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saved his country a second time, from the subjugation which it. threatened. His own words are too expressive not to be repeated:" Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, I conjure you to believe me, my fellow-citizens, the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove, that foreign influence is one of the most baleful foes of republican government."

DISCARDING a slothful and penurious policy, he tells you, "That if you would avoid injury, you must be prepared to resent it;" and, "That timely disbursements to meet danger, frequently prevent much greater disbursements to repel it."

KNOWING that a government resting on popular suffrage, can exist only in the conviction, which the people feel of its justice and its benefits, he enjoins it upon you to "enlighten" the public mind; and, by institutions for diffusing knowledge, to dissipate the gloom of simple error, and the seductions of artful imposture.

LEGISLATORS of the Union! listen to this advice, before it becomes too late to profit from it.

HAD but a small portion of the treasure expended in crushing insurrection, been applied to the dissemination of correct information, ambitious traitors could never have wrought up ignorance into rebellion; nor profligate calumniators plunged our country into desperate factions.

How mistaken, and how dangerous, is that policy, which suffers four millions of people, jealous of their rights, prejudiced by local interests, and spread over a vast continent, to depend for their knowledge of public measures, upon the scandalous misrepresentations of inflamed partisans, and the daring forgeries of a licentious press!

TAUGHT by revelation, that "piety exalteth a nation;" a witness to the abominations of "illuminated atheism," and the blasting influeuce, which it sheds over human happiness, he has left with you his own great example and his last exhortation, as proofs, that he considered national prosperity only secure whilst it rested on the basis of national religion : " In vain," he says, "can that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who would labor to subvert religion and morality-those great pillars of human happiness-these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens."

People of America!

LET the advice of your greatest friend sink deep into your


LET not hireling presses-noisy and empty declamationcanting and cunning demagogues, cheat you out of your peace, and real liberty. - These depend on the solidity of your government; and that, in a generous confidence, and manly support, of those you appoint to administer it.

THINK that you hear him saying, " This government, the offspring of your own choice, uninfluenced and unawed; adopted on full investigation and mature deliberation; completely free in its principles; in the distribution of its powers, uniting security with energy; and containing within itself a provision for its own amendment; has a just claim, to your confidence and support. Respect for its authorities-compliance with its laws-acquiescence in its measures are duties enjoined, by the fundamental maxims of true liberty. All obstructions to the execution of the laws-all combinations, and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to control, counteract, or awe, the constituted authorities, are destructive of your constitution, and of fatal tendency."

In what feeling accents, does he implore you to bury the animosities of party to destroy the monster, faction and to discard the spirit of jealousy, which, by an unnatural direction, urges you to distrust authorities of your own creation, and dependent on your own will.

EVERY act of this government, has come from the hands of of your chosen represntatives, equally concerned with you in

the welfare of their common country; and every act from its commencement, has received the official sanction of your WASHINGTON, or, of his no less illustrious successor, A



THOSE, who would array your jealousy against the representatives of the union, are alike insolent and cruel. They dishonor the principles of a republic-and they offer you no substitute better entitled to your adoption and support.

My countrymen! the example of WASHINGTON, is equally instructive, whether seen in the splendid career of high employ. ments, or in the milder lights of retirement.

He was not only content with, but he sighed for, the simple and unruffled pleasures of private station. Although engaged in the most honorable and enviable situations-admired, revered and beloved yet in that last address, which he dedicates to you, he says, "I anticipate, with pleasing expectation, that retreat, in which I promise myself, without alloy, the sweet enjoyment of partaking, in the midst of my fellow-citizens, the benign influence of good laws under a free government-the ever favorite object of my heart, and the happy reward, as I trust, of our mutual cares, labors and dangers."

LIKE him, let us be ready to serve the republic when she demands our services; and, like him, think ourselves no less happy as private citizens while we cherish the government, which guards our independence, and obey the laws, which only can secure to us the blessings of social order.

It is thus that your WASHINGTON will yet live for his country to guide her councils-animate her warriors and with his own spirit, refine and warm the patriotism of all her citizens.

Ан! how truly glorious is his memory-who, living, raised his country to honor and felicity-and dying, bequeathed his virtues for their preservation.


Oration delivered at Old York, on the death of GEORGE WASHINGTON; by the Rev. ROSEWELL MESSINGER, pastor colleague with the Rev. LYMAN of the First Church in Old York, Maine.


sun in the firmament is not darkened ! The foundations. of the earth do not tremble! Rocks have not fallen to dust! the mountains have not melted away! But the veil of liberty's temple is rent in twain. Her spotless high-priest hath retired to rest, through the portals of everlasting fame.

IF our tongue were an angel's, it would falter; if our hearts were marble, they would bleed; if our eyes were flint they would swell with tears; if the world were a Zembla, it would melt and mourn, for WASHINGTON is no more.

HAPPY for the human race, his translation was not in a chariot of fire; not by a visible convoy of angels; not by the sound of the trump, but by the common, secret power of dissolution, which silently sprinkles its fatal dust on the body of man! Otherwise he might have been revered as a God. The globe might have bowed in the attitude of worship at the feet of his likeness.

Ο TIME! Empires and kingdoms are thy sport. The bewildered traveller of the desert, the prideful monarch of the throne; conquerors who have led the world in chains; philosophers who have scanned the heavens, and walked among the stars; virtue's sacred train; all, all have been numbered among thy trophies; yet the greatest of thy spoils is the late Father of our country. But, O time, his memory will mock thy ravages; it will live in immortal bloom, "when death itself shall die."

In a country whose climes are mild, whose features are lovely; in America, our " Hero, patriot, sage," was born in 1732, his life dawned on the fields of Virginia. There the sacred genii bathed his infant soul in the lucid stream of thought; there

the enraptured cherubs shed on his heart the ambrosial dews of innocence and love; there the creative power planted the Eden of humanity in his bosom; there said the holy Trinity, " we will raise up a man, and fix upon him our own image, in a stamp, that shall never be effaced. These were secrets only known to the visible world. For to human eyes he was no more than a child of common clay. But a few years began to reveal those gems of excellence that were to enamor a gazing universe.

In the age of childhood, he was manly, frank and noble in his manners; cautious, yet faithful in his attachments; generous in his heart, which knew no disguise; he was attached to the truth, which he never sacrificed; persevering in every laudable atchievement; his perception was quick, his fancy lively and bold; but always obedient to his judgment his words, though few, were " apples of gold in pictures of silver." Before he reached the years of youth, he possessed an assemblage of all the brilliant virtues, all the lovely sympathies, all the pious sentiments, that lay within the compass of human aspiration. He never trod the formal paths of science, within the walls of a college; but, the fields of nature, books and mankind were all accessible to his exploring genius. Yea, his noble soul drank intelligence from the rivers of God. These are some feeble and scattered delineations of his early life.

It was now time for his glory to rise on the public mind. While we were colonies, subject to Britain, and hostilities obtained between England and France, our hero entered the martial field. As the shade of Braddock will testify, he then announced talents that would have honored the Cæsars of antiquity. He discovered a heart that would have given the laurels of Titus a brighter lustre !

But it was in a later period, that his patriotism and love of liberty burst with their full effulgence on the world. It was in a later period, that the sons and daughters of Columbia leaned on his bosom, and called him " Father."

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