1 obtaining a fame everlasting as the high hills of Santee, and pure as the Eutaw springs. " In bours of peace content to be unknown, " To souls like these in mutual friendship join'd, "Heav'n dares entrust the cause of buman kind." * Why should I mention others? Or why have I mentioned these ? Our griefs are all absorbed in thee, O Washington! There is not such another to die. Few such have ever existed in any age. The world lessened when he died. "Death, ere thou hast kill'd another YE Cincinnati, his companions in arms, and sharers in his glory, what scenes does this day bring to your remembrance! In imagination you suffer all the toils, and fight the battles over again. Before you moves the majestic and graceful man; graceful when he steps, more graceful when he mounts the pranc ing steed. Serene at all times, most serene in misfortunes and danger. The cares of America appear on his brow, and he wears her defence by his side. Ah! had he been captured by the enemy, your gleamy swords would have been drawn for his resсие. Or, had he been exposed in the front of battle, you would have shielded him with your own bodies; and had he fallen, a thousand victims had avenged his death. Against natural death you could interpose no shield Seek not to restrain your tears. 'Tis soldier-like now to weep-True courage and sensibility are intimately connected-Your general, your father, and your friend -is-no more The last time he and his band of brothers were all together, you followed him with pensive countenances to the banks of the Hudson, and on his entering the barge he turned towards you, and by waving his hat, bade you a silent adieu. He now bids you an adieu-for ever. Imitate him in his love of country, in all his private and public virtues; and then, like him, you will live beloved, and die lamented. * Addison's Campaign. † An epitaph of Ben Johnson's altered. COME, ye fair daughters of America, weep for Washington. He saved your parents, friends and lovers. Come, mingle your tears with the adored partner of his cares and joys at MountVernonمك : COME all, and take a last look. Many of you remember his triumphant entry into this city after the evacuation, and what pleasure then swelled your bosoms. You remember his second entry when he accepted the presidency of the United States. You pressed to see him. To the officer of the guard appointed to attend him on his landing, he said, " My guard is the affec tion of my fellow-citizens." There, indeed, he reigned without control. There, indeed, he had a security, and a testimony of his worth, more valuable and durable than the pomp and power of kings can afford. There he will live while there rea mains one of the present generation; and the faithful historian will hand down his fame to the latest ages. The name of Wash ington will be revered while the American empire endures; yea, until this globe itself be wrapt in the last fires, and the angel shall " swear by him that liveth for ever and ever, that time shall be no longer." i 1 Oration on the sublime virtues of general GEORGE WASHINGTON, pronounced at the Old South meeting-house in Boston, before bis bonor the lieutenant-governor, the council, and the two branches of the legislature of Massachusetts. By FISHER AMES. T is I natural that the gratitude of mankind should be drawn to their benefactors. A number of these have succes sively arisen, who were no less distinguished for the elevation of their virtues, than the lustre of their talents. Of those however who were born, and who acted through life, as if they were born, not for themselves, but for their country and the whole human race, how few, alas! are recorded in the long M annals of ages, and how wide the intervals of time and space that divide them! In all this dreary length of way, they appear like five or six light-houses on as many thousand miles of coast: they gleam upon the surrounding darkness, with an inextinguishable splendor, like stars seen through a mist; but they are seen like stars, to cheer, to guide, and to save. Washington is now added to that small number. Already he attracts curiosity, like a newly discovered star, whose benignant light will travel on to the world's and time's farthest bounds. Already his name is hung up by history, as conspicuously as if it sparkled in one of the constellations of the sky. By commemorating his death, we are called this day to yield the homage that is due to virtue; to confess the common debt of mankind as well as our own; and to pronounce for posterity, now dumb, that eulogium, which they will delight to echo, ten ages hence, when we are dumb. I CONSIDER myself not merely in the midst of the citizens of this town, or even of the state. In idea, I gather round me the nation. In the vast and venerable congregation of the patriots of all countries and of all enlightened men, I would, if I could, raise my voice, and speak to mankind in a strain worthy of my audience, and as elevated as my subject. But how shall I express emotions, that are condemned to be mute, because they are unutterable? I felt, and I was witness, on the day when the news of his death reached us, to the throbs of that grief, that saddened every countenance, and wrung drops of agony from the heart. Sorrow labored for utterance, but found none. Every man looked round for the consolation of other men's tears. Gracious heaven! what consolation! each face was convulsed with sorrow for the past; every heart shivered with despair for the future. The man who, and who alone, united all hearts, was dead; dead! at the moment when his power to do good was the greatest, and when the aspect of the imminent public dangers seemed more than ever to render his aid indispensible, and his loss irreparable ! irreparable; for two Washington's come not in one age. A GRIEF so thoughtful, so profound, so mingled with tenderness and admiration, so interwoven with our national selflove, so often revived by being diffused, is not to be expressed. You have assigned me a task that is impossible. i O! IF I could perform it, if I could illustrate his principles in my discourse, as he displayed them in his life; if I could paint his virtues as he practised them; if I could convert the fervid enthusiasm of my heart into the talent to transmit his fame, as it ought to pass to posterity; I should be the successful organ of your will, the minister of his virtues, and, may I dare to say, the humble partaker of his immortal glory. These are ambitious, deceiving hopes, and I reject them. For it is perhaps almost as difficult, at once with judgment and feeling, to praise great actions, as to perform them. A lavish and undistinguishing eulogium is not praise; and to discriminate such excellent qualities as were characteristic and peculiar to him, would be to raise a name, as he raised it, above envy, above parallel, perhaps, for that very reason, above emulation. SUCH a pourtraying of character, however, must be addressed to the understanding, and therefore, even if it were well executed, would seem to be rather an analysis of moral principles, than the recital of an hero's exploits. It would rather conciliate confidence and esteem, than kindle enthusiasm and admiration. It would be a picture of Washington; and, like a picture, flat as the canvass; like a statue, cold as the marble on which he is represented; cold, alas, as his corpse in the ground. Ah, how unlike the man late warm with living virtues, animated by the soul once glowing with patriotic fires! He is gone! the tomb hides all, that the world could scarcely contain, and that once was Washington, except his glory; that is the rich inheritance of his country; and his example, that let us endeavor by delineating to impart to mankind. Virtue will place it in her temple, wisdom in her treasury. PEACE then to your sorrows. I have done with them. Deep as your grief is, I aim not to be pathetic. I desire less to give atterance to the feelings of this age, than to the judgment of the next. Let us faithfully represent the illustrious dead, as history will paint, as posterity will behold him. WITH whatever fidelity I might execute this task, I know that some would prefer a picture drawn to the imagination. They would have our Washington represented of a giant's size, and in the character of a hero of romance. They who love to wonder better than to reason, would not be satisfied with the contemplation of a great example, unless, in the exhibition, it should be so distorted into prodigy, as to be both incredible and useless. Others, I hope but few, who think meanly of human nature, will deem it incredible, that even Washington should think with as much dignity and elevation, as he acted; and they will grovel in vain in the search for mean and selfish motives, that could incite and sustain him to devote his life to his country. Do not these suggestions sound in your ears like a profanation of virtue? and, while I pronounce them, do you not feel a thrill of indignation at your hearts? Forbear. Time never fails to bring every exalted reputation to a strict scrutiny: the world, in passing the judgment that is never to be reversed, will deny all partiality, even to the name of Washington. Let it be denied: for its justice will confer glory. b SUCH a life as Washington's cannot derive honor from the circumstances of birth and education, though it throws back a lustre on both. With an inquisitive mind, that always profited by the lights of others, ane was unclouded by passions of its own, he acquired a maturity of judgment, rare in age, unparal lelled in youth. Perhaps no young man had so early laid up a life's stock of materials for solid reflection, or settled so soon the principles and habits of his conduct. Grey experience listened to his counsels with respect; and, at a time when youth is almost privileged to be rash, Virginia committed the safety of her frontier, and ultimately the safety of America, not merely to his valor, for that would be scarcely praise; but to his prudence, |