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" The National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors, of Agriculture; the... "
Net Weight Cotton Bill: Hearings Before a Subcommittee ... Seventy-sixth ... - Pagina 89
de United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - 1939 - 102 pagini
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1952 - 964 pagini
...corresponding action should be taken to modernize the different State pest-control laws. At the request of the National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agriculture, the Council of State Governments developed a proposed State insecticide, fungicide, and rodenticide act....
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Citrus Leaves, Volumele 9-10

1929 - 834 pagini
...the other states and must be enforced. Through the cooperation of the Western Plant Quarantine Board, the National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries and Directors of Agriculture, the National Plant Board and other quarantine bodies throughout the United States, every section of this country...
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Net Weight Cotton Bill: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of ..., 76-1 on S ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Agriculture and Forestry Committee - 1939 - 116 pagini
...president of The Association, Southern Commissioners of Agriculture, is still continuing his fight to remove the burdensome problem of tare and the evils...Association; Cotton Textile Institute of New York ; the President,s Committee Appointed to Investigate the Complaints of the New England and Southern Textile...
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Barriers to Internal Trade in Farm Products

United States. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Edgar Lewis Burtis, George Rogers Taylor, Frederick Vail Waugh - 1939 - 122 pagini
...their constituents, the lessons it carries. > This statement was prepared by the marketing committee of the National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agriculture. The committee helped very substantially in this study, both by suggesting problems that needed special...
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Comparative Law Series, Volumul 2

1939 - 720 pagini
...upon State cooperation. Let us remember that, and I quote from a statement of the Marketing Committee of the National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agriculture, "The right to self-government is Inextricably enmeshed with the duty of self-restraint. Just as individual...
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Food Supply of the United States: Hearings, Seventy-eighty ..., Volumul 2

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Subcommittee on Food Supply - 1943 - 360 pagini
...and gentleman, my name is CC Hansen. I am the personal representative of Mr. RA Trovatten, president of the National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries and Directors of Agriculture. The national association has had a number of meetings recently. I think the last meeting was here in Washington,...
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Food Supply of the United States: Hearings Before a ..., Părțile 4-6

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - 1943 - 2272 pagini
...and gentleman, my name is CC Hansen. I am the personal representative of Mr. RA Trovatten. president of the National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries and Directors of Agriculture. The national association has had a number of meetings recently. I think the last meeting was here in Washington,...
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Hearings Before the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture - 1945 - 1234 pagini
...I was president last year, and I am executive secretary this year. I am appearing for and in behalf of the National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries, and Directors of Agriculture. The proposed hill to regulate the marketing of economic poisons and devices appears to he in line with...
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Reaping a Greater Harvest: African Americans, the Extension Service, and ...

Debra A. Reid - 2007 - 342 pagini
...agriculture, Francois Georges, visited Biloxi, Miss., in Nov. 1947 as an invited attendee at the conference of the National Association of Commissioners, Secretaries and Directors of Agriculture. The conference hotel refused him a room in the hotel proper and insisted that he have meals in his room....
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