ftines; and fometimes he makes the intended evil prove a real bleffing; as in the cafe of Jofeph, in whose history we have one of the most beautiful draughts of Providence that is any where to be feen, and done with that union of majefty and fimplicity, which fo remarkably diftinguishes the facred writings. The whole hundred and twenty-fourth Pfalmis a celebration of divine power, and a hymn of praise for divine protection. If it had not been the Lord, who was on our fide, now may Ifrael fay; if it had not ⚫ been the Lord, who was on our fide, when men rofe up against us, then they had fwallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us: 'then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our foul: then the proud waters ' had gone over our foul. Bleffed be the Lord, who ⚫ hath not given us as a prey to their teeth. Our foul 'is escaped as a bird out of the fnare of the fowlers : the fnare is broken, and we are escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.' I fhall only add, on this head, that a ferious perfon, when thinking or speaking of deliverance from danger, will always confider fin as the greatest danger he will reflect, with the highest pleasure, on the inftances in which God has enabled him to discharge his duty with conftancy. Let me beg of you to remember, with what courage and refolution the young perfons, Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego fpoke to King Nebuchadnezzar, and refifted the threatenings of that powerful prince. It is worth while to obferve, that they and Daniel feem, in that perilous time, to have given themfelves much to the exercise of prayer. Thus, running into the name of God as a strong tower, they obtained fecurity, while other very eminent perfons, by trufting in themfelves, or boafting of their own ftrength, fell before temptations of a very trifling kind, as Abraham and Ifaac in denying their wives, and the Apostle Peter in denying his Master. 2. The security of the righteous confifts in the promise of strength and support in the time of trial. Although God preserves his people from many dangers, yet he has no where promised them deliverance from all. On the contrary, we are told, that all that will live godly in Chrift Jefus must fuffer perfecution; and that through much tribulation we muft enter into the kingdom of God.' Yet, even in these circumstances, they are safe, because God is with them in their afflictions; his rod and his staff powerfully fupports them. Need I tell you, that here, in a particular manner, the text is exemplified: The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Under a smarting rod, what can a child of God do, but enter into his fecret chambers, and fupplicate the affistance and prefence of his reconciled Father? and has he not promised to grant it? Ifa.'xliii. 1. 'But now, thus faith the Lord, that created thee, O Jacob! and he that formed thee, O Ifrael! fear not; for I have ⚫ redeemed thee; I have called thee by thy name; • thou art mine.' And has he not many times, in fact, granted it? The three children walking at liberty in the midst of the fire with the Son of God, Ser. 1. as their companion, was but one inftance of what has many times happened in every age. Who would not rather be in the place of Paul and Silas, finging praises to God in their chains, than be the master of the world, with all the danger and anxieties of a throne? Let me here make an obfervation, which I think is warranted both by fcripture and experience, that juft as in point of duty, fo alfo in point of fuffering, the fecurity and comfort of the people of God depends upon their running into, and, if I may fo exprefs it, keeping within the bounds of their ftrong tower. If they keep clofe to God, no fuffering will difconcert them; no enemy will terrify them: but, if they neglect this, they may be unhinged by a very flight trial. I hinted before, self-dependence will make men fall before a very trifling temptation: but dependence on divine ftrength will make them fup rior to the greateft. In the very fame manner, it hath been often feen, that perfons, who have loft their temper, or loft their courage, in fufferings of no extraordinary kind, when more feverely tried have behaved infinitely better, and being conftrained to flee to God for protection, have found fuch benefit from it, that they have flept in peace and comfort in a loathfome prifon, have gone with an undaunted step to an ignominious fcaffold, nay, and embraced, with joy and transport, a halter or a stake. 3. In the laft place, The righteous is fafe under the divine protection, as they are fure of deliverance in the end, and complete victory over all fufferings of every kind. Thus it is faid, Pfal. xxxiv. 17. to the end, The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and ⚫ delivereth them out of all their troubles. The "Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and faveth fuch as be of a contrite fpirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord ⚫ delivereth him out of them all. He keepeth all his • bones, not one of them is broken. Evil fhall flay ⚫ the wicked, and they that hate the righteous shall be defolate. The Lord redeemeth the foul of his 'fervants; and none of them that truft in him fhall 'be defolate.' There is a great beauty in this laft paffage, which is loft or concealed in our tranfla. tion; it lies in the oppofition between the 19 and 21 verfes. The 19 verfe runs thus, Many are the • afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.' In oppofition to this, it is faid, in the 21 verfe, as it should be tranflated, • One evil shall flay the wicked; and they that hate • the righteous shall be defolate.' This probably points at the great distinguishing security of good men, that their falvation is fafe in the keeping of God, and quite beyond the reach of their most implacable enemies. Whatever ftraitening circumftances they may be reduced to, they have treasures in heaven, • which neither moth nor ruft can corrupt, nor thief break through and fteal.' They may be driven from their habitations, or banished from their country; they may resemble thofe of whom we read, Heb xi. 36, 37, 38. And others had trials of cruel mockings, and fcourgings; yea moreover of bonds and imprisonment. They were ftoned, they were fawn afunder, were tempted, were flain with the fword; they wandered about in fheep skins, and 'goat fkins; being deftitute, afflicted, tormented, (of whom the world was not worthy;) they wandered in defarts, and in mountains, and in dens, and caves of the earth;' but they cannot be banished from the kingdom of heaven. No tyrant can fhut the gates of paradife against them; for they have been opened by him, who openeth, and no man 'fhutteth; and fhutteth, and no man openeth.' I have often read with admiration, both in the inspired writings and ecclefiaftical hiftory, the patience and conftancy of the martyrs. How edifying is it to obferve, that by witneffing a good confeffion, together with the gracious influence of the spirit of God, they have become fuperior to the fear of death, and have been enabled to defpife or pity the weakness of perfecuting rage? Sometimes we may clearly fee, the unrighteous judges torn in pieces, with the fury of infernal paffions, vainly endeavouring to wreck their malice, by newly invented tortures, and the happy prifoners, as it were, already beyond their reach, while by faith and hope they are firmly asfured of an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven ⚫ above.' Having thus confidered the nature of the good man's fecurity, I am now to confider the abfolute certainty of it. On this I fhall be very short, it refts upon the divine perfection, the divine promife, and the experience of the faints. 1. The divine perfec-. tion. Is there any thing too hard for the Almighty? Is he not the Lord of nature? And are not all things obedient to his will? The great enemy of fouls, and |