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Truth Exalted; in a fhort but fure Teftimony against
all those Religions, Faiths, and Worships, that
have been formed and followed in the Darkness of
Apoftafy; and for that glorious Light which is
now rifen, and fhines forth, in the Life and Doc-
trine of the despised Quakers, as the alone good
old Way of Life and Salvation
Page 1
The Sandy Foundation shaken; or those fo generally
believed and applauded Doctrines, of one God
fubfifting in three diftinct and separate Perfons, the
Impoffibility of God's pardoning Sinners without a
plenary Satisfaction, the Juftification of impure
Perfons by an imputative Righteoufnefs, refuted
from the Authority of Scripture Teftimonies and
right Reason
Page 19