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" Their line is gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun... "
The Works of Robt. Leighton - Pagina 405
de Robert Leighton, George Jerment - 1805
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Pleasure with Profit: Consisting of Recreations of Divers Kinds, Viz ...

William Leybourn - 1694 - 424 pagini
...Chamber, andRejoycethas* ßroxgManto Ran his Race. His going forth is from t he end of the Нелvens, and his Circuit unto the ends of it ; and there is nothing hid, from the Heat of it : But in Anfwtr to theiè Texts, or any other Quoted in the S acred Volume, take this pithy Anfwer...
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Astronomical Principles of Religion, Natural and Reveal'd: In ..., Volumul 2

William Whiston - 1717 - 376 pagini
...of his Chamber, and rejoyceth as a ftfong Man to run a Race. His going forth is from the End of the Heaven, and his Circuit unto the Ends of it : And there is nothing hid from the Heat thereof: cxiviii. i- Praife ye the Lord. Praife ye the Lord from -13. the Heavens : praife him...
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Astronomical Principles of Religion, Natural and Reveal'd: In Nine Parts ...

William Whiston - 1725 - 370 pagini
...Which is as a Bridegroom coming out of his Chamber, and rejoyceth as a ftrong Man to run a Race. His going forth is from the End of Heaven, and his Circuit...the Ends of it ; And there is nothing hid from the Heat thereof. exlviii. i- Praife ye the Lord. Praife ye the Lord from --J3' the Heavens : praife him...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old ..., Volumul 1;Volumul 66

Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 pagini
...and rejoyCcth as a ftrong Man to run a Race 6 His going forth is from the End of the Heaven, and h'S Circuit unto the Ends of it : and there is nothing hid from the Heat thereof. Jut xxxviii. 4 Where waft thou Earth 8 dcdaic if thou haft Underftanding. 5 Who hath...
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Philosophical and Theological Works: Moses's principia, pt. 2. 3d ed

John Hutchinson - 1748 - 618 pagini
...rejoiceth as a jtrong Man to run a Race. From the Extremity of the Air is its coming out ; and its Circuit unto the Ends of it, and there is nothing hid from the Heat thereof. Gen. xix. 23. — The tPDBP Solar Light 1?tf tf¥» V"ltfiT "was come out upon the Earth....
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The Hymns of Callimachus

Callimachus - 1755 - 266 pagini
...which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a ßrong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of heaven, and his circuit...the ends of It, and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof." — See alfo Ifaiah vi. i, 2, 3. Ver. 5. The Del'tan palm.] See the hymn to Délos-—...
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The hymns of Callimachus, tr. into Engl. verse, with notes. To which are ...

Callimachus - 1755 - 262 pagini
...which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a ßrong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of heaven, and his circuit unto the enJs of it, and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof." — See alfo Ifaiah vi. i, 2, 3. Ver....
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Several Discourses Preached at the Temple Church, Volumul 2

Thomas Sherlock - 1764 - 446 pagini
...and rejoiceth as aftrong Man to run a Race. His going forth is from the End of the Heaven, and bis Circuit unto the Ends of it ; and there is nothing hid from the Heat thereof. From this mighty Scene and Profpect of Nature the Pfalmift turns his Thoughts to the...
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An exposition of the Assemblies catechism

John Flavel - 1767 - 258 pagini
...according to thine Ordinances, Pfal. xix. 6. His going forth is from the End of the Heaven, and bis Ctrcuit unto the Ends of it ; and there is nothing hid from the Heat' thereof, (2.) As it is done by Angels, Pfal. civ. 4. Who maketh the Angels Spirits : his Minijken...
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The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel: To which is ..., Volumul 8

John Flavel - 1770 - 558 pagini
...contintie this day according to thine ordinances.' Pfalmi xix. 6. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it ; and there is nothing hid 'From ibi heat thereof. ' (2.) As it is done by angels; Pfalm civ. 4. Who maketh the angels fpirits, his...
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