing within herself at the unlikelihood of what he said.

72. What was she tempted to do when the Lord expressed his displeasure?-To deny that she had laughed.

73. When the three heavenly visitors had eaten with Abraham, did they all depart from him together?-The Angel, Son of God, remained, and the other two angels went toward Sodom. Gen. 18. 22.

74. Who stayed, and who went ?-See No. 73. 75. To what place did those who departed go? -See No. 73.

76. Why did they visit Sodom?-To destroy it and to rescue Lot.

77. How came Abraham to know the purpose of their visit to Sodom?-From what the Lord said to him. Gen. 18. 20, 21.

78. Did Abraham venture to plead for the city? How?-By six times asking the Lord to spare it if there were fifty, forty-five, forty, thirty, twenty, and even ten, righteous persons in it. Gen. 18. 23-32.

79. Did God permit him to go on as long as he would? How did the Lord reply?-The Lord put no check upon his intercession, and consented to do all that he asked.

80. What should this teach us?-To persevere in prayer. Men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Luke 18. 1.

Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his flerce anger, that we perish not? And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry. And he prayed unto the Lord, and said, I pray thee, O Lord, was not this my saying, when I was yet in my country? Therefore I fled before unto Tarshish: for I knew that thou art a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil. Jonah 3. 9, 10-4, 1, 2,

81. Who has turned away the righteous anger of God from us, and yet pleads our cause?—If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for our's only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2.1, 2.


82. Where did Lot dwell?--In Sodom.

83. What is said of him in 2 Pet. 2. 9?-The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.

84. What happened to him one evening as he sat in the gate of the city ?-Two angels came to him. Gen. 18. 22: 19. 1.

85. Who did those persons prove to be?-See No. 84. 86. For what did they visit Sodom ?-To destroy it and to rescue Lot. 87. Did they find it as wicked as they expected?-It could hardly be worse than it was. Gen. 18. 21.

88. In what way did they punish the men who wished to get into Lot's house?-They struck them blind. Gen. 19. 11.

89. How many of Lot's family believed the warning and filed with him?-His wife and two daughters. Gen. 19. 16.

90. Did all these eventually escape? Describe the circumstances of Lot's wife.-The daughters


escaped, but his wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. Gen. 19. 26.

91. How are we reminded of this in the New Testament?-In the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. In that day, he which shall be on the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. Remember Lot's wife. Luke 17. 28-32.

92. Does there remain any relic of this awful event at the present day?-The Dead Sea, with its deadly waters.

93. Of what is the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah a type?-Or the future destruction of the world by fire.

94. What did the angel say to Lot when he pleaded for Zoar?-That he would not overthrow it. Gen. 19. 20-22.

95. What does that teach us?-The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Pet. 3. 9.

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113. Were the Philistines always friendly with Abraham's posterity, or the reverse? Is there any instance in Scripture ?-They were frequently at war with each other, as in the days of Samson and of David and Goliath.


109. Who was Abraham's rightful heir and child of promise?-Isaac. Gen. 21. 1-3, 12.

110. What testimony to Abraham's God, by a stranger, does this chapter record?-King Abimelech said that God was with Abraham in all that he did. Gen. 21. 22.

111. What is the meaning of the word Beersheba?-The "well of the oath." Gen. 21. 31.

112. Where was Abraham sojourning at this time?-In the land of the Philistines. Gen. 21. 31.

125. Is Mount Morian mentioned again in Scripture?-Yes, in 2 Chron. 3. 1. Then Solomon began to build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem in Mount Moriah, where the Lord apDavid had prepared in the threshingfloor of peared unto David his father, in the place that sidered to be the same mountain.] Ornan the Jebusite. [But this is not now con126. What magnificent building stood on that mount?-Solomon's temple.


127. Give the account why this place was chosen for that building.-See No. 125.

128. What beautiful edifice now stands there? -The mosque of Omar, a Mohammedan place of worship.

129. What do the Jews feel when they see this?-Doubtless deep grief, as they often visit a place near it called "the place of wailing."

130. What special covenant did the Lord renew with Abraham at this time?-That in Abraham's seed should all the nations of the earth be blessed. Gen. 22. 15-18.

131. Why is Nahor's posterity mentioned here? -Because one of them was Rebekah, Isaac's future wife.

ISAAC AND REBEKAH. (Gen. 23; 24.)

1. How old was Sarah when she died?-One hundred and twenty-seven years.

2. Where did Abraham bury her?--In the cave of Mashpelah, near Mamre, Hebron, or Kirjatharba. Gen. 23. 2, 19.

3. How did he obtain possession of this buryingplace?-By purchase from Ephron the Hit

tite. Gen. 23. 3-18.

4. What did that show?-That Abraham had no land of his own. Gen. 23. 4.

5. How old was Isaac when his mother died? -About thirty-seven.

6. How many years did he live solitary and alone before he married?-Forty years from his birth, and latterly near the well Lahai-roi, in the south country. Gen. 23. 62.

7. How did his father obtain a wife for him? -He sent his steward to his own kindred in Mesopotamia for the purpose, after pledging him not to seek for one among the heathen around him. Gen. 24. 2, 3, 4, 10. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Only in the Lord. 2 Cor. 6. 14; 1 Cor. 7. 39.

8. Whom did Abraham send on this important mission ?-See No. 7.

9. What was the name of this "eldest servant" of Abraham's house?-Eliezer of Damascus. Gen. 15. 2.

10. How did this servant act?-With prudence, prayerfulness, diligence and courtesy. Gen. 24.


11. Did he succeed in his mission ?-He was led by God's providence to the house of Abraham's nephew, Bethuel, and obtained daughter, Rebekah. Gen. 24. 15, 51.

12. Whom did he bring?-See No. 11.


13. What did he give to his young master's intended bride?-Golden earrings, bracelets, jewels of silver and gold, and raiment, according to the custom of those lands and times. Gen. 24. 22, 30, 53.

14. How did he describe his master's possessions? That the Lord had greatly blessed him, and given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, etc. Gen. 24. 35.

15. Was she willing to leave her home on this report? She was. Gen. 24. 58.

16. Did she find it all true?-Doubtless she did. Gen. 13. 2.

17. Who came out to meet her?-Isaac himself. Gen. 24. 62, 63.

18. Where did he take her, and how did he feel toward her?-To his mother's tent, and she became his wife, and he loved her. Gen. 24. 67.

19. Is this interesting account a type of spiritual things?-Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.-For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. 1 Cor. 10. 11; Rom. 15. 4.

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20. Of whom is Abraham the type here?-Of God the Father.

21. Of whom is Rebekah the type?-Of his Church and people.

22. Of whom is Eliezer the type?-Of God's Spirit, who finds those who are far from him, and brings them to him.

23. Of whom is Isaac the type?-Of Christ, the Bridegroom of the Church.

24. And of what great event is the closing scene the type?-Of the Church, the bride of Christ, being presented to him spotless at the last day.

25. How are we interested in this?-We must each of us be found by him, and given to him, and adorned and sanctified by him, if we seek to live with him eternally.

JACOB AND ESAU. (Gen. 25; 26; 27.)

1. Whom did Abraham marry after Sarah's death?-Keturah. Gen. 25, 1.

2. How many children had she?-Six. 3. How did he portion them?-He made them gifts.

4. To whom did he leave his great riches?-To Isaac.

5. How old was Abraham when he died?-One hundred and seventy-five years.

6. Who buried him?-Isaac and Ishmael. 7. By what title are Ishmael's twelve sons called?-Princes.

8. What was Isaac's occupation, although his father's heir?-That of a herdsman and shep herd.

9. Of whom is he a type in this?-Of Christ, who humbled himself, though Lord of all.

10. How many sons had Isaac ?-Two, Esau and Jacob. Gen. 25. 26.

11. Were they born before Abraham's death? -Yes, fifteen years. Is there not a proof of this in the New Testament?

By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not know. ing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise. Heb. 11. 8, 9. 12. What was the difference personally between those two boys?-Esau was red or hairy, and Jacob smooth. Gen. 25. 25; 27. 11.

13. Did they grow up alike? Describe them. -Esau was a skillful hunter, and Jacob a quiet man, fond of home. Gen. 25. 27.

14. Which was the firstborn?-Esau.

15. Did he value his birthright? The proof?He sold it, when hungry and faint, to Jacob for a dish of potted beans or other food. So thousands, for present pleasure, will risk or lose their souls.

16. To whom did he sell it, and for what?— See No. 15.


17. What was Isaac's character?-His conduct in this chapter entitles him to the character of a peacemaker. Gen 26. 14-31.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matt. 5. 9.

18. What covenant did God renew with Isaac! -The covenant he had made with Abraham. Gen 26. 2-5.

19. What direction did God give Isaac as to his place of sojourn?-That he should not go down into Egypt, but dwell among the Philistines at Gerar. Gen. 26. 1, 2, 6.

20. How did he act there?-He was guilty of the same weakness and sin about his wife as Abraham was. Gen. 26, 7-11.

21. How did the Philistines behave, toward

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