Listening to the Silences: Women and WarHelen Durham, Tracey Gurd BRILL, 1 iun. 2005 - 295 pagini Challenging the perception that women are exclusively the victims, the caregivers or the passive supporters of men in times of armed conflict, Listening to the Silences: Women and War exposes the reader to a diversity of women’s voices. These voices, both personal and academic, demonstrate that women are increasingly taking on less ‘traditional’ roles during war, and that these roles are multifaceted, complicated and sometimes contradictory. The experiences of a judge, forensic anthropologist, survivor of sexual slavery, soldier, activist, journalist, humanitarian worker and others provide the reader with the opportunity to consider the depth of women’s involvement in armed conflict. Their voices highlight the fact that the international community at large has historically failed to listen to women, even as they have tried to tell their own individual tales of horror, heroism, courage, devastation, betrayal, violence and integrity during armed conflict. Concurrently the book examines in detail the legal infrastructure in this area, including debates on the adequacy of international law; developments in jurisprudence and the implementation of international resolutions. This book reveals that responses to women’s requirements during times of war will continue to be inadequate so long as we persist in silencing these differing perspectives and fail to take account of women’s dynamic and changing needs during war. Listening to the Silences: Women and War is a collection of women’s voices, each of which makes a unique contribution to a topic that is gathering international momentum and interest. The perspectives of these women greatly enhance our understanding of the gendered dimensions of armed conflict - they help to move the discourse beyond silence and towards inclusion, greater understanding and peace. |
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Part I Listening to Womens Voices | 1 |
Part II How Does Law and Practice Affect How We Hear Womens Voices? | 51 |
Part III How Can We Use Womens Voices to Create and Perpetuate Peace and Security? | 223 |
273 | |
International Humanitarian Law Series | 277 |
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
Listening to the Silences: Women and War Helen Durham,Tracey Gurd Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2005 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Afghan Africa Report 1999 amnesty armed conflict Article camps civil society civilian Commission of South committed Committee Court crimes against humanity East Timor ensure experiences forced Fourth Geneva Convention GBV program gender equality gender perspective gender-based violence genocide Helen Durham human rights law human rights violations ICC Statute ICRC ICTY International Criminal International Humanitarian Law international law interpreter investigators issues justice Kunarac peace agreement peace and security peace negotiations peace process peace-building percent perpetrators person political post-conflict prosecution protection rape recognised Reconciliation Commission refugee reparation role Rwanda sexual assault sexual slavery sexual violence Sierra Leone South Africa South Africa Report Special Rapporteur specific survivors Third Geneva Convention tion torture Trial Chamber Judgment Truth and Reconciliation truth commissions UNIFEM United Nations Unity and Reconciliation UNTAET victimisation victims violence against women witness women and girls Women Waging Peace women's participation