Code of Federal Regulations: Containing a Codification of Documents of General Applicability and Future Effect as of December 31, 1948, with Ancillaries and Index

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Division of the Federal Register, the National Archives, 1972
Special edition of the Federal Register, containing a codification of documents of general applicability and future effect ... with ancillaries.

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Pagina vi - Other tables and guides that relate to the Code of Federal Regulations include the following: Designation Nature Citation Guide to Record Retention Requirements. List of Acts Requiring Publication in the Federal Register. Guide to Federal Register Finding Aids. Parallel Tables of Statutory Authorities and Rules. Parallel Tables of Presidential Documents. Index-digest of Federal laws and rules requiring the retention of records. Table of Acts with Statutory and USC citations.
Pagina 201 - Standard Specifications for Sieves," published March 1, 1940, in LC 584 of the United States Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards. Without shifting the material on the sieve, so incline the sieve as to facilitate drainage. Two minutes from the time drainage begins, weigh the sieve and the drained material.
Pagina 16 - When application may be withdrawn. An application for inspection service may be withdrawn by the applicant at any time before the inspection is performed: Provided, That, the applicant shall pay at the hourly rate prescribed in § 52.48 for the time incurred by the inspector in connection with such application, any travel expenses, telephone, telegraph or other expenses which have been incurred by the inspection service in connection with such application.
Pagina 286 - The lower face of the disc is a smooth, plane surface horizontal to the vertical axis of the rod. A device to which weight may be added "is affixed to the upper end of the rod. Before lowering the disc to the cotyledon, adjust the combined weight of disc, rod, and device to 100 grams.
Pagina 297 - Reasonably good texture" means that the external surfaces of the units may be slightly hard or slightly tough, show no more than a moderate separation from the interior portion, and are not excessively oily; the interior portions are well cooked, reasonably tender, and reasonably free from sogginess.

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