The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes, Volumul 1J. Nichols and Son, 1813 |
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In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. HD WIDENER HW DR4V Y HD WIDENER HW DR4V Y. Front Cover.
In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. HD WIDENER HW DR4V Y HD WIDENER HW DR4V Y. Front Cover.
In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. 1 THE PLAYS OF WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE . VOLUME THE FIRST .
In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. 1 THE PLAYS OF WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE . VOLUME THE FIRST .
... William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. VOL . XIV . KING HENRY VI . Part III . Dissertation , & c . KING RICHARD III . VOL . XV . King Henry VIII . TROILUS AND CRESSIDA . VOL . XVI . CORIOLANUS . JULIUS CÆSAR . VOL . XVII . ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA ...
... William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. VOL . XIV . KING HENRY VI . Part III . Dissertation , & c . KING RICHARD III . VOL . XV . King Henry VIII . TROILUS AND CRESSIDA . VOL . XVI . CORIOLANUS . JULIUS CÆSAR . VOL . XVII . ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA ...
Pagina ii
... William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. prose Address to the reader , which is not found in the edition printed in 1587 , made use of by Mr. Malone . A more faithful copy of the portrait of Shak- speare than any before engraved from the picture ...
... William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. prose Address to the reader , which is not found in the edition printed in 1587 , made use of by Mr. Malone . A more faithful copy of the portrait of Shak- speare than any before engraved from the picture ...
Pagina iv
... William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. a faithful editor , than ambitious of being an ori- ginal composer . " In the year 1768 , he collected into one vo- lume , 12mo . " The Poetical Works of the Hon . Lady M [ ar ] y W [ ortele ] y M ...
... William Shakespeare Isaac Reed. a faithful editor , than ambitious of being an ori- ginal composer . " In the year 1768 , he collected into one vo- lume , 12mo . " The Poetical Works of the Hon . Lady M [ ar ] y W [ ortele ] y M ...
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
acquaintance admirers ancient appears baptized Ben Jonson better buried censure character Clopton collation comedy conjecture copies correct corrupted criticism daughter death died dramatick Droeshout edition editor Edward Nash Elizabeth English engraving favour folio genius gentleman George Hart give Hamlet hath Henry honour Hugh Clopton John Barnard John Shakspere Jonson judgment Julius Cæsar King labours language learning living MALONE married Martin Droeshout ment Michael Drayton nature never New-Place notes obscure observed opinion original passages performance perhaps picture players plays poem poet poet's Pope portrait preface present printed publick quarto Quiney reader Romeo and Juliet Rowe says scenes Shak Shakspeare Shakspeare's Sir John Barnard speare stage STEEVENS Stratford Stratford-upon-Avon suppose theatre Theobald thing Thomas Thomas Nash Thomas Quiney thought tion Titus Andronicus tragedy unto verse Warwickshire Welcombe William William Shakespeare words writ write written