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1077. Lester, John. Honor system. Nation, 94: 435-36, May 2, 1912.

1078. Long, Leo F. Self-government in high schools. Western journal of education (Ypsilanti) 5: 59-67, February 1912.

A description of an experiment in pupil self-government.

1079. O'Shaughnessy, Bondurant. Honor system in American universities. Harper's weekly, 56: 25, November 30, 1912.


1080. Chapman, Arthur. Cottage type of public schools. Technical world, 18: 184-87, October 1912.

1081. Cooper, Frank Irving.

Schoolhouses and the law. American physical edu

cation review, 16: 459-73, October 1911.

Includes a digest of state laws regulating schoolhouse construction, p. 463-73.

1082. Dresslar, Fletcher Bascom. The future location of city school buildings. American school board journal, 44: 28-29, March 1912.

Advocates erecting school buildings in the open country, a reasonable distance from the city, in order that the city children may have more room for play, etc.

1083. Ittner, William B. School architecture. American school board journal, 45: 16-17, 48, August; 22-23, 59, September 1912.

Address delivered before the Department of school administration of the National education association, July 10, 1912. The schools on which the article is based are the Emerson school, Gary, Ind.; high school at Wichita, Kans., and the high school at Lafayette, Ind.

1084. Kansas. Department of public instruction. School buildings, school grounds, and their improvement. Kansas, 1911. Issued by E. T. Fairchild, state superintendent. Topeka, State printing office, 1911. 115 p. illus. 8°. 1085. Macfarland, Charles S. Story of interior school decoration. American city, 5: 197-200, October 1911.

1086. Modern elementary school building. American city, 7: 243-45, September


1087. Pavlista, J. A. A model schoolhouse. American school board journal, 44: 30-31, 52-53, April 1912.

A description of the Johnson building in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

1088. Perry, Clarence Arthur. Social center ideas in new elementary school architecture. American school board journal, 44: 11-15, 53, April 1912.

A survey of the newer elementary schoolhouses in two score of our leading cities and towns, demonstrating that the motive to provide structures which can be used by adults, as well as children, is becoming increasingly active. See also item 1244.

1089. Sharpe, William F. The housing of consolidated schools in rural communities. Educator-journal, 12: 3-17, September 1911. illus., plans.

1090. Stecher, William A. An inquiry into the problem of desks for school children. American physical education review, 16: 453-58, October 1911.

1091. Webb, William H. School planning at home and abroad; a résumé of English and continental practice. London, The Sanitary publishing co., ltd., 1911. 42 p. front., plans. 12°.

1092. Willis, B. F. The Pennsylvania school code and the planning of elementary schoolhouses. American school board journal, 44: 16-17, 48, 50-51, April 1912. illus., plans.


1093. Schuyler, Montgomery. Architecture of American colleges. VII. Brown, Bowdoin, Trinity and Wesleyan. VIII. Southern colleges. IX. Union, Hamilton, Hobart, Cornell and Syracuse. X. Vassar, Smith and Wellesley. Architectural record, 29: 144-66; 30: 57-84, 549-73; 31: 512-37, February, July, December 1911; May 1912.

Conclusion of the series of articles begun in October 1909.


1094. Evans, William A. Pupil efficiency. School science and mathematics, 12: 278-85, April 1912.

A paper read before the Central association of science and mathematics teachers, Lewis institute, Chicago, December 1, 1911, in which the author emphasizes the necessity of better ventilation in school rooms.

1095. Lansingh, Van Rensselaer. The illumination of school buildings. American school board journal, 44: 19-21, 49-50, June 1912.

"Address before the American school hygiene association, Boston, March 1912."

Gives some illumination requirements and notes some successful experiments in school illumination.

1096. Shepherd, John Wilkes. Ventilation in Chicago public school buildings. Educational bi-monthly, 6: 249-55, February 1912.

"The Waters system is assumed in the details here indicated, inasmuch as it is installed in about 80 per cent of our school buildings; modification will be made by the engineer to conform to older systems."


1097. American school hygiene association. Proceedings of the sixth congress. Volume IV. Springfield, American physical education review, 1912. 216 p. 8°. (Thomas A. Storey, secretary-treasurer, New York, N. Y.) Contains: 1. David Snedden: Problems of health supervision in the schools of Massachusetts, p. 18-26. 2. T. A. Storey: Medical inspection and the practice of the physician and the dentist, p. 31-33. 3. Margaret E. Carley: The school nurse as a link in the chain of preventive medicine, p. 33-40. 4. L. N. Hines: A study in retardation, p. 53-56. 5. W. H. Burnham: Suggestion in elementary education, p. 59-65. 6. Van Rensselaer Lansingh: The illumination of school buildings, p. 96-111. 7. T. D. Wood: Health problems in education, p. 125-30. 8. D. A. Sargent: Defects in the school curriculum in physical training as shown by the disabilities of college students, p. 131-36. 9. D. S. Hill: The cooperation of educational and of medical departments of American universities, p. 136-51. 10. W. H. Potter: The care of the teeth of school children, p. 159-64. 11. G. S. C. Badger: Malnutrition in school children, p. 186-89. 12. L. H. Gulick: Report of the committee on heating and ventilating, p. 195-98. 13. E. B. Hoag: Some new problems in school hygiene, p. 205-8.

1098. Burgerstein, Leo, and Netolitzky, August.

3. aufl. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1912. 548 p.
hygiene, hrsg. von Th. Weyl. vi. bd., 1. abtlg.)

Handbuch der schulhygiene. illus. 8°. (Handbuch der

1099. Burnham, William H. Suggestion in school hygiene. [Worcester, Mass.] 1912. 228-49 p. 8°.

Reprinted from the Pedagogical seminary, June 1912.

1100. Child hygiene and the public schools. American city, 7: 430-33, November


1101. Conference on diseases among school children and the remedy. A symposium. Boston medical and surgical journal, 166: 621-27, April 25, 1912.

Papers treating of diseases of the mouth, throat, and chest; malnutrition, diseases of the skin; nervous and mental disorders in the schools, etc.

1102. Drigalski, W. von. Schulgesundheitspflege, ihre organisation und durchführung. Ein leitfaden für ärzte, lehrer und verwaltungsbeamte. Leipzig, 1912. viii, 284 p. illus. 8°.

The writer of the last article, Dr. A. W. Fairbanks, while exempting the school system from responsibility in the majority of instances, contends that certain educational methods are of influence "in perpetuating, even if not in originating, nervous and psychical abnormalities" in children, and "render relief of such conditions difficult, if not impossible." He makes a number of recommendations.

1103. Franke, Kurt. Schulhygiene in Japan. Zeitschrift für schulgesundheitspflege, 25: 729-39, no. 11, 1912.

Comparatively early recognition in Japan of the value of school hygiene as fundamental in popular education. In 1908 there were 6,459 school physicians to 11,868 schools.

1104. Gulick, Luther H. What our city schools are doing for the health of our children. American physical education review, 16: 447-52, October 1911. 1105. Hutchinson, Woods. Brick walls and the growing child. Good housekeeping magazine, 54: 31-40, January 1912.


The girl versus the high school. Good housekeeping magazine, 55: 533-38, October 1912.

1107. Lyster, Robert A. Clive, 1912. 496 p.

1108. Rice, Mrs. Isaac L.

Text-book of hygiene for teachers. London, W. B. illus. 12°.

Quiet zones for schools. [New York, 1912] 33 p. 16°. Contains an article reprinted from the Forum, December 1911, with editorial comments thereon from newspapers, etc.

1109. Ruttmann, W. I. Einführung in die schulhygiene für pädagogen. Bayreuth, Grausche buchhandlung, 1912. 264 p. 8°.

1110. Terman, Lewis M. Professional training for child hygiene. Popular science monthly, 80: 289-97, March 1912.

Advocates a specialist in child hygiene for every 2,000 school children. Outlines the course of study to be pursued by school health officers.

1111. Wallin, J. E. Wallace. Experimental oral euthenics: an attempt objectively to measure the relation between community mouth hygiene and the intellectual efficiency and educational progress of elementary school children. [Philadelphia, 1912] 32 p. 8°.

Reprinted from the Dental cosmos, April and May, 1912.


1112. Brown, Samuel Horton. Observations and deductions in the course of ocular examinations of school children. Medical times, 40: 39-41, February


Advocates a higher degree of efficiency in the work. Such efficiency will be increased when adequate compensation is made for the services of ophthalmologists.

1113. Cornell, Walter S. Health and medical inspection of school children. Philadelphia, F. A. Davis co., 1912. 614 p. illus. 8°.

Aims "to present a practical exposition of the work of medical inspection, born of the examination of some 35,000 children, and to give to physicians and teachers a survey of medical practice as it relates to children of school age."

1114. Cutter, Irving S. Medical inspection in the public schools. Nebraska teacher, 15: 55-57, August 1912.

1115. Rapeer, Louis W. Medical supervision of schools. American education, 15: 352-57, April 1912.


A timely article, dealing with the subject of medical supervision under the following headings: Needed scientific administration of educational hygiene, The administration of medical supervision, Good books for teachers and nurses, Tentative standard classification of school ailments, Symptoms of children's ailments.

Tentative standard plan for the medical supervision of schools. School and home education, 31: 367-72, May 1912.

See also in Journal of education, 75: 583-84, May 23, 1912.

1117. Shafer, George H. Health inspection of schools in the United States. Pedagogical seminary, 18: 273-314, September 1911.

1118. Terman, Lewis M. The medical inspection of schools. Sierra educational news, 8: 165-70, March 1912.

1119. Truc, H., and Chavernac, P. Hygiène oculaire et inspection des écoles. Avec une préface de M. le professeur C. M. Gariel. 3. éd., rev. et augm. Paris, A. Maloine, 1911. 244 p. 12°.

"Bibliographie," p. 227–37.


1120. Boughton, Alice C. Administration of school luncheons. Psychological clinic, 6: 44-51, April 15, 1912.

Describes the work done by the Home and school league in Philadelphia, giving menus, equipment for serving, accommodations, supervision, etc.

1121. Bryant, Louise Stevens. The school feeding movement. Psychological clinic, 6: 29-43, April 15, 1912.

Select bibliography: p. 40-43.

Historical survey of the movement in Germany, France, England, and America, giving particular attention to the conditions in America, and the investigations that have been made within the last few years.

1122. Curran, Margaret Craig. Warm lunches in country schools.

journal of education, 23: 161-68, December 1911.


Gives equipment needed and recipes for making soups, etc., for children in country schools. 1123. Osborne, Lucy A. The school luncheon. Pedagogical seminary, 19: 204-19, June 1912.

1124. Poelchau, G. Die unterernährung der schuljugend und ihre bekämpfung durch merkblätter, welche ratschläge über die ernährung enthalten. Zeitschrift für schulgesundheitspflege, 25: 553-61, August 1912.

Describes specific cases of lack of nourishment and urges a distribution to parents of literature on the subject of proper feeding.

1125. Wile, Ira S. School lunches and medical inspection. Journal of home economics, 4: 345-52, October 1912.

"Presented at the Lake Placid meeting of the Administration section of the American home economics association, June, 1912."



1126. Woodruff, Clinton Rogers. City and the children's teeth. American city, 6: 479-81, February 1912.


1127. Bulluck, Ernest S. The prevention of tuberculosis in school children. Normal instructor, 21: 31, 42, October 1912.

Gives suggestions for the prevention of tuberculosis that are within the means of the poorest school district.

1128. Cabot, Arthur Tracy. Tuberculosis and the schools. Atlantic monthly, 110: 704-8, November 1912.

Advocates the prevention and control of tuberculosis among school children, as well as the education of all children in the essential facts of hygiene.

1129. Kirchner, M. Tuberkulose und schule. Zeitschrift für schulgesundheitspflege, 25: 1-28, August 1912 (Beiheft)

1130. Nelbach, George J. Tuberculosis among school children. Nature-study review, 7: 248-54, December 1911.

How cases are discovered; treatment; general preventive measures.


1131. Downing, Bertha C. Mental hygiene and the special child. A chapter in social pathology. Boston medical and surgical journal, 166: 592–95, April 18, 1912.

Advocates open-air hospital schools for neurotic children in our cities to be a part of the publicschool system.

1132. Kingsley, Sherman C. Open-air schools in Chicago. Journal of education, 74: 458-60, November 2, 1911.


1133. Babcock, Ernest B. The school garden city-its possibilities. Sierra educational news, 7: 39-40, December 1911.

A short sketch of the school city conducted on the campus of the University of California. 1134. Caldwell, Otis W. The school garden and fundamentals of education. ture-study review, 8: 248-52, October 1912.


1135. Children's gardens in Cincinnati. American city, 6: 909–13, June 1912. 1136. Hough, Halvorsen. Planting the schoolyard. Craftsman, 22: 650-56, September 1912.


1137. Playground and recreation association of America. Papers presented at the fifth annual meeting, Washington, D. C., May 10-13, 1911. Playground, 5: July-December 1911. (H. S. Braucher, secretary, 1 Madison avenue, New York, N. Y.)


Contains: 1. Joseph Lee: Play as an antidote to civilization, p. 110-26. 2. Mrs. J. J. Storrow: Folk dancing, p. 161-68. 3. L. H. Bailey: The playground in rural communities, p. 181-85. 4. William Kent: Rural recreation, p. 188-89. 5. E. J. Ward: Evening recreation center work by a university, p. 206-10. 6. Report of the Committee on boy scouts, p. 210-15. 7. G. T. Kirby: The recreation movement; its possibilities and limitations, p. 217-24. 8. Mrs. C. H. Israels: Social dancing, p. 231-36. 9. E. W. Stitt: Dancing in the social centers of New York city, p. 236-39. 10. L. F. Hanmer: Athletics for the playground, p. 274-77. 11. J. E. West: Play leaders and boy scout activities, p. 278-82. 12. P. G. Orwig: Boy scout activities on the playground, p. 282–86.

Yearbook. Playground, 5: 325-50, January 1912.

Tabulated statement of "What cities 'played' last year and how."

1139. Alexander, Mrs. Caroline Bayard (Stevens). Effective playground work at small cost. American city, 6: 848-49, June 1912.

1140. Becht, J. George. Report on playgrounds. Pennsylvania school journal, 61: 218-21, November 1912.

Treats of equipment, supervision, minimum space per pupil, etc.

1141. Bowen, William P. The moral value of play. Western journal of education, 5: 309-15, September 1912.

President's address to the Department of physical education of the National education association, Chicago, July 12, 1912.

Discusses the moral effect of habits of play upon the individual and the nation, urging the reform of our play habits as a necessity for moral advancement. The first and greatest step in this direction is in the early teaching of the child regarding the best forms of play-activities.

1142. Corcoran, John Allen. Illumination of playgrounds. American city, 7: 14850, August 1912.

1143. Curtis, Henry S. Need of a comprehensive playground plan. American city, 5: 338-40, December 1911.



Neighborhood center; the proper relationship of the public school to playgrounds and small parks. American city, 7: 133–37, August 1912. The reorganized school playground. Washington, Government printing office, 1912. 23 p. 8°. (U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin, 1912, no. 16)

1146. Haynes, Rowland. Recreation survey, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Made for the Board of school directors and the Child welfare commission, October and November, 1911. Playground, 6: 38-66, May 1912.

"Shortened form of the report prepared at request of Milwaukee Bureau of economy and efficiency, printed as one of their bulletins. Combines and condenses two original reports."

1147. Hetherington, Clark W. Playground directors-sources from which they may be secured. Playground, 5: 255-30, October 1911.

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