THE SIXTH EDITION. A CONCISE TREATISE ON THE ART OF ANGLING, Confirmed by actual Experience; INTERSPERSED WITH SEVERAL NEW AND RECENT DISCOVERIES; THE WHOLE FORMING A COMPLETE MUSEUM FOR THE LOVERS OF THAT PLEASING AND RATIONAL RECREATION. By THOMAS BEST, Author of Matilda, and other Poems. As in successive course the seasons roll, GAY. THE SIXTH EDITION, LONDON: Printed by Barnard and Sultzer, Water Lane, Fleet Street, LUDGATE STREET. ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC. THE credit of this treatise is so fully established by the approbation the former editions have met with, that it would be quite superfluous to say any thing more in its favour. In the present edition, which has been revised with the greatest attention, I have been careful to avoid all newfangled rules, but have endeavoured to render those which I have before laid down more conspicuous and intelligent. Most of the late publications on this pleasing and rational recreation may allure by their novelty for awhile, but are in general so vague and full of error, that, like summer insects, pereunt et imputantur, they must perish A 2 perish and be thought on no more!-Hop- -Si quid novisti rectius istis Candidus imperti; si non, his utere mecum. Or "Better precepts, if you can impart Tottenham Hale, 1804. I AM, THE PUBLIC'S MOST OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, THOMAS BEST. * Excellent reception for Anglers at Brother Partrick's in that village. CONTENTS. |