Frieden durch Menschenrechtsschutz: Strategien der Vereinten Nationen zur Verwirklichung der Menschenrechte weltweitNomos, 2003 - 363 pagini |
Din interiorul cărții
Rezultatele 1 - 3 din 38
Pagina 99
... Governments to clarify the situation of individuals whose circumstances give grounds to fear that treatment ... Government concerned . " 5 Noch umfassender sind die Arbeitsfelder der working groups : Die Arbeits- gruppe über ...
... Governments to clarify the situation of individuals whose circumstances give grounds to fear that treatment ... Government concerned . " 5 Noch umfassender sind die Arbeitsfelder der working groups : Die Arbeits- gruppe über ...
Pagina 108
... Government . It may be the consequence of factors which the Government has difficulty in controlling , and its existence may indicate a dis- crepancy between policy as determined by the central Government and its im- plementation by ...
... Government . It may be the consequence of factors which the Government has difficulty in controlling , and its existence may indicate a dis- crepancy between policy as determined by the central Government and its im- plementation by ...
Pagina 304
... Government of Sierra Leone or agreements between Sierra Leone and other Governments or regional organizations , or , in the absence of such agreement , provided that the peacekeeping operations were undertaken with the consent of the ...
... Government of Sierra Leone or agreements between Sierra Leone and other Governments or regional organizations , or , in the absence of such agreement , provided that the peacekeeping operations were undertaken with the consent of the ...
Vorwort | 9 |
Die Menschenrechte in den Vereinten Nationen | 17 |
2 | 47 |
Drept de autor | |
7 alte secțiuni nu sunt arătate
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Alston Annex April Article Artikel Ausschuss Charta der Vereinten Commission on Human Committee Convention crimes December Demokratische Republik Kongo Deutsche Übersetzung Fastenrath Hg General Assembly Generalsekretär Generalversammlung Gericht Government Hochkommissars Human Rights resolution humanitären Intervention humanitären Völkerrecht Indonesien Information International Criminal Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs Intervention Israel Jahr January Jugoslawien Kofi Annan Kooperation Kosovo Mary Robinson massive Maßnahmen Menschen Menschenrechte s. o. Anm Menschenrechtsschutz Menschenrechtsverletzungen militärische Mission nationalen Nationen s. o. Anm Nations High Commissioner NGOs Nichtregierungsorganisationen Normen OHCHR Organisation Osttimor peace Personen plenary meeting politische procedures Rechte Regierung Report Resolution adopted Ruanda s. o. Anm Sanktionen Schutz der Menschenrechte Secretary-General Security Council Session Sicherheitsrat Sierra Leone Simma Situation of human Somalia sowie Special Court Staaten States Statut Strategie tion torture treaty bodies Tribunal UN Doc UNHCHR United Nations High Verbrechen Vereinten Nationen Vereinten Nationen s. o. Verletzung Verträge Vertragsstaaten violations Völkermord vote Weltkonferenz Weltorganisation Wirtschafts Ziel