Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United States Courts in Patent and Trade-mark and Copyright CasesU.S. Government Printing Office, 1942 "Compiled from Official gazette. Beginning with 1876, the volumes have included also decisions of United States courts, decisions of Secretary of Interior, opinions of Attorney-General, and important decisions of state courts in relation to patents, trade-marks, etc. 1869-94, not in Congressional set." Checklist of U. S. public documents, 1789-1909, p. 530. |
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United ..., Volumul 914 United States. Patent Office Vizualizare completă - 1915 |
Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United ..., Volumul 911 United States. Patent Office Vizualizare completă - 1912 |
Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United States Courts in ... United States. Patent Office Vizualizare completă - 1946 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
acid alleged apparatus APPEAL from Patent appealed claims appellant appellant's application appellee appellee's Associate Judges awarded Barnhart Board of Appeals Braselton C. C. P. A. Patents carrier current Chrysler Corporation cited comminuted Commissioner of Patents Company comprising containing contention counts Court of Customs Customs and Patent defined delivered the opinion device disclosed disclosure ester estoppel Examiner of Interferences exhibit filing date GARRETT halogenated HATFIELD heating held interference proceeding involve invention issue junior party Kellogg Company ketones LENROOT mark material means metal method motion operation Oral argument Patent Appeals petition portion Presiding Judge Primary Examiner prior art priority of invention Puerto Rico question reasons of appeal record reduction to practice reference registration rejected claims relates respect rubber Serial sheet specification structure subject matter substantially temperature testimony thiourea tion trade-mark tribunals United States Court United States Patent unpatentable valve W. W. Cochran Howard
Pasaje populare
Pagina 672 - ... that no other person, firm, corporation, or association, to the best of his knowledge and belief, has the right to use such mark in commerce either in the identical form thereof or in such near resemblance thereto [as might be calculated to deceive...
Pagina 783 - ... new, if the error has arisen by inadvertence, accident, or mistake, and without any fraudulent or deceptive intention, the Commissioner shall, on the surrender of such patent and the payment of the duty required by law, cause a new patent for the same invention, and in accordance with the corrected specification, to be issued to the patentee...
Pagina 24 - That no mark which consists merely in the name of an individual, firm, corporation, or association, not written, printed, impressed, or woven in some particular or distinctive manner or in association with a portrait of the individual, or merely in words or devices which are descriptive of the goods with which they are used, or of the character or quality of such goods, or merely a geographical name or term, shall be registered under the terms of this act...
Pagina 783 - The Commissioner may issue several reissued patents for distinct and separate parts of the thing patented, upon demand of the applicant, and upon payment of the required fee for a reissue for each of such reissued patents.
Pagina 528 - ... which so nearly resemble a registered or known trade-mark owned and in use by another, and appropriated to merchandise of the same descriptive properties, as to be likely to cause confusion or mistake in the mind of the public, or to deceive purchasers...
Pagina 181 - Appeals, provided that such appeal shall be dismissed if any adverse party to such interference shall within twenty days after the appellant shall have filed notice of appeal according to section 4912 of the Revised Statutes, file notice with the Commissioner of Patents that he elects to have all further proceedings conducted as provided in section 4915 of the Revised Statutes.
Pagina 63 - The specification must include a written description of the invention or discovery and of the manner and process of making, constructing, compounding, and using the same, and is required to be in such full, clear, concise, and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art or science to which the invention or discovery appertains, or with which it is most nearly connected, to make, construct, compound, and use the same.
Pagina 487 - LENROOT, Associate Judge. This is an interference proceeding wherein the Board of Appeals of the United States Patent Office affirmed a decision of the Examiner of Interferences awarding priority of invention of the subject matter in issue to appellee.
Pagina 693 - No. , together with the good will of the business in connection with which the said mark is used...
Pagina 136 - Office to any person who has invented or discovered any new and useful art, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter...