AVAILABILITY OF OUT-OF-STOCK SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS Some USGS books and maps describing the geology of particular national parks and monuments that are no longer in stock at the USGS may be available for purchase from the national park or monument itself or from a related nature association. Correction: In List 1002 (January 1992), Bulletin 1904-1 was incorrectly advertised at $2. The correct price is $1.25. BOOKS PROFESSIONAL PAPERS Professional papers are mainly comprehensive scientific reports of wide and lasting interest and importance to professional scientists and engineers. Included are reports on the results of resource studies, and of topographic, hydrologic, and geologic investigations. They also include collections of related papers addressing different aspects of a single scientific topic. P 1066-0. Middle and Upper Ordovician symmetrical univalved mollusks (Monoplacophora and Bellerophontina) of the Cincinnati Arch region, by G. P. Wahlman, Amoco Production Co. Prepared in cooperation with the Commonwealth of Kentucky, University of Kentucky, and Kentucky Geological Survey. 1992. p. 01-0203. (Contributions to the Ordovician paleontology of Kentucky and nearby states; edited by John Pojeta, Jr.) $22. Three thousand new silicified specimens provide the most extensive data base ever assembled for determining the taxonomy, phylogenetic relationships, biostratigraphy, functional morphology, and paleoecology of Ordovician symmetrical univalved mollusks. The study deals with 85 species occurring in the north-central and eastern United States and adjacent parts of Canada, in rocks ranging in age from Blackriveran to Richmondian. Twelve new taxa are named and described. P 1408-B. IDAHO, OREGON. Geohydrologic framework of the Snake River plain regional aquifer system, Idaho and easterm Oregon, by R. L. Whitehead. 1992. p. B1-B32. 6 plates in pocket. (Regional Aquifer-System Analysis; Snake River plain, Idaho.) $7.50. Predominantly young basaltic rocks in the eastern part of the graben-like Snake River plain contrast sharply with unconsolidated sedimentary rocks in the western part. Formed during middle Miocene time, the plain has been filled with rocks of vastly different hydrologic character. Transmissivities are greatest in the basalt, exceeding 1,000,000 but, more commonly, 100,000 feet squared per day. In places near the margins of the plain, older volcanic rocks are important geothermal aquifers. BULLETINS Bulletins contain significant data and interpretations that are of lasting scientific interest but are generally more limited in scope or geographic coverage than professional papers. They include the results of resource studies and of geologic and topographic investigations; as well as collections of short papers related to a specific topic. B 1787-R. COLORADO. Geology of the central Roan Plateau area, northwestern Colorado, by W. J. Hail, Jr. 1992. p. R1R26. 2 plates in pocket. (Evolution of sedimentary basins; Uinta and Piceance basins.) $2. The geology of the central Roan Plateau area in the south-central part of the Piceance Creek basin, comprising four 7.5-minute quadrangles, is described. Subsurface rocks penetrated by drill holes include the Mancos Shale and Mesaverde Formation of Late Cretaceous age, and parts of the Wasatch Formation of Paleocene and Eocene age, and Green River Formation of Eocene age. Exposed rocks, aggregating as much as 4,550 feet in thickness, are all Eocene in age and include the upper part of the Wasatch Formation, and the Green River and Uinta formations. The Green River and Uinta formations are extensively intertongued. Surficial deposits of Quaternary age include alluvium, talus, slope wash, and landslides. Two northwesterly trending folds, the Clear Creek Syncline and the Crystal Creek anticlinal nose, are present in the northem part of the area. There are no major faults. The area contains large potentially important oil-shale resources, mostly in the Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation. B 1787-W. COLORADO, UTAH. Sedimentology and depositional history of the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation in the Uinta, Piceance, and Eagle basins, northwestem Colorado and northeastem Utah, by R. F. Dubiel. 1992. p. W1-W25. (Evolution of sedimentary basins; Uinta and Piceance basins.) $2. Sedimentologic analysis of the Chinle Formation identified lithofacies deposited in various continental depositional systems. Reconstruction of the paleogeography depicts fluvial systems that flowed west and northwest from the ancestral Uncompahgre and Front Range uplifts in Colorado. Adjacent floodplains were modified by Paleosol development and abundant bioturbation. Fluvial systems graded distally into lacustrine and lacustrine-deltaic systems in the southern and eastern Uinta and Piceance basins. The close of Chinle deposition in the Eagle Basin is marked by eolian sand-sheet deposits, reflecting the change from tropical monsoonal climates earlier in the Late Triassic to drier conditions at the close of the Late Triassic. B 1787-Z. COLORADO. Fracture history of the Divide Creek and Wolf Creek anticlines and its relation to Laramide basin-margin tectonism, southern Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado, by M. A. Grout and E. R. Verbeek. 1992. p. Z1-Z32. (Evolution of sedimentary basins; Uinta and Piceance basins.) (Supersedes Open-file report 88-10) $2.25. Eight sets of extension fractures (joints) in Upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary rocks on the Divide Creek and Wolf Creek anticlines record both thrust-related Laramide events on the eastem basin margin and post-Laramide regional events that otherwise are not obvious from other structural relations. The relatively young, post-middle Eocene age of almost all the fractures in the Cretaceous reservoir rocks in the study and adjacent areas to the west suggests that fluids could not have migrated through joint sets until 20-30 m.y. after deposition. B 1808-L. NEW MEXICO. Clastic pipes of probable solution-collapse origin in Jurassic rocks of the southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico, by R. E. Hunter, Guy Gelfenbaum and D. M. Rubin. 1992. p. L1-L19. (Evolution of sedimentary basins: San Juan Basin.) $1.75. Elongate, vertical cylindrical bodies of clastic sedimentary rocks are common in Jurassic rocks of the southern San Juan Basin. These clastic pipes probably originated by the gradual collapse of beds overlying an evaporite bed that was dissolved by groundwater following burial. Evaporite dissolution may also have been responsible for Jurassic folding and faulting in the southern part of the basin. B 1808-M. NEW MEXICO. Sedimentology and depositional environments of the Lower Permian Yeso Formation, northwestem New Mexico, by J. D. Stanesco. 1991. p. M1-M12. (Evolution of sedimentary basins; San Juan Basin.) $1.25. Interpretation of data from eight measured sections in northwestern New Mexico suggests that the Leonardian Yeso Formation was deposited in eolian, sabkha, tidal flat, and marine environments. Cyclic deposition indicates two periods of eolian progradation from the north separated by a marine transgression from the south. Twelve smaller scale depositional cycles mark less significant lateral shifts of facies. B 1857-J. SOUTH DAKOTA. The Homestake gold mine, an early Proterozoic iron-formation-hosted gold deposit, Lawrence County, South Dakota, by S. W. Caddey, R. L. Bachman, T. J. Campbell, R. R. Reid, and R. P. Otto, Homestake Mining Co. 1991. p. J1-J67. (Geology and resources of gold in the United States; D. R. Shawe and R. P. Ashley, scientific editors; L. M. H. Carter, technical editor.) $4. The Homestake Mine in the northern Black Hills, South Dakota, is the largest iron-formation-hosted gold deposit known; the gold is hosted within quartz-veined, sulfide-rich segments of an early Proterozoic, carbonate-facies iron-formation in a sequence of originally calcareous, pelitic to semipelitic, and quartzose rocks. Gold mineralization took place almost exclusively in the Homestake Formation, an iron-formation consisting of siderite and (or) grunerite schist in productive sections of the Homestake Mine. Gold mineralization is regarded to have taken place during early Proterozoic time, though it is not dated directly. B 1883. GEORGIA, NORTH CAROLINA. Geology, geochemistry, and mineral resource assessment of the Southern Nantahala Wilderness and adjacent roadless areas, Rabun and Towns counties, Georgia, and Clay and Macon counties, North Carolina, by J. D. Peper, F. G. Lesure, L. J. Cox and J. P. D'Agostino. 1991. 30 p. 2 plates in pocket. $5.50. The areas collectively span the Tallulah Falls, Helen, and Richard Russell thrust sheets in Northeast Georgia. Older, sillimanite-bearing Richard-Russell rocks on the west were isoclinally folded before later movement on the Shope Fork Fault. Geologic and trace-element considerations indicate low potential for gold and low to moderate potential for massive-sulfide deposits. Corundum, feldspar, sheet-mica, and vermiculite are in small deposits. Several paleo-Indian soapstone-vessel quarries might deserve conservation. B 1900. Geology of three late Quaternary stratovolcanoes on São Miguel, Azores, by R. B. Moore. Prepared in cooperation with the Regional Government of the Azores. 1991. 46 p. $3. Sete Cidades, Agua de Pau, and Furnas volcanoes have been mapped at a scale of 1:15,000. Each volcano has a caldera that formed in the late Pleistocene. Lava flows, domes, and pyroclastic deposits belong to the alkali basalt-trachyte suite. Fractionation of parental basanitoid has produced diverse magmas. Incorporation of silicic material in mafic melts locally has resulted in hybrid lavas. Each volcano has erupted trachyte during the past 500 years. Furnas is particularly dangerous, because it has erupted trachyte explosively five times during the past 1,100 years, most recently in A.D. 1630. B 1904-B. WISCONSIN. New observations on the age and structure of Proterozoic quartzites in Wisconsin, by G. L. LaBerge, U.S. Geological Survey and University of Wisconsin: J. S. Klasner, U.S. Geological Survey and Western Illinois University; and P. E. Myers, University of Wisconsin. 1991. p. B1-B18. (Contributions to Precambrian geology of Lake Superior region: edited by P. K. Sims and L. M. H. Carter.) $1.75. Structural and stratigraphic studies of Proterozoic quartzite bodies in Wisconsin indicate that the quartzite is at least of two ages. Quartzite at McCaslin and Thunder mountains, in northeastem Wisconsin, is older than 1,812 Ma, and quartzite boulders in conglomerates in central Wisconsin are at least 1,840 Ma. Quartzite at Hamilton Mounds, in south-central Wisconsin, is intruded by granite that is 1,764 Ma. B 1913. VIRGINIA. Coal resources of Tazewell County, Virginia, 1980, by K. J. Englund and R. E. Thomas. 1991. 17 p. 5 plates in pocket. $14. Low-sulfur coal resources occur in 36 beds of Pennsylvanian age in the Tazewell County portion of the southwestern Virginia coal field. These coal beds and intercalated delta lobes are backbarrier lagoonal deposits of a terrestrial facies that prograded northwestward across the Appalachian Basin in late Paleozoic time. Data on the distribution, quantity, and quality of coal resources were provided by geologic quadrangle mapping, drill core description, and coal sampling and analyses. Of the total estimated original resources of 2,540 million short tons, approximately 323 million short tons or 13 percent has been mined or lost in mining. Of the remaining resources, coal in beds 28 inches or more thick with one percent or less sulfur totals 953.5 million short tons. Application of a 54 percent recovery factor, as determined from mining in Tazewell and nearby counties, indicates that 515 million short tons of low-sulfur coal may be recoverable. B 1917-F. MONTANA, WYOMING. Palynostratigraphy of the Tullock Member (lower Paleocene) of the Fort Union Formation in the Powder River basin, Montana and Wyoming, by D. J. Nichols and J. L. Brown. 1992. p. F1-F35. (Εvolution of sedimentary basins; Powder River basin.) $3.50. The distribution of pollen, spores, and algal cysts in the Tullock Member of the Fort Union Formation was determined in a study conducted in support of basin analysis of the Powder River basin. Tullock palynomorph assemblages include species characteristic of palynostratigraphic zones P1 and P2 (lower Paleocene). Sixtysix taxa are described and illustrated; two species are redescribed on the basis of Tullock specimens and five new nomenclatural combinations are proposed. B 1927. COLORADO. The Jurassic Wanakah and Morrison formations in the Telluride-Ouray-western Black Canyon area of southwestern Colorado, by R. B. O'Sullivan. 1992. 24 p. $1.75. In the San Juan Mountains area the Wanakah Formation consists (in ascending order) of the Pony Express Limestone Member, Bilk Creek Sandstone Member, and the beds at Sawpit. These units are now extended into the western Black Canyon area where only the Pony Express Limestone Member had been previously recognized. Gypsum is present at the top of the Pony Express in the San Juan Mountains. In western Black Canyon, gypsum is associated with the Pony Express, the beds at Sawpit and the basal member of the Morrison Formation. The gypsum in the Morrison is similar to gypsum in the basal Morrison in east-central Utah and in eastern Colorado. B 1960. Mineral resource potential of the NB-20-4 Quadrangle, eastern Guayana Shield, Bolívar State, Venezuela, by J. C. Wynn and G. B. Sidder. 1991. 16 p. 2 plates in pocket. $3.50. Early Proterozoic greenstone-belt rocks underlie eastern Venezuela. Those in the NB-20-4 Quadrangle consist of metamorphosed submarine sequences with mafic-ultramafic intrusions, mafic to felsic volcanic, volcaniclastic, and turbiditic rocks, and chemical and detrital sedimentary rocks. Mineral deposits permissive in this terrane include low-sulfide gold-quartz veins, placer gold-platinum group elements (PGE), dunitic nickel-copper, kuroko-type massive sulfides, laterite-type bauxite, secondarily enriched volcanogenic manganese, and possibly homestake-type gold. B 1961. NEVADA. Mineral resources of the Arc Dome Wilderness Recommendation Area, Nye County, Nevada, by G. F. Brem, D. A. John, J. T. Nash, F. G. Poole and D. B. Snyder. 1991. 21 p. 1 plate in pocket. (Studies related to wilderness; wilderness recommendation areas.) $4. The Arc Dome Wilderness Recommendation Area is part of the Toiyabe National Forest in the Toiyabe Range. Cenozoic volcanic rocks overlie late Proterozoic to Permian rocks, Mesozoic tuffs, and Mesozoic and (or) Tertiary granitoid rocks. Our studies indicate that the mineral resource potential is high for tungsten in one area, high for disseminated silver and (or) gold in two other areas, moderate for placer gold in one area, and moderate or low for disseminated silver and (or) gold, often with lead, zinc, copper, arsenic, and (or) antimony in several other scattered areas. B 1964. An analysis of present-day terrestrial lapse rates in the western conterminous United States and their significance to paleoaltitudinal estimates, by J. A. Wolfe. 1992. 35 p. 2 plates in pocket. $5. Analysis of climatological data indicates that the rates by which temperature decreases as altitude increases are much lower than the generally assumed worldwide lapse rate. Previous paleoaltitudinal estimates based on Tertiary floras in the Westem United States thus are far too low. B 1967. WYOMING. Whistle, a nearly dormant geyser in Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming; the first geyser to be studied by research drilling, by D. E. White. 1991. 13 p. 1 plate in pocket. $3.50. Research drill hole Y-1 was drilled in 1967 in Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park at a distance of 50 ft from the pool of Whistle Geyser. Pressure and temperature data obtained as the hole was drilled proved that the geyser depends for its water supply on deep overpressured water from a much more extensive system than can be demonstrated from surface measurements in the geyser tube. B 1989-A-C. Strategic and critical minerals in the Midcontinent region, United States, edited by W. C. Day and D. E. Lane, U.S. Geological Survey. 1992. 42 p. (Chapters A-C are issued as a single volume and are not available separately.) $3. These are the first three chapters in a volume reporting results of studies conducted as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Midcontinent Strategic and Critical Minerals Project. A. Geology and mineral paragenesis of the Pea Ridge iron ore mine, Washington County, Missouri; origin of the rare-earth-element- and gold-bearing breccia pipes, by L. M. Nuelle, Missouri Department of Natural Resources; W. C. Day, G. B. Sidder, U.S. Geological Survey; and C. M. Seeger, Missouri Department of Natural Resources. p. A1-A11. B. Some mineralogical and geochemical aspects of Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian marine black shales in part of the Midcontinent region, by G. A. Desborough, J. R. Hatch, and J. S. Leventhal, U.S. Geological Survey. p. B1-B21. C. Mineralogical and geochemical analysis of the metal- and organic-rich Grassy Creek Shale of the New Albany Group (Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian) in Hardin County, southem Illinois, by G. A. Desborough, U.S. Geological Survey. p. C1-C9. B 1991. CALIFORNIA, NEVADA. Late Quaternary faulting along the Death Valley-Furnace Creek fault system, California and Nevada, by G. E. Brogan, K. S. Kellogg, U.S. Geological Survey; D. B. Slemmons, Mackay School of Mines; and C. L. Terhune, U.S. Geological Survey. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 23 p. 4 plates in pockets. $6. The Death Valley-Furnace Creek fault system, the second longest fault system in California, contains a variety of impressive late Quaternary neotectonic features that record a long history of recurrent earthquake-induced faulting, although no neotectonic features of unequivocal historical age are known. This study characterizes geomorphologic features along the fault system and demonstrates that Quaternary movement along the northwesttrending Furnace Creek fault zone is predominantly right lateral, whereas that along the north-trending Death Valley fault zone is predominantly normal. These observations are compatible with tectonic models of Death Valley as a northwest-trending pull-apart basin. B 1999. ALASKA. Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1990, edited by D. C. Bradley and A. B. Ford, U.S. Geological Survey. 1992. 244 p. $13. The collection of 18 articles and four shorter notes contained in this bulletin describes results of current research in the earth sciences in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey. Studies include regional geology, geochemistry, paleontology, geochronology, and resource investigations. The volume also contains a comprehensive bibliography of Alaskan reports in 1990 by USGS scientists. The Mount Copleston Limestone, a new Lower Devonian Formation in the Shublik Mountains, northeastem Brooks Range, Alaska, by R. B. Blodgett, U.S. Geological Survey; J. G. Clough, Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys; A. G. Harris, U.S. Geological Survey; and M. S. Robinson, Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. p. 3-7. Depositional and biostratigraphic framework of the Upper Cretaceous Kuskokwim Group, southwestern Alaska, by S. E. Box and W. P. Elder, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 8-16. Deformation history of the McHugh Complex, Seldovia Quadrangle, south-central Alaska, by D. C. Bradley, U.S. Geological Survey; and T. M. Kusky, University of Houston. p. 17-32. Occurrence of platinum-group elements in some gold-mining districts of Alaska, by J. B. Cathrall and J. C. Antweiler, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 33-43. Age of the late Cenozoic Bigbendian marine transgression of the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain; significance for permafrost history and paleoclimate, by L. D. Carter and J. W. Hillhouse, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 44-51. Tectonic implications of the Albatross sedimentary sequence, Sitkinak Island, Alaska, by W. S. Clendenen, Exxon Production Research Co.; W. V. Sliter, U.S. Geological Survey; and Tim Byrne, University of Connecticut. p. 52-70. Discrepancies between geologic evidence and rotation models; Talkeetna Mountains and adjacent areas of south-central Alaska, by Bela Csejtey, Jr., U.S. Geological Survey. p. 71-80. Clay mineral depositional facies and uranium resource potential in part of the Tertiary Kenai Group, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, by K. A. Dickinson and G. L. Skipp, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 81-99. Early Holocene calcretes from the subarctic active Nogahabara sand dune field, northern Alaska, by J. P. Galloway, Mark Huebner, U.S. Geological Survey; Robert Lipkin, Alaska Natural Heritage Program; and J. W. A. Dijkmans, University of Utrecht. p. 100-111. Tectonics and petroleum potential of the Brooks Range fold and thrust belt; a progress report, by D. G. Howell, K. J. Bird, U.S. Geological Survey; Lu Huafu, Nanjing University; and M. J. Johnsson, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 112-126. Tectonic evolution of the Kandik region, east-central Alaska; preliminary interpretations, by D. G. Howell, M. J. Johnsson, U.S. Geological Survey; M. B. Underwood, University of Missouri; Lu Huafu, Nanjing University; and J. W. Hillhouse, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 127-140. Arc and extensional basin geochemical and tectonic affinities for Maiyumerak basalts in the western Brooks Range, by S. M. Karl, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 141-155. Geochemically anomalous areas in the eastem Goodnews Bay 1o by 3° Quadrangle, Southwest Alaska, by J. E. Kilbum, S. E. Box, R. J. Goldfarb, and J. E. Gray, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 156-162. Early middle Miocene mollusks and benthic foraminifers from Kodiak Island, Alaska, by Louie Marincovich, Jr., U.S. Geological Survey; and Shigehiro Moriya, Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. p. 163-169. Reconnaissance sandstone petrology and provenance of the Cantwell Formation, central Alaska, by Hugh McLean and R. G. Stanley, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 170-179. 40 Ar/39 Ar isotopic ages from the combined Wrangellia-Alexander Terrane along the Border Ranges fault system in the easterm Chugach Mountains and Glacier Bay, Alaska, by S. M. Roeske, University of California at Davis; T. L. Pavlis, University of New Orleans; L. W. Snee, U.S. Geological Survey; and V. В. Sisson, Rice University. p. 180-195. Reevaluation of coal resources in the Late Cretaceous-Tertiary Sagavanirktok Formation, North Slope, Alaska, by S. B. Roberts, G. D. Stricker, and R. H. Affolter, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 196-203. Fluvial facies architecture in the Tertiary Usibelli Group of Suntrana, central Alaska, by R. G. Stanley, R. M. Flores, and T. J. Wiley, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 204-211. A postulated new source for the White River Ash, Alaska, by R. G. McGimsey, D. H. Richter, G. D. DuBois, and T. P. Miller, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 212-218. Preliminary interpretation of vegetation and paleoclimate in northem Alaska during the late Pliocene Colvillian marine transgression, by R. E. Nelson, Colby College; and L. D. Carter, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 219-222. Electrical resistivity cross sections in east-central Alaska, by J. A. Sampson, V. F. Labson, and C. L. Long, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 223-227. Gold placers, gold source, and high terrace gravels in the Fortymile River area, Alaska, by W. E. Yeend, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 228-230. U.S. Geological Survey reports on Alaska released in 1990, compiled by E. R. White, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 231235. Reports about Alaska in non-USGS publications released in 1990 that include USGS authors, compiled by E. R. White, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 236-242. B 2004. Developments in mineral deposit modeling, edited by J. D. Bliss, U.S. Geological Survey. 1992. 168 p. $9.50. This volume is a collection of articles on mineral deposit models and is a supplement to Bulletin 1693 on mineral deposit models edited by Cox and Singer (1986). Included is an introduction and overview of mineral deposit modeling, an article on numerical models used to match descriptions of mineral deposits to deposit models, six new or revised descriptive models, and nine new or revised grade and tonnage models. Introduction and overview of mineral deposit modeling, by D. L. Mosier and J. D. Bliss, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 1-5. Numerical mineral deposit models, by R. B. McCammon, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 6-12. Descriptive model of thorium-rare-earth veins, by M. H. Staatz. U.S. Geological Survey. p. 13-15. Grade and tonnage model of thorium-rare-earth veins, by J. D. Bliss, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 16-18. Descriptive model of distal disseminated Ag-Au, by D. P. Cox, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 19. Grade and tonnage model of distal disseminated Ag-Au, by D. P. Cox and D. A. Singer, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 20-22. Grade and tonnage model of hot-spring Au-Ag, by B. R. Berger and D. A. Singer, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 23-25. Grade and tonnage model of sediment-hosted Au, by D. L. Mosier, D. A. Singer, W. C. Bagby and W. D. Menzie, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 26-28. Grade and tonnage model of sierran kuroko deposits, by D. A. Singer, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 29-32. Descriptive model of solution-collapse breccia pipe uranium deposits, by W. L. Finch, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 33-35. Grade and tonnage model of solution-collapse breccia pipe uranium deposits, by W. I. Finch, C. T. Pierson and H. B. Sutphin, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 36-38. Descriptive model of oolitic ironstones, by J. B. Maynard, University of Cincinnati; and F. B. Van Houten, Princeton University. p. 39-40. Grade and tonnage model of oolitic ironstones, by G. J. Orris, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 41-43. Grade and tonnage model of chugach-type low-sulfide Auquartz veins, by J. D. Bliss, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 4446. Descriptive model of laterite-saprolite Au, by G. E. McKelvey, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 47-49. Grade and tonnage model of laterite-saprolite Au, by J. D. Bliss, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 50-51. Preliminary descriptive deposit model for detachment-fault-related mineralization, by K. R. Long, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 52-56. Descriptive model of detachment-fault-related polymetallic deposits, by K. R. Long, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 57-58. B 2007. The petroleum system; status of research and methods, 1992, edited by L. B. Magoon. 1992. 98 p. $5. This publication comprises 16 individually authored summaries by U.S. Geological Survey scientists that presents a reorganized table of the petroleum systems within the United States and summarizes the status of research for a number of petroleum-related topics and investigative methods. Identified petroleum systems within the United States; 1992, by L. B. Magoon. p. 2-11. A concise historical and current perspective on the kinetics of natural oil generation, by M. D. Lewan. p. 12-15. Role of microbial processes in petroleum systems, by J. L. Clayton. p. 16-19. Coalbed methane, by B. E. Law. p. 20-21. Turbidity current processes, by W. R. Normark and D. J. Piper. p. 22-31. Porosity, by J. W. Schmoker. р. 32-34. Facies, permeability, and heterogeneity in sandstone reservoirs, by C. J. Schenk. p. 35-39. Approaches to characterizing fluid-flow heterogeneity in carbonate reservoirs, by C. J. Schenk. p. 40-43. Mineral transformations in tar sand and heavy oil reservoirs induced by thermal recovery methods, by C. J. Schenk. p. 44-48. Biomarkers as thermal maturity indicators, by P. G. Lillis. p. 49-52. Fission-track analysis in sedimentary basins; 1992, by N. D. Naeser. p. 53-57. Vitrinite and solid bitumen reflectance; some correlations and applications, by M. J. Pawlewicz and J. D. King. p. 58-60. Clay minerals as geothermometers; indicators of thermal maturity for hydrocarbon exploration, by R. M. Pollastro. p. 61-65. Influence of regional heat flow variation on thermal maturity of the Lower Cretaceous Muddy ("J") Sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, by D. K. Higley, D. L. Gautier and M. J. Pawlewicz. p. 66-69. Thermal maturity of the Mesaverde Group, Uinta Basin, Utah, by V. F. Nuccio and T. D. Fouch. p. 70-78. NERSL; National Energy Research Seismic Library, by D. J. Taylor. p. 79-80. Branch of Petroleum Geology; 1989 through 1990 bibliography, compiled by H. Y. Colbum. p. 81-98. B 2008. IDAHO, MONTANA. Constraints on the formation of the Bitterroot Lobe of the Idaho Batholith, Idaho and Montana, from U-Pb zircon geochronology and feldspar Pb isotopic data, by M. I. Toth and J. S. Stacey. 1992. 14 p. $1.50. Zircons from tonalite emplaced along the westem periphery of the Bitterroot Lobe of the Idaho Batholith yield an almost concordant age of 94±1.4 Ma; monzogranite and granodiorite plutons along the northern edge of the lobe yield ages of 75 to 71 Ma. The volumetrically more dominant plutons in the central and westem parts of the lobe were emplaced between 59 and 54 Ma. Upper intercept data, combined with Pb isotopic data from feldspars, confirm that the magmas of the Bitterroot Lobe were derived mainly from an early Proterozoic lower continental crust. WATER-SUPPLY PAPERS Water-supply papers include reports on the geology, hydrology, quality, recoverability, and utilization of water resources. They include also several series of statistical reports on streamflow, floods, ground-water levels, and water quality. W 2370-B. CALIFORNIA. Geology and water resources of Owens Valley, California, by K. J. Hollett, W. R. Danskin, W. F. McCaffrey and C. L. Walti. Prepared in cooperation with Inyo County and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. 1991. p. B1-B77. 2 plates in pocket. (Hydrology and soil-waterplant relations in Owens Valley, California.)(Supersedes Open-file report 88-715.) $8. The geologic framework of the aquifer system and the structural shape of the bedrock surface beneath the valley fill determine and control the movement and storage of water in the system. Depositional patterns that determine the hydrologic characteristics of the sedimentary and volcanic-rock materials in the valley fill define the aquifer system. Geophysical, geological, and hydrological data were used to define the system. |