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Circulars present technical or nontechnical information of wide popular interest in a format designed for distribution at no cost to the public. They are published to disseminate administrative information or important scientific information of an ephemeral nature.

C 1072. ALASKA. 1991 annual report on Alaska's mineral resources, edited by J. L. Schneider. Prepared in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, Minerals Management Service, National Park Service, U.S. Bureau of Mines, U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 69 р.

This is a report congressionally mandated by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) summarizing all pertinent public information gathered by Federal agencies that relates to mineral projects and events in Alaska during 1990. Projects described include oil and gas, coal, uraniuın, and metallic and industrial minerals; both onshore and offshore areas are addressed. This is the tenth annual report in the ANILCA series.

C 1078. NEVADA, CALIFORNIA. The Conterminous United States Mineral Assessment Program; background information to accompany folio of geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and mineral resources maps of the Reno 1o by 2° Quadrangle, Nevada and California, by D. A. John, J. H. Stewart, J. D. Hendricks, L. C. Rowan and Donald Plouff. 1992. 16 p.

The Reno 1o by 2 Quadrangle, which covers about 19,000 km2 in west-central Nevada and eastern California, was studied by a team of geologists, geochemists, and geophysicists, mostly during 1986-1990. Results of these investigations are presented in a folio of map and reports. This circular provides background information on the investigations and integrates information present in the folio. The selected bibliography lists references to the geology. geochemistry, geophysics, and mineral deposits of the Reno Quadrangle.

C 1079. Goals, opportunities, and priorities for the USGS Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, by R. A. Page, D. M. Boore, R. C. Bucknam and W. R. Thatcher. 1992. 60 р.

A new strategic plan for the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, which is directed at understanding the causes and effects of earthquakes, evaluating potential earthquake hazards, and predicting earthquakes and their geologic effects. This report redefines goals and objectives, identifies promising directions for research, defines priorities for activities under annual funding options of $50 million and $100 million, and discusses the transfer of program results to the planning and engineering communities charged with reducing losses from future earthquakes.



Earthquakes and Volcanoes, v. 22, no. 5. 1990. p. 187-238.

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the magazine, we invited a number of leading seismologists and volcanologists around the world to write a commentary on a past, present, or future view of their science. This is the second of the two issues that bring you their responses. When asked to shift into neutral gear and express themselves personally and individually, scientists can

provide some intriguing, thought-provoking, and surprising viewpoints. Read the essays carefully for they give us a glimpse of what we can expect into the next century.


Annual subscription (12 monthly issues) $14 domestic, $17.50 foreign. Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

Available in a quarterly form, beginning with 1985, in the U.S. Geological Survey Open-File series, in paper-copy or microfiche format from: USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales, Box 25425, Denver CO 80225.

Preliminary determination of epicenters. Monthly listing for August 1991. 32 р.

Miscellaneous and Special Books


GNIS, developed by the Geographic Names Information Section, Branch of Geographic and Cartographic Research, National Mapping Division, is the basis for Professional Paper 1200-The National Gazetteer of the United States, which is being published as a series of individual state gazetteer volumes. Prior to publication of any volume, the interim materials described may meet the needs of potential users. The information contained in GNIS is interactively available at the U.S. Geological Survey's information offices. Special searches of the system may be requested for a modest cost with the results available in bound listings and on magnetic tape.

Volumes of the National Gazetteer

This product is available only in book form and only for State files that have undergone the second phase of data compilation. The second phase of data compilation entails the inclusion of names found in Federal, State and other sources as well as historical material. In addition to official names, known variant names of features are listed cross-referenced to the appropriate official name. A variant naine is any other known name or spelling applied to a feature. Official State Gazetteers must be ordered from: USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225.

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WRI 89-4085. VIRGIN ISLANDS. Potentiometric surface of the Kingshill Aquifer and hydrologic conditions, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, July 1987, by Sigfredo Torres-Gonzalez and Félix Rodríguez-del-Río. 1990. 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, GPO Box 4424, San Juan, PR 00936.) Paper copy $3.

WRI 89-4093. NEVADA. Changes in water levels and water quality in shallow ground water, Pittman-Henderson area, Clark County, Nevada, resulting from diversion of industrial cooling water from ditch to pipeline in 1985, by C. L. Carlsen, R. C. Lunnis and D. E. Prudic. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 1989. 69 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 705 North Plaza St., Room 224, Carson City, NV 89701; and 1500 East Tropicana, Suite 201, Las Vegas, NV 89119.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $11.25.

WRI 90-4008. TENNESSEE. Hydrogeology and geochemistry in Bear Creek and Union valleys near Oak Ridge, Tennessee, by Z. C. Bailey and R. W. Lee. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 72 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Broadway, Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203; 1013 North Broadway, Knoxville, TN 37917; and AgriCenter International, 7777 Walnut Grove Rd., Suite LLB2, Memphis, TN 38119.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $15.50.

WRI 90-4075. TENNESSEE. Ground-water hydrology and the effects of vertical leakage and leachate migration on ground-water quality near the Shelby County landfill, Memphis, Tennessee, by M. W. Bradley. Prepared in cooperation with the Shelby County Department of Public Works and the Tennessee Department of Health and Environment. 1991. 42 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 810 Broadway, Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203; 1013 North Broadway, Knoxville, TN 37917; and AgriCenter International, 7777 Walnut Grove Rd., Suite LLB2, Memphis, TN 38119.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.25.

WRI 90-4106. COLORADO. Effects of land disposal of municipal sewage sludge on soil, streambed sediment, and ground- and surface-water quality at a site near Denver, Colorado, by N. G. Gaggiani. Prepared in cooperation with the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District, Denver. 1991. 163 p., 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). (NC, Da, M, Wb, U, Db; USGS, WRD, Box 25046, Mail Stop 415, Denver Federal Ctr., Denver, CO 80225.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $27.50.

WRI 90-4111. FLORIDA. Methods, instrumentation, and preliminary evaluation of data for the hydrologic budget assessment of Lake Lucerne, Polk County, Florida, by T. M. Lee, D. B. Adams, A. B. Tihansky and Amy Swancar. Prepared in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District. 1991. 42 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Suite B-5, 4710 Eisenhower Blvd., Tampa, FL 33614.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.25.

WRI 90-4116. ILLINOIS. Changes in chloride concentration in water from municipal wells that tap aquifers in rocks of Cambrian and Ordovician age in northeastern Illinois, 1915-84, by G. O. Balding. 1991. 52 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 102 East Main St., 4th Floor, Urbana, IL 61801.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $8.75.

WRI 90-4132. COLORADO. Geomorphic evaluation of erosional stability at reclaimed surface mines in northwestern Colorado, by J. G. Elliott. Prepared in cooperation with the Colorado

Mined Land Reclamation Division. 1990. 67 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, Db, U; USGS, WRD, Box 25046, Mail Stop 415, Federal Ctr., Denver, CO 80225.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $11.25.

WRI 90-4139. TENNESSEE. Surficial geology of the Cane Creek basin, Lauderdale County, Tennessee, by J. H. Miller. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1991. 12 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 810 Broadway, Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203; 1013 North Broadway, Knoxville, TN 37917; and AgriCenter International, 7777 Walnut Grove Rd., Suite LLB2, Memphis, TN 38119.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $2.25.

WRI 90-4162. U.S. Geological Survey National Computer Technology Meeting; proceedings, Phoenix, Arizona, November 1418, 1988, edited by B. H. Balthrop and J. E. Тепу. 1991. 183 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 810 Broadway, Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203; 1013 North Broadway, Knoxville, TN 37917; and AgriCenter International, 7777 Walnut Grove Rd., Suite LLB2, Memphis, TN 38119.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $25.

Magnetic-tape backup and routine maintenance procedures for a minicomputer system of the U.S. Geological Survey, by J. E. Owen. p. 3-6.

The development of distributor software for transmitting documents through a computer network, by S. J. Brady. p. 7.

Supporting different types of terminals in a distributed-information environment, by J. W. Atwood and S. D. Bartholoma. p. 11-20.

Displaying data from the National Water Data Exchange by use of a geographical information system, by Bruce Parks. p. 23


Using a geographic information system to determine physical basin characteristics for use in flood-frequency equations, by J. J. Majure and P. J. Soenksen. p. 31-40.

The integration of computer graphics and text-editing programs, by D. R. Block. p. 43-46.

Use of the graphical kernel system standard for hydrologic applications, by T. C. Wood and A. M. Lumb. p. 47-68.

Linking digital technology to printing technology for producing publication-quality color graphics, by G. J. Allord and K. J. Hitt. p. 69.

Graphics on microcomputers, by R. T. Hanson. p. 71. Application of user-supplied transformations in computergraphics programs, by S. A. Leake. p. 73.

A vertical sequence correlator model (VERSECORR) which is used in the recognition of geophysical log shapes, by Merribeth Bruntz and A. C. Huffman, Jr. p. 77-86.

Computer programs for processing model data and results for steady-state and transient ground-water models, by C. R. Baxter. p. 87-100.

A computer method for estimating ground-water contribution to streamflow using hydrograph-separation techniques, by R. A. Sloto. p. 101-110.

Statistical and graphical methods used to describe ground-water quality in Illinois, by R. H. Coupe and K. L. Warmer. p. 111


Automated data collection and entry techniques for water-use information in Arkansas, by N. T. Baker and T. W. Holland. p. 123-129.

Automation of the water-use data base for Minnesota, by L. С. Trotta. p. 131-137.

Development of a data base to accommodate management of water-resources data within a geographic information system (GIS), by D. D. Nebert and Joel Frisch. p. 139-151.

The use of optical medium as a means for storage of image and digital data, by B. L. Groskinsky and R. A. Hollway. p. 153.

Automating procedures for annual water data report preparation, by M. L. Farmer and J. E. Monical. p. 157-165.

32-bit workstations; the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of converting to an open-system, tools environment, by D. R. Boldt. p. 167-174.

Evaluation of three electronic report processing systems for preparing hydrologic reports of the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, by G. J. Stiltner. p. 175.

Evaluation of a desktop reports processing system for producing earth-science technical reports, by R. A. Hollway and D. A. Wiltshire. p. 177.

Use of an electronic page-composition system to prepare camera-ready copy of scientific reports, by L. H. Geiger, P. R. Mixson and S. D. Flagg. p. 179.

Evaluation of a user-friendly electronic report processing system for preparation of selected reports, by Michael Eberle. p. 181182.

WRI 90-4173. COLORADO. Effects of a landslide complex on sediment discharges and loads in the Muddy Creek drainage basin and deposition into Paonia Reservoir, west-central Colorado, 1986-87, by C. L. Appel and D. L. Butler. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Colorado River Water Conservation District. 1991. 53 p. (NC, Da, M. Wb, Db; USGS, WRD, Box 2027, Grand Junction, CO 81502; and Box 25046, Mail Stop 415, Federal Ctr., Denver, CO 80225.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $9.

WRI 90-4175. FLORIDA. Water quality in the upper Floridan Aquifer in the vicinity of drainage wells, Orlando, Florida, by L. A. Bradner. Prepared in cooperation with the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. 1991. 57 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Suite 1006, 224 West Center St., Altamonte Springs, FL 32714.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $9.50.

WRI 91-4003. A combined-network approach for compilation, evaluation, and analysis of precipitation-chemistry data for the upper Ohio River valley and lower Great Lakes region, 1976-85, by D. N. Myers. Prepared in cooperation with the Ohio Air Quality Development Authority. 1991. 208 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $32.50.

WRI 91-4014. MASSACHUSETTS, CONNECTICUT. Concentration and transport of polychlorinated biphenyls in the Housato

nic River between Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and Kent, Connecticut, 1984-88, by K. P. Kulp. Prepared in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. 1991. 12 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, A, Db; USGS, WRD, 10 Causeway St., Room 926, Boston, MA 02222-1040; 02222-1040; PIO, ESIS, USGS, E-146 Federal Bldg., Box 53, 701 C St., Anchorage, AK 99508-4664.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $2.25.

WRI 91-4038. Temperature sensitivity of mercury-manometer bubble gages, by W. H. Kirby. 1991. 19 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.50.

WRI 91-4049. KANSAS. Statistical comparison of selected chemical constituents in water from chemigation and conventional irrigation wells in Kansas, 1987, by C. A. Perry and M. R. Anderson. Prepared in cooperation with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. 1991. 12 p. (NC, Da, M. Wb, Db; USGS, WRD, 4821 Quail Crest Pl., Lawrence, KS 66049; and 206 Fulton Terrace, Garden City, KS 67846.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $2.

WRI 91-4050. KENTUCKY. Quality of the Ohio River and atmospheric deposition and its relation to corrosion of lock and dam facilities in the lower Ohio River basin near Paducah, Kentucky, by K. D. White. 1991. 62 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $10.50.

WRI 91-4056. SOUTH CAROLINA. Streamflow, lake-flow patterns, rainfall, and quality of water and sediment in the vicinity of a hazardous-waste landfill near Pinewood, South Carolina, March 1987 through early January 1989, by R. A. Burt, P. B. McMahon, J. F. Robertson and D. D. Nagle. Prepared in cooperation with the South Carolina Public Service Authority. 1991. 109 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Stephenson Ctr., Suite 129, 720 Gracem Rd., Columbia, SC 29210.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $17.25.

WRI 91-4061. Summary of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network intersite-comparison program, November 1978-November 1989, by J. D. Gordon, T. C. Willoughby and L. J. Schroder. 1991. 26 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $4.50.

WRI 91-4066. Plan of study for the Regional Aquifer-System Analysis of the Appalachian Valley and Ridge, Piedmont, and Blue Ridge physiographic provinces of the Eastern and Southeastern United States, with a description of study-area geology and hydrogeology, by L. A. Swain, E. F. Hollyday, C. C. Daniel, III and O. S. Zapecza. 1991. 44 p. (NC, Da, M. Wb; USGS, WRD, 810 Broadway, Suite 500, Nashville, TN 37203; 1013 North Broadway, Knoxville, TN 37917; and AgriCenter International, 7777 Walnut Grove Rd., Suite LLB2, Memphis, TN 38119.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.50.

WRI 91-4083. NEW YORK. Measurement of bridge scour at selected sites in New York, excluding Long Island, by G. K. Butch. Prepared in cooperation with the New York State Department of Transportation. 1991. 17 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; Library, USGS, P.O. Box 1669, Albany, NY 12201.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.25.

WRI 91-4088. SOUTH CAROLINA. Transport simulation of striped bass eggs in the Congaree, Wateree, and Santee rivers, South Carolina, by N. M. Hurley, Jr. Prepared in cooperation with the South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department, South Carolina Electric and Gas Co., South Carolina Public Service Authority, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Duke Power Co., and South Carolina Water Resources Commission. 1991. 57 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Stephenson Ctr., Suite 129, 720 Gracern Rd., Columbia, SC 29210.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $9.50.

WRI 91-4090. Considerations related to drilling methods in planning and performing borehole-geophysical logging for groundwater studies, by R. E. Hodges and W. E. Teasdale. 1991. 17 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.

WRI 91-4093. MARYLAND. Potentiometric surface of the Magothy Aquifer in southern Maryland, September 1989, by F. K. Mack, S. E. Curtin, D. C. Andreasen and J. C. Wheeler. Prepared in cooperation with the Maryland Geological Survey and the Maryland Tidewater Administration. 1991. 1 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 208 Carroll Bldg., 8600 La Salle Rd., Towson, MD 21204.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

WRI 91-4094. MARYLAND. Potentiometric surface of the Aquia Aquifer in southern Maryland, September 1989, by F. K. Mack, S. E. Curtin, D. C. Andreasen and J. C. Wheeler. Prepared in cooperation with the Maryland Geological Survey and the Maryland Tidewater Administration. 1991. 1 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 208 Carroll Bldg., 8600 La Salle Rd., Towson, MD 21204.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $1.50.

WRI 91-4122. Bibliography of Regional Aquifer-System Analysis program of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1978-91, by R. J. Sun and J. B. Weeks. 1991. 92 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $14.50.


Open-file reports include unpublished manuscript reports, maps, and other material and are made available for public consultation and use. They are a nonpermanent form of publication that may be cited in other publications as sources of information. They are not considered to be a part of the formal literature.

Most open-file reports are available from: USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225 (telephone: 303-236-7476). The following listing of open-file reports is subdivided to show which reports are available from the Denver facility and which ones are not. Specific instructions for ordering and availability of reports are given under each sublisting.

Open-file reports are also available for reference only, not for purchase, at additional locations indicated in each open-file listing.

Reports Available Only Through USGS Book and
Open-File Report Sales

Microfiche and (or) black and white paper copies of most reports may be obtained from: USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225 (telephone 303-236-7476). When ordering, please use the openfile number and full title. Do not mix orders for open-file reports with orders for other Geological Survey products. Prices for microfiche and (or) black and white paper duplicates of reports are indicated. Prices for duplicate slides and color photographs can be obtained on request. Check or money order, in exact amount for open-file reports ordered, should be payable to Department of the Interior-USGS. Prepayment is required. No discount is applicable. For transmittal outside the U.S.A. (except Canada and Mexico), a surcharge of 25 percent of the bill should be included to cover surface transportation.

A microfiche copy of a computer listing of reports showing report number and paper copy and microfiche prices is available from: USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales. The listing does not show author or title of the

reports. This "Open File Report Price Listing" is updated bimonthly. Contact USGS Book and Open-File Report Sales for information concerning the price of the listing.

OF 89-0343. CALIFORNIA. Oak Ridge Fault, Ventura Basin, California; slip rates and late Quaternary history, by R. S. Yeats. 1988. 30 p., 6 over-size sheets; sheets 1-4, scale 1:48,000 (1 inch = 4,000 feet). (NC, Da, M, SF; California Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr., Sacramento, CA 958140131; 367 Civic Dr., Suite 16, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-1997: and State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012.) Microfiche $8.50; paper copy $24.25.

OF 90-0703. WASHINGTON, OREGON. Proceedings of Conference LX; 4th annual workshop on Earthquake hazards in the Puget Sound and Portland area, edited by T. J. Walsh, I. P. Madin, L. L. Noson, T. S. Yelin; compiled by Linda Huey. 1990. 213 p. (NC Da, M, SF, S; Oregon Dep. of Geol. and Mineral Industries, 910 State Office Bldg., 1400 SW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97201-5528; Washington Dep. of Natural Resources, Div. of Geol. and Earth Resources, 4224 6th Ave. SE, Row 6, Bldg. 1, Lacey, WA 98503, and Mail Stop PY 12, Olympia, WA 98504.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $32.

Highlights of the fourth annual NEHRP workshop for Puget Sound and Portland areas, by P. T. Pringle, S. P. Palmer and R. L. Logan. p. vi-xvi.

Welcome address, by B. J. Boyle. p. xvii-xix.

Regional seismicity and tectonics, by R. S. Crosson. p. 2. Earthquake-hazard geology maps of the Portland metropolitan area, Oregon, by I. P. Madin. p. 3.

Quaternary deformation in the Portland metro area, by L. P. Madin and S. K. Pezzopane. p. 4.

Volcano hazards in the Pacific Northwest, by E. W. Wolfe and C. D. Miller. p. 5.

Ground motions from hypothesized Mw=8 subduction earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest, by B. P. Cohee, P. G. Somerville and N. A. Abrahamson. p. 6.

Evidence for and implications of small-scale (<1m) tectonic subsidence in salt marshes of Alsea Bay, Oregon, central Cascadia margin, by M. E. Darienzo and C. D. Peterson. p. 7.

Site-specific earthquake strong ground motion studies in the Puget Sound and Portland, Oregon, metropolitan areas, by I. G. Wong, W. J. Silva and I. P. Madin. p. 8-10.

Earthquake-induced landslides, by D. H. Cornforth. p. 11-18.

The relation of earthquake intensity to surface geology and/or elevation in western Washington State, by Thomas Bodle. p. 19-20.

Evidence of liquefaction in the Puyallup Valley during the 1949 and 1965 Puget Sound earthquakes, by J. A. Shulene. p. 21


Geotechnical analysis of liquefaction in Puyallup during the 1949 and 1965 Puget Sound earthquakes, by S. P. Palmer. p.


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