ི་ལ་ CHAPTER X. QUOTATIONS FROM AUTHORS WHO HAVE WRITTEN ON THE SUBJECT OF JUSTIFICATION. THE difficulty which theologians have found in speaking as to the precise time when what is called JUSTIFICATION takes place, shews clearly there has always been much uncertainty upon the subject. Some, in order to surmount the 'difficulty, have supported an opinion that there are two distinct justifications, one on earth, and another at the day of judgment. There have been other opinions that it takes place at death. Upon examining the writings of most theologians, who have generally held, that it takes place on earth, they appear either in giving a definition of the word or explanation of particular parts of Scripture, or by quotations from other authors to have manifested themselves, that justification CANNOT take place in this life, or at least have had great doubts: and though opinions from authors are not, strictly speaking, authorities, such as the Scriptures particularly are, yet as the question under discussion must be determined by opinions upon the real and true meaning and intention of the words of Scripture; the opinions or statements of writers who have held an opinion contrary to the one which is now intended to be established must be considered of greater weight than any opinion or statement of those who have written in support of their own opinions, it may, therefore, be deemed fair argument to appeal to such statements or opinions. Without referring to any particular author, there is one general opinion which has prevailed among writers, who, in either giving a definition or speaking of justification have held, that it is a forensic term, that is, applicable to a court of judicature, and by its primary sense denotes the proceedings of a trial. Here we begin with first principles, and as no argument can be considered sound or good unless it rests upon a firm and solid basis, and like all erections not so founded, will be more or less in danger of failure. We will enquire and examine whether the foundation in the present case is such a sure and stable one that reliance can be placed upon it. This construction or meaning of the word has at least * See Bull's Har. Apos. ch. iii. § 1. also Hammond's Ann. on Rom. iii. 4. in its favour the assent or opinion of all authors who have entered into a definition of the word in this point of view, and it is conceived no writer has at any time doubted this construction: and which is strongly confirmed by Scripture, particularly in the statement in Deut. xxv. 1. where it is clearly so used; and also frequently opposed to the word condemnation. Should this be held to be the true meaning of the word, it may be asked, why may it not be applied as well to man when on earth, as to any other time? This question directly leads to another, namely, what tribunal or court of judicature is there on earth before which man is to be brought, where this term in its true and scriptural sense can be used? If it appears that this term in its forensic meaning cannot be applied to man on earth, how is man to be justified on earth? Here we meet with a difficulty of no small magnitude; and which can be surmounted only in one of these ways, either the generally accepted and received meaning of the term must be given up, or it must be held that God is continually or at all times sitting in judgment upon man. The latter is so unscriptural, that it is conceived not a single opinion will be found in its support, and the former has both Scripture and general opinion in its favour; if the difficulty cannot be got over by one of these ways, how can remission of sins take place in this life? The word justification has most clearly that meaning according to the most approved authorities, but should it be said not to have that meaning, the question cannot be raised. It is true Grotius did not hold this construction of the word to be correct, which gave occasion to Bishop Bull to observe strongly upon Grotius's opinion, and who, after giving his (Bull's) definition of the word justification, states, " So that it is strange to find a most learned man, who, in other respects, has with great truth explained this doctrine of justification, denying it, and contending that the word justification generally signifies, especially when connected with the word faith a purifying from vice, or a freedom from the habit of sinning. Grotius, indeed, does allow (for him I mean) that to justify in the 2nd of St. James, signifies to treat one as just, and adds, that the whole context of his argument renders this sense absolutely necessary. Still he entirely denies that this is its general sense, especially in the Epistles of St. Paul "." b It must appear quite clear that the above construction put by Grotius, particularly the latter part, "a freedom from the habit of sinning," had nothing to do with a remission of past sins; how b Bull's Har. Apos. ch. i. S. 2. English translation. can it be reasonably accounted for, that so great a man as Grotius should put a different construction upon the word from all others, or the common received opinion, unless he saw the difficulty which must arise upon the general construction, that it was to absolve from sin, or pronounce guiltless, and carried with it remission of sins in this life, and which he knew would be unscriptural with respect to the day of judgment; from whence it may be fairly concluded, that he could not hold that remission of sins took place in this life. No such conclusion could be drawn from any other word or words in Scripture except justification. Was the construction put by Grotius correct, that justification was a purifying from vice, or freedom from the habit of sinning, no one being justified in this life could afterwards commit sin which is clearly unscriptural, consequently his construction of the word must be erroneous. We will, by making another quotation from Bishop Bull, endeavour to learn what his own opinion was, whether justification does, or does not, take place in this life. In enforcing his argument against Grotius upon the meaning of the word, he says, "I will add another argument for this interpretation, in my opinion at least unanswerable. The word justify both with Paul and James has exactly the same force as to impute a |