Ms. WATSON. For those who are going on the flight to attend Patsy Mink's funeral, can we state for the record how we would vote on the resolution? Chairman HYDE. Yes. First of all, let's dispose of this matter. Ms. RUSH. On this vote there are 0 yeas and 41 noes. We now have a vote, which we must attend and hurry back, please. We are going to finish this bill today. There are three of our Members going on the plane to Hawaii for the Patsy Mink funeral. You certainly may, for the record, state how you would vote on final passage. I don't know what we can do about the amendments, but final passage, you may-why don't you now tell the clerk how you would vote? Ms. WATSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman for accommodating us. When the bill comes up, whether amended or not, I would have voted no. Chairman HYDE. Ms. Lee? Ms. LEE. Mr. Chairman when the base bill comes up, the resolution, I intend to vote no on that. Chairman HYDE. Very well. The record will so show. Mr. Faleomavaega. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. I would yes in support of the resolution for final passage. Chairman HYDE. The record will so show. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman HYDE. Mr. Davis has an amendment. The clerk will report the amendment and then we will go vote. [The information referred to follows:] AMENDMENT TO H. J. RES. 114 OFFERED BY MR. DAVIS OF FLORIDA H.L.C. Amend the title so as to read: "Joint resolution authorizing the use of the United States Armed Forces pursuant to a new resolution of the United Nations Security Council seeking to enforce the destruction and dismantlement of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program and prohibited ballistic missiles program or pursuant to the United States right of individual or collective self-defense if the Security Council fails to act.". AMENDMENT TO H. J. RES. 114 OFFERED BY MR. DAVIS OF FLORIDA H.L.C. Strike the preamble and insert the following: Whereas under United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 (1991), which effected a formal cease-fire following the Persian Gulf War, Iraq agreed to destroy or dismantle, under international supervision, its nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programs (hereafter in this joint resolution referred to as Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction program"), as well as its program to develop or acquire ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometers (hereafter in this joint resolution referred to as Iraq's "prohibited ballistic missile program"), and undertook unconditionally not to develop any such weapons thereafter; Whereas on numerous occasions since 1991, the United Nations Security Council has reaffirmed Resolution 687, most recently in Resolution 1284, which established a new weapons inspection regime to ensure Iraqi compliance with its obligations under Resolution 687; Whereas on numerous occasions since 1991, the United States and the United Nations Security Council have condemned Iraq's failure to fulfill its obligations under Resolution 687 to destroy or dismantle its weapons of mass destruction program and its prohibited ballistic missile program; Whereas Iraq under Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons in its war with Iran in the 1980s and against the Kurdish population in northern Iraq in 1988; H.L.C. 2 Whereas since 1990, the United States has considered Iraq to be a state sponsor of terrorism; and Whereas Iraq's failure to comply with its international obligations to destroy or dismantle its weapons of mass destruction program and its prohibited ballistic missile program, its record of using weapons of mass destruction, its record of using force against neighboring states, and its support for international terrorism require a strong diplomatic, and if necessary, military response by the international community, led by the United States: Now, therefore be it |