The Dartmouth Bible: An Abridgment of the King James Version, with Aids to Its Understanding as History and Literature, and as a Source of Religious Experience. The Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament, with Introductions, Prefaces, Notes, and Annotated MapsRoy Bullard Chamberlin, Herman Feldman Houghton Mifflin, 1950 - 1257 pagini An abridgment of the King James version, with aids to its understanding as history and literature, and as a source of religious experience. The Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament, with introductions, prefaces, notes, and annotated maps. |
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Pagina 6
... thought " rather than of sound . One line is followed by a second containing the same thought but expressed in different words and images . An example is : The heavens declare the glory of God : and the firmament showeth his handi- work ...
... thought " rather than of sound . One line is followed by a second containing the same thought but expressed in different words and images . An example is : The heavens declare the glory of God : and the firmament showeth his handi- work ...
Pagina 10
... thought to have been the work of a priestly " school " active over a considerable period of time , whether in Babylonia or in Palestine or in both . They undertook to rearrange and unify much of the literary deposit from the past . They ...
... thought to have been the work of a priestly " school " active over a considerable period of time , whether in Babylonia or in Palestine or in both . They undertook to rearrange and unify much of the literary deposit from the past . They ...
Pagina 827
... THOUGHT MONG reflective religious readers The Wisdom of Solomon is deemed a no- table book of The Apocrypha . For it is now recognized as largely the work of a philosophical mind of the last half century B.C. with perhaps some chapters ...
... THOUGHT MONG reflective religious readers The Wisdom of Solomon is deemed a no- table book of The Apocrypha . For it is now recognized as largely the work of a philosophical mind of the last half century B.C. with perhaps some chapters ...
The Pentateuch or The Five Books of Moses | 13 |
3 | 149 |
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The Dartmouth Bible: An Abridgment of the King James Version, with Aids to ... Roy Bullard Chamberlin,Herman Feldman Vizualizare fragmente - 1961 |
The Dartmouth Bible: An Abridgment of the King James Version, with Aids to ... Roy Bullard Chamberlin,Herman Feldman Vizualizare fragmente - 1961 |
The Dartmouth Bible: An Abridgment of the King James Version, with Aids to ... Roy Bullard Chamberlin,Herman Feldman Vizualizare fragmente - 1961 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Aaron Abimelech Abraham Absalom Achish altar Amorites Assyrian Babylon Balaam behold Bible blessed bread brethren bring brother brought called Canaan Canaanites century B.C. chariots children of Israel commanded covenant daughters David delivered earth Edom Egypt Egyptians Esau evil eyes hast thou heart heaven Hebrew Jacob Jephthah Jerubbaal Jerusalem Jews Joab Jonathan Jordan Joseph Joshua Judah judge Keilah king's Laban land of Egypt Lord hath Lord said unto Lord thy Moab Moses nations Old Testament Palestine pass passage Pentateuch Pharaoh Philistines pray thee priests prophets reign saith the Lord Samuel Saul say unto scholars sent shalt thou Shechem slew smote Solomon sons soul spake unto sword tabernacle thereof thine hand thing thou art thou hast thou shalt thy servant took tribes unto Moses unto the Lord unto thee verse Wherefore wife wilderness woman words Yahweh