Injury Prevention Act of 1986: Report (to Accompany S. 2648).U.S. Government Printing Office, 1986 - 10 pagini |
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Pagina 2
... age of 45 die from in- juries than from any other cause , and more individuals between the ages of 15 and 24 die from injuries than all diseases combined . Among the elderly the fatality rate ( the number of deaths due to injury per ...
... age of 45 die from in- juries than from any other cause , and more individuals between the ages of 15 and 24 die from injuries than all diseases combined . Among the elderly the fatality rate ( the number of deaths due to injury per ...
Pagina 3
... age of 15 [ years ] years , and is the leading cause of death for individuals under the age of 44 years . Individuals over the age of 65 years have the highest fatality rates for many injuries . [ ( 4 ) Injuries resulting from ...
... age of 15 [ years ] years , and is the leading cause of death for individuals under the age of 44 years . Individuals over the age of 65 years have the highest fatality rates for many injuries . [ ( 4 ) Injuries resulting from ...
Pagina 6
... age of 15 are due to injuries . Half of all deaths of children age 1 to 15 are due to injuries . Expanded efforts are already underway to focus increased atten- tion on this important area of children's health . Earlier this year , the ...
... age of 15 are due to injuries . Half of all deaths of children age 1 to 15 are due to injuries . Expanded efforts are already underway to focus increased atten- tion on this important area of children's health . Earlier this year , the ...
Termeni și expresii frecvente
15 are due 2648-INJURY PREVENTION ACT age of 15 amounts appropriated authorization level BILL TO IMPROVE carry our section causes of childhood Center for Injury Centers for Disease childhood injuries cies to promote cluding academic institutions Committee on Labor CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE CONTROL ACTIVITIES SEC CONTROL RESEARCH SEC deaths of children directs the Secretary Disease Control due to injuries ease Control encourage regional activities epidemiology expenses to carry fiscal years 1988 focus Health Service Act improve the public injuries to children injury control activities Injury in America Injury Prevention Act Institute of Medicine J-INJURY CONTROL RESEARCH Labor and Human National Research Council prevention of injuries private community health problem of injuries promote injury control public and nonprofit public health problem Public Health Service reduce injury rates rehabilitation from injuries RELATING TO INJURY Resources on August sections 391 spent on injury tion trol UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN vate entities
Pasaje populare
Pagina 9 - CHANGES IN EXISTING LAW MADE RY THE BILL, AS REPORTED In compliance with clause 3 of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new matter is printed in italic...
Pagina 4 - September 30, 1992, the Secretary, through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control, shall prepare and...
Pagina 4 - SEC. 391. [280bl (a) The Secretary, through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall — (1) conduct, and give assistance to public and nonprofit private entities, scientific institutions, and individuals engaged in the conduct of, research relating to the causes, mechanisms, prevention, diagnosis, treatment of injuries, and rehabilitation from injuries...
Pagina 5 - For purposes of making initial grants under this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $5,000,000 for each of the fiscal years ending June 30, 1971, June 30, 1972, and June 30, 1973.
Pagina 7 - Washington, DC DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN : Pursuant to section 403 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 the Congressional Budget Office has prepared the attached cost estimate for S. 3596, the Veterans' Disability Compensation and Survivors
Pagina 4 - III of the Public Health Service Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new part: "PART I — NATIONAL ACCIDENT PREVENTION CENTER "PURPOSE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF CENTER "SEC.
Pagina 2 - Transportation requested a study on trauma (injury) by the National Academy of Sciences, to determine what is known about injury, what research should be done to learn more, and what arrangements the Federal Government could use to increase and improve the knowledge of injury.
Pagina 2 - Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society.
Pagina 4 - States, and the research being conducted on injury control and the number of personnel involved in injury control activities are not adequate. (b) The purposes of this Act are — (1) to promote research into the causes, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of injuries and rehabilitation from injuries; (2) to promote cooperation between specialists in fields involved in injury research; and (3) to promote coordination between Federal, State, and local governments and public and private entities...
Pagina 5 - SEC. 394. (a) To carry out sections 391 and 392, there are authorized to be appropriated $10,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1988, 1989, and 1990. Of the amounts appropriated under this section for any fiscal year, not more than 20 percent may be used for Federal administrative expenses to carry out such section for such fiscal year.".