Ant. To let a fellow that will take rewards, Enter Attendants, with Thyreus. And plighter of high hearts!—O, is he whipp'd? l Atten. Soundly, my lord. Ant. Cry'd he? and begg'd he pardon? l Atten. He did ask favour. Ant. If that thy father live, let him repent Thou wast not made his daughter; and be thou sorry To follow Cæsar in his triumph, since Thou hast been whipp'd for following him: henceforth, The white hand of a lady fever thee, Shake thou to look on't. Get thee back to Cæsar, When my good stars, that were my former guides, My speech, and what is done; tell him, he has Cleo. Have you done yet? Ant. Alack, our terrene moon Is now eclips'd; and it portends alone The fall of Antony! Cleo. I must stay his time. [Exit THYREUS. [To her Women. Ant. To flatter Cæsar, would you mingle eyes With one that ties his points? Cleo. Not know me yet? Ant- Cold-hearted toward me? Cleo. Ah, dear, if I be so, From my cold heart let Heaven engender hail, Dissolve my life! The next Cæsarion smite! Ant. I am satisfy'd. Cæsar sits down in Alexandria; where Have knit again, and fleet, threat'ning most sea-like— Where hast thou been, my heart?—Dost thou hear, lady? If from the field I shall return once more Cleo. That's my brave lord! Ant. I will be treble sinew'd, hearted, breath'd, Cleo. It is my birth day: I had thought, to have held it poor; but, since my lord Is Antony again, I will be Cleopatra. Ant. We'll yet do well. Cleo. Call all his noble captains to my lord. Ant. Do so, we'll speak to them; and to-night I'll force The wine peep through their scars.—Come on, my queen; There's sap in't yet. The next time I do fight, [Exeunt Antony, Cleopatra, Charmian, Enob. Now he'll outstare the lightning. To be furious, Is, to be frighted out of fear: in that mood, The dove will peck the estridge; and I see still, Restores his heart: when valour preys on reason, [Exit. Enter Antony and Cleopatra; Charmian, Iras, and Others, attending. Ant. Eros! mine armour, Eros! Cleo. Sleep a little. Ant. No, my chuck.—Eros, come; mine armour, Eros! Enter Eros, with Armour. Come, my good fellow, put thine iron on:— Cleo. Nay, I'll help too. [EROS arms him. Ant. What's this for? Ah, let be, let be! thou art The armourer of my heart: False, false; this, this. Cleo. Sooth, la, I'll help : Thus it must be. Ant. Well, well; We shall thrive now. —Seest thou, my good fellow? Go, put on thy defences. Eros. Briefly, sir. Cleo. Is not this buckled well? Ant. O, rarely, rarely: He that unbuckles this, till we do please Enter an Officer, armed. A workman in't.—Good morrow to thee; welcome ; Thou look'st like him that knows a warlike charge: To business that we love, we rise betime, And go to't with delight. 1 Off. A thousand, sir. Early though't be, have on their rivetted trim, [Shouts within—Trumpets. And at the port expect you. Enter Other Officers, Soldiers, &c. 2 Off. The morn is fair.—Good morrow, general. All. Good morrow, general. Ant. 'Tis well blown, lads. This morning, like the spirit of a youth, That means to be of note, begins betimes. So, so; come, give me that: this way; well said. And worthy shameful check it were, to stand [Exeunt Eros, Antony, Officers, and Sol Diers. Char. Please you, retire into your chamber. He goes forth gallantly. That he and Cæsar might [Exeunt. Scene II. Under the Walls of Alexandria. Antony's Camp.—Trumpets. Enter Antony and Eros; Diomede meeting them. Diom. The gods make this a happy day to Antony! Ant. 'Would thou, and those thy scars, had once prevail'd To make me fight at land! Diom. Hadst thou done so, The kings, that have revolted, and the soldier, Ant. Who's gone this morning? Diom. Who? One ever near thee: Call for Enobarbus, |