Illustrations of Lying in All Its BranchesRobert Carter & Brothers, 1850 - 283 pagini |
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Albany AMELIA OPIE Annabel Annabel's Baryton beauty believe benevolence better Bilney Burford called child christian coach conceal considered Constantia cried Darcy daugh dear death deceive declared dress enabled exclaimed eyes false falsehood Fanny father fault feel flattered Freeland girl give guest guilty habit hear heart honour hope indulge innocent lies Jemima JEROME OF PRAGUE Lady Alberry Lady Delaval Lady Leslie lence liar lies living Lollards look Lord MALIGNITY Marmaduke mean ment metho mind moral mother motives Musgrave nature never occasions offended opinion Overton painful penitent PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY persons poor principle religious replied resent ROBERT CARTER Sandford servants sincerity Somerstown soon soul speaking the truth spontaneous truth suffer sure tell temptation thee thing Thomas Bilney Thomas Wolsey thou thought tion told trust uncon unto utter vanity violate white lying wife wiser sex wish withholding woman worldly young