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social and educational character, 194; amuse- | Ribaut, Jean, his landing, figured, 115; also,
ments of, 195; injustice done to, 198; pro-

portion of educated men, 202.

Putnam, F. W., 5, 15.

Putnam, General Israel, 252, 259, 284.

Putnam, General Rufus, 306.


Quakers, the, in Rhode Island, 199; in Mary-
land and Virginia, 202; in Massachusetts,
204; objections to, 204; defences of, 204;
exhorter (figured), 205.

117, 118, 140, 211.
Richmond, Duke of, 288.

Riedesel, Baroness, 238.

Riedesel, General, 239.

Right of search, British, 355, 366.
Roads and canals, opening of, 411, 417, 420.
Robinson, John, 154, 156.
Robinson, Rowland, 237.
Rochambeau, Comte de, 291, 322.
Rochester, N. Y., 415.
Rodney, Cæsar, 272, 276, 277.

Quebec, unsuccessful siege of, 185; fall of, 191. Rogers, Samuel, 62.
Queen Anne's War, 185.
Rolfe, John, 149.

Quincy, Josiah (Member of Congress), 311, 360, Ross, General, 375, 376, 377.
362, 365, 380.
Roxbury, Mass., settled, 162.

Quincy, Josiah (junior), recollections of, 422, Rule, Margaret, 210.
444, 447; also, 423.

Rupert, Prince, 256.

Quincy, Mrs. Josiah (senior), 234, 288, 291, 349, Rush, Richard, 412, 441.
361, 362, 373, 402.


Rafn, Professor, 28, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48, 49, 51.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 97, 98, 101, 104, 105, 106,
137, 138, 140, 141, 143, 158, 168.

Raleigh, Va., 138.

Ramusio, 109.

Randolph, Edmund, 331.

Randolph, Edward, 183, 218, 223.

Randolph, John, picture of, 397; character of,
398; quoted, 454; also, 312, 336, 393, 396,

Randolph, Miss, 398.

Rask, Professor, 48.

Russell, Mrs. Jonathan, 397.
Rutledge, Edward, 268, 273.

Sac Indians, 12.


Sagadehoc River (Kennebec), 141.
Saguenay, III.

St. Asaph's, Bishop of, 283.
St. Augustine, Fla., 119.
St. Castin's War, 183.
St. Clair, General, 327.

St. John, Henry (Viscount Bolingbroke), 186.
St. John's River explored, 116.

St. Lawrence River explored by Cartier, 108,


Rasle, Père (Father), fac-simile from his glos- St. Louis, Mo., 388.

sary, 186; also, 174, 186.

Ratcliffe, John, 146, 148.

Reed, General Joseph, 264, 272, 285.
Republican government, distrust of, 293, 352.
Republican party. (See Democratic party.)
Revere, Paul, 244.

Revolutionary War, battles in, at Lexington,
245; of Concord, 245; taking of Ticonderoga,
251; of Bunker Hill, 256; at Quebec, 263;
defence of Fort Moultrie, 263; at Long Isl-
and, 284; at Fort Washington, 284; at Tren-
ton, 285; at Princeton, 285; at Brandywine,
286; at Germantown, 286; at Bennington,
287; at Saratoga, 287; at Yorktown, 291; of
General Greene, 291; statistics of war, 244,
285, 292, 293.

Rhode Island, purchase of, 171; toleration in,
199; education in, 201; French army in,

St. Simon's Island, Ga., I.

Salem, Mass., settlement of, 161; witchcraft
at, 208; old usages of, 214.
Sallust, 194.

Sanchez, Roderigo, 61.
Sanctuary, land of the, 167.
San Francisco, Cal., 96.

San Juan de Ulloa, sea-fight at (figured), 89.
Santander, Dr. Pedro, 122.
Saratoga, N. Y., victory at, 287; surrender
of Burgoyne at, 287.

Sardinian impressions of Columbus, 52.
Sargasso Sea, the, 58.
Sassafras, trade in, 140.
Savonarola, Girolamo, 199.
Scalps taken by English, 173.
Schenectady, Indian massacre at, 184; also,

Schoner, Johann, globe of, 67.

[blocks in formation]

Sewall, Samuel, portrait of, 208; his share in States Rights doctrines, 316, 380, 408.

witchcraft trials, 208.

Shakespeare, William, quoted, 88, 106, 252.

Shays, Daniel, 302, 330.

Shepard, Rev. Thomas, 195.

Sherman, Roger, 268, 274, 275.

Sherwood, Grace, 208.

Shirley, Governor, 187, 259.

Sidney, Sir Philip. 101.

Skelton, Rev. John, 162, 195.

Skraelings, the, 39, 40; not Indians, 49.

Simpson, Lieutenant J. H., 3, 6, 44.

Slafter, E. L., 41, 128, 132.

States, union of, 295.

Steamboats, introduction of, 420.

Stephanius, Sigurd, 50.

Stephens, J. L., 4, 12.

Steuben, Baron, 286.

Stevenson, Mary, 241.

Stiles, Rev. Ezra, quoted, 231, 305.

Stockton, Chief-justice, 269.

Storrs, W. L., 424.

Story, Judge Joseph, 372, 434.

Story, Thomas, defends Quaker nakedness, 205.
Stoughton, Lieutenant-governor, 164.

Slavery first introduced at St. Augustine, 119; Strachey, William, 139.

Succession, War of the Spanish, 185.
Sullivan, General, 263.

in Virginia, 144, 240; influence of, in North-Stuyvesant, Peter, tearing letter (figured), 212.
ern colonies, 235, 240; in Southern colonies,
239; discussion of, 350, 393, 454, 455.
Slave-trade, the, 85, 87, 88; prohibited, 358.
Smith, Buckingham, 73.

Smith, Chief-justice and Mrs., 291.
Smith, Captain John, portrait of, 142; his ro-
mantic spirit, 143; his descriptions, 143; his
map, 144, 145, 148; quoted, 138, 147, 150,
172; cited, 153, 154; also, 139, 143, 145, 147,
148, 149, 151, 152, 165, 170.
Smith, Colonel, 244, 247.
Smith, Samuel H., 347.

Smith, Sydney, 400, 451.
Snorri, 40.

Snorri Sturleson, 30.

Society, American, manners in, 309, 310, 313,
314, 349, 361, 362, 395, 396, 397, 422, 423,

Soto, F. de, 73, 122, 182.

South Carolina, separated from North Carolina,
213; old institutions of, 215; State Constitu-
tion of, 294; nullification in, 450.
Southcote, Joanna, 199.

Sullivan, William, cited, 311, 312, 344; quoted,
314, 361, 372, 377, 442, 455; also, 349.
Sumner, Charles, 403.

Sumner, Professor W. G., 239, 439, 442, 453.
Swedish colony in Delaware, 167, 171, 211..
Sweinke, his defiance, 35.
Swift, General Joseph G., 387.


Tadoussac, early fur trade at, 121.

Talleyrand-Perigord, Prince de, 324, 341, 342.
Taney, Chief-justice Roger B., 452.
Tariff, the, 350, 379, 389.
Taylor, Jeremy, 216.
Tecumseh, 375.

Temple, Sir John, 313.

Tennessee, mounds of, 15; admitted as a State,
354; emigrants to, 413.
Tennyson, Alfred, quoted, 129.
Terence, 194, 195.

Territory, National, increase of, 354, 383.

Spain and Portugal, possessions of, in the New Thacher, Oxenbridge, 227, 259.
World, 75, 108.

Thacher, Rev. Peter, bowling-alley of, 195.

Spain, exaggerations of chroniclers of, 11; big- Thirkill, Launcelot, 82.

Thomas, General, 252.
Thompson, John, 275.
Thomson, Charles, 277.

Thornton, Colonel Matthew, 277.
Thorwald, 38, 51.
Thorwaldsen, A. B., 40.
Thury, Père, 184.
Ticknor, George, 270.
Ticonderoga, capture of, 191.
Titles of the President, 314.

Tobacco, 151.

Tompkins, Daniel D., 394.

Topila, carved face from (figured), 22.
Torfæus, 41, 48, 50.

Tory Row, Cambridge, Mass., 238.
Town government, origin of, 239.
Tracy, Senator, 324.

Trades, introduction of, 195.
Treat, Robert, 222.

Treaty of Ryswick, 185; of Utrecht, 186; of
Paris, 292; Jay's, 331; with Tripoli, 358; of
Ghent, 378.

Trenton, surprise of Hessians at, 285.
Triana, Rodrigo de, 62.

Tripoli, treaty with, 358.

Trist, N. P., 451.

Truxton, Commodore, 342.
Tudor, William, 256.

Tunnachemootoolt, village of (figured), 11.

Turner, J. M. W., 62.

Turner, Nat., 454.

Tylor, E. B., 13, 19.
Tyrker, 38.


Underhill, Captain John, 175.

United States: first organized as a confedera-
tion, 296; becomes a nation, 304; Western
lands of, 306; inauguration of government
of, 308; social condition of, 309; division of
parties in, 316, 329, 343: appointment of of-
ficials in, 320; adopts Washington as the seat
of government, 322; early political violence
in, 328, 332, 351, 371; negotiations with
France, 329, 331, 340; treaty with England,
331; influence of French Revolution on, 333;
great extension of territory of, 354; war with
England (1812), 365; era of good feeling in,
381; great Western march of population of,
406; early maps of, 412; centre of population
of, 416; wars with Indian tribes of, 453; rise
of antislavery agitation in, 453.
Upham, C. W., 193.

Usselinx, William, 167.

[blocks in formation]

Vespucci, Amerigo, new views concerning, 64,
65; also, 68, 70, 76, 79.
Vikings, visit of the, 27.
Villegagnon, M. de, 115.
Vinci, Leonardo da, 67.

Vinland, 36, 41, 48, 50; not identified, 51.
Virgil, 195.

Virginia, settlement of, 138; starvation in, 149;
young women emigrants to (figured), 150; In-
dian massacres in, 175, 178, 190; education
in, 201; intolerance in, 202; witchcraft in,
208; House of Burgesses, 239; resolutions
of 1798, 343; insurrections in, 454.
Volney, C. F. C., Count de, 325.
Voltaire, F. M. A. de, 223.
Von Holst, Dr., 431, 438.
Voyageurs, the French, 108, 126, 135.


Wadsworth, William, 219.
Waldsee-Müller, Martin, 65, 66.
Walker, Sir Hovenden, 186.
Wampanoag Indians, 44.
Wamsutta, 176.

War of 1812, opposition to, 372, 373, 374; bat-
tles during, 375.

War: the Hundred Years', 169; of the Spanish
Succession, 185; of the Austrian Succession,
187; the Revolutionary (see Revolution); the
Seminole, 453.

Warbeck, Perkin, 82.
Ward, General A., 253.
Wardwell, Lydia, 204.
Warner, Seth, 252, 253.
Warren, Dr. Joseph, 247, 248, 249, 250, 254,

Warren, General James, 352.

Warren, Mrs. Mercy, spicy correspondence
with John Adams, 351; portrait of, 353.

Warville, Brissot de, 322.

Washington City: adopted as the seat of gov-
ernment, 322; British capture of, 376; so-
ciety in, 313, 314, 349, 361, 362, 395, 396,
397, 422, 423, 448; inhabitants of, 398, 423.
Washington, George, his portrait (frontispiece);
his early Western expedition, 189; his report
on Indian outrages, 190; takes command of
Continental army, 257; his opinion of the
army, 257; his views of discipline, 259;
forces evacuation of Boston, 260; recognizes
need of independence, 266; his promulga-
tion of the Declaration of Independence,
283; his victories, 285; his anxieties, 285;
despondent at last, 288; his dancing at New-
port, 290; orders cessation of hostilities, 292;
his distrust of the Confederation, 296, 301;
his breakfast with Jefferson, 298; his release
of prisoners from jail, 302; letter of Knox
to, quoted, 304; his inauguration as Presi-
dent, 308; his administration, 309; his re-
ceptions, 313; his cabinet, 315; his re-elec-
tion, 326; abuse of him, 331, 332; letter of
Jefferson to, 359; his Farewell Address, 371;
proposes canals, 420.

Washington, Mrs. George, 310, 313, 326.
Watertown, Mass., settled, 162.
Wayne, Anthony, 327.

Webb, Dr. T. A., 42, 43.

Webster, Daniel, quoted, 274, 434, 443, 444;
portrait of, 445; also, 270, 274, 373, 398,
402, 422, 428, 440, 441.

Webster, Mrs. Daniel, 422, 423, 424.

Webster, Ezekiel, 440.

Weetamo, 176.

Welch, Dr., 248.

Welde, Rev. Thomas, 194.

Wellington, Duke of, 396.

Wentworth house in Portsmouth, N. H., 238.
West, Captain, 170.

Western States, early condition of, 407, 413;

change in, 413.

Wheatley, Phillis, 326.

Wheeling, Va., 413.

Whiskey Insurrection, 330.

White, Father, 166.

White, John, 138, 139.

White, Mrs. Florida, 422.

White House, early life in, 340, 349, 361, 424.
White Man's Land, 41.
Whitney, Professor J. D., 26.
Whittier, J. G., 204, 205, 400, 402.
Wilkinson, Jemima, 199.
William, King, 183, 222.
Williams, Rev. John, 185.
Williams, Roger, banishment of, 164; purchase
of Rhode Island by, 171; toleration of, 198;
quoted, 199; also, 195, 202.
Wilson, Deborah, 204.
Wilson, James, 268.
Wingate, Paine, 235.
Wingfield, E. M., 147.
Winslow, Josiah, quoted, 175; also, 170, 176,

Winsor, J., "Narrative and Critical History of
America" quoted, 151.

Winthrop, Governor John (of Mass.), arrival
of, 162; portrait of, 163, journal of, cited,
207; also, 193, 195, 197.
Winthrop, Governor John (of Connecticut), 185.
Winthrop, Hannah, 245.
Wirt, William, 451.

Wirt, Mrs. William, 422.

Witch, arrest of a (figured), 209.

Witchcraft in Europe, 206; in Connecticut,
207; in Maryland, Virginia, New York, Mas-
sachusetts, 208.

Witherspoon, Dr., 269.
Wolcott, Oliver, 313, 329.
Wolcott, Mrs. Oliver, 323.

Wolfe, General James, portrait of, 191.
Wood's Holl, 48.

Wright, Colonel C. D., 194.

Wyatt, Hant, 202.

Wythe, George, 227.

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