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This copy of a letter from General Washington to his wife was sent to Bolivar by Eliza Parke Custis, granddaughter of Mrs. Washington. Her letter of transmission stated, in part: "To General D'Evereux I confide these sacred memorials of my adored parents. I have ever regarded him as an adopted brother, and deem the ardent friend and Soldier of Liberty, worthy to recieve (sic) these precious relics, and transmit them to Bolívar the Liberator of Colombia."

the principal benefactor of the continent of Columbus, presented by the noble descendant of his illustrious family through the citizen hero, General Lafayette, would be a sufficient reward for the merit of the greatest man in the universe."

The family of Washington, to express their admiration for the glory and virtues of Bolívar, presented him with yet another gift. Through General D'Evereux, Mrs. Eliza Parke Custis sent an autograph of Washington to Bolívar on November 8, 1828. It was the letter in which he bade good-by to his wife before leaving for war in 1775. . . . [See reproduction on p. 513.]

Two years after receiving these presents, Bolívar went to his rest in the midst of the conflicts of political parties. . . . To the noble José Ignacio París, survivor of the horrors of the "War unto Death" (Guerra a Muerte), belongs the honor of having erected in the Andes the first statue of the Liberator in 1846. This admirer and friend of Bolívar bore the entire expense of the work by Tenerani which, a tribute to the great citizen, adorns the square of Bogota. It was presented to the Congress of his country, New Granada (now Colombia), and the offering of love and duty thus became national property.

It is noteworthy that when Ignacio París gave the models to the artist he ordered that on the breast of Bolívar only one medal was to appear that which bears the likeness of Washington and which his family presented to the Liberator.3

What was the motive of these instructions, of this exclusion of any other medal? It was because the effigy of Washington on the breast of Bolívar, perpetuated in bronze, is to be eternal like Washington-as the memory of the great benefactors of the human race is eternal. . . .

3 Since that date all statues, busts, and portraits of Bolívar bear the effigy of Washington.



Mexican bibliography.-The Government of Mexico, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has issued the first volume of a national bibliography under the title: Anuario Bibliográfico Mexicano de 1931. México, Imprenta de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, 1932. In it are listed 635 books on Mexico, printed by Federal and State Governments or issued privately. The book comprises 243 pages and includes an index by subjects and a list of book dealers throughout the country.

Accessions. Among the publications received in the library since these notes were last published was a collection of 32 volumes of poetry, fiction, and history from the Director of the Bibliotheca Nacional in Rio de Janeiro. Among these were O Brazil Nação, realidade da soberania brazileira, by Manoel José de Bomfim; Livro de fabulas, by Balthazar Pereira; Na terra das palmeiras: Estudos brasileiros, by S. Froes Abreu; A margen da historia da Republica: ideaes, crenças e affirmações, by various authors; a collection of histories, one for each State, of Sao Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catharina, Minas Geraes, Rio de Janeiro, Alagoas, and Bahia, and one for the city of Rio de Janeiro; Outubro, 1930, by Virgilio A. de Mello Franco; Frei Miguelinho: ou aspectos politicos e moraes do tempo de D. João VI; a drama, Independencia, by Luis Edmundo; four volumes of poems by Amadeu Amaral, Enrique Gonzalez Martinez, Luis Edmundo, and Leonardo Motta, respectively; a volume of essays by Gustavo Barroso, entitled Aquem da Atlantida and Ruy Barbosa's Escola da Calumnia and other


Another highly interesting addition was the 11-volume work Manual gráfico-descriptivo del bibliófilo hispano-americano, by Francisco Vindel. With a prologue by D. Pedro Sainz Rodríguez. Madrid, 1930-31. This work lists 3,287 rare books, including 450 Spanish incunabula and 1,800 titles of the sixteenth century. Volume

11 is an index by subjects, authors, and date of publication, with an estimated price for each entry.

Students of Peruvian history will welcome a new edition of the Diccionario histórico-biográfico del Perú compiled by Manuel de Mendiburu and originally published in Lima from 1870 to 1890 in eight volumes. The new edition is being prepared by Evaristo San Cristóval with additions and bibliographic notes and is printed in Lima by the Imprenta "Enrique Palacios." So far volume 1, 1931, and volume 2, 1932, have appeared, each priced at 10 soles.

Some of the other outstanding books received during the past month are as follows:

El sentido de la vida. Novela. Impresora Uruguaya, S. A., 1931.

Por Francisco R. Villamil.

204 p.



Salvaje. Cuentos regionales. Por Valentín García Sáiz. Prólogo por Juan M. Filartigas. Carátula por José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín. Montevideo, Casa A. Barreiro y Ramos, S.A., 1927. 163 p. 12o.

Forma del mar. Por Rómulo Nano Lottero. Montevideo, Palacio del Libro, 1930. 216 p. 8°.

8o. Madrid, Imprenta

Compendio de historia patria. Por Belisario Quevedo. Biblioteca Ecuatoriana, Volumen VI. Quito, Editorial Bolívar, 1931. En elogio de Henri Barbusse. Por Gonzalo Zaldumbide. Resón de Paños, 1919. 60 p. 12o.

José Enrique Rodó; única reimpresión autorizada. New York, Paris, Revue Hispanique, 1921.

104 p.

245 p.

Por Gonzalo Zaldumbide. 12o.

Flautas y cigarras. Por José M. Pichardo. Santo Domingo, Tip. Listin Diario, 1931.

139 p. 8°.

My English book. Part 2. By Josefina A. Molinelli Wells. Buenos Aires, Ferrari Hnos., 1932. 108 p. 12o.

Historia de la esclavitud de los indios en el Nuevo Mundo. Seguida de la historia de los repartimentos y encomiendas. Por José Antonio Saco. Introducción de Fernando Ortiz. Tomo 1. Colección de libros cubanos, vol. 28. Habana, Cultural, S. A., 1932. lv, 297 p. 8o.

El General Eugenio Garzón. Soldado de la independencia americana. Por Telmo Manacorda. Montevideo, Impresora Uruguaya, S. A., 1931. 325 p. 8o. Crónica de la reja. Por Justino Zavala Muniz. Grabados en madera de Adolfo Pastor. Montevideo, Impresora Uruguaya, S. A., 1930. 302 p. ilus. 8o. Privilegios diplomáticos. Síntesis teórica y de legislación comparada. Por Jaime Eyzaguirre. Santiago, Prensas de la Universidad de Chile, 1932. 118 8o.


Almanaque del labrador y ganadero, 1932. [Montevideo], Publicado por el Banco de Seguros del Estado, sección seguros rurales. 1932. 544 p. ilus. 8o. La doctrine de Monroe. Conférence prononcée le 20 août 1929, au palais de la faculté de droit, des sciences politiques et sociales de Buenos Aires (Argentine), par Monsieur Joseph Jolibois Fils. Port-au-Prince, Imprimerie Aug. A. Héraux, 1932. xxiv, 43 p. 8°.

Ferrocarriles colombianos.

La última experiencia ferroviaria del país, 1920– Biblioteca de historia nacional, Volumen 47. Bogotá, Imprenta Nacional, xvii, 371 p. Ilus. 8o.

1930. Por Alfredo Ortega.

Escrita en el siglo XVII por Versión paleográfica, proeTomo 1-2. México, Univer

Crónica de la real y pontífica universidad de México. el bachiller Cristóbal Bernardo de la Plaza y Jaén. mio, notas y apéndice por el Prof. Nicolas Rangel. sidad Nacional de México Autonoma, 1931. 4°. Doctrina de Monroe y cooperación internacional. Por Camilo Barcía Trelles Madrid, Compañía Ibero-Americana de Publicaciones [1931]. 741 p. 12o. La contribution de l'Amérique Latine au développement du droit international public et privé. Par J. M. Yepes Paris, Librairie du Recueil Sirey, 1931.

109 p. (Extrait du Recueil des Cours, Académie de Droit International). New magazines or magazines received for the first time were as follows:

Boletín de la Dirección de Agricultura y Ganadería (Ministerio de Fomento). Lima. Año 1, No. 1, septiembre-octubre de 1931. (M.) 160 p. ilus. 7 x 91⁄2 inches.

Salud y Sanidad (Publicación mensual del Departamento Nacional de Higiene; Sección de Uncinariasis, para la propaganda y vulgarización de la higiene pública y privada). Bogotá, Colombia. Año 1, No. 1, marzo de 1932. 12 p. ilus. 64 x 91⁄2 inches.

El Motor (Órgano del Sindicato Central Nacional de Chóferes). Bogotá, Colombia. (M.) ilus. 634 x 91⁄2 inches.

30 p.

La Casa de Montalvo (Órgano de la Biblioteca de "Autores Nacionales"). Ambato, Ecuador. (M.) Año 1, Nos. 6-7, enero-febrero de 1932.

7 x 10 inches.

88 p. ilus.

El Obrero (Órgano del "Obrero" Sport Club). San Cristóbal, Estado Táchira. Venezuela. (M.) Año 1, No. 5, 1o de mayo de 1932. 16 p. 84 x 12 inches. Boletín de Estadística Municipal de la Ciudad del Rosario de Santa Fé (Oficina de Estadística Municipal). Rosario de Santa Fé, julio de 1931. 29 p. 81⁄2 x 11 inches.

Resumen Agricola (Dirección General de Agricultura, Secretaría de Agricultura y Fomento). México, D. F. (M.) [Vol. 1], No. 1, abril de 1932. 183 p. 84 x 1034 inches.

Boletín del Reformatorio de Menores, Quito, Ecuador.

Talleres Tipográficos

Nacionales, Año 1, No. 1, marzo de 1932. 54 p. 74 x 104 inches. Revista del Museo Nacional, Lima. [Vol. 1], No. 1, 1932. 124 p. ilus. 81⁄2 x 11 inches.

Servir (Revista y boletín de informaciones de la Cruz Roja Juvenil Peruana). Lima. (M.) Vol. 1, No. 1, mayo de 1932. 16 p. ilus. 634 x 934 inches.

Antioquia Industrial (Revista mensual, órgano de la Asociación de Industriales de Medellín). Medellín, Colombia. Vol. 1, No. 3, noviembre de 1931. 32 p. 81⁄2 x 111⁄2 inches.

El Maestro Rural (Órgano de la Secretaría de Educación Pública). México, D. F. (M.) Tomo 1, No. 1, 1o de marzo de 1932. 20. p. ilus. 9 x 13 inches. La Brecha (Periódico de los Trabajadores de la Federación de Sindicatos Obreros del Distrito Federal). (Quincenal.) Año 1, No. 1, 1o de mayo de 1932. 8 p. ilus. 12 x 16 inches.

Boletín Comercial, La Paz, Bolivia. Suspended publication from February 15, 1931, to May 1, 1932.

124832-32-Bull. 7-5

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