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Of George Washington's birth, family, and education. Of his mission
to the French commandant on the Ohio, in 1753. His military oper-
ations as an officer of Virginia, from 1754 to 1758, and his subse.
quent employments to the commencement of the American revolu-
page 1
Retrospect of the origin of the American revolutionary war. Of George
Washington as member of Congress, in 1774 and 1775. As Com.
manner in Chief of the armies of the United Colonies in 1775 and
1776, and his operations near Boston, in these years,
p. 21
Of the operations of General Was hington in New York and New Jer-
sey. The battle on Long Island. The retreat from York Island and
through Jersey. The battles of Trenton and Princeton,
p. 35
Of the operations of General Washington in New Jersey and Pennsyl
vania, in the campaign of 1777. The battles of Brandywine and Ger-
mantown. Washington is advised by the Rev. Jacob Duchè, to give
up the contest. The distresses of the American army. Its winter
quarters in Valley Forge. Gen. Washington is assailed by the clam-
ours of discontented individuals and public bodies, and by the designs
of a faction to supersede him in his office as Commander in Chief, p. 61
General Washington prepares for the campaign of 1778. Surprises the
British, and defeats them at Monmouth. Arrests General Lee.
Calms the irritation excited by the departure of the French fleet
from Rhode Island to Boston. Dissuades from an invasion of Can-
p. 85
The distresses of the American army. Gen. Washington calms the un-
easiness in the Jersey line. Finds great difficulty in supporting his
troops and concentrating their force. Makes a disposition of them
with a view to the security of West Point. Directs an expedition
against the Six Nations of Indians, and for the reduction of Stony
Point. Paules Hook taken. A French fleet, expected to the north-
ward, arrives on the coast of Georgia. Washington, unequal to of-
fensive operations, retires into winter quarters,
p. 103
"Gen. Washington directs an expedition against Staten Island. Gives an
opinion against risking an army for the defence of Charleston, SC.
Finds great difficulty in supporting his army. Kniphausen invades
Jersey, but is prevented from injuring the American stores. Mar-
quis de la Fayette arrives, and gives assurances that a French fleet
and army might soon be expected on the American coast. Energet-
ic measures of co-operation resolved upon, but so languidly executed,
that Washington predicts the necessity of a more efficient system of
national government. A French fleet and army arrives, and a com-
bined operation against New York is resolved upon, but the arrival of
a superior British fleet deranges the whole plan,
p. 118
The Pennsylvania line mutinies. The Jersey troops follow their exam-
ple, but are quelled by decisive measures. Gen. Washington com-
mences a military journal, detailing the wants and distresses of his
army. Is invited to the defence of his native state, Virginia, but de-
clines. Reprimands the manager of his private estate for furnishing
the enemy with supplies, to prevent the destruction of his property.
Extinguishes the incipient flames of a civil war, respecting the inde-
pendence of the state of Vermont. Plans a combined operation
against the British, and deputes Lieut. Col John Laurens to solicit
the co-operation of the French. The combined forces of both nations
rendezvous in the Chesapeak, and take lord Cornwallis and his army
prisoners of war. Washington returns to the vicinity of New York,
and urges the necessity of preparing for a new campaign,
1782 and 1783.
p. 134
Discontents of the army.
Prospects of peace. Languor of the states.
Gen. Washington prevents the adoption of rash measures. Some new
levies in Pennsylvania mutiny, and are quelled Washington recom-
mends measures for the preservation of independence, peace, liberty,
and happiness. Dismisses his army. Enters New York. Takes
leave of his officers. Settles his accounts. Repairs to Annapolis.
Resigns his commission. Retires to Mount Vernon, and resumes his
agricultural pursuits,
p. 159
General Washington, on retiring from public life, devotes himself to
agricultural pursuits. Favours inland navigation. Declines offered
emoluments from it. Urges an alteration of the fundamental rules
of the society of the Cincinnati. Regrets the de ects of the federal
system, and recommends a revisal of it. Is appointed a member of
the continental convention for that purpose, which, after hesitation,
he accepts. Is chosen president thereof. Is solicited to accept the
presidency of the United States. Writes sundry letters expressive of
the conflict in his mind, between duty and inclination. Answers ap-
plicants for offices. His reluctance to enter on public life,
p. 206
Washington elected president. On his way to the seat of government
at New York, receives the most flattering marks of respect. Ad-
dresses Congress. The situation of the United States in their foreign
and domestic relations, at the inauguration of Washington. Fills up
public offices solely with a view to the public good. Proposes a treaty
to the Creek Indians, which is at first rejected, Col. Willet induces
the heads of the nation to come to New York, to treat there. The
North Western Indians refuse a treaty, but after defeating Generals
Harmar and Sinclair, they are defeated by Gen. Wayne. They then
submit, and agree to treat. A new system is introduced for meliorat-
ing their condition,
p. 231
General Washington attends to the foreign relations of the United
States. Negotiates with Spain. Difficulties in the way. The free
navigation of the Missisippi is granted by a treaty made with Major
Pinckney. Negotiations with Britain. Difficulties in the way. War
probable. Mr. Jay's mission. His treaty with Great Britain. Op-
position thereto. Is ratified. Washington refuses papers to House
of Representatives. British posts in the United States evacuated.
Negotiations with France. Genet's arrival. Assumes illegal powers,
in violation of the neutrality of the United States. Is flattered by the
people, but opposed by the executive. Is recalled. General Pinck-
ney sent as public minister to adjust disputes with France. Is not re-
ceived. Washington declines a re-election, and addresses the people.
His last address to the national legislature. Recommends a navy, a
military academy, and other public institutions,
p. 254
Writes to the Secre-
Washington rejoices at the prospect of retiring.
tary of State, denying the authenticity of letters said to be from him
to J. P. Custis and Lund Washington, in 1776. Pays respect to his
successor, Mr. John Adams. Review of Washington's administration.
He retires to Mount Vernon. Resumes agricultural pursuits. Hears
with regret the aggression of the French republic. Corresponds on
the subject of his taking the command of an army to oppose the
French. Is appointed Lieutenant General. His commission is sent
to him by the Secretary of War. His letter to president Adams on
the receipt thereof. Directs the organization of the proposed army.
Three Envoys Extraordinary sent to France, who adjust all disputes
with Bonaparte, after the overthrow of the Directory. Gen. Wash-
ington dies. Is honoured by Congress, and by the citizens. His char-
p. 307