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Iceland Continued

and OECD financial support fund
agreement, 651, 665

IIT v. Vencap, Ltd. (1975), 629

Iklé, Fred C., 801, 846, 855, 856, 859, 865
Illinois antidiscrimination laws, 700

and Marine Mammal Protection Act
(1972), 714-715

petroleum and petroleum products,


voluntary restraint arrangements on
textiles, 522

yellowfin tuna from Spain, 518

discrimination as bar to admissibil-In re Barratine (1938-1940), 170

ity, 131

nonimmigrant visas, 121
parole of Laotians, 130-131

parole of Vietnamese and Cambodi-
ans, 129-131

In re Castioni (1891), 170

In re Ezeta (1894), 170

In re Fabijan (1933–1934), 170, 171
In re Giovanni Gatti (1947), 170
In re Gonzales (1963), 170
Immigration and Nationality Act (1952) In re Griffiths (1973), 144, 147
§ 101(a)(13), 141; § 101(a)(15)(B), | In re Kaphengst (1929–1930), 171
125; § 101(a)(15)(F), 133; In re Meunier (1894), 171
§ 101(b)(1)(E), 123; § 103, 121, In re Nappi (1952), 171
126; §201, 146; § 203(a)(1), 122-
123; § 212(a)(14), 127, 128, 129;
§ 212(a)(19), 143; § 212(d)(5), 129, | In re Vogt (1923–1924), 171


In re Paris Air Crash of March 3, 1974
(1975), 459

S.A. (1973), 374

Indemnification agreement, Metropoli-
tan Museum of Art, 727
Indexation of commodity prices, 571,

130, 131; § 214(a), 133; § 241(a)(1) In the Matter of Minera El Teniente,
and (2), 141, 142; § 241(a)(4), 140,
141; § 241(a)(11), 144; § 241(f),
141, 142, 143; § 243(a), 147;
§ 243(h), 154, 155; § 276, 146;
§ 301(a)(1), 112; § 329, 114; § 341,
114; § 349(a)(1), 117; §349(3), 816
and labor certification of aliens, 127-

Northern Mariana Islands, Common-
wealth of, 100, 115-116

Immigration and Naturalization Serv-
ice (INS)

and denial of conditional entry, 123–

deportation, 140-149, 154–156
employment of aliens, 127
failure to give Miranda warnings in
deportation proceedings, 144-145
and naturalization, 114
nonimmigrant visas, 121
Operations Instructions, 154–155
parole of Laotians, 130–131

parole of Vietnamese and Cambodi-
ans, 129-131

preference classifications, 122-123
refugees, 150-155

representation in proceedings, 132
summer employment of student al-
iens, 132-133

Immigration Appeals, Board of, 132
Import control

cattle and meat, Canadian, 522
cultural property, 740

customs duties, Presidential powers,


generalized system of preferences
(GSP), 486, 507, 511-518, 578


arms embargo, lifting of, 832

debt relief, record of understanding
(1974), 644

debt rescheduling agreement with
U.S. (1975), 644
extradition case, 159

and Geneva Conventions (1949), draft
protocols, 806

and marine pollution, 442

and U.S. system of generalized tariff
preferences, 486

Indians, American, fishing rights, 416

aid restriction, 152-153, 588
evacuation of U.S. citizens and for-
eign nationals, 867-879

and Pacific Doctrine (1975), 789
postwar reconstruction, 587-588
refugees, U.S. assistance to, 150-153
support activities in, suit to enjoin,

UNICEF assistance, 82-83

Indochina Migration and Refugee As-
sistance Act (1975), 151-153

[blocks in formation]


launch services for satellites, agree
ment with U.S. (1975), 482
and Pacific Doctrine (1975), 789
U.N. mission, tax exemption, 64
and Viet-Nam peace agreements, 773
Industrial cooperation, principles
adopted by CSCE (1975), 532, 591
Industrial development, Lima Declara-
tion and Plan of Action on Indus-
trial Development and Cooperation
(1975), 554-573

Industrial Development Fund, 556
Industrial property. See Intellectual

Industrial security program, foreign in-
vestment laws and regulations,
619, 623

Freedom of Information Act (1966),
amended (1974), 233–235
principles adopted by CSCE (1975),

Ingersoll, Robert S., 94, 176, 221, 233,
509, 512, 548, 782

Inland Transport Committee, U.N. Eco-

nomic Commission for Europe, 680
Insurance, overseas. See Overseas Pri-
vate Investment Insurance Corpo-
ration (OPIC)

Intellectual property

Model Law for Developing Countries
on Inventions and Know-How,

Paris Convention for the Protection
of Industrial Property (1958), 645,

Patent Cooperation Treaty (1973)
and implementing legislation,

Trademark Registration Treaty
(1973), 647

Inter-American Convention on the Le
gal Regime of Powers of Attorney
to be Used Abroad (1975), 893
Inter-American Convention on Letters
Rogatory (1975), 893

Inter-American Convention on the
Taking of Evidence Abroad (1975),

Inter-American Development Bank,
499, 683

Inter-American Economic and Social
Council (CIES), 508
Inter-American system. See Organiza-
tion of American States
Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal
Assistance (Rio Treaty) (1947)
Protocol of Amendment (1975), 19,
291, 791

and removal of Cuban sanctions, 20,
25, 691

Interior, Department of the
establishment of Outer Continental
Shelf Advisory Board, 391-392
Fish and Wildlife Service, adminis-
tration of Howland, Baker and
Jarvis Islands, 92-93

Internal Revenue Code, 627, 632
International Atomic Energy Agency
financing, 77

international guardianship of nu-
clear resources, 856

and multinational regional nuclear
fuel cycle centers, 856

NPT review conference recommenda-
tions, 846, 847, 849-853
safeguards, 673, 675, 676
U.N. economic development system,
participation, 77

International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (IBRD) (World
Bank), 499, 501-503, 573

Inter-American Commission on Hu- International Center for Exchange of

man Rights, 223

Inter-American Convention on Conflict
of Laws concerning Bills of Ex-
change, Promissory Notes and In-
voices (1975), 893
Inter-American Convention on Conflict
of Laws concerning Checks (1975),
Inter-American Convention on Extra-
dition, draft, 160-168

Inter-American Convention on Grant-
ing of Political Rights to Women
(1948), 211-214

Inter-American Convention on Inter-
national Commercial Arbitration
(1975), 893

Technological Information, 574
International Chamber of Commerce,
546, 895

International Civil Aviation Conven-
tion (1944), 453, 466-469
International Civil Aviation Organiza-
tion, financing, 77
International Coffee Agreement (1968),
(1976), 535, 573
International Commission for the

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (IC-
NAF), 408, 418, 419

International Commission of Control
and Supervision, 771, 773
International Committee of the Red
Cross, 590, 803–805

(IFC), 501

International Convention for the Con- | International Finance Corporation
servation of Atlantic Tunas (1966),
International Convention for the
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
(1949), 408, 418

International Convention on the Elimi-
nation of All Forms of Racial Dis-
crimination (1965), 180–181, 203
International Court of Justice
advisory opinions

Genocide Convention, reservations,

Namibia (1971), 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
Corfu Channel Case (1949), 18
human rights findings, 223
Iceland fishery zone case, 397
and linkage of U.N. membership ap-
plications, 68

machinery for dispute settlement,

and U.S.-Bahamas spiny lobster is-
sue, 404, 406, 766

and U.S.-Colombia treaty on Quita
Sueno, Roncador, and Serrana
(1972), 768

U.S. consideration of referral of SS

Mayaguez incident, 766
International Covenant on Civil and

Political Rights (1966), 157, 180, 183
International Development and Food
Assistance Act (1975), 200, 227, 590,
682, 683, 685

International Development Association
(IDA), 503, 574, 579, 586
International Development Strategy,
555, 558

International Disaster Assistance, Spe-
cial Coordinator for, 591
International Energy Agency, 648, 649
International Energy Institute, 574
International Energy Program (IEP),
314, 649

International expositions and exhibi-

art works on loan to Soviet Union,

Hermitage Museum, Leningrad, 728
indemnification of art and artifacts,

International Exhibitions, Paris Con-
vention Relating to (1928), 730
paintings on loan from Soviet Union,


Pushkin Museum, Moscow, 728
regulations, 730

U.S.-Egypt agreement (1975), 729
U.S.-People's Republic of China
agreement (1974, 1975), 729

International Fund for Agricultural
Development, 584, 586, 684
International grain reserve system,
535, 685, 686

International Investment Trust, 500-
International Joint Commission, U.S.-
Canada, 707

International Labor Organization
and migrant labor, 688

and transfer of technology, 582
U.S. notice of intention to withdraw,

International law

and national policy, 1-4
obligations under, 4, 11, 271
relation to municipal law, 4-5
relevance to foreign policy, 15-16
sources, 4

and world order, 1-4
International Law Commission (ILC)
draft articles on representation of

states in their relations with in-
ternational organizations, 38-40
draft articles on succession of states
in respect of treaties, 272-286
and international watercourses, 447-

and Vienna Convention on the Law
of Treaties (1969), 265
International lending institutions, U.S.
statement on lending to oil produc-
ing countries, 499
International Monetary Fund, 366,

500-506, 515, 518, 573, 579, 580, 586
International monetary system, 500-


International Narcotics Control Board,

International organizations. See also
separate titles

AID agreements with, 325

aid to Indochina, restriction, 152-153,

privileges and immunities, 63
Vienna Convention on representation

of states in relations with, 38-63
International Organizations Immuni-
ties Act (1945), 63, 352, 366
International Pacific Salmon Fisheries
Commission, withdrawal of U.S. ap-
proval of certain regulations, 414-

International Shoe Co. v. Washington
(1945), 354

International Sugar Agreement (1968),




Union, 473
International Telephone and Tele-
graph Company (ITT), 496
International terrorism. See under Hu-
man rights

International trade. See under Trade
International Trade Commission (ITC),
515, 547

International watercourses, nonnavi-
gation uses, 447-448

International Whaling Commission,

International Wheat Agreement (1971)
and protocols (1975), 535
International Wheat Council, 535, 686
International Women's Year (1975),
205-208, 211

Interparliamentary Union, financing
of, 83

Intervention. See nonintervention in
internal affairs under Rights and
duties of states

Investment. See Foreign investment
Investment disputes, 486, 594, 606
Investment guaranties agreements

U.S.-Bangladesh (1975), 494
U.S.-Haiti (1975), 494

U.S.-Saudi Arabia (1975), 494
Investment insurance. See Overseas
Private Investment Corporation

Investors Overseas Services, Ltd.
(IOS), 629


and Abu Musa dispute, 369

Pan American World Airways invest-
ment, 615

recognition of judgment in, 340-342
Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations

and Consular Rights with U.S.
(1955), 341-342

and Viet-Nam peace agreements, 773
Iraq, 90, 705, 819, 833

Ireland, 651, 665

Island of Palmas Case (1928), 93–94

air attacks on Lebanon, 74, 762
Arab boycott. See separate title
atomic energy, agreement with U.S.
(1955), amended (1975), 672
desalting agreement with U.S. (1975),

disengagement agreement with
Syria (1974), 819

and generalized system of tariff pref-
erences, 516

and Lima Declaration and Plan of

Action on Industrial Develop-
ment and Cooperation (1975), 554
and Middle East Conference, 261
nuclear cooperation, safeguards, 673
nuclear explosive devices, under-
standing with U.S. on, 672
and Palestine issue, 751-754
Sinai disengagement agreement
(1975). See separate title

tax treaty with U.S. (1975), 633
and U.N. Emergency Force, 818
and U.N. membership, 65–66
U.N. resolution concerning Arab-Is-
raeli dispute, 757

U.N. resolution on Zionism, 203-204
U.S. commitment to, 797-798

and arms embargo against South Af-
rica, 834

extradition treaty with U.S. (1973),

and Lima Declaration and Plan of
Action on Industrial Develop-
ment and Cooperation (1975), 554
marriage evidence, agreement with
U.S. (1964), 312

and OECD financial support fund,

statement concerning Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons (1968), 269, 843-845


and customs regulations, 461
nationals of, nonimmigrant visas, 121

agreements with U.S.

environmental protection (1975),

launch services for satellites (1975),

Mutual Cooperation and Security,
Treaty of (1960), 788
postwar economic assistance to Ja-
pan (1962), 744, 745
Ryukyu and Daito Islands (1971),
744, 745

waiver of claims (1949), 312
and Antarctic Treaty, 108
extradition request, 176
and fisheries agreements, 384
Japan-U.S. Friendship Act (1975), 743
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission,

and Lima Declaration and Plan of
Action on Industrial Develop-
ment and Cooperation (1975), 554
and OECD financial support fund,
651, 665


and Pacific Doctrine (1975), 789
and PLO participation in U.N. de-
bate, 75

and U.N. Command in Korea, 822
U.S.-Japan joint announcement
(1975), security arrangements,

U.S.-Japan joint statement of cooper-

ation (1975), 12

U.S. military actions (1863), 878
whale catches, nonimposition of
trade sanctions, 710

Japanese fishing vessel, forfeiture ac-
tion, 403-404

Jarvis Island, 92–94

Javits, Jacob K., 305, 873, 884
Jenkins, Kempton B., 552

Jhirad v. Ferrandina (1973, 1975), 159
Johnson, O. Thomas, 103, 104

Johnson Debt Default Act (1934), 548
Joint Planning and Coordination Com-

mittee on Environmental Protec-
tion, U.S.-Japan, 710

Jones v. United States (1890), 93
Jones Act (1920), 621

Jordan, sale of Hawk missiles to, 890
Journalists, principles adopted by
CSCE (1975), 236–238

Judgments, foreign, recognition of, 340-

Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents,

Hague Convention on Service
Abroad of (1965), 361–362
Judicial settlement of disputes. See In-
ternational Court of Justice; Peace-
ful settlement of international dis-

Judiciary Act (1789), 631

Civil Aeronautics Board orders, 464-

conflict of laws rule in diversity ac-
tion, 892

criminal jurisdiction and irregular
apprehension, 332-339

sovereign immunity bill, submission

of, 346

Kan Kam Lin v. Rinaldi (1973), 155
Katz, Julius L., 534

Kauper, Thomas E., 30, 31, 33
Kearney, Richard D., 259, 893
Ker v. Illinois (1886), 335, 336, 338
Kerkow, Mary Katherine, 168
Khmer Republic. See Cambodia
Kissinger, Henry A., 1, 3, 6, 13, 18, 20,
24, 26, 27, 29, 70, 76, 77, 81, 82, 180,
197, 198, 216, 316, 319, 379, 410, 434,
471, 472, 500, 502, 506, 536, 573, 574,
587, 594, 606, 611, 673, 681, 683, 684,
690, 691, 722, 755, 758, 759-761, 768,
775-777, 798, 801, 802, 823, 827, 828,
833, 836, 856, 866
Klein, David, 848
KLM airlines, 454
Korea, Republic of

armistice, proposal for conference to
maintain, 823

Armistice Agreement (1953), 315,

and human rights, 228–231

mutual defense treaty with U.S.
(1953), 824, 827

and nuclear weapons, 800

and Pacific Doctrine (1975), 789
security of, U.S.-Japan joint an-
nouncement (1975), 788

U.N. Command, 820-827

proposal for termination, 820
U.N. flag, restriction on use, 826
U.N. membership application, 66-68
U.S. authority to repel attack (1950),
798, 879

Korea (North)

and Armistice Agreement (1953), 820–

foreign assets control, 637, 642

and recognition, 29
travel restrictions, 118

Koszta, Martin, 875
Kozak, Michael G., 269

economic jurisdiction, coastal state, Kunstsammlungen zu Weimar v. Elico-

fisheries jurisdiction, 396-399
foreign courts, jurisdiction in respect

of U.S. citizens, 339-340

and nationality of victim, 339–340
special maritime and territorial juris-
diction, 177

Justice, Department of. See also Immi-

gration and Naturalization Service
Antitrust Division, 603
settlement of rebating suit against
international air carriers, 470

fon (1973), 30, 32, 33

Kunstsammlungen zu Weimar v. Fed-
eral Republic of Germany (1974), 31
Kwiatek, Fabian A., 484

Labor, Department of

Federal contractors and subcontrac-
tors, overseas assignments, 200
Regional Manpower Administration,

Labor, migrant, principles adopted by
CSCE (1975), 688

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