ice Center in the Southeast Region are deleted and the following new addresses are inserted in lieu thereof: "Mailing address Director, Memphis Service Center Airport Mail Facility Walk-in-address 3131 Democrat Road, Stop 16A Memphis, Tennessee 38130” r. The walk-in-address for the Aberdeen District in the Midwest Region is amended by deleting "1154 Fourth Avenue, S.E." and inserting in lieu thereof "115 Fourth Avenue, S.E.". s. The mailing address for the Chicago District in the Midwest Region is amended by deleting “P.O. Box 782" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 1193". t. The mailing address for the Des Moines District in the Midwest Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 327" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 1337", and by deleting the zip code "50302" and inserting in lieu thereof the zip code "50305". u. The mailing address for the Milwaukee District in the Midwest Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 1187" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 495". v. The mailing address for the Springfield District in the Midwest Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 5053" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 1468". w. The mailing address for the Regional Office, Centeral Region, is amended by deleting "550 Main Street" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 1699", and by deleting the zip code "45202" and inserting in lieu thereof the zip code "45201". x. The walk-in-address for the Regional Office, Central Region, is amended by deleting the phrase "Same as mailing address" and inserting in lieu thereof the following new walk-in- "425 Juliana Street address: "Federal Office Building 550 Main Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45201" y. The mailing address for the Cincinnati District in the Central Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 476" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 1818". z. The mailing address for the Cleveland District in the Central Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 99182" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 99181". aa. The mailing address for the Detroit District in the Central Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 84" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 32513", and by deleting the zip code "48224" and inserting in lieu thereof the zip code "48232". bb. The walk-in-address for the Detroit District in the Central Region is deleted and the following new walkin-address is inserted in lieu thereof: "Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building 477 Michigan Avenue Detroit, Michigan" cc. The mailing address for the Indianapolis District in the Central Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 44242" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 44687". dd. The mailing address for the Louisville District in the Central Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 1735" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 1146", and the walk-inaddress for the Louisville District is amended by deleting the phrase "Third Floor". ee. The mailing address for the Parkersburg District in the Central Region is amended by deleting "425 Juliana Street" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 1388". ff. The walk-in-address for the Parkersburg District in the Central Region is amended by deleting "Same as mailing address" and inserting in lieu thereof the following new walkin-address: Parkersburg, West Virginia 26101" gg. The mailing address for the Cincinnati Service Center in the Central Region is amended by deleting the zip code "41012" and inserting in lieu thereof the zip code 41019". hh. The mailing address for the Austin District in the Southwest Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 1448" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 250". ii. The mailing address for the Dallas District in the Southwest Region is amended by deleting the zip code "75202" and inserting in lieu thereof the zip code "75242". jj. The mailing address for the Denver District in the Southwest Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 1378" and inserting in lieu thereof "1050 17th Street", and by deleting the zip code "80201" and inserting in lieu thereof the zip code "80265”. kk. The walk-in-address for the Denver District in the Southwest Region is deleted and the phrase "Same as mailing address" is inserted in lieu thereof. 11. The walk-in-address for the Little Rock District in the Southwest Region is amended by inserting the word "Avenue" immediately after the word "Capitol". mm. The mailing address for the New Orleans District in the Southwest Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 30350" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 30309". nn. The walk-in-address for the New Orleans District in the Southwest Region is amended by deleting "600 South Street" and inserting in lieu thereof "500 Camp Street". oo. The mailing address for the Boise District in the Western Region is amended by deleting “P.O. Box 041" and inserting ", Box 041" immediately after the word "Street". pp. The mailing address for the Helena District in the Western Region is amended by deleting "Federal Building, Second Floor West" and inserting in lieu thereof "316 N. Park Avenue". qq. The mailing address for the Honolulu District in the Western Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 2810" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 50084", and by deleting the zip code "96803" and inserting in lieu thereof the zip code "96850". rr. The walk-in-address for the Honolulu District in the Western Region is amended by deleting "335 Merchant Street" and inserting in lieu thereof "300 Ala Moana". ss. The mailing address for the Portland District in the Western Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 4185" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 3341". tt. The walk-in-address for the Salt Lake City District in the Western Region is amended by deleting "465 South 400 East" and inserting in lieu thereof "465 South 4th East". uu. The mailing address for the San Francisco District in the Western Region is amended by deleting "P.O. Box 36020" and inserting in lieu thereof "450 Golden Gate Avenue, Box 36040". vv. The walk-in-address for the San Francisco District in the Western Region is deleted and the phrase "Same as mailing address" is inserted in lieu thereof. ww. The mailing address for the Seattle District in the Western Region is amended by deleting "915 Second Avenue" and inserting in lieu thereof "P.O. Box 12887", and by deleting the zip code "98104" and inserting in lieu thereof the zip code "98174". xx. The walk-in-address for the Seattle District in the Western Region is amended by deleting the phrase "Same as mailing address" and inserting in lieu thereof the following new walk-in-address: "915 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104" JEROME KURTZ, (Filed by the Office of the Federal Register on November 14, 1978; 8:45 a.m., and published in the issue of the Federal Reg Liaison Between Subordinate OrgaTreasury Department Order No. nizational Units of the Treasury and 150-87(A) Authority for the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to Furnish Certain Tax Return Information to the Inspector General. Pursuant to the authority vested in me as Assistant Secretary (Administration) and by Treasury Department Order No. 150-87 [1977-2 С.В. 584], including the provisions of sections 7 and 9 of that Order, and the provisions of the written disclosure authorization provided for in section 6(a) of that Order, I hereby designate the Inspector General of the Treasury Department as a person to whom the Commissioner shall on his own initiative furnish information that a civil penalty for fraud has been assessed, or is proposed for assessment, or an investigation for a possible criminal offense under the internal revenue laws has been commenced or completed with respect to any Treasury officer, employee, or other person serving in the Department described in section 3 or 4 of Treasury Department Order No. 150-87. The Inspector General is also designated to receive any underlying documentation and same will be provided directly to the Inspector General by the Internal Revenue Service when the Inspector General specifically requests such information in writing. Additionally, the Inspector General is authorized to furnish such information to any persons specified in section 7 of Treasury Department Order No. 150-87 or other Treasury officers who have a need to know such information to the same extent that I have authority under such order to furnish others with such information. Dated: November 2, 1978. WILLIAM J. BECKHAM, JR., Assistant Secretary (Administration). the Central Intelligence Agency. In order to assure proper coordination of agreements and arrangements for all Treasury support of the CIA and for any CIA activity in support of one or more operating units of the Treasury Department, the Office of Intelligence Support is directed to review in my behalf all such agreements and arrangements now in effect and all proposals for new arrangements, to consult with the General Counsel concerning them, and to report all such agreements and arrangements to me on a continuing basis. Any agreement between Treasury agencies and the CIA dealing with arrangements of a continuing nature shall be reduced to writing, reviewed by the General Counsel and the Inspector General and submitted for my review and approval before being adopted. In each instance in which either the CIA or a Treasury agency wishes to request the other to provide support and there is no current written agreement which is applicable, the request shall be transmitted between the agencies through the Office of Intelligence Support which shall consult with the General Counsel and the Inspector General. This Order shall apply to similar arrangements for support or assistance with all other intelligence agencies of the Federal Government except the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Coordination of such arrangements with the FBI shall, in the case of the Internal Revenue Service, be the responsibility of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and in the case of all other Treasury units, the responsibility of the Under Secretary in consultation with the General Counsel and the Inspector General. All agreements and arrangements proposed pursuant to this Order shall be submitted to me for my personal review and approval. This Order is intended to assure proper coordination and review of all such agreements and arrangements but shall not affect in any way the normal reporting relationships and operational responsibilities of Treasury officials. This directive does not apply to the routine exchange between the intelligence community and Treasury of substantive intelligence information and reports on a continuing basis. A copy of this order is being sent to the Director of the CIA. Treasury Department Order No. 240 (1975-2 C.B. 607) is rescinded, effective this date. Dated: July 18, 1978. W. MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL, Secretary of the Treasury. Suspension of Attorneys, Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents from Practice before the Internal Revenue Service Under 31 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 10, an attorney, certified public accountant or enrolled agent, in order to avoid the institution or conclusion of a proceeding for his disbarment or suspension from practice before the Internal Revenue Service, may offer his consent to suspension from such practice. The Director of Practice, in his discretion, may suspend an attorney, certified public accountant, or enrolled agent in accordance with the consent offered. Attorneys, certified public accountants and enrolled agents are prohibited in any Internal Revenue Serv ice matter from directly or indirectly employing, accepting assistance from, being employed by or sharing fees with, any practitioner disbarred or under suspension from practice before the Internal Revenue Service. To enable attorneys, certified public accountants and enrolled agents to identify practitioners under consent to suspension from practice before the Internal Revenue Service, the Director of Practice will announce in the Internal Revenue Bulletin the names and addresses of practitioners who have entered consent to suspension from such practice, their designation as attorney, certified public accountant or enrolled agent, and the date or period of suspension. This announcement will appear in the weekly Bulletin at the earliest practicable date after such action and will continue to appear in the weekly Bulletins for five successive weeks or for as many weeks as is practicable for each attorney, certified public accountant or enrolled agent so suspended and will later be consolidated and published in the Cumulative Bulletin. The following persons have entered a consent to suspension from practice before the Internal Revenue Service: Term of Suspension Indefinite July 3, 1978 Twelve months from July 12, 1978 |