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(4) The swine are moved to destination in one continuous movement without unloading enroute.

(b) Movement of exposed swine to a quarantined herd or a quarantined feedlot. Exposed swine shall be moved interstate directly to a quarantined herd or quarantined feedlot only if:

(1) The swine are negative to an official pseudorabies test 21 days or more after last being exposed to any livestock showing clinical evidence of pseudorabies;

(2) The swine are officially vaccinated for pseudorabies within 15 days after the negative test;

(3) The swine are moved interstate within 30 days after the negative test;

(4) The swine are accompanied by a permit and such permit is delivered to the consignee; and

(5) The permit, in addition to the in-
formation described in § 85.1(bb),
states: (i) The present pseudorabies
quarantine status of the farm of
origin; (ii) the identification tag,
tattoo, earnotch recognized by a breed
association, or similar identification of
each animal being moved; (iii) the date
of the official pseudorabies test and
the name of the laboratory where the
test was conducted; (iv) the date of the
official vaccination for pseudorabies;
and (v) that approval for the inter-
state movement has been issued by
the State animal health official of the
State of destination prior to the inter-
state movement of the swine.
(Approved by the Office of Management
and Budget under control number 0579-
(44 FR 10309, Feb. 16, 1979, as amended at
48 FR 57472, Dec. 30, 1983]
8 85.6 Interstate movement of pseudora.

bies vaccinate swine not known to be
infected with or exposed to pseudora-

Pseudorabies vaccinate swine not
known to be infected with or exposed
to pseudorabies shall only be moved
interstate in accordance with the fol-
lowing provisions:

(a) Movement of pseudorabies vaccinate swine for slaughter. Pseudorabies vaccinate swine not known to be infected with or exposed to pseudorabies shall be moved interstate for slaughter only if:

(1) The swine are moved directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment or directly through one or more slaughter markets and then directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment;

(2) The swine are accompanied by a permit or owner-shipper statement and such permit or owner-shipper statement is delivered to the consignee; and

(3) The swine are moved to destination in one continuous movement without unloading enroute.

(b) Movement of pseudorabies vaccinate swine to a quarantined herd or quarantined feedlot. Pseudorabies vaccinate swine not known to be infected with or exposed to pseudorabies shall be moved interstate directly to a quarantined herd or quarantined feedlot only if:

(1) The swine are accompanied by a
permit and such permit is delivered to
the consignee; and

(2) The permit in addition to infor-
mation described in $ 85.1(bb) states:
(i) The pseudorabies status of the
herd; (ii) the identification tag, tattoo,
earnotch recognized by a breed associ-
ation, or similar identification of each
animal being moved; (iii) the date of
the vaccination for pseudorabies; and
(iv) that approval for the interstate
movement has been issued by the
State animal health official of the
State of destination prior to the inter-
state movement of the swine.
(Approved by the Office of Management
and Budget under control number 0579-
[44 FR 10309, Feb. 16, 1979, as amended at
48 FR 57472, Dec. 30, 1983)
8 85.7 Interstate movement of swine not

vaccinated for pseudorabies and not
known to be infected with or exposed

to pseudorabies.
Swine not vaccinated for/pseudora-
bies and not known to be infected with
or exposed to pseudorabies shall only
be moved interstate in accordance
with the following provisions:

(a) Movement for slaughter. Swine
not vaccinated for pseudorabies and
not known to be infected with or ex;
posed to pseudorabies may be moved
interstate for slaughter without fur-

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ition to i 5.10b) tatus on

ther restriction under this part direct- other than directly to a feedlot, quarly to a recognized slaughtering estab- antined feedlot, quarantined herd or lishment or directly through one or to an approved livestock market for more slaughter markets and then subsequent movement directly to a directly to a recognized slaughtering feedlot, quarantined feedlot or quarestablishment.

antined herd only if: (b) Movement to a feedlot, quaranaccompari

(1) The swine are accompained by a zippers

tined feedlot, quarantined herd, or ap- certificate and such certificate is delivOiObes proved livestock market. Swine not

ered to the consignee; and d to the ma vaccinated for pseudorabies and not

(2) The certificate, in addition to the known to be infected with or exposed

information described in $ 85.1(cc), to pseudorabies shall be moved inter

states: (i) The identification tag, state directly to a feedlot, quarantined vous ne

tattoo, earnotch recognized by a breed feedlot, or quarantined herd or to an

association, or similar identification of approved livestock market for subse

each animal being moved; and (ii) that quent movement directly to a feedlot,

each animal to be moved: (A) Was subquarantined feedlot or quarantined herd only if:

jected to an official pseudorabies test (1) The swine are from a qualified

within 30 days prior to the interstate

movement and was found negative, pseudorabies negative herd, in which

the test date and the name of the labinstance such swine may be moved interstate without further restriction

oratory conducting the test; or (B) is under this part; or

part of a currently recognized quali(2) The swine are accompanied by a

fied pseudorabies negative herd and certificate and such certificate is deliv

the date of the last qualifying test; or, ered to the consignee; and

(C) is part of a pseudorabies controlled (3) The certificate, in addition to the

vaccinated herd and is one of the offinformation described in $ 85.1(cc),

spring that was subjected to the offistates: (i) The identification of the

cial test to achieve or maintain the farm of origin of each animal being

status of the herd as a pseudorabies moved by an earnotch recognized by a

controlled vaccinated herd, and the breed association, identification tag,

date of the last test to maintain said tattoo, or similar identification, except

status. such swine going to an approved live

(Approved by the Office of Management stock market need not be identified

and Budget under control number 0579until their arrival at the approved live- 0069) stock market; and (ii) approval for the

[44 FR 10309, Feb. 16, 1979, as amended at interstate movement has been issued

48 FR 57472, Dec. 30, 1983)
by the State animal health official of
the State of destination prior to the 8 85.8 Other interstate movements.
interstate movement of the swine; and
(4) The swine are moved from a

The Deputy Administrator may,
State which requires the State animal

upon request in specific cases, permit health official of that State to be im

the interstate movement of livestock mediately notified of any suspected or

not otherwise provided for in this part confirmed case of pseudorabies in that

under such conditions as he may preState and which requires that exposed

scribe to prevent the spread of pseuor infected livestock be quarantined,

dorabies. Veterinary Services intends such quarantine to be released only

that such authority be used only in after having met quarantine release

situations and under circumstances standards no less restrictive than

presenting problems that could not those outlined in $ 85.1(1) of this part:

have been reasonably anticipated in Except, That this provision shall not

advance and in unique situations. Vetbe effective until July 1, 1980.

erinary Services does not intend that (c) Other movements. Swine not vac

such authority be used repeatedly to cinated for pseudorabies and not

cover the same problem, but that the known to be infected with or exposed regulation be amended to conform to pseudorabies shall be moved inter- with needed changes as they come to state other than for slaughter and light.

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Title 9—Animals and Animal Products


8 85.9 Interstate movement of swine

semen and swine embryos for insemi

nation of or implantation into swine. Swine semen and swine embryos moved interstate for insemination of swine or implantation into swine shall be accompanied by a document issued by an accredited veterinarian stating that the donor swine are not known to be infected with or exposed to pseudorabies, were negative to an official pseudorabies test within 30 days prior to the collection of the semen or embryos or were members of a qualified pseudorabies negative herd, and had not been exposed to pseudorabies within 30 days prior to the collection of the semen or embryos.

(b) Such records shall be maintained
for two (2) years after the swine are
moved interstate by the consignor, and
such records shall be made available
to the State animal health official or
Veterinary Services representative on
(Approved by the Office of Management
and Budget under control number 0579-
(44 FR 10309, Feb. 16, 1979, as amended at
48 FR 57472, Dec. 30, 1983)

8 85.12 Cleaning and disinfecting means

of conveyance. All means of conveyance used in connection with the interstate movement of pseudorabies infected or exposed livestock shall be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with $ 76.30 of this chapter using one of the disinfectants registered under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 135 et seq.) with herpes virucidal claims. These disinfectants shall be used in accordance with directions on their labels accepted in connection with their registration.

8 85.10 Permits and certificates

(a) Each permit, certificate or owner-shipper statement required under this part to accompany swine interstate shall be delivered with the swine to the consignee by the person delivering the swine.

(b) A copy of each permit or certificate required under this part to accompany swine interstate shall be mailed or delivered to the State animal health official of the State of destination by the person issuing the document within 3 days of the interstate movement of the swine covered by said document. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 05790069) (44 FR 10309, Feb. 16, 1979, as amended at 48 FR 57472, Dec. 30, 1983)

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8 85.13 Cleaning and disinfecting livestock

markets and other facilities.
Livestock markets and other facili-
ties used in connection with the inter-
state movement of pseudorabies in-
fected or exposed livestock shall be
cleaned and disinfected in compliance
with § 76.31 of this chapter using one
of the disinfectants registered under
the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and
Rodenticide Act, as amended (7 U.S.C.
135 et seq.) with herpes virucidal
claims. These disinfectants shall be
used in accordance with directions on
their labels accepted in connection
with their registration.


8 85.11 Maintenance of records.

(a) The consignor of swine not vacci. nated for pseudorabies and not known to be infected with or exposed to pseudorabies which are moved interstate directly to a feedlot, quarantined feedlot, quarantined herd, or to an approved livestock market for subsequent movement directly to a feedlot, quarantined feedlot or quarantined herd shall maintain records whereby individual swine can be traced to the farm of origin.:

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•Such records shall list: (1) The names and addresses of the consignor and consignee; (2) the identification tag, tattoo, earnotch recognized by a breed association, or

89.1 Amount of feed.
89.2 Two or more feedings at same station.

similar identification of each animal moved;
and (3) the date of the shipment.

Chapter 1- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service


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d disinfeting Cattle and beef type or range calves (for each car').

Dairy calves (for each car deck ').
Horses and mules (for each car ')...

Sheep and (for each car deck '). terstate De Lambs and kids (for each car deck '). fected or a

Swine (for each carload lot, in single or double deck car, the amount of
shelled corn a indicated):

Lots of not more than 18,000 lbs
More than 18,000 lbs. but not more than 21,000 lbs
More than 21,000 lbs. but not more than 24,000 lbs
More than 24,000 lbs. but not more than 27,000 lbs
More than 27,000 lbs. but not more than 30,000 lbs
More than 30,000 lbs.-proportionately larger amounts...

cleaned 2
e with 11
ne of the
er the Free

and Rats
J.S.C. 1954

[blocks in formation]

The requirements set forth the sustaining rations for a full load of livestock in a railroad car 40 feet in 1 claims length. The requirements for a full load of livestock in rallroad cars of different sizes should

be modified used in a proportionately, i.e., a load of livestock transported in a car 50 feet in length would require an additional

25 percent of feed or 2.5 percent for each additional foot of car over 40 feet.

Or the equivalent in other suitable feed. Dairy calves too young to eat hay or grain, or shipped without with these their dams, should be given a sufficient amount of prepared calf feed, milk, raw eggs, or other suitable


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8 89.2 Two or more feedings at same sta

tion. When livestock are held at a feeding station 12 hours after the last previous feed has been substantially consumed, they should again be fed the ration prescribed by $ 89.1(a) for that station: Provided, however, That they may be held without such feeding for a period longer than 12 hours if the time they are so held, added to the time required to reach the next feeding station or destination, whichever is closer, would not ordinarily exceed 40 hours.

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(b) When the owner of a consignment of livestock desires that they be fed larger amounts of feed than those designated in paragraph (a) of this section for the particular kind and quantity of livestock, or the carrier believes that they should be fed larger amounts, the amounts to be fed should be agreed upon, if practicable, by the owner and the carrier at the time the animals are offered for shipment.

(c) When emergency conditions arise, such as severe changes in the weather, which increase the rigors of transportation, the livestock should receive amounts of feed, additional to those designated in paragraph (a) of this section, sufficient to sustain them until they arrive at the next feeding station or destination.

(d) When the movement of livestock is delayed en route so that the period of their confinement in the cars materially exceeds that specified by the Twenty-Eight Hour Law, the livestock should receive additional feed in proportion to such excess time.

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8 89.3 Feeding, watering, and resting live.

stock in the car. (a) Livestock should be unloaded into pens of the character described in 8 89.5(a) for feeding, watering, and resting, unless there is ample room in the car for all of the animals to lie down at the same time.

(b) If livestock are watered in the car, adequate facilities should be provided and ample water furnished to insure all the animals an opportunity to drink their fill. In the case of hogs,

water should be available for not less than 1 hour.

(c) Livestock unloaded for feed and water and returned to the car for rest should be allowed to remain in the pens not less than 2 hours.

(d) Livestock unloaded for water and returned to the car for feed and rest should be allowed to remain in the pens not less than 1 hour.

(e) When livestock are fed in the car, the feed should be evenly distributed throughout the car.

cles should be clean. In cold weather, SUCH the water should be free from ice.

ANIMAL 8 89.5 Feeding pens.

(a) Stock pens and other enclosures 1 91for feeding, watering, and resting live XNG OF stock in transit should have (1) suffi

. MATON cient space for all of the livestock to lie down at the same time, (2) properly Subpar designed facilities for feeding and watering the livestock, (3) reasonably well-drained, clean, and safe floors of concrete, cinders, gravel, hard-packed earth, or other suitable material, and (4) suitable protection from weather reasonably to be expected in the region in which the pens are located.

(b) Care should be taken to protect livestock unloaded en route at a point having marked difference in temperature from that at the point from which they were shipped.


8 89.4 Watering.

Livestock should be furnished an ample supply of potable water. Water treated with chemicals for industrial or boiler use, or taken from streams or ponds containing sewage, mud, or other objectionable matter should not be used. Troughs and other recepta

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