Imagini ale paginilor

Boy-Bishop, restored under Queen | Breedon, William, a great smoker,

Mary, i, 429.

ii, 365.

notices of the, in the statutes Brenning-drake, or dipsas, iii, 411.

of Salisbury and York ca-
thedrals, i, 423.
inventory of the robes and
ornaments of the, in the
Northumberland Household
Book, i, 423.

extracts from various inven-

tories concerning, i 424.
service of the, set to music, i,


acquittance by, given to the
receiver of his subsidy, i, 428.
put down again by Queen
Elizabeth, i, 430.

Brentford, expenses of a Whitsuntide
Ale at, in 1621, i, 280.
Brewood, co. Stafford, well customs
at, ii, 378.


Brice's Day, St., massacre of the
Danes on, i, 185-91.
Brickill, co. Bucks, the town of,
formerly decked with birch
Midsummer Eve, i, 307.
Bridal, solemn country, at Kenil-
worth, to amuse Queen Elizabeth,
ii, 163.


practice of electing one sub-
sisted in common grammar- Bride
schools, i, 430.

elected at Eton School, on St.

Hugh's Day, i, 431.

Bracara, council of, forbade Chris-
tians to decorate their houses with
bay-leaves and green boughs, i, 519.
Braggot, i, 112.
BRANKS, iii, 108.

Braughing, co. Herts, kitchen furni-
ture kept at, for wedding enter-
tainments, ii, 145.
Bread, loaf of, baked on Good Friday,
i, 155.

physical charms by, iii, 298.
Bread baked on All-halloween Day,
i, 392.

and butter, child's, supersti-

tion concerning, ii, 78.
and salt, oath by, iii, 164.
Breaking money, a betrothing cus-
tom, ii, 94.
Breaking-up custom, in Oxfordshire,
the week before Easter,
i, 99, 100.

school custom of, i, 451.
Brecknockshire, the graves in, gene.
rally decorated with slips of bay
or yew, ii, 312.

Breeding wives, expenses of, to their
husbands enumerated, ii, 72.

bed, decked with sprigs of
rosemary, ii, 123.
formerly blessed, ii, 175.
and bridegroom, kiss over the
bride-cakes, ii, 102.
crowned with flowers
among the Anglo-
Saxons, ii, 123.

custom in Normandy for the,
to throw a ball over the
church to be scrambled for,
ii, 156.

sun to shine upon, a good
omen, ii, 167.

ancient superstition that to
have good fortune
should enter the house
under two broad swords,
ii, 167.

casting off the left hose of the,
ii, 169, 171.

on first entering the bride-
groom's house to be lifted
over the threshold, ii, 169.
unlucky, if she did not weep

on the wedding-day, ii, 170.
placed in bed next the left

hand of her husband, ii, 172.
sewing up of the, in one of
the sheets, ii, 174-5.

BRIDE ALE, ii, 143-53.

custom of, at Hales-Owen,
ii, 143.
Bride-bush, ii, 143.

[blocks in formation]

Bride-pye, ii, 174.

Bride-wain, ii, 149.
Bride's bed, i, 51.
BRIDGET, ST., i, 345, 359.

cake made in Ireland upon
her eve, i, 345.
Virgin of Kildare, i, 345.
Brine, blessing of the, at Nantwich,
i, 200.

Brinkeburne Abbey, Northumberland,
reputed witch at, iii, 49.
Briony, roots of, iii, 12.
Britons, ancient, put certain girdles

about women in labour, ii, 67.
Brockenhurst Church, in the New
Forest, old oak and yew trees at,
ii, 259.
Brok, name of, still in use among
farmers' draught oxen, ii, 15.
Bromfield school, co. Cumb., custom
of barring out the master
at, i, 70.

[blocks in formation]

Browny, the spirit so called, ii, 488-9;
iii, 225.

Milton's description of, ii, 488.

Brudskal, ii, 151.
Bruges, St. Mary, and St. Donatian,
the patron saints of, i, 364.
Bruisers spit in their hands previous
to beginning their diversions,
iii, 260.

Brunne, Robert de, explanation of
wassail by, i, 2.

Brussels, St. Mary, St. Gudula, and
St. Ursula, patron saints of, i, 364.
Buchan, Buller of, iii, 85.
Buchanan presents a poetical New
Year's gift to Mary Queen of
Scots, i, 16.

BUCKLER PLAY, ii, 400.
Buckinghamshire, appearance of "the
Wat" in, iii, 402.

Bude, epitaph on, at St. Germain,
Paris, ii, 278.

BUFF, Game of, ii, 401.
Bufonites, or toad-stones, iii, 50.
Bugs, an old word for terrors, ii,

Buittle, castle Douglas, charm prac

tised at, iii, 275.

"Bull and Gate," explanation of the
sign of the, ii, 356.

Haly or Holy Well at, ii, 375.
Bromley, Abbots, or Pagets, co. Staff.," Bull and Mouth," ii, 356.

Christmas Hobby-horse, at i, 492.
Broom, prognosticates weather, iii,

Brooms, custom of attaching, to the
mastheads of ships on sale, ii,


STAMFORD, ii, 63-4.

Bullen, or Boleyn, Anne, wears yel-
low mourning, ii, 283.
Buller of Buchan, iii, 85.
Bulls, baiting of, mentioned by Fitz-
stephen, ii, 401.

Bull-baiting, Misson's account of, as
practised temp. Will. II, ii, 401.
Bumping persons, custom of, to
make them remember parish boun-
daries, i, 206.

Bun, Good-Friday, i, 154.
Bundling, custom of, in Wales, ii, 98.
Buns, old belief on the custom of eat-
ing, on Good Friday, i, 157.
Buonaparte, superstition of, respect-
ing the breaking of a looking-glass,
iii, 170.
Burcester, co. Oxford, christening
custom at, ii, 81.

Burford, custom at, on Whit Sunday,
i, 284.

of carrying a dragon about

on Midsummer Eve,
i, 320.

Burgarde, St., i, 366.
Burghley, William, Lord, advice of,
concerning unlucky days, ii, 48.
Burgundy, St. Andrew and St. Mary,
the patron saints of, i, 364.
Burial, places of, supposed to be
haunted by spectres and ap-
paritions, ii, 290.
anciently without the walls of
cities and towns, ii, 291.

Burial feasts, ii, 237.

Burials, offerings at, ii, 240, 248.
Burn or scald, charm for a, iii, 272, 311.
Burning the dead, pagan custom of,
abolished, ii, 252.

[ocr errors]

Burns's poem Halloween,' i, 380.
Burre, or Brugh, about the moon,
iii, 145.

Bush, the badge of a country ale-

house, ii, 351-2.

Butchers, ancient regulation concern-

ing, at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, i, 63.
Butler's box at Christmas, i, 496.
Butter, charm used in churning of,

iii, 312-3.

Byfield church, co. Northampton,
curfew bell at, ii, 223.
Byson, holy, explanation of the term,
i, 487.

Caermarthen, custom of bidding at,
ii, 147.

Caerwis, in Wales, custom at on the
eve of Thursday after Trinity Sun-
day, i, 293.

"Cagg, to cagg," a military term,
explained, iii, 263.

Xaps, the parting exclamation of the
Greeks, ii, 272.

Caistor church, singular custom at,
on Palm Sunday, i, 130-1.
Cake at Twelfth-tide, i, 22-8.

baked in honour of the Virgin's
lying-in, i, 25.
groaning, ii, 70.

or bannock, St. Michael's,
⚫ i, 372.

night, the eve of All Saints,

so called at Ripon, in York-
shire, i, 392.
Calamint, used as a charm, iii, 314.
Caldelia, sea monster so called,
iii, 222.
Calf, superstition in the co. of Stir-
ling, of forcing cow-dung into its

mouth as soon as calved, iii, 257.
Callander, co. Perth, Baltein custom
retained at, i, 225.

Callot, etchings of gipsies by, iii, 98.
Calypso, iii, 5.

Cambridge, May-day custom at, i, 221.

Lord of Misrule at, i, 497, 504.
custom of blowing horns in,
on the 1st of May, ii, 22.
harvest-home customs at, ii, 22.
riding the Stang at, ii, 188-9.
cucking-stool in use at, iii, 104.
Cambuca, the Latin name of golf,
ii, 418.

Buxton well-dressing, 1846, account CAMELEON, THE, iii, 368.

of, ii, 373.

BUZZA, TO BUZZA One, ii, 343.

Buzzards, or kites, superstition con-
cerning, iii, 213, 214.

CAMP, game of, ii, 404.

Campana, etymology of, ii, 213.
Campsie, co. Stirling, Lyke-wakes at,
ii, 229.

Candle, holy, used at childbirths, | Carnival, Roman, vestiges of the, in

ii, 68.

CANDLE OMENS, iii, 180-1.
CANDLEMAS DAY, i, 43, 51.

traditions relating to the wea-
ther on, i, 50.

account of, from Naogeorgus,
i, 46.

proverbs relating to, i, 50.
weather omens on, i, 51.

Candlemas Eve, ceremonies for, from

[ocr errors]

Herrick's Hesperides,' i,


Candles, hallowing of, on Candlemas
Day, i, 45.

wax, lighted at wheat seeding
by the monks of St. Ed-
mundsbury, i, 392.
burning of, over a corpse,
ii, 234.

dead men's, iii, 237, 238.
Canisbay, co. Caithness, superstition
of the Sinclairs in, ii, 50.
Canker, charm for a, iii, 271.
Canopy, velvet, used at marriages by
the Jews, ii, 142.

Canterbury, the celebration of Christ-
mas first put down at, i, 518.
Canute, St., i, 365.
"Canum Ululatus," iii, 184.
Capon bell, ii, 210.

Capons, a usual present from tenants
to their landlords on New Year's
Day, i, 11.

Cappy-hole, ii, 407.

Shrovetide, i, 64.
account of the, from Joannes
Boemus Aubanus, i, 64.
how celebrated at Minorca,
i, 69.

custom of interring, at Mar-
seilles, on Ash Wednesday,
i, 100.

Carol, Christmas, i, 480.

"Gloria in excelsis," the earli-
est, i, 480.

Anglo-Norman, of the 13th
century, with a translation,
i, 481.

for a wassail bowl, i, 5.

on serving up the boar's head,
i, 484.

ancient Scottish, i, 487.
later carols, i, 488-9-90.

in praise of the holly, i, 522.
Carp eaten for supper at Hamburgh
on Christmas Eve, i, 473.
Carr Fryetag, i, 113.

Carrier, the witches, iii, 7.
RALS, ii, 249.

Carthage, Juno presides over, i, 365.
Carting, ancient method of, in Lon-
don, i, 89.

Carvers invoking cuckolds' names
to hit joints, ii, 199, 200.
Casting off the bride's left hose,
ii, 170.


ING, ii, 449.

Care, Carr, or Karr, meaning of, i,

Care or Carle Sunday, customs on,
i, 113-16.

account of, from the transla-
tion of Naogeorgus, i, 117.

CARE CLOTH, ii, 141.

Caring Fair, observed at Newark,

i, 113.

Carling groat, i, 114.

Carlings, i, 113-15.

Carniscapium, i, 65.

Castle Rushen, home of the spell-
bounds giants in, iii, 89.

Castor and Pollux, meteor so called,
iii, 401.

Cat, the familiar of witches, iii, 7.
said to have nine lives, iii,
38, 41.

barbarous sport with a, at
Kelso, iii, 38-9.

game of, ii, 407.

CAT AND DOG, ii, 406.

Cat in barrel, sport of, iii, 38.
Cat and bottle, iii, 43.

CAT I' THE HOLE, ii, 408.
Cat in pan, turning the, iii, 388.
CATHARINE'S DAY, ST., i, 410-14.
Camden's account of the cele-
bration of, in Ireland, i, 410.
Catharine, St., charms of, i, 411.
"Cathedra Stercoris" of Domesday,
iii, 103.

Catherning, i, 411-12.
Catoptromancy, iii, 170.

Cats, their playfulness at sea portends
a storm, iii, 188.

locked up in Orkney, when a
corpse is laid out, ii, 232.
their leaping over a corpse
portends misfortune, ii, 233.
reverenced by the Egyptians,
iii, 38.

CATS, RATS, and MICE, superstitions

relating to, iii, 187.

Cattaring a," custom of, in Worces-
tershire, i, 412.

Cattle, evil-eye against, iii, 46.
Caldron of the witches, as described
by Olaus Magnus, iii, 9.

CAUL, CHILD's, iii, 114-19.

[blocks in formation]

Cawood, ancient gold ring found at, Charm, derivation of the word, iii,

[blocks in formation]

CHARMS, upon St. Blaze's Day, i, 52.
against St. Vitus's dance,

i, 298.

and spells in Scotland on All-

hallow Even, i, 380-4.

bound to the thigh of a lying-
in woman, ii, 67.

against barrenness, ii, 69.
relating to children, ii, 77, 81.
rags used as charms at wells,
ii, 380-1.

for diseases, iii, 49, 269.
notice of, from the translation

of Naogeorgus, iii, 255.
from Bale's Interlude concern-
ing Nature, Moses, and
Christ, iii, 256, 297, 310.
in odd numbers, iii, 263-9.
physical, iii, 269, 306.

for diseases noticed in the
classics, iii, 300.

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