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99. Aged fifty-two.-Nervous affection, attended with great debility; head-ache for nineteen years, had her head shaved several times. Positive sparks in her forehead four evenings, and a few slight shocks; perfectly cured.

Memorandum. Owing to the multiplicity of other engagements I did not record any of the cures performed for four or five months, they were however as numerous and important as before. They consisted chiefly of rheumatism-tooth and head acheburns and scalds-sore eyes-sore legs and hands-female obstructions, especially-partial, recent palsies-chilblains (infallibly)-debility, &c. I applied it in three cases to total blindness of many years standing, but without effect; the patients could see the sparks. Two of them had a thick film grown over the sight which I endeavoured by a profusion of sparks to penetrate. I persevered for several weeks-one of them could at last discern the shadow of my hand. I had hereby an opportunity afforded of trying to the uttermost the effect of electricity on the eye. It was truly astonishing to witness so tender a part receive such a torrent of sparks and sometimes small shocks, sent direct from a point to the centre of the naked eye-ball, for such a length of time, and yet not receive the slightest injury. There is however one reason which partly accounts for it; it is the constant moisture which surrounds the eye which conducts the fluid off sideways, so that very little of it, probably, ever actually enters the eye. In its application there is also great difficulty in securing the eyelash, so that it shall not escape in that way. It was equally astonishing also to find not the least injury sustained by the brain, by those long and powerful applications to the eyes.

Another opportunity occurred of trying the strength of the human constitution to bear electric shocks, in the case of a girl ten years of age, who for six years had epileptic fits nearly every day. I applied it forty days in different ways-strong shocks were sent through the head in every direction, sometimes a hundred at one time; also through the spinal marrow, the bowels, heart and lungs; all this was done without the least injury she always complained most when the shocks were sent transversely through the bowels. She was discharged in better health and spirits, but the fits were not cured.

Neither sparks nor small shocks will injure a pregnant woman, if she is perfectly devoid of fear at the time.

Two cases of scalded legs by boiling tea-kettles were immediately electrified. Positive sparks; cured in ten minutes. Electricity has always the same effect on burns and scalds, as on chilblains.

A young man extremely ill owing to sleeping in a damp bedIt was with great difficulty that he could walk; it resisted all medicine. In three weeks I discharged him, cured. I generally gave him from one to three hundred small shocks at a time. These diseases require a force of application, (if the patient's strength will admit), sufficient to raise instant perspiration; in two minutes this is generally accomplished. My machine will discharge a hundred and fifty small shocks per minute, the jar

contains twenty-five inches of glass, the electrometer stands a quarter of an inch distant from the conductor.

100. Aged twenty-five.-Suppression for two years; very weak. Not being able to ascertain the expected period, I administered it at intervals for three weeks; small shocks transversely through the body. It was then discontinued without effect. Two months after, without any other assistance, the desired object appeared.

101. Aged forty.-Sorely afflicted with the gravel; great weakness and pain in the loins. Sparks to the affected part shocks from one foot to the other; perfectly cured. I have frequently known acute gravel pains subside the instant electricity was applied.

102. Aged fifty.-After expending nearly twenty pounds in medical attendance without the least benefit, was cured of a palsied arm, side, and leg, by twenty-two applications of sparks chiefly; she can now walk as well as ever.

103. Aged eight.-Eruption for a length of time behind the ear, which resisted all medicine. Perfectly cured; sparks for a fortnight.

104. Aged sixty.-Lost the use of his left arm while asleepperfectly useless; three days after electricity was applied. Strong sparks for three evenings; perfectly cured.

105. Aged fifty.-Violent rheumatic pain in his shoulder and Perfectly cured, four applications; strong sparks and small



106. Two children with inflamed eyes for a length of time; so bad, that their father said their shrieks did pierce his heart. The best medical advice had failed. I happened one day to see them in the street, and strongly recommended to try electricity. Imperceptible stream through the forehead, aura direct to the eyes; both of them perfectly cured by five applications.

107. Aged thirty-five.-Great lameness in the ancle apparently from a chill. Four times sparks; cured.

108. Aged twenty-five.-Violent pain in her right side, which was greatly increased if she drew her breath hardly; obstruction also. Sparks drawn from the affected part and a few shocks from one foot to the other, three evenings; perfectly cured.

109. Aged twenty-four.-Violent pain in her right side, felt mostly when lying on that side; had resisted medicine a long time. Five times sparks; cured.

110. Aged thirty-two.-Large swelling at the anus, attended with violent pain in the small of the back, shooting across the abdomen; it was brought on apparently by walking a long journey about six months ago, has been increasing in size ever since,-obliged to lie in bed-his medical attendant was of opinion

that it would be a very lingering case. Sparks drawn direct from the affected part in a moment removed all pain, small shocks across the os sacrum in different directions for a few days; perfectly cured.

111. Aged thirty.-Violent constipation and strangury, which had resisted Glauber's salts, Scot's pills, and castor oil. Strong sparks transversely sent through the bowels a few minutes,-in two hours relief was obtained. Several similar cases have

occurred. I never knew it fail in this complaint.

112. Aged seventy-six.-Sudden and violent pain at the back of her shoulder, high inflammation followed rapidly, and the use of the arm was lost, every hour it increased and fears were alarming. Strong sparks; in half a minute the pain subsided, the next day she could move her hand; two more applications perfected the cure. What appeared most surprising in this case was, three days after the cure was performed, the opposite side of the shoulder where the pain was felt and where the sparks had been applied, became all over black, as though some vessel had been ruptured. In a few weeks the blackness disappeared.

113. Aged twenty-five.-Violent pain in her right side attended with a swelling under her short ribs; could not lie on that side. Catamenia regular, the pain perfectly removed, by negative sparks, in one minute; three hours afterwards the swelling disappeared. Catamenia appeared a week earlier than usual, a very common occurrence after being electrified. Delicate females should dread touching an electrical machine; I once knew a case where a fortnight's affliction followed the indulgence in it for amusement. Remember that you may unnaturally accelerate what you cannot afterwards stop.

114. Aged thirty.—Great weakness in her stomach-indigestion -sickness-head-ache; no relief from medicine. Positive chain around her head, negative sparks drawn from the pit of her stomach, four times; perfectly cured.

115. Aged fifty.-Took a chill four months ago which caused a palsy of the left arm; no relief from medicine. Four times, sparks; perfectly cured.

116. Aged fifty.-A large tumour under her arm; after being electrified it broke and discharged and then healed, and her general health was greatly improved.

117. Aged eight.-A little boy who was found lying in a field in a state of insensibility; one side of his face appeared bruised. No one could tell what was the matter with him; his life was despaired of for several days. Medical applications relieved him so far as to be able to walk, but he remained quite destitute of his understanding. Four applications of sparks and shocks to the head perfectly cured him.




"AUGUST 11th, 1846. Preached this evening again on the subject of the awful visitation now abroad, the almost entire destruction of the potato crop. Never, in the memory of man, was there anything known like it. Beautiful and extensive fields of potatoes growing luxuriantly to day-to-morrow, smitten with some invisible, undefined disease, which in a few days turns all to desolation. What the poor are to do the coming winter, is known only to Him who sends the scourge. All at present is mourning and lamentation: and yet I have not heard of any case where the prophets have taken up the subject ministerially; I mean with holy jealousy, in the name of their awful Lord. At its first appearance, I gave the trumpet a certain sound; I called on the people to put away their sins, calling upon the name of the Lord. Now it is too late to recover the loss. After the service my mind sunk into a peaceful calm, and the heavy burthen referred to in the last chapter, respecting the loss of the school teachers, was removed. I should like to ask the question, How much of national calamity is always chargeable to the ministry? A great deal no doubt! Our Blessed Lord describes it clearly enough. MATT. xxiii.

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'A minister shares in the good and in the evil of

his parish: if they be good it is to his praise; if they be evil commonly he is guilty of it.'-Fenner."


September 17th, 1846. Children's tea-meeting ; three hundred and two tickets issued-a most delightful meeting indeed; it really seems better and better; it well sustains its high interest. Five hours' attendance did not weary us-there was neither deadness nor dulness: sweetest singing-suitable addresses-repeating from memory numerous hymns and other spiritual selections, all combining to advance His blessed cause and 'to assure our hearts before Him.' Truly did we again prove 'How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Be it known that we had as usual, long and much bespoken our kind and best Friend's attendance and sanction herein, and we did not constrain Him in vain. He soon made our hearts to burn within us.

'He stopped, and talked, and fed, and blessed,

And filled the enlarged desire.'

I could not sleep a fourth part of the night afterwards, the 'living water' did so continually spring up in my overflowing heart. All the next day, the peace of God which passeth understanding, and the joy which is unspeakable and full of glory, remained with me uninterrupted. This is the tenth large children's tea-meeting held by us at the chapel, at the Common."


"September 26th, 1846. Took a solitary walk to the sequestered spot in a meadow, where, under the shade of some trees (still standing), forty-five years ago, I used frequently to retire, unseen by mortal and pour out my soul in prayer, and, in deepest poverty of spirit, mourn over my sins, being burthened; when without worldly property, prospects, or patronage, I first took up my heavy cross, forsook all to follow Christ, and truly died to the world and all things therein. On a slight review of forty-five years of uninterrupted mercies, spiritual and temporal, what could I do? what could I say? Nothing! for I had too much then passing before my loaded mind to speak of, I could only think, wonder, and silently adore.

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