The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated Out of the Original Greek, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and RevisedBenjamin Johnson, and Jacob Johnson, 1802 - 583 pagini |
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... from sleep , did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him , and took unto him his wife : 25 And knew her not til she had brought forth her first born The wise men of the east . son : and A 2 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW. ...
... from sleep , did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him , and took unto him his wife : 25 And knew her not til she had brought forth her first born The wise men of the east . son : and A 2 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW. ...
... took the 5 And they said unto him , In young child and his mother by Beth - lehem of Judea : for thus it night , and departed into Egypt , is written by the prophet , 15 And was there until the 6 And thou , Beth - lehem , inthe death of ...
... took the 5 And they said unto him , In young child and his mother by Beth - lehem of Judea : for thus it night , and departed into Egypt , is written by the prophet , 15 And was there until the 6 And thou , Beth - lehem , inthe death of ...
... took the That God is able of these stones young child and his mother , and to raise up children unto Abra- came into the land of Israel . ham . 22 But when he heard that Ar- 10 And now also the ax is laid chelaus did reign in Judea in ...
... took the That God is able of these stones young child and his mother , and to raise up children unto Abra- came into the land of Israel . ham . 22 But when he heard that Ar- 10 And now also the ax is laid chelaus did reign in Judea in ...
... took 7 And Jesus saith unto him , I our infirmities , and bare our sick- will come and heal him . nesses . 8 The centurion answered , and 18Now , when Jesus saw great said , Lord , I am not worthy that multitudes about him , he gave ...
... took 7 And Jesus saith unto him , I our infirmities , and bare our sick- will come and heal him . nesses . 8 The centurion answered , and 18Now , when Jesus saw great said , Lord , I am not worthy that multitudes about him , he gave ...
... took bridegroom is with them ? but her by the hand , and the maid the days will come when the arose . bridegroom shall be taken from them , and then shall they fast . 26 And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land . 16 No man ...
... took bridegroom is with them ? but her by the hand , and the maid the days will come when the arose . bridegroom shall be taken from them , and then shall they fast . 26 And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land . 16 No man ...
Termeni și expresii frecvente
angel apostles baptized beast behold believe blessed blood bread brethren brother called cast CHAP chief priests church circumcision cometh commanded dead death devil disciples doth earth evil faith Father fear flesh Galilee Gentiles give glory goeth gospel grace hand hath healed hear heard heart heaven Herod Holy Ghost Israel Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus Christ Jesus said unto Jesus saith Jews John Judas Iscariot Judea king kingdom kingdom of God lest Lord Jesus Christ Moses multitude ness parable passover Paul peace Peter Pharisees Pilate pray preach prophets receive righteousness Sadducees saith unto say unto scribes sent servant shew Simon Peter sins son of Zebedee spake speak Spirit synagogue temple ther thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt took truth Tychicus unto thee Verily I say voice Wherefore whosoever woman word ye know yourselves