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as I followed him through the great hall, had so accused me, through the just judghe turned back, and beat me with his fist, ment of God and his word, that I had felt first on the one cheek, and then on the hell in my conscience, and Satan ready other, as the sign of my beating did many to devour me; and therefore I pray you, days appear. And then he led me to a Mr. Harpsfield, (said I) let me have the little salt-house, where I had neither straw bill again, for I will not stand to it. So he nor bed, but lay two nights on a table, and gently commanded it to be fetched, and slept soundly. gave it me, and suffered me to put out my "On the Friday after, I was brought to name, whereof I was right glad when I my lord, when he gave me many fair had so done, although death should follow. words, and said he would be good to me. And hereby I had experience of God's And so he going to Fulham, committed me providence and mercy towards me, who to Dr. Harpsfield, that he and I, in that trieth his people, and suffereth them to afternoon, should commune together, and fall, but not to be lost: for in the midst of draw out certain articles, whereunto if I this temptation and trouble, he gave me would subscribe, I should be dismissed. warning of my deed, and also delivered me; But Dr. Harpsfield sent not for me till his name be praised for evermore. Amen. night, and then persuaded me very much "Neither devil nor cruel tyrant can to forsake my opinions. I answered, I held pluck any of Christ's sheep out of his hand. nothing but the truth, and therefore I could Of which flock of Christ's sheep I trust unnot so lightly turn therefrom. So I thought doubtedly I am one, by means of his death I should at that time have had no more and blood-shedding, and shall at the last ado: but he had made a certain bill, which day stand at his right hand, and receive the register pulled out of his bosom, and with others his blessed benediction. And read. The bill indeed was very easily now, being condemned to die, my conscience made, and therefore more dangerous; for and mind, I praise God, is quiet in Christ, the effect thereof was to detest all errors and heresies against the sacrament of the altar, and other sacraments, and to believe the faith of the Catholic church, and live accordingly.

and I by his grace am very willing and
content to give over this body to the death,
for the testimony of his truth and pure reli-
gion, against Antichrist and all his false
religion and doctrine.
By me,

"To this bill I did also set my hand, being much desired and counselled so to do; and the flesh being always desirous to CONDEMNATION AND MARTYRDOM OF MR.


have liberty, I considered not thoroughly the inconvenience that might come there- At his last examination before the bishop upon; and respite I desired to have had, upon the 14th day of January, 1556, bishop but earnestly they desired me to subscribe. Bonner, with others, sitting in his consistory Now when I had done so, I had little joy in the afternoon, first called forth Thomas thereof; for by and by my mind and con- Whittle, with whom he began as follows: science told me by God's word that I had "Because you be a priest," said he, “as I done evil, by such a slight means to shake and other bishops here be, and did receive off the sweet cross of Christ; and yet it the order of priesthood after the rite and was not my seeking, as God knoweth, but form of the Catholic church, you shall not altogether came of them. think but I will administer justice as well

"The night after I had subscribed I was unto you as unto others." sore grieved, and for sorrow of conscience Bonner then charged him with the sevcould not sleep. For in the deliverance of eral articles mentioned above, to which my body out of bonds, which I might have Whittle made spirited and pertinent rehad, I could find no joy nor comfort, but plies: when the bishop, finding that neither still was in my conscience tormented more threats nor entreaties had any effect on and more, being assured by God's Spirit him, forthwith proceeded to his degradaand his word, that I through evil counsel tion.

and advice had done amiss. And both Whittle, in the midst of the ceremonies, with disquietude of mind, and my other when he saw them so busy in degrading cruel handling, I was sickly; lying upon him, said unto them, "Paul and Titus had the ground when the keeper came; and so not so much to do with their priests and I desired him to pray Dr. Harpsfield to bishops." And, speaking to the bishop, he come to me, and so he did. said," My lord, ar religion standeth "And when he came, and the register most with the church of Rome, and not with him, I told him that I was not well at with the Catholic church of Christ." ease, but that I was grieved very much in The bishop, after this, according to his my conscience and mind because I had accustomed formal proceedings, tried him subscribed. And I said that my conscience yet again with words, rather than with

substantial arguments, to conform him to ly, as appears by his own testimony, left his religion, and asked, what fault ho found in a book belonging to Mr. Bartram Calin the administration of the sacrament of thorpe, one of his friends, written a little the altar? before his death, as follows:

Whittle answered, "It is not used ac- "Two things have very much troubled cording to Christ's institution, in that it is me while I was in the Temple, pride and privately and not openly done. And also gluttony; which under the color of glory because it is administered but in one kind and good fellowship, drew me almost from to the lay-people, which is against Christ's God. Against both there is one remedy, ordinance. Farther, Christ commanded it by earnest prayer, and without ceasing. not to be elevated nor adored for the ado- And forasmuch as yain-glory is so subtle ration and elevation cannot be proved by an adversary, that almost it woundeth scripture." deadly, ere ever a man can perceive him "Well," said Bonner, "my lords here, self to be smitten, therefore we ought so and other learned men, have showed great much the rather by continual prayer to learning for thy conversion, wherefore if labor for humbleness of mind. Truly, glut thou wilt yet return to the faith and reli- tony beginneth under a charitable pretence gion of the Catholic church, I will receive of mutual love and society, and hath in it thee thereunto, and not commit thee to the most uncharitableness. When we seek to secular power." But Whittle, strengthened refresh our bodies, that they may be more with the grace of the Lord, stood strong apt to serve God, and perform our duties and immovable in what he had affirmed. towards our neighbors, then it stealeth in Wherefore the sentence being read, the as a privy thief, and murdereth both body next day he was committed to the secular and soul, that now it is not, apt to pray, or power, and in a few days after brought to serve God, apt to study or labor for qur the fire with the six persons above named, neighbor. Let us therefore watch and be sealing the testimony of his doctrine with sober for our adversary the devil walketh his blood, which he willingly and cheer- about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he fully gave for witness of the truth. may devour.

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"Set sober love against hasty wrath.


"Agreement of minds joining in unity of faith, and growing up in charity, is true Was of a respectable family, and was and stedfast amity. Farewell, my Bar blessed with parents who, understanding tram, and remember me, that ever we may the value of a good education, were anx-be like together. Farewell; at Newgate ious to bestow one upon their son. After Jan. 26, 1556. having been placed at preparatory schools, he was sent to the university of Oxford, where, by his diligence, he made great advances in his studies; but was, for a time, so far from feeling any interest in eternal things, that he was utterly averse to the subject. At length, by attending the lectures of Peter Martyr, then reader of the divinity-lecture, his mind was struck with the importance of religion.

Thus we see the fatherly kindness of our most gracious and merciful God, who nevar suffereth his elect children so to fall, tha they lie still in security of sin, but ofte times quickeneth them up by such means as perhaps they think least of. And gos to return to our history for the bette When he had once tasted of this, it be maintenance of himself in his studies, an came unto him as the fountain of living other his affairs, he had a large allowanc water, that our Savior Christ spake of to of his grandfather, Dr. Bartlet, who duria the woman of Samaria; insomuch that the time of Green's imprisonment mai when he was called by his friends from the him offers of great livings, if he would university, and was placed in the Temple cant, and return to the church of Rom at London, there to study the common laws But nis persuasions took no effect on of the realm, he still continued, with great grandson's faithful heart. He was a m earnestness, to read and search the scrip- beloved, of all (except the papists, who teem none that love the truth), and so But, (such is the frailty of our corrupt well deserved; for he was of a meek, hus nature, without the special assistance of ble, discreet, and gentle behavior to a God's Holy Spirit) through the continual injurious to none, beneficial to many, est fellowship of such worldly youth as are cially to those who were of the househ commonly in that and the like places, he of faith.


became by little and little. a partaker in The cause of Mr. Green's sufferin their follies, as well in his apparel, as also originated from a letter of his being int in banquetings, and other superfluous ex- cepted. This letter was written to an i cesses: which he afterwards bewailed sore-iled friend, who having, in a letter to 3

Green, amongst other things, asked whether the 28th of January, when he, with his the queen was dead, as a report of that brethren, went most cheerfully to the place nature had been circulated on the conti- of their torments. nent; Mr. Green, after answering other a questions, briefly said in his letter" The queen is not dead."


Was born in the parish of Histon, in the These letters, with many others, written diocese of Ely, and came afterwards to Lon to the godly exiles, by their friends in don, where he dwelt in the parish of St. England, being delivered to a messenger to Bride's, in Fleet-street. He was a married carry over, came, by the apprehension of man, aged thirty-seven, and his troubles first the bearer, into the hands of the council, arose because he came not to his parish who perused the whole of them, and amongst church, for which neglect he was presented them found that of Mr. Green, written to by the constable of the parish to bishop his friend. Christopher Goodman; in the Bonner. Being brought to Fulham with contents whereof they found the words, the others to be examined, he was required mentioned above; which, words were only to come into the chapel to hear mass, wirich written as a simple answer to a question. he refusing to do, went into the warren, Howbeit, to some of the council they and there kneeled among the trees. For seemed very heinous words,, yea, treason this he was greatly charged by the bishop, they would have made them, if the law as for a heinous matter, because he said it would have suffered, Which when they was done in despite and contempt of their could not do, they then examined him upon mass. At length being brought to his last his faith in religion;

His answers displeased them; he was committed to prison, and, after being confined for some time was, at length, sent to bishop Bonner.

examination before the said bishop, on the 15th of January, there to hear the definitive sentence against him, he was required, with many fair words and glossing promises, to revoke his doctrine. But he resisted with stedfast faith, and told the bishop he was a bloodsucker.

Many conferences and examinations they brought him to. But in the end (seeing his teadiness of faith to be such that neither After this, Bonner read the sentence their threatenings nor their flattering prom- against him; which being done, he was Les could prevail against it), the 15th day committed to the sheriffs to be burned on of January the bishop caused him, with the the day appointed.

thers before mentioned, to be brought into

the consistory of St. Paul's; where being


et in his judgment-seat, accompanied by Was also brought forth unto the like conFecknam, his dean, and his chaplains, after demnation. He was born in Ipswich, and had condemned the other six, he called apprenticed in London to George Goodyear Bartlet Green, and again repeated the Being complained of to Sir Richard Cholmarticles to him. After which Dr. Fecknam ley and Dr. Story, he was by them sent to disputed with him upon, the real presence Bonner, and was divers times before him Christ in the sacrament, &c. At length, in examination.

patient of longer delay, Bonner demand-On his last examination, when the bishop if he would recant and return to his Ro-promised, on condition of his recanting, to mish mother; and on his answering in the forgive him all his offences, he demanded egative, he pronounced the definitive sen-wherein he had offended. Then said the ance against him, and then committed him bishop, "In your answers,"—"No," replied the sheriffs of London, who sent him to Tudson, "I have not therein offended; and ewgate. you, my lord, pretend charity,, but nothing As he was going thither, two gentlemen thereof appeareth in your works." Thus, him, particular friends, who wished to after a few words, the bishop pronounced prt this their persecuted brother, but against him sentence of condemnation; eir hearts not being able to contain their which being read, the martyr was commitow,Ah, my dear friends," said the ted to the secular power, and so with much tr, is this the comfort you are come patience finished this life with his fellows give me, in this my occasion of heavi- on the 27th day of January.

Must I who needed to have conso

i ministered to me, become now' a coin


of you?" And thus declaring his Born in Langham, in Essex, was twenty. quiet peaceable mind and conscience, seven years of age. He was first examined cheerfully spake to them and others, by Dr. Story, upon the sacrament of the he came to the prison door, into altar; and because the poor man did not he joyfully entered, and there re-accord with him thoroughly in the real ed either in prayer or meditation until presence of the body and blood of Christ,

Dr. Story sent him to Bonner, who likewise, | mass service in church, neither would, after various examinations upon the articles either to receive the sacrament of the altar, in the consistory, attempted the like man- or to be confessed, because her conscience ner of persuasions with him as he did to would not suffer her so to do; protesting the others, to recant and return. To whom, against the real presence of Christ's body in very few words, Went answered, "He and blood; and denying that auricular conwould not; but that, by the leave of God, fession, or absolution after the popish sort, he would stand firm and constant in what was necessary; but said, that both the sa he had said." Whereupon being condemned sacraments, confession and absolution, and by the bishop's sentence, he was committed the mass, with all their other superfluous unto the sheriffs, and so brought to his mar-sacraments, ceremonies, and divine service, tyrdom, which he with no less constancy as then used in this realin of England, suffered to the end, with the rest of that were most vile, and contrary to Christ's blessed society.



word and institution; so that they were neither at the beginning, nor shall be at the latter end. This resolute maid, feeble Was born in Grafestock, in the diocese and tender of age, yet strong by grace of Carlisle, and was the wife of John Fos- her confession and faith, stood so firm, that ter, cutler, of St. Bride's, Fleet-street. She neither the promises nor the threats of the likewise, for not coming to their church, bishop could turn her; and on being ex was sent to bishop Bonner, who put her in horted by the bishop to return to the Catho prison, and examined her sundry times, but lic unity of the church, she boldly said, "If she would never be removed from the con- you will leave off your abomination, I will stant confession of Christ's gospel. return, and otherwise I will not. Do as it At length, coming unto her final exami- pleaseth you, and I pray God that you may nation before the bishop, she was tried do that which may please him." again, whether she would yet go from her And thus she constantly persevering in former answers. Whereunto she gave a the truth, was condemned and committed resolute answer; "I will not," said she, to the sheriffs, by whom she with the rest "go from them, by God's grace." The was brought unto the stake, and there bishop, promising both life and liberty, if washed her clothes in the blood of the she would associate herself in the unity of Lamb. the Catholic church, she said again, “That she trusted she was never out of the Catholic church;" and so persisting in the same, On the 27th of January, 1556, thest continued constant till the sentence was seven believers in, and faithful servants of pronounced, when she was committed by command of the bishop to the secular power, and so brought a few days after to the stake, being fifty-five years of age.



Christ, were conducted from Newgate t
Smithfield, there to endure the last torments
that could be inflicted on them by ther
cruel persecutors. They all went with
great cheerfulness, singing hymns to the
praise of their Redeemer, both in the way
to, and at the place of execution. Bartiet
Green, in particular, frequently repeats
the following lines:

O Christ, my God, sure hope of health.
Besides thee have I none:

The truth I love, and falsehood hate;
Be thou my guide alone

Was the daughter of Elizabeth Warne, by her first husband, Robert Lashford. The reader may remember the story of John and Elizabeth Warne, who both suffered for the cause of truth, as related in a former part of this book; and when her father and mother were in prison, Joan, then about twenty years of age, attended upon them They were chained to three different and administered to their wants with all stakes, but consumed together in one fire. the tenderness and affection of a dutiful freely yielding up their lives in testimony child. She was soon discovered to hold of the truth, and sealing, with their bloo the same doctrines as her parents, and was, the doctrines of that gospel they had in consequence, sent to Bonner, bishop of zealously supported.

London, by Dr. Story, and so committed to Two of these noble martyrs, namely, the Poultry Compter, where she remained Thomas Whittle, and Bartlet Green, wrote about five weeks, and from thence she was a great number of letters, to their friends conveyed to Newgate, where she continued and acquaintances, during their conf some months. ment: and as we have already given ar After that, remaining prisoner in the extract from one of Green's, we now pr custody of Bonner, and being examined, sent one written by Mr. Whittle. her confession was, that, for above a twelve- "My dear and well-beloved brethren. inonth before, she came not to the popish Christ, Mr. Filles and Cuthbert, I wis

you all welfare of soul and body. Welfare vain traditions, and serve God with reveto the soul is repentance of sin, faithful rence and godly fear, according to the docaffiance in Christ Jesus, and a godly life. trine of his gospel; whereto cleave ye that Welfare to the body is the health of the ye may be blessed, though of wicked men same, with all necessary things for this life. ye are hated and accursed. Rather drink The soul of man is immortal, and, there- of the cup of Christ with his church, than fore, ought to be well kept, lest immortality of the cup of that rose-colored whore of of joy should turn to immortality of sor- Babylon, which is full of abominations. row. As for the body, be it never so well Rather strive ye to go to heaven by the kept, and much made of, yet shortly, by path which is strait to flesh and blood, nature, will it perish and decay: but those with the little flock, than to go in the wide that are ingrafted and incorporated into way, following the enticements of the world Christ by true faith, feeling the motion of and the flesh, which leadeth to damnation. God's holy spirit; as a pledge of their elec- "Like as Christ suffered in the flesh, tion and inheritance exciting and stirring saith St. Peter, so arm ye yourselves them not only to seek heavenly things, but with the same mind: for Christ suffered for also to hate vice, and embrace virtue, will us, leaving us an example to follow his not only do these things, but also, if need footsteps. Blessed are they that suffer for require, will gladly take up their cross, and his sake; great is their reward in heaven. follow their captain, their king and their He that overcometh (saith St. John, Rev. Savior Jesus Christ, (as his poor afflicted 2, 3) shall eat of the tree of life; he shall church of England now doth) against that have a crown of life, and not be hurt of the false and Antichristian doctrine and reli- second death: he shall be clothed with gion now used, and especially that blasphe- white array, and not be put out of the book mous mass, wherein Christ's Supper, and of life; yea, I will confess his name, saith holy ordinance, is altogether perverted and Christ, before my father, and before his abused, contrary to his institution, and to angels, and he shall be a pillar in the house Paul's proceedings: so that that which they of God, and sit with me on my seat. And have in their mass, is neither sacrament of thus I bid you farewell, mine own brethren, Christ, nor yet sacrifice for sin, as the and dear fellows in Christ; whose grace priests falsely pretend. It is a sacrament, and peace be always with you. Amen. that is, as St. Augustine saith, 'A visible sign of invisible grace,' when it is administered to the communicants according to Christ's example, and as it was, of late years, in this realm. And as for sacrifice, there is none to be made now for sin: For Christ, with one sacrifice, hath perfected for ever those that are sanctified.'

"Beware of false religion, and men's

This world I do forsake,
To Christ I me take,
And for his gospel's sake,
Patiently death I take.
My body to the dust,

Now to return it must;
My soul, I know full well,
With my God it shall dwell.


History of John Lomas, Anne Albright, Joan Catmer, Agnes Snoth, and Joan Sole, who were burnt at Canterbury, in one fire.


THESE martyrs suffered for the truth of not written that he should be confessed to the gospel, on the 31st day of January, 1556. any priest, in God's book, neither would he be confessed, unless he were accused, by some man, of sin." Again, being examined Of the parish of Tenterden, was discov- whether he believed the body of Christ to ered to be of that religion which the papists be in the sacrament of the altar really call heresy, and cited upon the same to ap- under the forms of bread and wine after pear at Canterbury, where he was exam- the consecration! He answered, that "he ined there as to whether he believed the believed no reality of Christ's body to be Catholic church or not; he answered, that in the sacrament; neither found he written "he believed so much as was contained in that he is there under form or trestle, but God's book, and no more." he believed so much as was written." Being He was then ordered to appear again on then asked whether he believed that there the following Wednesday, which was the was a Catholic church or no, and whether 17th day of January, when he was ex- he would be content to be a member of the amined, whether he would be confessed by same, he answered, that "he believed so a priest or not; he said, that "he found it much as was written in God's book," and

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