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ing magnetic storms touched upon the possibility that regions of trapped radiations might be found at high altitudes around the earth."1 Following Van Allen's announcement, this field of investigation blossomed forth as researchers vied with each other to learn about the fascinating trapped radiations.12

In the next half-dozen years a new paradigm emerged to characterize the magnetosphere and magnetospheric physics. Whereas before the spring of 1958 the space environment immediately surrounding the earth was thought to be relatively uncomplicated, it soon became clear that the recently discovered magnetosphere was extremely complex. Before the recognition of the radiation belts, there was no generally accepted picture of the space environment near the earth. Students of the earth's upper atmosphere and ionosphere tended to think of these as attenuating more or less exponentially with altitude, eventually merging at some considerable, but unknown, height with the medium of interplanetary space. Around the planet the earth's magnetic field was visualized as essentially that of a dipole, much as depicted in figure 3 in chapter 6. It was known that particles from the sun swept across the earth's atmosphere, some of them causing the auroras. Sidney Chapman, V. C. A. Ferraro, and others supposed that some of the solar particles impinging upon the earth's magnetic field would compress it, thereby causing the sudden increase in the surface field that had long been observed to follow flares on the sun. Such a theory implied, of course, that the earth's magnetic field would be distorted somewhat by the solar particles. Moreover, to explain the main phase of magnetic storms in which the field dropped well below normal for a day or more, Chapman and Ferraro thought of the cloud of solar particles as somehow setting up a ring current around the earth; the current generated a magnetic field that caused the considerable drop in field intensity an hour or so after the sudden increase of the initial phase of the storm. The cloud of solar particles was presumably a plasma; that is, a gas composed of equal numbers of positively and negatively charged particles. Thus, the plasma, though neutral in the large, would be highly conducting. Also, since the positive particles would be deflected in one direction by the earth's magnetic field, the negative particles in the opposite, one could sense intuitively how a current might be set up around the earthalthough there were formidable difficulties to overcome in developing such a theory. The period of one to several days required for the field to return to normal would then be the time required for the ring current to dissipate.

Chapman and Ferraro visualized the ring current as flowing on the surface of a huge cavity which the earth's magnetic field carved out of the plasma cloud as it swept by the earth. There were, of course, two sides to this coin. From one point of view the earth's magnetic field generated a cavity in the flowing plasma. From the other point of view, however, one could think of the plasma cloud as confining the earth's field to the cavity

region. The discovery of the radiation belt focused attention on the second point of view, and the region within the Chapman-Ferraro cavity became known as the magnetosphere (fig. 31).

Because of the intense interest in the new topic, many of NASA's early spacecraft-and those of the USSR, also-were instrumented to make measurements of the particles and fields in the vicinity of the earth and in interplanetary space. By the end of 1964 a highly detailed picture of the magnetosphere had been worked out, a picture that was still evolving. 13

Explorer 1 measurements put the radiation belt at about 1000 km above the equator, and Explorer 3 and Sputnik 3 confirmed this observation. From Explorer 4 and the space probe Pioneer 3, Van Allen could show that, at least for particles that could penetrate one gram per square centimeter of material, there were two radiation belts, an inner zone and an outer zone as shown in figure 32. Pioneer 4, which eventually went into orbit around the sun, gave additional information about the extent of the radiation belts. It appeared that the belts extended to about 10 earth radii from the center of the earth, but the exact location of the outer edge appeared to be variable.

The variability was quickly tied to conditions in interplanetary space, which in turn were controlled by solar activity. A major factor influencing the earth's space environment was shown to be the solar wind. In 1958 Eugene Parker had shown theoretically that the sun's corona had to be expanding continuously, and that a continuous wind from the sun should be blowing through interplanetary space.14 Highly conducting and virtually free of collisions among the constituent particles, this solar wind should entrap and draw out magnetic field lines of the sun. Such interplanetary plasma fluxes of about 108 particles per square centimeter per second were measured by Gringauz on Lunik 2 and 3.15 With a probe on Explorer 10, H. Bridge and coworkers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology confirmed the fluxes detected by the Luniks and found that the wind came from the general direction of the sun at about 300 km per second.16 More definitive measurements from Mariner 2 and Explorer 18 showed a very gusty wind, nearly radial from the sun, to be blowing at all times with velocities of roughly 300 to 500 km per second. Protons and helium nuclei appeared to be present in the wind. 17

Plasma from Sun

Earth's Magnetic
Field Confined to

Ring Currents

Figure 31. Chapman-Ferraro cavity. Ring currents set up around the earth were assumed to be the cause of magnetic field effects observed during magnetic storms.

[blocks in formation]

Figure 32. Radiation belts. Van Allen's picture of the inner and outer
zones of the radiation belt made after Pioneer 3 data returns. J. A. Van
Allen and L. A. Frank, from Nature 183 (1959): 430; copyright Macmil-
lan Journals Ltd., 1959.

Meantime more information had been collected on the structure of the radiation belts. The inner zone was shown to be largely high-energy protons, many of which could be accounted for by the decay of neutrons splashed back from the atmosphere. 18 The neutrons were generated by cosmic rays colliding with nitrogen or oxygen nuclei of the air; being neutral, the neutrons could move upward unhindered by the magnetic field. But the neutrons decayed quickly and produced protons and electrons which, being charged, were trapped to form a part of the radiation belt. Detailed measurements revealed that both protons and electrons existed throughout the altitude range from the bottom of the so-called inner zone to the far edge of the outer zone. The apparent existence of two belts had been due to the insensitivity of some early instruments to lower-energy particles.

The boundary of the magnetosphere was first definitely located with instruments on Explorer 10, which was launched on 25 March 1961. The spacecraft was projected at an angle of roughly 130 degrees from the direction to the sun, that is, quartering away from the sun. Between the distances of 22 earth radii and the apogee of 47 earth radii, the satellite appeared to cross the boundary at least six times, suggesting that the boundary wavered in the wind. Inside the boundary the magnetic field was 20 to 30 gammas and steady, and there was no detectable plasma. Outside the boundary, however, the field weakened to between 10 and 15 gammas, and plasma

was always observed. Data from Explorer 12 in the direction of the sun showed a very sharp outer limit to the geomagnetic field, a limit that came to be called the magnetopause. Beyond the magnetopause was a region in which the magnetic fields were variable in direction and intensity, and the ambient radiation isotropic. 19

Thus, by about the beginning of 1962, scientists began to envision a magnetosphere much as shown in figure 33. A continuous solar wind blowing against the earth's magnetic field was pictured as sweeping around the earth, confining the field to an immense cavity which extended to about 10 earth radii in the direction toward the sun, and to considerably more than this in the opposite direction. Inside the cavity lay the Van Allen Radiation Belt which showed considerable structure, with high intensities of energetic protons in the inner portions and large quantities of electrons in the outer reaches. Outside the magnetopause-that is, outside the boundary of the cavity-lay a region of turbulent magnetic fields and plasma. It was suggested that surrounding the turbulent region would be found a huge shock wave produced in the solar wind by the earth's magnetic field, which would act upon the high-speed plasma much as a blunt body would act upon a supersonic flow of gas in ordinary aerodynamics. By analogy with aerodynamics, estimates were made of where the bow shock might be found.

The bow shock was first detected by instruments in the Interplanetary Monitoring Platform, Imp 1, otherwise known as Explorer 18, which was launched in November 1963 into an orbit with an apogee at 30 earth radii.20 In the course of its lifetime the spacecraft's instruments provided clearcut evidence that Imp 1 had crossed the magnetopause and the bow shock many times. The data from a magnetometer installed by Norman Ness of the Goddard Space Flight Center were most convincing.21 Figure 34 shows magnetic field data from orbit 11 of Imp 1. Inside 13.6 earth radii, a well-ordered field was noted, but from 13.6 to 20 earth radii the field was quite turbulent. Beyond 20 earth radii the field became quite steady at about 4 gammas, with some fluctuation in direction. The turbulent region from 13.6 radii to 20 earth radii was interpreted as a transition region between the shock wave in the solar wind and the magnetopause bounding the geomagnetic field. Plasma data from MIT and Ames Research Center instruments were consistent with this interpretation.22 Beyond 20 earth radii the MIT instruments showed large fluxes in only one of six energy channels, presumably that due to the solar wind, whereas in the transition region the plasma probe indicated considerable turbulence, showing appreciable fluxes on all six channels of the instrument.

In December 1963 Imp 1 found the interplanetary magnetic field, which was usually quite steady, to be disturbed, rising to about 10 gammas for a day or more. On the first day of this disturbance, 14 December, the moon was close to lying between the satellite and the sun. Ness originally

[blocks in formation]

Figure 33. The magnetosphere as visualized early in 1962. Here and in figure 35, the lines emanating from earth represent magnetic field lines. Although the general structure was emerging, many features were still to be delineated.

attributed this unusual disturbance to a wake produced by the moon in the solar wind.23 That the moon with almost no magnetic field should produce a wake detectable so close to the earth at once suggested that the much larger earth with a strong magnetic field would produce a similar wake reaching certainly to the orbit of the moon, and most likely well beyond. It began to appear that the earth's magnetospheric tail should extend to very large distances in the antisolar direction.

As investigation of the magnetosphere proceeded, it was clear that this region was intimately involved in many familiar phenomena, such as magnetic storms and auroral displays, serving in some way as a connecting link between the original solar radiations and the ultimate terrestrial effects. But the precise mechanisms involved eluded explanation. It was shown that both electrons and protons produced the auroras, with electrons of energies below 25 kiloelectron volts contributing most to the auroral emissions.24 Størmer's theory that these particles came directly from the sun into the auroral regions of the earth had to be abandoned when both Soviet and U.S. deep-space probes showed that the fluxes of such particles in interplanetary space were insufficient. An alternate theory

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