Imagini ale paginilor

Tectonic and climatic changes expressed as sedimentary and geochemical cycles in Paleogene lake systems, Utah and Colorado; implications for petroleum source and reservoir rocks, by T. D. Fouch and J. K. Pitman, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 29-30.

Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary evolution of the Uinta and Piceance basins (northeastern Utah and northwestem Colorado) and associated development of hydrocarbons, by K. J. Franczyk, T. D. Fouch, R. C. Johnson, C. M. Molenaar, and W. A. Cobban, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 31.

Bridging the gap between third- and fifth-order cycles in carbonate sequences; the western margin of the Great Bahama Bank, by R. B. Halley, U.S. Geological Survey; and R. J. Wilber, Sea Education Association. p. 31-33.

Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation of Desmoinesian (Middle Pennsylvanian) coals from southeastern Iowa, Missouri, southeastern Kansas, and northeastern Oklahoma, by J. R. Hatch, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 33.

Anadarko Basin reservoir and non-reservoir sandstones; a comparison of porosity trends, by T. C. Hester and J. W. Schmoker, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 33-35.

Testing new coal models; the 1991 Kaiparowits Plateau drilling project, by R. D. Hettinger and P. J. McCabe, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 34, 36.


8'3C of terrestrial and marine organic matter in Cretaceous rocks of the Western Interior of North America, by C. W. Holmes, J. W. M'Gonigle, and G. B. Dalrymple, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 36.

Collisional tectonics and the global generation of oil and gas, by D. G. Howell, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 36-37.

Seismic reflection studies of Lake Baikal, U.S.S.R., by D. R. Hutchinson, U.S. Geological Survey; A. J. Golmshtok, USSR Academy of Sciences; T. C. Moore, University of Michigan; M. W. Lee, U.S. Geological Survey; C. A. Scholz, Duke University; and K. D. Klitgord, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 37-38.

Petroleum geology research in the Santa Maria Province, Califormia, by C. M. Isaacs, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 39.

Basin evolution in the foreland of thin- and thick-skinned thrust terranes; example from the Sylhet Trough, Bangladesh, by S. Y. Johnson, U.S. Geological Survey; and A. M. N. Alam, Geological Survey of Bangladesh. p. 39-41.

The ARC/INFO geographic information system applied to geologic investigations of the Norphlet Formation, Alabama and Mississippi, by C. W. Keighin and C. J. Schenk, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 41.

The Santa Maria Province Project, California, by M. A. Keller, C. M. Isaacs, and R. G. Stanley, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 41-42.

Fracturing and reservoir development in the Katakturuk Dolomite, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, by J. S. Kelley, C. T. Wrucke, U.S. Geological Survey: and A. K. Armstrong, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. p. 42-43.

Major controls on accumulation of Upper Cretaceous coals in North America, by M. A. Kirschbaum, L. N. R. Roberts, and P. J. McCabe, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 43-44.

Evolution of the Illinois Basin, by D. R. Kolata, W. J. Nelson, J. D. Treworgy, S. T. Whitaker, M. L. Sargent, Illinois State Geological Survey: L. C. Furer, Indiana Geological Survey: and M. C. Noger, Kentucky Geological Survey. p. 44.

GIS visualization of coal stratigraphic and geochemical information, by K. K. Krolın, C. L. Molnia, S. J. Tewalt, and W. G. Miller, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 44-45.

Alteration of lignin during biodegradation in peats and the early stages of coalification, by H. E. Lerch, W. H. Orem, and T. A. Moore, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 45-46.

Role of water in petroleum formation, by M. D. Lewan, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 46-47.

Thermochronologic constraints on relation between extensional geometry of the northem Grant Range and oil occurrences in Railroad Valley, east-central Nevada, by Karen Lund, L. S. Beard, L. W. Snee, and W. J. Perry, Jr., U.S. Geological Survey. p. 47-48.

Oil and gas; where in the world and why, by C. D. Masters, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 47, 49-50.

Sequence stratigraphy in the search for hydrocarbons in nonmarine strata, by P. J. McCabe, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 50.

Redefining Hutton's unconformity; geology in a digital world, by W. G. Miller, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 50-51.

Development of the Ellesmerian continental margin and the Brookian Orogeny, Alaska; a DNAG perspective, by T. Ε. Moore, U.S. Geological Survey: W. K. Wallace, University of Alaska: K. J. Bird, S. M. Karl, U.S. Geological Survey; and C. G. Mull, Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. p. 51-53.

Turbidity-current processes and turbidite elements; what you get is not what you see, by W. R. Normark, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 52-54.

Controls on gas generation and production, tight sandstone reservoirs, Uinta Basin, Utah, by V. F. Nuccio, J. W. Schmoker, and T. D. Fouch, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 54-57.

The desktop core library, a CD-ROM approach, by M. P. Pantea, F. E. Gay, and R. A. Ambroziak, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 57-58.

Petrography and Rock-Eval studies of organic matter in Precambrian rocks, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R., by M. J. Pawlewicz and J. G. Palacas, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 58-59.

Architectural analysis of eolian sandstones; the Lower Jurassic Nugget Sandstone of northeastern Utah, by Fred Peterson and C. J. Schenk, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 59.

Relation of natural fractures to composition and cyclicity in chalk of the Niobrara Formation, Berthoud Field, Colorado, by R. M. Pollastro, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 59-60.

The regional context of Railroad Valley oil-fields; an integrated geological and geophysical transect, east-central Nevada, by C. J. Potter, J. A. Crow, Karen Lund, and W. J. Perry, Jr., U.S. Geological Survey. p. 60-62.

Huge indigenous oil in mature source rocks; beyond elephants?, by L. C. Price, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 63.

Some geologic controls of coalbed gas generation, accumulation, and production, Western Unted States, by D. D. Rice, J. L. Clayton, R. M. Flores, B. E. Law, and R. W. Stanton, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 64.

USGS Core Research Center, a million feet of geologic history, by D. L. Richards and T. C. Michalski, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 64-65.

Research thrusts of the current five-year USGS evolution of sedimentary basins program: Winois, Paradox, eastem Great, and SWANO basins, by J. L. Ridgley, A. C. Huffman, Jr., Н. E. Cook, C. J. Potter, S. Y. Johnson, and W. E. Dean, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 65.

Isostatic residual gravity mapping of Wyoming, by S. L. Robbins and J. A. Grow, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 65-66.

Paleocene paleogeography, tectonics, and coal distribution in the Rocky Mountain region; an overview, by S. B. Roberts, M. S. Ellis, R. M. Flores, D. J. Nichols, W. J. Perry, Jr., and G. D. Stricker, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 67-68.

Reservoir heterogeneities in the Morrison Formation in southern Utah: a Prudhoe Bay analog, by J. W. Robinson, Colorado School of Mines; and P. J. McCabe, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 67-68.

Oil field growth in the United States; how much is left in the barrel?, by D. H. Root and E. D. Attanasi, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 68.

Geochemistry and origin of oil in Cambrian and Ordovician reservoirs, Ohio, by R. T. Ryder, R. C. Burruss, and J. R. Hatch, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 68-69.

Algodones depositional system; modern analog for the Upper Jurassic Norphlet Formation, Mississippi and Alabama, by C. J. Schenk, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 69-70.

Reservoirs and source rocks of the Upper Jurassic Norphlet Formation, Mississippi and Alabama, by C. J. Schenk and J. W. Schmoker, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 70-71.

Geologically oriented overview of horizontal drilling in the United States, by J. W. Schmoker, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 71.

Tectonic and climatic controls on the sedimentary record of the early Mesozoic Newark Supergroup rift basins, eastern North America, by J. P. Smoot, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 72.

Origin of the Santa Maria Basin, California, by R. G. Stanley, S. Y. Johnson, R. B. Cole, University of Rochester; M. A. Mason, Richmond, Califormia; C. C. Swisher III, Institute for Human Origins; M. L. C. Thornton, M. V. Filewicz, D. R. Vork, M. L. Tuttle, and J. D. Obradovich, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 73.

Interactive computer display of petroleum exploration and undiscovered resource potential of the United States, by K. I. Takahashi, D. K. Higley, and R. F. Mast, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 73-74.

NERSL: National Energy Research Seismic Library, by D. J. Taylor and F. N. Zihlman, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 74-75.

Preliminary 1:100,000-scale geologic map of Santa Maria 30' x 60' Quadrangle, central coastal California: progress toward a digital compilation, by M. E. Tennyson, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 75-76.

Multifaceted studies of a lacustrine source rock; the Paleogene Green River Formation, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, by M. L. Tuttle, W. E. Dean, M. R. Stanton, U.S. Geological Survey: James Collister, Indiana University; W. J. Harrison, Colorado School of Mines; T. D. Fouch, J. K. Pitman, U.S. Geological Survey: Trond Hanesand and Nils Telnaes, Norsk Hydro. p. 76-77.

Ground-truthing the distal Mississippi Fan with SeaMarc images and cores; what happens at the end of the pipe, by D. C. Twichell, W. C. Schwab, C. H. Nelson, H. J. Lee, U.S. Geological Survey: N. H. Kenyon, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, U.K.; T. F. O'Brien, and W. W. Danforth, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 77.

Major frontier exploration plays in petroleum basins of the U.S.S.R., by G. F. Ulmishek, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 7179.

The Coal Resource Evaluation and Assessment Project (COALREAP) in Pakistan; energy for the future, by P. D. Warwick, J. R. SanFilipo, R. E. 'Thomas, and J. E. Fassett, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 79-81.

Diagenesis in a bottle; experimental strategies for studying thermal maturity in clays and organic matter, by C. G. Whitney and M. D. Lewan, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 81.

Late Paleocene and early Eocene terrestrial and marine environments, Lakhra coal field, Sindh Province, Pakistan, by Christopher Wnuk, E. M. Brouwers, and N. O. Frederiksen, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 81-82.

Energy research on Indian lands, by R. S. Zech, H. H. Amdt, L. H. Biewick, J. K. Haudie, R. C. Johnson, J. L. Ridgley, Courteney Williamson, and Robyn Wright-Dunbar, U.S. Geological Survey. p. 82-83.



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Preliminary determination of epicenters. Monthly listing for July 1991. 32 р.

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GNIS, developed by the Geographic Names Information Section, Branch of Geographic and Cartographic Research, National Mapping Division, is the basis for Professional Paper 1200–The National Gazetteer of the United States, which is being published as a series of individual state gazetteer volumes. Prior to publication of any volume, the interim materials described may meet the needs of potential users. The information contained in GNIS is interactively available at the U.S. Geological Survey's information offices. Special searches of the system may be requested for a modest cost with the results available in bound listings and on magnetic tape.

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North Gemini Dr., Bldg. 3, Flagstaff, AZ.) Microfiche $3.75: paper copy $26.75.

WRI 89-4075. PUERTO RICO. Potentiometric surface of the alluvial aquifer and hydrologic conditions near Caguas, Puerto Rico, March 1988, by J. C. Puig, Félix Rodríguez-del-Río and J. М. Rodríguez. Prepared in cooperation with the Puerto Rico Water and Sewer Authority, Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources. 1989. 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:20,000 (1 inch = 1,667 feet). (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, GPO Box 4424, San Juan, PR 00936.) Paper copy $3.25.

WRI 89-4137. WEST VIRGINIA. Relation of fracture systems to transmissivity of coal and overburden aquifers in Preston County, West Virginia, by W. A. Hobba, Jr. Prepared in cooperation with the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. 1991. 24 р. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 603 Morris St., Charleston, WV 25301.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $4.25.

WRI 89-4191. CALIFORNIA. The ground-water flow system in Indian Wells Valley, Kem, Inyo, and San Bernardino counties, California, by C. E. Berenbrock and P. M. Martin. Prepared in cooperation with the Indian Wells Valley Water District and the U.S. Department of the Navy. 1991. 81p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, SF; USGS, WRD, Federal Bldg., Room 2234, 280) Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825; and 5735 Kearny Villa Rd., Suite O, San Diego, CA 92123.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $13.25.

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WRI 88-4168. NEVADA. Geohydrology of rocks penetrated by test well USW H-5, Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada, by J. H. Robison and R. W. Craig. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 44 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, Db; USGS, WRD, Bldg. 53, Room H-2115, Denver Federal Ctr., Denver, CO 80225; and 1500 East Tropicana, Suite 114, East Bldg., Las Vegas, NV 89109.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.50.

WRI 88-4196. WYOMING. Evaluation of ground-water-level changes near Gillette, northeastern Wyoming, by M. A. Crist. Prepared in cooperation with the Wyoming State Engineer. 1991. 2 over-size sheets. (NC, Da, M, Wb, Db, U; USGS, WRD, 2617 East Lincolnway, Suite B, Cheyenne, WY 82001.) Microfiche $1.50; paper copy $8.50.

WRI 88-4202. ARIZONA. Hydrogeology of the western part of the Salt River valley area, Maricopa County, Arizona, by J. G. Brown and D. R. Pool. Prepared in cooperation with the Arizona Department of Water Resources and Arizona Municipal Water Users' Association. 1989. 5 over-size sheets. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Room 5A Federal Bldg., 300 West Congress St., Tucson, AZ 85701-1393; 3738 North 16th St., Suite E, Phoenix, AZ 85016; 1940 South 3rd Ave., Yuma, AZ 85364; and 2255

WRI 89-4192. NEW MEXICO. Evaluation of the Bidahochi and San Andres-Glorieta aquifers on parts of the Zuni Indian Reservation, McKinley and Cibola counties, New Mexico, by T. М. Crouch. Prepared in cooperation with the Pueblo of Zuni. 1991. 48 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb, Db, U; USGS, WRD, Pinetree Office Park, Suite 200, 4501 Indian School Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $8.25.

WRI 89-4204. WISCONSIN. Hydrology of lakes Clara and Vandercook in north-central Wisconsin, by D. A. Wentz and W. J. Rose. Prepared in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 1991. 24 p. (NC, Da, M, Wh: USGS, WRD, 6417 Normandy Lane, Madison, WI 53719-1133.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $4.25.

WRI 90-4042. An assessment of performance of wet atmospheric deposition samplers, by R. C. Graham and J. K. Robertson. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Military Academy. 1990. 101 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $16.50.

WRI 90-4057. NEW JERSEY. Assessment of contamination of ground water and surface water in the area of Building 24, Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey, 1986-87, by B. P. Sargent, T. V. Fusillo, D. A. Storck and J. A. Smith. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Center. 1990. 120 p. (NC, Da, M. Wb; USGS, WRD, Mountain View Office Park, 810 Bear Tavern Rd., Suite 206, West Trenton, NJ 08628.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $19.25.

WRI 90-4104. FLORIDA. Hydrogeology of the intermediate aquifer system and upper Floridan Aquifer, Hardee and De Soto counties, Florida, by A. D. Duerr and G. M. Enos. Prepared in cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District. 1991. 46 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Suite 3015, 227 North Bronough St., Tallahassee, FL 32301; 9100 NW 36 St., Miami, FL 33178; 3728 Phillips Hwy., Jacksonville, FL 32207; and Suite B-5, 4710 Eisenhower Blvd., Tampa, FL 33634.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $7.75.

WRI 91-4009. FLORIDA. Major-ion and selected trace-metal chemistry of the Biscayne Aquifer, Southeast Florida, by M. J. Radell and B. G. Katz. Prepared in cooperation with the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. 1991. 18 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Suite 3015, 227 North Bronough St., Tallahassee, FL 32301.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.50.

WRI 91-4020. IDAHO, OREGON. Depth to water in the westem Snake River plain and surrounding tributary valleys, southwestem Idaho and eastern Oregon, calculated using water levels from 1980 to 1988, by M. A. Maupin. Prepared in cooperation with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality. 1991. 1 over-size sheet, scales 1:750,000 (1 inch = about 12 miles) and 1:1,000,000 (1 inch = about 16 miles). (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 230 Collins Rd., Boise, ID 83702.) Paper copy $4.25.

WRI 91-4026. FLORIDA. Hydrogeology and simulated development of the brackish ground-water resources in Pinellas County, Florida, by L. A. Knochenmus and T. H. Thompson. Prepared in cooperation with Pinellas County, Florida. 1991. 20 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, Suite B-5, 4710 Eisenhower Blvd., Tampa, FL 33614.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.75.

WRI 91-4064. MISSISSIPPI. Potentiometric-surface map of the Coffee Sand Aquifer in northeastern Mississippi, August through December 1987, by G. D. Goldsmith. Prepared in cooperation with the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources, Office of Land and Water Resources. 1991. 1 over-size sheet, scale 1:500,000 (1 inch = about 8 miles). (NC, Da, M. Wb; USGS, WRD, 100 West Capitol St., Suite 710, Jackson, MS 39269.) Paper copy $2.25.

WRI 91-4098. MISSISSIPPI. Annual peak stages and discharges for streamflow-gaging stations in Mississippi, by K. V. Wilson, Jr. and M. N. Landers. Prepared in cooperation with the Mississippi State Highway Department. 1991. 705 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 100 West Capitol St., Suite 710, Jackson, MS 39269.) Microfiche $4.50; paper copy $106.50.


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OF 89-0271. ILLINOIS. Water and tritium movement through the unsaturated zone at a low-level radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois, 1981-85, by P. C. Mills and R. W. Healy. 1991. 109 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 102 East Main St., 4th Floor, Urbana, IL 61801.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $17.75.

OF 89-0399. MARYLAND. Ground-water, surface-water, and bottom-sediment contamination in the O-Field area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and the possible effects of selected remedial actions on ground-water quality, by D. A. Vroblesky, M. M. Lorah and J. P. Oliveros. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Defense. 1989. 162 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb; USGS, WRD, 8600 La Salle Rd., 208 Carroll Bldg., Towson, MD 21204.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $26.

OF 89-0424. NEVADA. Data on ground-water quality in the Winnemucca District, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, northwestem Nevada, 1934-87, by K. T. Garcia and J. M. Jacoboni. 1991. 150 р., 1 over-size sheet. (NC, Da, M, Wb, SF, U; USGS, WRD, 1500 East Tropicana, Suite 201, Las Vegas, NV 89119; and 705 North Plaza St., Room 224, Carson City, NV 89701.) Microfiche $4.75; paper copy $26.25.

OF 90-0037. Geologic mapping of tunnels using photogrammetrycontrol-point configuration, by J. A. Coe and K. S. Dueholm. 1991. 36 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $6.

OF 90-0041. NEVADA, CALIFORNIA. Aerial photographic interpretation of lineaments and faults in late Cenozoic deposits in the eastern part of the Benton Range 1:100,000 Quadrangle and the Goldfield, Last Chance Range, Beatty, and Death Valley Junction 1:100,000 quadrangles, Nevada and California, by M. С. Reheis and J. S. Noller. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 199:. 9 p., 4 over-size sheets, scale 1:100,000 (1 inch = about 1.6 miles). (NC, Da, M, Db, SF, U; Nevada Bur. of Mines and Geol., Univ. of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557-0088; Califomia Dep. of Conservation, Div. of Mines and Geol., 660 Bercut Dr., Sacramento, CA 95814-0131: 367 Civic Dr., Suite 16, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-1997; and State Office Bldg., 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012.) Microfiche $7: paper copy $18.50.

OF 90-0049. Geologic mapping of tunnels using photogrammetry: camera and target positioning, by J. A. Coe and K. S. Dueholm. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. 1991. 15 p. (NC, Da, M.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $3.

OF 90-0382. ILLINOIS. Well-construction and hydrogeologic data for observation wells in the vicinity of a low-level radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois, by L. J. Mansue and P. C. Mills. 1991. 117 p. (NC, Da, M, Wb.) Microfiche $4; paper copy $18.50.

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