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For the Utica Christian Magazine. REMARKS ON THE CRITICISM ON ROMANS viii. 19-23.

IN the Utica Christian Magazine,

which they are united by covenant, do || world's view, not sinful at all; yet in not follow the example of our it is enormously sinful. If reliThe Jewish church was exceedingly gion receives a wound, at any time, corrupt, but he continued in fellowship or from any persons, it is from you. with it, until they cast him out of the Christian professors! the eyes of God, vineyard and slew him. Through his and angels, of men, and devils are on whole public ministry, he was fully you. Surely you ought to walk circumacquainted with their wickedness, and spectly; and to exercise, yourselves as constantly bore testimony against the the Apostle says he did, to have alcorruptions which had crept into that ways a conscience void of offence tochurch, but did not separate from it-ward God and toward men. To watch so it is evident there were many and and pray that you enter not into temptvery great corruptions in the church in ation. CLIO. Corinth; but the Apostle, though he reproved them sharply, and pressed on them the importance of reforming what was amiss, did not in one instance, direct the more pious, holy, and zealous brethren to leave the church, and withdraw from their com- || for August 1814, there is a criticism munion. upon Rom. viii. 19-23. The pasIt is devoutly wished, that Chris-sage is worthy of an attempt, by an tian professors, had, universally, a ingenious pen, to investigate its meanconstant, deep and an affecting sense ing, and to remove the difficulties, by of their high and holy calling and which it has been attended. The writhat they would in all companies, and ter, now alluded to, who has made this at all times, in every place, and under attempt, has not, I imagine, given the every circumstance, walk worthy of passage the best and most probable the Lord, unto all well pleasing, being interpretation, whatever plausibility fruitful in every good work and in his construction may seem to have. creasing in the knowledge of God. His remark upon the rendering which You have vowed a vow unto the Lord, is given to the Greek for creature, or and by your own voluntary act have the creation is correct; but I shall be bound yourselves as by an oath, to be allowed to suggest some reasons for true and faithful to God your king. dissenting from his opinion, as to the Therefore your obligation to deny particular event, to which the creation ungodliness, and worldly lusts, and to is represented as looking forward, in live soberly, righteously and godly in the attitude of expectation and animathis present world, is as great as possi-ted hope. The apostle makes a disble. You are holden, by your own tinction between christians, those promise, to avoid not only open wick-who have the first fruits of the Spirit, edness, and what are called even by bad men gross immoralities, but you must Abstain from all appearance of evil. Your light must shine, not be fore the church only, but also before men,-before the world.

and such other part of the great system of being, which he comprehends under the general term creation or the creature; but the same things are ascribed to both, viz. being in pain and anxiously waiting for the time of re

Professors of Religion! you do in-demption. This justifies the remark finite injury to the cause of Christ, by symbolizing with the world, yielding to the customs and fashions of the world, complying in your conduct with what by the world, is considered but trifling sins, or perhaps, in the

of the above mentioned writer, that what is said of the creation's groaning and travelling is in the style of personification, as if all created things could feel, and express their feelings, as mer do. In the exposition upon whi

which is to put an end to this groaning, and to the afflictions and sorrows, by which it is caused, is the resurrection from the dead. The adoption, expected and longed for, is the redemp

we are taking the liberty to remark, bonds of corruption, incumbered with the saints are considered as hoping all the weakness, futility, and dishonand waiting for the resurrection of our, which adhere to a perishing subtheir bodies from the grave; but theject, shall be called forth to participate creation as anticipating a prior and in a new and more elevated scene, very different event, viz, the millenni-having exchanged mortality for imal state of the church, when the things mortality, weakness for power, corwhich have been made and given interuption for incorruption, dishonour for the hands of men for their use and glory. This change, to be effected in benefit, shall be recovered from the all material things, shall be simultaneabuse which they have suffered, thro' ous with the resurrection of the just at the misapplications of them, that have the last day. That this is the doctrine originated in the wantonness and impi- which the apostle teaches in the pasety of the human heart. What I con- sage to which our attention is now ceive to be more evidently the truth || particularly called, I shall argue from and what the apostle's language seems a number of considerations. the more clearly to express, is the final First. It is very obvious that the emancipation from corruption and groans of the saints, of which the aposmortality of all material things, which || tle speaks, are on account of the suffor the present, are bound under anferings, peculiar to a state of mortality, invincible inclination to dissolve and and that the great event hoped for, perish. What is true of the mortal bodies of God's people, is equally true of the whole material world, that it is subject to changes and decay, until a complete dissolution terminates its present condition, and prepares it ei-tion of the body. Adoption, considther to lose forever all its excellence ered as the first introduction of the and utility, or to be renewed under soul into the kingdom of grace, is not some more perfect form, and in some an object of hope with those, who alhigher state of lustre, and glory. The ready have the first fruits of the Spirsaints are full of the hope which the it. But though persons may, with gospel inspires, that their sickly, frail some clearness of evidence, be maniand perishing bodies, whose imbecili-fested to be the sons of God by their ty occasions them so many bitter sen-having and exhibiting the first fruits of sations, and so many painful hours, in the Spirit; yet the manifestation of the present world, will eventually, be them, as the children of their Father, delivered from this state of corruption, who is in heaven, will be much more of disease and pain, and be clothed abundant and complete, when they with immorality. The apostle ex-shall reap the full harvest of his gratends this looked for benefit to the cious influences in the coming world. whole material system, declaring that The perfection of their membership whatever has become subject to this in the body of Christ will not be made vanity, to this comparative worthless-visible until their vile bodies shall be ness and insignificance, to this unavoidable tendency towards a state of confusion and ruin, shall, at length, be recovered, just as the saints will be, when their mortal part shall awake from the dust of the earth, adorned with unknown beauties, with a magnificence and splendour, which will for ever bid defiance to the grave. Every reature, that now exists under the

made like unto his glorious body. Waiting for the adoption, is, therefore, according to St. Paul, waiting for that manifestation of the sons of God, which will be realized, when, in their own order, they shall take part in the resurrection even as Christ arose from the dead, and became the first fruits of them that slept. But upon this I need not enlarge, since in stating the

sentiment I am only following the au

2. The creatures' deliverance from thor of the criticism, which we are the bondage of corruption si into the considering. Let it then be observed glorious liberty of the children of God. Seconly. That the creation is groan-Now, in what manner shall we define ing and agonizing under the same the liberty here attributed to the burden, and looking to the same event childrenof God? for this is the liberty for deliverance, as are the children which the whole creation shall ultimate of God. The evidence of this is in the ly enjoy. I know of no parallel text, few following considerations. which would lead us to suppose that 1. The sad predicament they are this liberty must necessarily mean in is no other than the bondage of cor-freedom from sin, as its most proper "ruption. The only difficulty will be and appropriate meaning. When a in fixing upon the proper signification person passes out of a state, which is of the term corruption. The writer on any account, to be avoided, and to whom I am now attending, evident-finds himself where it is desirable to be, ly understands it, as expressing mor- he goes into the enjoyment of liberty. al depravity; as if it were the object || His being free from an evil supposes of the text to point out the subservi- liberty. When the saints shall be libency to men's ungodly lusts, into erated from the prison-house of the which the whole inferior part of crea-grave and from all the afflictions insetion is brought by the entering of sin parable from a mortal body, they will into the world. Against this view of in a very great and good sense, be a the case it is enough to say, that free people. Is it not for this liberty there is no necessity of assigning this that they sigh and groan, while waitsignification to the word in the presenting for the redemption of their body? instance, since it may be and frequent-Having obtained this recovery from ly is used in a natural as well as in a mortality to immortality, they are no moral sense; at least we may say more to see corruption. The same that an unqualified denial is à good will be true of the whole creation, answer to an affirmation until the lat-when it shall have passed from its ter is supported by some specific and present disorders, corruptibility, and appropriate evidence. And what evi-weakness. It will experience a blesdence is there in the case before us, sed deliverance from the bondage of that the Apostle means, by the bond-corruption into the glorious liberty of age of corruption, a subjection to the the children of God. criminal dispositions of mankind? If 3. "The earnest expectation of the this were the acknowledged sense, it creature waiteth for the manifestation could not be applicable in all cases; of the children of God." Whatever be for the creatures of God are sometimes the particular time or event, aimed at used as they ought to be, or accord-in the manifestation of the sons of God, ing to the dictates of benevolence and to this, beyond all doubt, is the whole justice. But understanding the Apos-creation represented as casting a wishtle to speak of natural corruption, and ful, waiting eye, and reaching out the no such exception will exist. Besides hand of anxious hope and expectation. when deliverance is spoken of in rela- Of this precious and all important bention to the saints, there is an unquestion-efit, the whole world of mournful and able reference to natural corruption; afflicted nature longs to partake. And for it is expressly denominated a re-in this blessed inheritance the apostle demption of the body. And further- says they shall most certainly have a more it must be in a sense, rather ar-share. And now what is the invaluabitrary and far fetched, than easy and natural, that material things can be said to be in the bondage of moral corruption.

ble portion that we shall fix upon, as laid out in the merciful purpose of God for his church, and together with them, for the whole system which

stands in competition with them. in the felicity of it, because the creaThere is a manifestation, and appear-ture itself shall then be delivered from ing or revelation often mentioned in the bondage of corruption, just as the scriptures with reference to Christ, God's redeemed people are, when as pointing out his future coming, their mortality is swallowed up of life. when he shall sit on the throne of his Thirdly. There are many scripglory to judge the world in righteous-tures, which hold forth the idea of ness. In this glorious revelation of such a transmutation of things through the Son of God from heaven in flaming the whole material world, as answers fire, believers will be united with their to that change which believers will exglorified and exalted Saviour. "When perience in their outward man, when Christ who is our life, shall appear, it shall pass from being a terrestrial then shall we also appear with body, to the substance and properties him in glory." This I have no ques- of the celestial. This change will be tion, is that manifestation of the sons effected, when Christ shall be revealed of God, for which the earnest expect from heaven with his mighty angels ation of the creature waiteth. The in flaming fire; when the dead in saints groan, and wait and pray, for Christ, shall be raised, and the livChrist's appearing and kingdom, being changed. To what other purpose, cause they shall have part in so illus-will the heavens be dissolved, by fire, trious an event, when their bodies will and the elements nelt with fervent be raised incorruptible and their adop-heat? Though the earth and the tion shall be ratified and perfected for things in it shall he burnt up; yet this ever. The whole creation waits in is only, that there may be new heaearnest expectation for this appearing, vens and a new earth, for the dwelling or manifestation, of the saints with their place of righteousness; just as the supreme and triumphant head, as hav- perishing of the natural body of the ing received a divine appointment to saints is to bring them into the enjoypartake of their deliverance from the ment of a spiritual body. There is no bondage of corruption in the redemp-greater difficulty in admitting the endtion of their bodies. The creature did not subject itself to this vanity, under which it now groans, as having any agency, influence or will of its own in the procuring of it, else there might have been no prospect of redemption; but it is the work of him, who hath opened a door of hope, who hath de-spring up in the resurrection, at the creed that all nature shall undergo a vast change, and escape from the regions of corruption and mortality. "Under the pangs of human vicissitude, and while the diseases of their frail mortal nature are preying upon them, the saints are said to be looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ: with whom they will also appear, or be manifested, as the the children of God, created in the image of Christ, the first born. For this happy crisis in the state of the church, the whole creation itself is waiting in the expectation of sharing

less continuance of matter, though in a vastly refined and highly purified state, freed from all its present grossness, and various, imperfections than in believing, that the bodies of the saints, having been cast into the earth, and there lain and perished, as seed shall

last day, under the impression and character of immortality. That such will be the fact, Christ as I think most decidedly teaches in the following words, penned by the Evangelist John; "And this is the Father's will that hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day." The whole creation is given to Christ; and though so much of it shall perish and be dissolved; yet a single particle of the whole immense mass, shall not be lost. He will raise it up again at the last day. This will appear to be the idea, in the above text,

to any one who reads in the original || sobriety, an integrity of character, and Greek, and observes that the word, a conscientious observer of the duties put for what is to be raised at the last day is of the neuter gender, and cannot therefore, refer to persons, as it does in the verse following, where it is masculine. On the whole, may I not recommend it to the writer, to whose production these few hints are intended as an exception, to review his criticism, and inquire whether these ideas do not afford a better solution of the difficulties, which appear on the face of the text. F.




of religion. He was soon employed by the Earl of Northampton to extricate his estate from a great burden of debt which had been left upon it by his ancestors. This service Mr. Dudley performed with success, and continued in the employment and friendship of the Earl for a number of years. When the proposed planters of NewEngland were about to sail for America, the company chose Mr. Winthrop governor, and Mr. Dudley deputy governor. He was then fifty four years of age; one of the oldest of the NewEngland planters. Mr. Dudley lived twenty-three years in this country, was always one of the magistrates, and, the most of the time, the deputy governor of the colony. In the years 1634, 40, and 45, he was governor.In 1644, the office of Major-General of the military forces of the colony was created and given to Mr. Dudley. As a military character, he was probably the first in the colony.

Mr. Thomas Dudley was generally considered the second character in the Massachusetts Colony. He was a son of Capt. Roger Dudley of the English army, born at Northampton in England, in the year 1576. By the death of his parents in his childhood, he and an only sister were left to the care of the orphan's God, and of relatives.As a magistrate, Mr. Dudley was By the attention of faithful friends, he much distinguished for great firmness received a good education in litera- of character, pursuing with an undeviture and manners. By one of his con-ating step, the true interest of the colnections, he was instructed in a good ony according to the original design knowledge of the law. He early, of the plantation. He never lost sight however, inclined to the profession of of the object of their migration to the his father. In 1597, he received a western wilderness, the establishment captain's commission from Queen of a Christian commonwealth, and of Elizabeth, passed with his company churches in gospel purity, and to the to the Low Countries, and was at the attainment and preservation of this siege of Amiens under Henry IV. of object, all his measures were steadily France. At the peace, which soon directed. Every departure from first took place, he returned to England principles, and every proposed innovaand settled near Northampton. By tion, however specious in theory, he marriage, he came into the possession resisted with an unyielding firmness. of a good estate. He now enjoyed The allurements of vice and the prethe eminent ministry of Dodd, Hilders-tences of error were equally insuffiham, and some other distinguished cient to move his mind, or to change puritan divines. By the divine bless- his course from the path of duty and ing on these sacred ministrations, he truth. Temporary excitements of soon became a conscientious Non-con-public feeling, had small influence formist, and, by the influences of divine on his opinions, and still less on his grace, the fearless soldier soon sunk purposes of conduct. He was never into the character of a humble follow-so popular as some of the magistrates, er of the Prince of peace. He was but he always preserved the respect eminently distinguished for a uniform and veneration of the colony.

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