The rate of ufance here with us in Venice. I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. Ev'n there where merchants most do congregate, Baff. Shylock, do you hear? Shy. I am debating of my present store, Of full three thousand ducats: what of that? [To Anth Your worship was the laft man in our mouths. Anth. Shylock, although I neither lend nor borrow By taking, nor by giving of excefs, Yet, to fupply the ripe wants of my friend, How much you would? Shy. Ay, ay, three thousand ducats. I Shy. I had forgot, three months, you told me fo; Well then, your bond; and let me fee, hear you, but Methought, you faid, you neither lend nor borrow Anth. I do never use it. Shy. When Jacob graz'd his uncle Laban's fheep,This Jacob from our holy Abraham was (As his wife mother wrought in his behalf) The third poffeffor; ay, he was the third. Anth. And what of him? did he take intereft? When Laban and himself were compromis'd, Anth. This was a venture, Sir, that Jacob ferv'd for Anth. Mark you this Baffanio? The devil can cite fcripture for his purpose. can cite feripture for his purpose.O, what a goodly outfide falf hood bath!] But this is not true, that falfhood hath always a goodly outside. Nor does this take in the force of the fpeaker's fentiment; who would obferve that that falfhood which quotes feripture for its purpose has a goodly outfide. We should therefore read, An evil foul, producing holy witness, O, what a goodly outfide falfhood hath? Shy. Three thousand ducats!-'tis a good round fum. Three months from twelve, then let me fee the rate. Anth. Well, Shylock, fhall we be beholden to you? Shy. Signior Anthonio, many a time and oft In the Rialto you have rated me, About my monies and my ufances. A cur can lend three thousand ducats? or day, Anth. I am as like to call thee fo again, 2 A A breed of barren metal of his friend) ? 3 Who, if he break, thou may'ft with better face Shy. Why, how you ftorm? I would be friends with you, and have your love; Of ufance for my monies, and you'll not hear me; Anth. This were kindness. Shy. This kindness will I fhow? Go with me to a Notary, feal me there Your fingle bond; and in a merry sport, you repay me not on fuch a day, If In fuch a place, fuch fum, or fums, as are Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken In what part of your body it fhall pleafe me. Anth. Content, in faith. I'll feal to fuch a bond, And say, there is much kindness in the few. Baff. You shall not feal to fuch a bond for me, I'll rather dwell in my neceffity. Anth. Why, fear not, man; I will not forfeit it; Within these two months (that's a month before This bond expires) I do expe& return Of thrice three times the value of this bond. Shy. O father Abraham, what these chriftians are ! Whose own hard dealings teach them to fufpect 3 A breed of barren metal of his friend? A breed that is intereft money bred from the principal. By the epithet barren, the author would inftruct us in the argument on which the advocates against ufury went, which is this, that money is a barren thing, and cannot like corn and VOL. I. cattle multiply itfelf. And to fet off the abfurdity of this kind of ufury, he put breed and barren in oppofition. WARBURTON. To dwell feems in this place to mean the fame as to continue. To abide has both the fenfes of habitation and continuance. D d The The thoughts of others! pray you, tell me this, A pound of man's flesh, taken from a man, As flesh of muttons, beefs, or goats. I fay, And for my love I pray you, wrong me not. Anth. Hie thee, gentle Jew. This Hebrew will turn chriftian; he grows kind. |