Letters to a Spiritual SeekerW. W. Norton & Company, 2004 - 266 pagini The writing of Henry David Thoreau is as full of life today as it was when he published Walden one hundred years ago. In seeking to understand nature, Thoreau sought to "lead a fresh, simple life with God." In 1848 a seeker named Harrison Blake, yearning for a spiritual life of his own, asked the then-fledgling writer for guidance. The fifty letters that ensued, collected here for the first time in their own volume by Thoreau specialist Bradley P. Dean, are by turns earnest, oracular, witty, playful, practical— and deeply insightful and inspiring, as one would expect from America's best prose stylist and great moral philosopher. |
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Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Introduction | 11 |
A Note on the Texts | 27 |
March 1848 from Blake | 33 |
May 2 1848 | 40 |
August 10 1849 | 46 |
April 3 1850 | 52 |
Letter Nine August 9 1850 | 59 |
Letter Eleven September 1852 | 67 |
Letter Fourteen December 19 and 22 1853 | 93 |
Letter Seventeen September 21 1854 | 107 |
Letter Twentythree July 8 1855 | 121 |
Letter Twentyeight May 21 1856 | 134 |
Letter Thirtytwo February 6 1857 | 147 |
Letter Thirtyfour June 6 1857 | 150 |
Letter Forty July 1 1858 | 163 |
Letter Fortyfive October 31 1859 | 177 |
Letter Eleven Enclosure 2 | 76 |
Letter Thirteen April 10 1853 | 89 |
Letter Fortynine December 2 1860 | 192 |
Acknowledgments | 263 |
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Alcott American Amos Bronson Alcott appears Assabet River August Blake and Brown body Boston bread called Cape Cod Channing chapter of Walden Cholmondeley Concord December December 19 delivered divine dream Eagleswood early edition Emerson essay excursion eyes famous feet fire fruits glad hear heaven Henry David Thoreau James January John journal entry July June late lecture in Worcester letter living manuscript Massachusetts Massachusetts Thoreau meet Merrimack Rivers Methinks miles month morning Mount Katahdin Mount Washington mountain nature never newspapers night November October perhaps Pinkham Notch poem poet published Putnam's Magazine Ralph Waldo Emerson Ricketson river Saturday sense September soul speak spiritual spring stand suggested sure surveying tell things Thoreau mentions Thoreau refers Thoreau Society thou thought tion town trees truth Tuesday unto Walden Pond walk week Wild winter Worcester write