The Plays of William Shakspeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of the Corrected Copies Left by the Late George Steevens, Esq., and Edmond Malone, Esq., with Mr. Malone's Various Readings; a Selection of Explanatory and Historical Notes, from the Most Eminent Commentators; a History of the Stage, and a Life of ShakspeareF. C. and J. Rivington [and 41 others], 1823 |
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Pagina xxiii
... king George I. , and died in the 80th year of his age , in Dec. 1751 . His executor , about the year 1752 , sold ... company and profit to the town , a certain man , on some disgust , has pulled the house down , so as not to leave ...
... king George I. , and died in the 80th year of his age , in Dec. 1751 . His executor , about the year 1752 , sold ... company and profit to the town , a certain man , on some disgust , has pulled the house down , so as not to leave ...
Pagina 87
... company of French players . In a manuscript in the Cottonian Library in the Mu- seum , a narrative is given of the shews and ceremonies exhibited at Christmas in the fifth year of this king's ... king's moder , with the substance of al ...
... company of French players . In a manuscript in the Cottonian Library in the Mu- seum , a narrative is given of the shews and ceremonies exhibited at Christmas in the fifth year of this king's ... king's moder , with the substance of al ...
Pagina 89
... company of English comedians to Edinburgh ; and very soon after his accession to the throne , granted a license to the company at the Globe , which is found in Rymer's Fœdera . HAVING now , as concisely as I could , traced OF THE ...
... company of English comedians to Edinburgh ; and very soon after his accession to the throne , granted a license to the company at the Globe , which is found in Rymer's Fœdera . HAVING now , as concisely as I could , traced OF THE ...
Pagina 91
... company of comedians , namely , his Majesty's servants , which title they obtained after a licence had been granted to them by King James in 1603 ; having before that time , I apprehend , been called the servants of the Lord Chamberlain ...
... company of comedians , namely , his Majesty's servants , which title they obtained after a licence had been granted to them by King James in 1603 ; having before that time , I apprehend , been called the servants of the Lord Chamberlain ...
Pagina 94
... king's company usually began to play at the Globe in the month of May . The exhibitions here seem to have been more ... companies , erected an occasional stage . The form of these temporary playhouses seems to be pre- served in our ...
... king's company usually began to play at the Globe in the month of May . The exhibitions here seem to have been more ... companies , erected an occasional stage . The form of these temporary playhouses seems to be pre- served in our ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakspeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volumul 1 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1826 |
The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of the ... William Shakespeare Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2020 |
The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text of the ... William Shakespeare Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2020 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
acted actors ancient Anne appears Ariel Ben Jonson Caius Caliban called comedy daughter doth drama dramatick Drury Lane Duke edition Enter Exeunt exhibited Exit Falstaff father follow Ford gentlemen give hast hath heart heaven Herne the hunter honour Host HUGH EVANS JOHNSON Julia Julius Cæsar King Henry lady Laun Lincoln's Inn Fields lord madam MALONE marry master Brook master doctor means Milan Mira mistress Ford monster musick Naples night performed Pist play players playhouses poet pray Prospero Proteus publick queen Quick scenes servant Shak Shakspeare Shakspeare's Shal Silvia sir Hugh sir John Slen Slender speak Speed spirit stage STEEVENS Stratford suppose Susanna Hall sweet Sycorax tell theatre thee thing Thurio tion Trin Trinculo Valentine viii William D'Avenant Windsor woman word writer