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[blocks in formation] a bimonthly digest that gives you up-to-date information on earthquakes, volcanoes, and related natural hazards around the world.

• Can we predict earthquakes?

• How do people in earthquake-prone areas live with the earthquake risk?

• What are scientists learning from monitoring Hawaii's active volcanoes?

• How are tsunamis detected and how does the Pacific Tsunami Warning System work?

• What is the threat from landslides in the United States?

• What do we know about-and what can we learn from-volcanoes on other planets?

• What can the impact craters left by meteoroids striking the Earth tell us about the history of our planet?

If these topics interest and intrigue you, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, a fast-reading glossy digest will open up to you the world of natural phenomena and hazards. Regular features in each issue include listings of worldwide earthquakes, information on natural hazards publications, and photographic views of the natural wonder and destructive behavior of earthquakes and volcanoes.

Published six times each year, Earthquakes and Volcanoes is written in easy-to-understand, nontechnical language for teachers, students, and general readers alike. Each issue is about 40 pages long.

The articles are written by U.S. and international scientists who report their investigations and research on earthquake and volcanic activity around the world. From time to time, special issues are dedicated to a particular activity or hazard, such as the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hawaiian Volcano Observatory; the continuing volcanic activity at Mount St. Helens in Washington State, the Parkfield Earthquake Prediction Experiment in California, or the National Earthquake Information Center.

When you consider how active our Earth is-there are more than 500 active volcanoes in the world and each year there are on average 120 earthquakes of magnitude 6 and above-you realize how important it is to be informed about these natural hazards.

Scientists are continually gathering information on earthquake activity worldwide through the USGS National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colorado. In the United States earthquakes are not just a threat to California; large and damaging earthquakes have occurred near New Madrid, Mo., Charleston, S.C., and the Cape Ann area of Massachusetts. Scientists are at work throughout the country and the world studying and evaluating earthquake causes and hazards.

Although the present day examples of Hawaiian volcanoes and of Mount St. Helens may be familiar, not everyone is aware that geologic evidence from past eruptions shows that there is a serious threat of volcanic activity in the Western United States along the Cascades chain of volcanoes in Washington, Oregon, and California, as well as from volcanoes in Alaska.

Earthquakes and Volcanoes provides you with current, worldwide information on earthquakes and volcanic studies.



For a complimentary issue of Earthquakes and Volcanoes write to Earthquakes and Volcanoes, U.S. Geological Survey, 904A National Center, Reston, VA 22092. (703) 648-6078.

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