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of the photosphere to around 4300 at the base of the chromosphere, and then rising through the chromosphere, at first slowly but then very steeply to between 500 000 and 1000 000 K at the top. This temperature curve posed a problem, for it was assumed that the corona derived its heat from the chromosphere, yet that would imply that heat was flowing from a colder region to a hotter one, contrary to the laws of thermodynamics. As late as 1972 Leo Goldberg, director of Kitt Peak National Observatory, pointed to this phenomenon as "the most important unsolved mystery surrounding the quiet sun."62

Above the chromosphere lies the corona, the sun's exosphere. Here 1000000 K temperatures prevail, and an important problem facing the solar physicist was to explain how the corona gets its energy. Although the corona is extremely hot and very active, its density is so very low that it is not normally visible from the ground, where it is completely obscured by scattered sunlight in the earth's atmosphere. Only during solar eclipses, with the moon blocking out the sun's disk, could the astronomer get a good look at the entire corona. One of the benefits of rockets and satellites was to permit carrying coronagraphs above the light-scattering atmosphere where the corona could be seen even in the absence of a solar eclipse.

Much of solar physics concerns the interplay among the different regions of the sun. This interplay, however, can be followed only in terms of its effect upon the radiations emitted from those regions. For this reason, one of the first tasks of the astronomer was to obtain good spectra of the sun and their variation with time. Regions from which radiations of highly ionized atoms came would be hot regions, and temperatures could be estimated. The magnetic field intensities, for example in sunspots, could be estimated from the splitting of lines emitted within the field. If a cooler gas overlay a hotter, similar gas, the cooler gas would absorb some of the light emitted by the hotter one. This would produce reversals in the emission lines of the hotter gas, generating the famous Fraunhofer lines of the solar spectrum discovered in the 19th century. By piecing together information of this kind, the locations of different gases relative to each other and their temperatures could be determined. Changes in magnetic field that occurred in association with solar activity, such as the appearance of solar flares, could be followed. Changes were important, since there were strong indications that magnetic fields were the source of much of the energy in solar flares.

These techniques were, of course, applicable in the visible wavelengths and were employed to the fullest by the ground-based astronomer. The space astronomer simply provided an additional handle on things by furnishing spectral data in the ultraviolet and x-ray wavelengths. And these data began to accumulate from the very earliest sounding rocket flights. Year by year, flight by flight, they were added to until by the end of the

decade the solar spectrum was known in great detail from visible through the ultraviolet wavelengths and into the x-rays.63

A powerful technique for study of the sun is that of imaging the sun in a single line; for example, the red line emitted by hydrogen known as hydrogen alpha. In such spectroheliograms, as they are called, one can see the structure and activity of the sun associated with that line. Spectroheliograms taken in hydrogen, calcium, and other lines in the visible have long been an effective tool for the study of solar activity. Members of the Naval Research Laboratory group pioneered the use of this technique in space astronomy, where it was possible to get spectroheliograms in both the ultraviolet and x-rays.64 These, taken with photographs in the visible, gave a powerful means of discerning and analyzing active regions on the sun. Sequences of such images taken over many days, or at intervals of 27 days, the solar rotation period, permitted one to follow the evolution of flares and other features on the sun. It was in this sort of imaging that Skylab was particularly fruitful.

During the decade and a half that was climaxed by the Skylab solar observations, solar physics progressed rapidly, advanced by a combination of ground-based and space astronomy. In the shorter wavelengths the sun was found to be extremely patchy (fig. 67), a patchiness that extended into the visible wavelengths as well. 65 The sequence of events in a solar flare could be followed in wavelengths all the way from x-rays through the ultraviolet and visible into the radio-wave region, and related to motions of electrons and protons associated with the flare.66 Contrary to previous expectations fostered by ground-based pictures during solar eclipses, the corona turned out to be not even nearly homogeneous. X-ray images of the corona especially showed a great deal of structure (fig. 67). Quite surprising were large-scale dark regions of the corona-which came to be called dark holes—and hundreds of coronal bright spots. The holes appeared to be devoid of hot matter and to be associated with diverging magnetic field lines of a single polarity. If the magnetic field lines were open, these holes could be a source of particles in the solar wind.67

The bright spots were observed to be uniformly distributed over the solar disk. They were typically about 20000 km in diameter, and of a temperature about 1.6 × 106 K. They appeared to be magnetically confined, and one speculated that they might be an important link in the explanation of the sun's magnetic field.68

The interlocking features of the lower solar atmosphere and the corona visible in satellite images of the sun provided hints as to how the sun might heat the corona to the extreme temperatures that were observed. Gravity waves and acoustical waves might carry energy upward from the convective regions below the photosphere into the corona. This explanation would remove the mystery of the steep temperature curve in the


Figure 67. Coronal structure of the sun. X-ray pictures of the sun show a great deal of structure in the solar corona, including dark coronal holes and hundreds of intense bright spots. The x-ray photo above was taken by the Skylab Apollo telescope mount 28 May 1973 in an American Science and Engineering, Inc., experiment. NASA photo. See also Giuseppe Vaiana and Wallace Tucker in X-ray Astronomy, ed. R. Giacconi and H. Gursky (Dordrecht-Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1974), pp. 170-71, fig. 5.1a and 5.1b.

chromosphere. It would not be the chromosphere that was heating the corona in violation of the laws of thermodynamics. On the contrary, the corona, heated by energy from within the sun, would itself be heating the top of the chromosphere.

The importance of rocket and satellite solar astronomy lay in the integrated attack that the researcher could now make in seeking to understand the nearest star, an integrated attack made possible by opening up the window that the earth's atmosphere had so long kept shut. It was an importance attested to by the large numbers of solar physicists who bent to the task of assimilating the new wealth of data.

By the end of the 1960s the early years of space science were well behind. More than a dozen disciplines and subdisciplines had found sounding rockets and spacecraft to be powerful tools for scientific research. Thousands of investigators turned to these tools to help solve important problems. Moreover, while the disciplines to which the new tools could contribute were many and varied, there was a clearly discernible melding of groups of disciplines into two major fields: the exploration of the solar system and the investigation of the universe. The pursuit of these two main objectives would grow in intensity as space science moved into the 1970s-in spite of fears prevalent in the late 1960s that support for space science was waning. The new decade would witness the scientific missions of Apollo to the moon, the remarkable solar astronomy from Skylab, breakthroughs in x-ray astronomy, and the serious start of a survey of all the important bodies of the solar system. It was eminently clear that space scientists would be important clients of the Space Shuttle, which was intended to introduce a new era in space activities. Because of their accomplishments, the scientists could legitimately ask that the Shuttle be tailored as much to their requirements as to other space needs.

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