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ABBOT, Gen. Henry L., member of
Board of Advisory or Consulting
Engineers, 316, 319.
Achurra, Captain, 165.
Acosta, José de, 33.

Adams, Charles Francis, 72.
Africa, circumnavigated by Mene-
laus, 2.

Agua Dulce, 228; Gen. Huertas at,

Ahorca Lagarto, 229.

Airian. M., on Caledonian Bay
route, 70.
Aizpuru, Rafael, 176.
Aizpuru, revolutionist, 95.
Albemarle, Duke of, Governor of
Jamaica, 52.

Alceda, Dionysius, quoted, 34.
Alfonso V. King of Portugal, 6.
Allen, Horatio. Nicaragua canal
promoter, 47.
Almirante Bay, 218.
Alvarez, Felix, 165.
Amador, Antonio, 152.
Amador, Manuel, (Guerrero), Chair-

man of Panama Council, 158;
appeals to Colombian govern-
ment, 161; plans revolution, 163;
member of Junta, 163; mission
to United States, 165; calls on
W. N. Cromwell and John Hay,
166; "Desanimado," 167; calls
on Lindo, 167; finds Bunau-
Varilla, 168; "Esperanzas," 169;
second visit to Hay, 169;
turns to Panama, 170; Secretary
of Treasury, 176, 209; Commis-
sioner to United States, 182;
first President of Panama, 213;
Huertas's letter to, 239; consults
Lee, 242, 248; consults Barrett,
248; demands Huertas's resigna-
tion, 249; letter to Huertas, 251;


disbands army, 253; receives
Secretary Taft, 259; aids in sani-
tation of Panama, 332; portrait,
164, 209.

Amador, Raoul A., 248.
America, early voyages to, 1; mis-
taken for Asia, 2; legendary map
of, 4; eliminated by Toscanelli,
9; believed by Columbus to be
Asia, 10.

America, Central, visited by Co-
lumbus, 13; becomes independ-
ent of Spain, 44; seeks construc-
tion of canal, 44, 47; union
dissolved, 47; origin of British
claims in, 51; British aggres-
sions upon, 53, 56.

America, South, discovered by Co-
lumbus, 12; becomes independ-
ent of Spain, 43.

"American Committee," organized
by De Lesseps, 84; its activities,
American Policy on the Isthmus,
72; established by Grant and
Hayes, 73; strongly stated by
Hayes, 81; Edmunds's resolution
concerning, 96; confirmed in
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 119;
policy toward Panama revolution,
187; precedents for, 190; justi-
fied by domestic obligations, 191;
by legal obligations to Colombia,
192; by equity to Colombia, 199;
by law and equity to other na-
tions, 203; unselfish and benevo-
lent, 205; policy toward Huer-
tas's revolutionary attempt, 254;
controversy with Panama, 256;
Secretary Taft's mission of re-
adjustment, 256, 268; appealed
to, by Liberal Directorate, 273;
questions concerning, 275; Secre-


tary Root's statement, 278;
vicious libels upon, 341; future
duties and responsibilities, 352;
labour problems, 353; justice re-
quired, 360; firmness, 362, and
tact, 362.
Amerigo Vespucci, calls America
the New World," 15; clings to
Columbus's errors, 15; explora-
tions, 16; America named for
him, 17; first European to reach
mainland of America, 17; ac-
companies Ojeda, 18; explores
Atrato River, 19.
Ammen, Daniel, Rear Admiral,
Canal Commissioner, 73; at in-
ternational Engineering Congress,

[blocks in formation]

Arango, Belisario, 162.

Arango, Fernando, 164.
Arango, José Agustin, 152.
Arango, José Agustin, Jr., 152;
leader of revolution, 162; mem-
ber of Junta, 163; member of
Executive Board of Republic,
176, 209; portrait, 164.
Arango, José Agustin, 3rd, 162, 175.
Arango, Ricardo Manuel, 162, 176.
Argentina, recognizes Panama, 186.
Arias, F. Agustin, 176.

Arias, Ricardo, joins revolution,
164; member of Junta, 166;
portrait, 164.

Arias, Tomas, joins revolution, 164;
member of Junta, 166; member
of Executive Board of Republic,
176, 209; Minister for Foreign
Affairs, 213; removal demanded |
by Huertas, 238; offers resigna-
tion, 242; succeeded by Guardia,
243; portrait, 164.

[blocks in formation]

Arosemena, Antonio, 152.
Arosemena, Carlos C., 163; mem-
ber of Junta, 163; Commissioner
to United States, 182; portrait,

Arosemena, Fabio, 176.
Arosemena, Justo, 153.
Arosemena, Pablo, President of
State of Panama, deposed and
imprisoned, 156; votes against
ratifying treaty, 158; President
of Constitutional Convention,
209; First Designate, 213;
speech at State banquet to Taft,
262; speech at Cathedral Plaza,
264; supports Dr. Porras, 272;
appeals to United States, 273;
visits Washington, 278.

Arthur, Chester A., President, 92,

Arton, Panama corruptionist, 97.
Asia, sought by Columbus, 1; an-

cient theories of, 2; Toscanelli's
map of, 6; errors concerning,

8, 9.

Aspinwall, see Colon.
Astor, John Jacob, 114.
Atlanta, U. S. cruiser, at Colon, 179.
Atlantic Ocean, "Sea of Dark-

ness," 1; highway from Europe
to Asia, 1; early theories of, 2.
Atrato River, discovered by Bas-
tidas, 19; explored by Amerigo
Vespucci and La Cosa, 19; canal
route forbidden by Philip II,
34; alleged natural waterway,
34; canal routes surveyed, 69,
70; Selfridge's survey, 74.
Austria, Emperor of, arbitrator, 89.
Austria-Hungary, recognizes Pana-
ma, 186.

Avila, Gil Gonzalez de, exploits of,
treaty with Nicarao, 28;
seized by Christopher de Olid, 30.
Avila, Juan Arias de, son of Pe-
drarias, 27.

Avila, Pedro Arias de, see Pe-



Azores, 6, 8.

Azua River, 13.

Azuero, province of, 153.


Bahamas, mistaken by Columbus

for Philippines, 10.

Bahia Honda, 224.

Bailey and Bates survey, 47.
Bailey, Stephen, 62.

Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de, first
visits Isthmus with Bastidas, 21;
flight from Hispaniola to Golden
Castile, 21; quarrel with En-
ciso, 22; Governor of Golden
Castile, 22; crosses Isthmus and
discovers Pacific Ocean, 23; ex-
plorations, 23; made Adelan-
tado, 24; builds first ships on
Pacific, 25; arrested by Pizarro,
25; judicially murdered by Pe-
drarias, 25.

Barrett, John, American Minister
to Panama, 215; discusses at-
tempted revolution with Amador,
248; encourages Amador, 249;
warns Huertas, 249; advises and
aids in disbandment of army,
253; dinner to Taft at Panama,

Bastidas, Rodrigo, at Darien, 18;
explorations, 19.

Bastimentos, Isla de, see Provi-
sion Island.

Bastimentos Point, 223.
Batele Point, 225.

Bates, Lindon W., plans for canal,

Bayamo River, 217, 226.

Bay Islands, visited by Columbus,

Bayoneta Island, 227.

Beaupré, A.M., American Minister

at Bogota, 143; dispatch to Hay,
144; deceived by Colombian
Government, 144; reports Amer-
ican recognition of Panama, 182.
Beers, J. R., aids Panaman revolu-
tion, 162.

Belcher, Edward, canal plans, 47.
Belen River, 14.

Belgium, recognizes Panama, 186.
Belize, occupied by England, 35,
51, 54; called "British Hondu-
ras," 56.

Belly, Felix, canal promoter, 65.
Beniski, canal promoter, 45.
Bennington, gunboat, at Panama,


Berosius, quoted by Galvano, 2.
Bertoncini, C. F., 288.

Biddle, Nicholas, at Nicaragua and
Panama, 47.

Bidlack, B.A., on Treaty of 1846,


Bigelow, Poultney, on "Our Mis-
management at Panama," 345;
his meagre opportunities for in-
vestigation, 345; answered by
Chief Engineer Stevens, Secre-
tary Taft, and Governor Magoon,
346; his lampoon upon the
American army, 348.

Bishop, Joseph Bucklin, Secretary
to Canal Commission, 315.
Black, W. M., 286.
Blaine, James G., Secretary of
State, opposes De Lesseps's
schemes, 87; proposes Pan-
American Congress, 88; his tac-
tical blunder, 88; moves for
abrogation of Clayton-Bulwer
Treaty, 89; his letter to Lowell,


Blanco, Cape, 27.
Bluefields, 56.

Boca de Chiriqui, 220.
Boca del Drago, 218.

Boca del Toro, United States takes
possession of, 84; province of,

212; strait and town of, 218.
Boca San Pedro, 223.

Bogotá, gunboat, fires on Panama,

Bogotá, negotiations at, 130-149;
Mosquera's entry into 154; re-
lations of Panama with, 155;
oppression of Panama, 158; new
law for Panama enacted, 159.
Bohio Dam, site of, 229, 231, 290;
proposed lake, 231.
Bohio Soldado, 229.

Bolivar, province of, 154; com-
missioners from, to Panama, 183.
Bolivar, Simon, frees Colombia
from Spain, 44, 150; canal plan,

Bona Island, 225.

Bona Speranza, see Cape of Good

Borico Point, 27.
Borland, Solon, mission to Cen-
tral America, 63.

Boston, cruiser, at Panama, 179;
orders to commander of, 188-
189; second visit to Panama,


Bourdiol, M., on Caledonian Bay
route, 70.

Boyaca, province of, 154, 156.
Boyd, Federico, joins revolution,
164; member of Junta, 166;
member of Executive Board of
Republic, 176; Commissioner to
United States, 182, 209; Sec-
ond Designate, 279; portrait,


Brava Point, 224, 227.

Brazil, recognizes Panama, 186.
Brid, Demetrius H., 176, 209.
Brin, Juan, 209.

Bristow, Joseph L., report on
Panama Railroad, 307.
British Honduras, see Belize.
Brito, proposed canal terminus,

Brooke, Lieutenant, 286.
Brujas Point, 222.

Brunet, M., receiver of Panama
Company, 108.

Buccaneers on Isthmus, 34; Walker,

Buchanan, James, on British claims
in Central America, 55; sends

Hise to Nicaragua, 58; mission
to England, 63; alarmed at
British plans at Panama, 68;
sends surveyors to Isthmus, 70.
Buchanan, William I., American

Minister to Panama, 215; action
for sanitation, 327.
Buena Vista, 229.

Bulwer, Sir Henry, negotiates treaty

with J. M. Clayton, 60.
Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, his career,
167; joins revolution at Ama-
dor's request, 168; wishes to
negotiate treaty, 168; Panaman
Minister to United States, 182,
215; makes treaty, 182; plans
for "Straits of Panama," 293.
Buppan Bluff, 220.

Burica Point, 223.

Burr. William H., Canal Commis-

Advisory or Consulting Engi-
neers, 316, 319.

CABESA CATTIVA, Gulf of, 13.
Cab fares in Panama, 381.
Calabebora River, 217.
Caledonian Bay, 35; Wafer's re-
port, 36; Paterson's colony, 36;
failure of, 37; survey by Milla,
38; various schemes, 68-71;
survey by Selfridge, 74; site of,
223; description, 227, 371.
Calvo, Bartholome, 153.
Cambuta River, 217.
Camergo, Sergius, 156.
Cana River, 220.

Canal, see Nicaragua, Panama,
Ship, etc.

Canal Commission, appointed by
Grant, 73; Ludlow's, 113; Ad-
miral Walker's first, 113;
Walker's second, 116; report
of 1900, 120; third commission
appointed, 282; President's in-
structions to, 283; organiza-
tion of work, 285; need of re-
organization, 297; reorganiza-
tion effected, 299; President's
orders to new Commission, 300;
further changes, 315; reports
on plan of canal, 321; delay in
sanitation, 329; improved con-
ditions in Canal Zone, 336-

Canal Zone, first proposed by W.
H. Seward, 73; value of, 101;
asked of Colombia by United
States, 151; acquired from
Panama, 182, 214; Panaman
dissatisfaction over, 256; Gen-
eral Davis appointed Governor,
283; government organized, 285;
Magoon made Governor, 300;
sanitation, 328-336 (see Sani-
tation); improved conditions
of life and work, 336; reading
rooms, clubs, etc., established,
336; commissary stores, 337;
gambling abolished, 338; Civil
Service rules, 339; eight-hour
law, 339; Governor's proclama-
tion, 419; first Administrative
Order, 423; Panaman protest,


revised Executive Order,

sioner, 283; member of Board of



Canary Islands, discovered by Lewis Chepo River, 217, 226

of Cerda, 3.

Canaz, José, 44.

Cape of Good Hope, early reports
of, 4.

Caperosa, islands of, 13.

Cape Verde, discovered by Hes-
perus, 2; by Henry the Navi-
gator, 8.

Caribbean Sea, navigated by Col-
umbus, 11.

Carmen Messias, 229.
Caro, Miguel A., 158.
Carreta Point, 218.

Carthagena, founded by Ojeda, 20;
province declares independence,


Carthagena, steamship, brings Co-
lombian troops to Colon, 172;
abandons them there, 178.
Cartier, Jacques, 28.
Casaya Island, 227.
Cass, Lewis, Secretary of State,
warns France from Nicaragua,
66; on American rights in Pana-
ma, 204.

Castellon, Francisco, seeks French
aid at Nicaragua, 49.

Castilla del Oro, see Golden Cas-

Castle Choco, 221.

Catalina River and Hills, 221.
Cathay, see China.

Cauca, province rebels, 153.
Cauro Point, 218.

Cebaco Island, 224.

Ceron, Alvaro de Saavedra, pro-
poses Panama Canal, 31; voyage
to the Moluccas, 31; death, 32.
Cerro Horquita, 216.
Cerro Picacho, 216.
Cerro Santiago, 216.
Ceylon, identified with Taprobane,

Chagres River, visited by Colum-

bus, 13; surveyed for canal, 33;
Lull and Menocal report on, 74;
description, 217, 221;


to canal, 295.
Chagres, town of, 221.
Chamé Point, 225; Island, 225.
Changarni Island, 225.

Charles II and Mosquito King, 52.
Charles V, orders search for Strait,
29; orders canal built, 32.

Chevalier, Michael, 67.


Chiapes, native chief of Panama,
23, 26.

Chiari, R. José Maria, 176.
Childs, O. W., surveys Nicaragua
route, 62.

Chiman River, 217, 226; village,

China, sought by Columbus, 2;
missionaries to, 4; Toscanelli's
map, 6; sought by Columbus,
10; recognizes Panama, 186.
Chinese labour, 355.
Chirica Mola, 220.
Chiriqui Lagoon, visited by Colum-
bus, 14; canal survey at, 71;
Chiriqui Improvement Company,
71; United States takes posses-
sion of, 84; description, 219.
Chiriqui, Province of, 153, 212.
Chiriqui River, 217.

Chorrera, river and city, 225.
Chucuito, gunboat, 175.
Chucunaque River, 217.

Church, Roman Catholic, at Pana-
ma, 212.

"Churchill's Voyages," quoted, 52.
Cibao, mistaken by Columbus for
Japan, 11.

Cipango, see Japan.

Circuit of the globe, reckoned by
Toscanelli, 8; by Galvano, 9.
Civil Service rules in Panama,

Clarendon, Earl of, 55; denies
American demands, 63.

[blocks in formation]
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