ANALYSIS OF THE BIBLE, WITH REFERENCE TO THE SOCIAL DUTY OF MAN. BY MONTGOMERY MARTIN. HEC LONDON: WHITTAKER AND CO. AVE MARIA LANE. MDCCCXXXVI. Several heads or texts have been introduced which are not, strictly speaking, referable to Moral or Social Duties: they have been inserted as bearing on the opinions expressed in the Introduction. PRINTED BY W. NICOL, 51, PALL MALL. ΤΟ MRS. MEDLEY, OF MANSFIELD, IVER, BUCKS. MY DEAR MADAM, Esteem and gratitude have induced me to dedicate to you a code of Ethics selected from the Holy Scriptures, the first (so far as I am aware) that has been prepared in this brief and simple form by an Analysis of the Bible. To your judicious counsel, excellent example, and truly Christian precepts, I am more deeply indebted than I can well express, and the hours passed in your society have been the happiest of a checquered, but I hope not useless existence. You have rightly inculcated that morality however pure, or ceremonial observance however precise,--or obedience however strict, is not true religion; and that unless we love God with all our heart-with all our soul - with all our strength-and with all our mind-we shall most assuredly be mistaken in our endeavours to attain eternal life. But as I have had the high gratification of witnessing your sedulous attention in the several important stations of daughter, wife, mother, sister and friend, —and knowing that while modestly disclaiming all merit in your own case, you will agree with me in ascribing a proportionate degree of commendation to a due perform. ance of the duties connected with those relations, I trust |