ON PRACTICAL SUBJECTS: To which is added, A FAREWEL DISCOURSE, Delivered at PAISLEY in April and May 1768. BY JOHN WITHERSPOON, D. D. GLASGOW: Printed by A. DUNCAN and COMPANY, For JAMES DUNCAN Bookfeller, oppofite the Main Guard, Trongate; and WILLIAM WALKER Bookfeller, Head of the Salt Mercat. MDCCLXVIII. HE following fermons are published just ΤΗ in the manner in which they were delivered at home; from which circumstance, if they fuffer in fome refpects, they will have this advantage, that they will appear the plain and artless expreffion of a minister's concern for his people, and not in the least intended to increase the reputation of their author. Perhaps alfo, not having undergone any change, they will be little less either acceptable or useful to thofe for whofe instruction they were first prepared, and at whofe request they are now published. I have only further to say, that my prefent removal from this part of the world, has, in a great measure, delivered me from the nicety of publication, and made me willing to speak, while abfent, and continue to inftruct those whom it is fo much my duty to love and ferve. PAISLEY, May 16th, 1768. a 2 J. W. |